
Chapter 104

Chapter 15 The Big Fluffy Puppy 

“There’s you. There’s me. And then, there’s the craving in between.” Unknown 


The cool breeze flows under the dark blanket of the night sky, licking the bare flesh of my arms. It carries the gentle scent of earth and oak from the surrounding trees. Peace. That’s how I describe the aura of the surrounding woods of Zircon Moon. Remnants of the past fire disappeared with time, and with its healing, life revitalized burnt black to lush green

Mother Nature never disappoints. She loves the earth like her children, and it was devastating to witness such beauty die in a sea of fiery sin. I’m glad that’s no longer the case. A soft smile rests on my face while inhaling the sweet scent. 

I cross my legs, sitting on a smooth rock while waiting for Onyx. A run is just what I need, and I’m itching to stretch my legs. There’s more to these oak saturated woods that I want to explore. My adventurous side won’t rest until I do. My fingertips tap my thigh rhythmically and I spot a crescent moon glittering overhead. 

“You’re impatient,” Kiya says. “Are you excited to run with Onyx?” 

“You can say that.” I smile inwardly. “We never ran together. It’ll be my first time and I’m ready to show that I can keep up with him.” 

“Or he needs to keep up with you.” My human giggles. “You’re a pretty fast runner. Being a Beta wolf helps with the athleticism. Maybe the avatar thing too.” 

“I suppose. But it’s strange, Kiya. Months ago, the thought of Onyx made me want to barf. Now, I’m…do you think we’re doing the right thing? I have this foreign desire to know Onyx more.” 

“It’s hard to say because I feel the same with Neron. At first, I rejected the thought of having any connection to him. Now, I want us to be friends? But it will make the separation harder, you know? As much as I detest the pack, I’m warming up to that damn Alpha.” 

I agree. I still have reservations about Onyx. But hating him takes so much energy and I’m tired and ready to let loose.” 

And you’re going to do that tonight! Just relax and follow your instincts. You deserve a break too.” “Yeah, I know. I’m guessing you’ll be missing in action?” 

“Yep! It’s your time and I don’t want to impede. I’ll talk to you later, okay? Do nothing crazy.” 

“Haha! I swear on my honor.” 

After I reinforced the mental block, I resume waiting. It’s nearing eight o’clock. Both anticipation and excitement bubble in my chest–foreign but inviting. Klya’s right. I should just follow my instincts and have fun. 

Out of the blue, I feel something cold and wet brush against my arm, followed by puffs of hot breath. Jerking my head behind, I’m met with the overwhelming stature of Onyx in his wolf form. His ebony coat blends impeccably into the night, hiding him in a cloak of mystery. His golden eyes, however, enrapture my gaze. 

Chapter 15 – The Big Phatty Puppy 

They glow, piercing the darkness with beauty unmatched to the sun. The wind picks up as his tail wags: rapidly; a common signal that a wolf is happy. 

“It’s about time you arrived,” I smirk. “I thought you’d bail on me.” 

Onyx huffs in offense, moving his cold snout around my form, snuffling. His fur is ticklish, enticing a laugh from me. The wolf must have taken it as a sign to continue because he presses his snout all over the place. When he hit that one ticklish spot on my stomach, my giggles explode into outright laughter. He growls in excitement as he continues his merciless onslaught. 

“Onyx, stop!” I yell through my laughter. He didn’t. Before I knew it, my back is on the forest floor with the big Alpha nuzzling his snout further into my belly. “Ah! I can’t take it!” 

Since I’m not bound to him or his pack, we don’t have an established mind–link; an essential component in wolf communication. So, I rely on verbal commands, but that poses a problem because wolves cannot verbally speak

“Okay, that’s enough!” I command, catching my breath. He stops, peering his sharp gaze into my own. We remained like this for a while; staring into each other’s eyes. Unmoving. Time stops around us. The songs of crickets and cicadas ceased, and the whistles of the wind quieted. It’s just Onyx and me. The Alpha and the Beta. Two mates with a complicated relationship. 

