
Chapter 105

Chapter 16 – Too Far 

“Please, touch me, I pray.“–Jess C. Scott 

(Content Warning: Mild sexual content) 


…Do it again. 

Goddess, my mate is going to be the death of me. The striking beauty with the power to send me to my knees. I waste no time capturing her lips into mine, coaxing her tongue to savor her sweet taste of ripe strawberries. I plunge deeper into the pool of desire Artemis has the power to create. 

For years, I’ve wondered what it would be like to k*ss my mate; if I’ll ever get the chance. Throughout the times my human was with another, I’ve rejected the possibility of another she–wolf stealing my first k*ss. I protected it like a lifeline. That honor is reserved for my destined partner, and no one could ever take that away

It was a dream. Having my love’s perfect body fit into mine like a puzzle piece, our warmth intertwining like strands of a braid, and my eyes staring into the depths of her soul. Artemis is a beautiful soul; made of pure light. In them, I see the moon itself; bright as a diamond–flame oozing with divine feminine energy. 

I still can’t believe I’m k*ssing her. All those years of waiting led up to this moment. The tear that escapes my eye is a testament to the faith I’ve held with a vice grip for years. 

My mate. My powerful, gorgeous, playful mate. My destined partner. 

Pulling her closer, I k*ss her harder, swirling up the sweetness that got impossibly sweeter. The more I k*ss her, the more lightheaded I became. My hands slowly ascend from her hips to the dips of her waist. My thumbs rub soft circles on her stomach over the shirt fabric. The gentle breeze of the night picks up the scent of her arousal, surrounding me in saccharinity. It’s as if the air itself wishes for me to lose control. 

And I’m trying hard not to. The last thing I want is for my mate to run away from me because I was too 


Artemis presses her pelvis against my bulge, driving my inner beast wild with indomitable lust. The heat trapped between our bodies grew stronger, like the Inferno of a bonfire. She is the flame and I’m the moth, hopelessly drawn to the magnetic pull she’s not aware of. Does she know what she does to me? Does she know that I’ll proudly eat out of her palm if it meant her happiness? 

I’m falling for her so hard and it scares me. My little mate doesn’t know the power she holds. 

My lips traverse to her flawless neck, licking and suckling at the spot she would’ve borne my mark. Artemis tilts her head to the side, offering me more of her supple skin. Her taste is as addictive as a drug, giving me a high I’ve never experienced before. Her soft moans echo near my ear and I knew from this day forward, I’H never get that sound out of my head. My pants grew tighter, my desire flared higher, and my resolve crumbles. 

“Onyx…” My angel moans. Goddess, I want to hear more. I suck on that special spot harder and I’m rewarded with a shriek. Her hands, soft as her fur, grip at my dark tresses, tugging lightly. With the combined sensations, my growls erupt like a volcano, vibrating her flesh under my lips and tongue. Her body jolts 

against mine. 


1 need her. 

I want her. 

I will make her mine. 

My canines elongate as they scrape against her neck, ripping a gasp from her throat. My instincts tell me to mark her–to remind the world to know that she belongs to me. Artemis is the only one I want–no she–wolf can ever match her. Not in beauty. Not in skill. And not in the battle to claim my heart. 

“Onyx.” Her hands quickly move from my head to chest. “H–Hey, we need to stop this.” 

No! No, no! I can’t stop now! I can’t lose her again! I don’t want her to separate from me anymore! The haze of desire suddenly shifts to urgency. I want the love of my life! Please…that’s all I ask. 

Just one bite… 

“Hey! Onyx!” Artemis shouts more powerfully this time. Using a sliver of her strength, she strikes my chest with both fists. That’s enough to knock the haze from my mind, plunging my focus back into reality. The lust disappears, leaving a void of emptiness. Getting a hold of myself, I scramble away from my angel, wide–eyed. Her gaze upon me is full of concern and sadness. 

It all hit me at once. I was a hair strand close to marking Artemis against her wishes because I wanted her so badly and was terrified of losing her again. 

“Oh, Goddess…” I mutter, clasping my hands over my mouth. “Artemis, I’m so sorry…” 

“N–No…don’t be.” Her voice is a mere whisper. If I was a full human, I wouldn’t have heard it. “We took things 

too far…” My eyes spot the reddening hickey on her neck that matched the small, mysterious, red bruise on the other side. A part of me should feel elated, but I’m wracked with guilt. 

My beast nearly won. “I’m sorry…” I repeat. “I…I almost…” 

“I know.” Artemis’s bronze skin is flush with desire and adrenaline, her lips are swollen, and I can see her dilated pupils with the gentle blue ring around them. Her chest heaves with her shallow breaths. I had to control the urge to k*ss her again. “We almost crossed the line here.” 

“Are…you upset with me?” I maintain a three–feet distance from her, not trusting myself to remain civil. What’s stopping me from losing control again? I nearly doomed my mate into an unhappy life. I acted selfishly and could’ve ruined everything. 

“No…I’m upset with myself.” That caught my attention. “I lost control. You made me feel so good, Onyx, but for a split second, I forgot that I’m not in my body. This is Kiya’s and she wouldn’t have wanted this.” 