I wonder what he’s thinking in that noggin of his. What does Onyx think of me? Does he love me as he says? Can I put my faith and trust in him to protect me? Can I, ever, accept my side of the mate bond? 

Will I let destiny rule? Is a future where both of us are mated possible, given our blackened history? These are the questions I don’t have answers to. I don’t think he does either. All that glitters is not gold, but his gold glitters like stars. It swims behind those lenses, witnessing my mental gymnastics as 1 ponder in a future without the hurt. Without the trauma and abuse

Yet, I’m knocked out of my thoughts not by a bark or a paw to the arm, but with a wet tongue to my ch*ek. I gasp in astonishment–glaring at the wolf above me. Did he just wolf–k*ss me? Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“You did not just do that!” 

Onyx did it again. And again. And once more until doggy drool covers my face. “You’re such a puppy,” I say as I hop on my feet. “I’m going to shift. Stay right here.” 

He barks, sitting on his hind legs obediently. F*cking hell, why does he look cute

I made quick work in removing my clothes behind a tree and shift into my wolf form. Pure white fur sprouted from my flesh and my face elongated as I drop on all fours. Once finished, I trot to Onyx. Since he’s an Alpha, he’s larger than me. I came up just below his jaws. His large snout nuzzles into the crook of my neck affectionately, smoothening out my fur. 

It felt nice. The warmth radiating from him engulfs me from my ears to paws. His warmth felt like I’m bathing under the sun on a peaceful afternoon. I felt secure. Safe. Home. 

It felt like home

As much as I want to continue this affectionate dance, we have a run to complete. And I’m not letting this puppy get a head start. Growling playfully, I pushed my head into his chest, surprising him as he fell on his. 

Chapter 15 The Big Fluffy Puppy 

hind legs once more. With a mischievous bark, I took off running like coal is under my paws, leaving the Alpha in the dust. 

I’ve never felt so free. Wind whips at my face and legs as my thunderous paws shake the earth. Insects retreat in fear and birds take their refuge in the branches. My white coat glistens under the faint moonlight while 1 dodge trees and hop over logs. I needed this. 

Heavy paws from behind alert me that Onyx is catching up. How could I forget that wolves love the chase? Alphas especially because of their mates. Pounding my paws harder against the forest floor, I pick up speed. Determination pumps through me faster than adrenaline as I push my leg muscles to their limit. 

The thrill of the chase. It’s exhilarating. Nothing in the world can touch me! I felt great! 

Until my world took a tumble. Not because I tripped over a log or had my paw snagged in a root. It’s because Onyx leaped into the air and his giant body landed on mine. We went rolling in a cloud of dust and growls. 


Like the beasts we are, we struggle and nip at one another like newly–born pups. I did this with Jacqueline’s wolf, Rosaline, or Dwayne’s wolf, Jaxon, because we’re family. But with Onyx; hopping around and trying to dominate him, it was on a different level of fun. 

I felt like myself. The true me. Playful, bratty, and carefree. I love it! 

And by the glow of Onyx’s eyes, so did he. 

After fifteen minutes of play, we trot back to our initial meeting place. But Onyx turned it into another chase when he nipped one of my hind legs and bolted when I was distracted. He is a huge puppy. A lovesick, silly 


I jog to the tree, shifted back, and quickly got dressed. My hands smoothed my hair as I emerge, spotting Onyx dressed and waiting. In a flash, he growls naughtily as his arms wrap around my waist like a birthday present. I shriek when his face went to my neck again, inhaling my scent like it’s his lifeline. 

“I’ve never pegged you as the playful type.” 

I arch an eyebrow. “Then what did you peg me as?” 

“Serious. Stoic. Maybe callous.” 

“That’s me on a good day.” 

Onyx lifts his head, gold in blue once more. His hands felt hot on my waist, stoking a flame in me. “What did 

you peg me as?” 