I shut my eyes to steady my breathing, my mind still swimming. “Our beastly instincts were unforgiving tonight. With the run, our banter, and having you so close…I almost lost control too.” 

“I’m worried she’ll be mad at me.” She reveals. 

“Why? Kiya loves you more than life itself, Artemis.” 

“Onyx, we got pretty intimate with each other. Just because I liked it, doesn’t mean she will too. I felt everything in a vessel that doesn’t belong to me. I’m her wolf. I share her body, but I don’t have the right to 

Chapter 16–Ton Far 

do whatever I please with it. She’d never forgive me for toying with it.” 

Artemis closes the distance between us, taking my large hands into hers. Her lovely sapphires look into mine, swimming with worry. “Do you understand? There’s a reason for this, and it’s not my place to tell.” 

She sparked up my curiosity, but I won’t push her. Sighing, I nod curtly. “Yes, I do. I don’t think Neron would appreciate coming into control with a…” I cough. “Um. Hard on. I can picture his face as red as a tomato with smoke coming out of his ears.” 

She chuckles. “Seriously, if you two didn’t share a body, I’m convinced he’d strangle you.” 

“Not if I strangle him first.” We both share a brief laugh. “Artemis, if you’re worried about how Kiya might react, talk to her. Explain what happened and don’t wait. The longer you wait, the worse the outcome might be.” 

A spark of realization twinkles in her eyes, casting to the side nervously. Something’s on her mind and it’s bothering her to the point she releases my hands and taps her fingers against her thighs. She’s anxious. It rolls off her in waves. “Yeah…I know.” Artemis scans the surrounding area before looking back at me. “Do you have time tomorrow for us to talk? There’s something we need to tell you.” 

I nod. “I can make time, or really, Neron can make time. Is it something I should be worried about?” 

“Logically, yes. But it’s been a night and I’m ready for sleep.” Her concern melts to reveal her dazzling smile, albeit small. “Thank you for running with me tonight, Onyx. I had fun. Um…even the k*ss.” 

“I did too.” I smile back. I’ll never stop gazing at her beauty. Leaning in, I plant a soft k*ss on her forehead. K*ssing Artemis on the lips didn’t seem right after tonight, no matter how much I wanted to. “And I need a 

cold shower.” 

Artemis snorts. “Same.” She took the lead first, walking back to the pack house. I follow behind her, still smiling. Abruptly, I felt it. The smile disappears. Something bizarre. As if eyes are gazing into my backside. Sniffing, I observe my surroundings. 

Trees. Grass, Logs. Rocks. Insects. The Moon

Nothing is out of place, yet the feeling persists. And I don’t like it. Something looms in the shadows, ready to strike. There’s no way I’m paranoid, even if I can’t see a damn thing. 

Already feeling protective of Artemis, I jog up to her and hurry us both into the pack house. With a final k*ss to her forehead, we depart to our respective floors. Once in my room, I strip out of my clothes and hop in the shower, conveniently ignoring my soldier standing in half salute. The shower water is at the coldest temperature I can handle. It delivered a shock once it hits my back

I suppose I should let my human know what transpired. Dropping the mental wall between us, his connection came flooding in. 

“How did it go? Did you have fun with Artemis?” 

“Yep. Not to mention the fact that we’ve ended the night making out and damn near dry–humping.” 

Neron coughs and sputters in shock. “WHAT?! You both did what?!” 

“You heard me. Or must I repeat it?” 

“No, I heard you the first time! I can’t believe you both did that!” 

“Jealous?” I ask smugly. His anger towards me combusts and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Colm down, Neron. We didn’t go too far, and we both recognized that it shouldn’t happen again. It’s not fair to you or to Kiya for us to abuse our control over your bodies for our selfish needs.” 

“Ah. Well, I’m glad you stopped, Onyx. I doubt it was easy. I’d give anything to k*ss Kiya again.” 

“Mim. I almost marked her. The beast nearly took over. I could’ve ruined everything, Neron! But Artemis was more upset with herself than with me. She was worried Klyn would hate her.” 

“Why? Those two are super close. I can’t imagine Kiya angry at her.” 

“I agree, but she was so worried. Scared, even. She alluded to something, but I can’t figure out what. I suppose she’ll wait for the right moment to tell us, if ever.” 

“I understand. We shouldn’t rush things. But it sounds like you had a good time.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “I’m happy for you, Onyx. You’ve spent little time with her since her arrival.” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I learned a lot about her tonight, and I’m glad I got the chance to. I never felt so alive and it’s because she ran by my side.” I figured I had enough of the cold water, so I shut it off with the turn of the knob. “Speaking of, do you have free time tomorrow?” 

“I should. Why?” 

“Artemis wants to speak with us. I’m sure Klyn does too. It sounds urgent.” 

“Got it. I’ll call Kiya into my office tomorrow morning before she trains the pups. Again Onyx, I’m happy that you’re happy.” 

“Thanks for letting me borrow your body for the night.” 


Walking out of the bathroom with a towel hanging low around my waist, I rummage through the closet to pull out a pair of black pajama pants, knowing full well Neron has something against shirts. 

I was ready to relinquish control and allow Neron back until I heard a scream. 

Coming from the third floor. And it wasn’t any scream

It was Kiya’s. 

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