Stern. But that changed when I saw that you are, in actuality, a puppy.” 

He frowns. “I’m not a puppy. I’m an Alpha!” 

“Alphas were puppies once. You’re no different.” I poke his chest. “You’re a big, fluffy puppy.” 

“Damn, why don’t you announce it to the entire world then?” He rolls his eyes. “Not like my reputation means 

Chapter 15 – The Big Fluffy Puppy 


“…It’s your funeral.” I made a big show to suck in a deep breath to scream ‘Onyx is a big puppy!‘ until he pokes me in my tickle spot. Words turned into gaggles of laughter when he tickles me again. “Not again! Stop!” 


“I’ll get my revenge, Onyx!” 

“Sure. It’ll be eighty–four years before you can find my tickle spot.” He leans in where his hot breath caresses my face. “You must touch me to find it.” 

I scoff. “You’re insufferable.” 

“Neron told me that a few times. And I don’t care.” 

“Goddess, how did he deal with you for so long?” 

Same with his stupidity; I had to put up with it.” 

This banter is amusing; like we’ve known each other for so long. We know which buttons to press. It felt normal. Defiantly, I cross my arms. “I’m still telling everyone that you’re a fluffy puppy.” 

“You wouldn’t dare!” 

“You can’t stop me!” 

In a blur, Onyx presses my back up against the thick bark of a tree. Large hands grip either side of my hips. with fire erupting underneath their touch. One leg separates my own and my eyes are, once again, beguiled in Onyx’s heated glare. The faint illumination of the moon highlights the left side of his face, bathing him in an ethereal, mysterious glow. My breath is trapped in my lungs along with my words stuck at the base of my 


He’s breathtaking. Deep, rugged growls bathe my spine in pure ice–a direct contrast to our heat. 

“Has anyone told you you’re such a brat?” He smirks, sending my heart soaring

“Nope. You’re the first.” I answer back, trying hard to steady my voice. “Be proud. It’s a great honor.” 

“And cocky too.” 

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Onyx. The question is, are you brave enough to find out more?” 

Onyx’s golden eyes darken rapidly with lust. “Challenging an Alpha is never a wise decision, Artemis. You don’t know of the repercussions.” 

“I don’t care.” I shrug my shoulders. “What are you going to do? Punish me?” 

“You’re on thin ice, my angel.” Snarling, his eyes blackened. Emotion and desire strains his husky voice. “Tread carefully or you just might fall. 

“Make me.” 

Two dangerous words. They broke the straw on the camel’s back because Onyx’s lips are on mine. Smoldering. 

His heavy k*ss dipped me in a pool of uncontained fire surrounding me in desire. Hands grips at my waist and his lips fought for dominance. I don’t back down and don’t surrender. Just as he fought, I fought back with the power from my lips. Alpha wolf versus Beta wolf in a battle of illicit k*sses. Who will win? 

Our lips moved in synchronicity with our rapid heartbeats as our desires pooled in our lower regions. I felt his arousal and he can smell mine, judging by his satisfying growls. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Playful, brattish banter quickly crumbled into a make–out session. 

Half of me tells me to stop. Onyx isn’t to be trusted. I’m giving in when I should stand strong. But the other half is saying to enjoy it. Enjoy his touches and caresses. Enjoy the f*cking battle. How can I choose under this miasma of lust that I never felt before


And I didn’t want it to stop. I want to continue. Once Onyx slips his tongue into my mouth, I was beyond reach. It caresses mine sinfully, invoking a deep guttural moan from the back of my throat. He happily swallows it and continues his wicked torment on my senses. Goddess, I might have made the devil blush. 

Oh, Goddess, what will Kiya think when I tell her what happened? She k*ssed Neron before, but not how I’m k*ssing Onyx! 

F*ck, this is too much

Luckily, Onyx stops to catch his breath. Our pants echo between us, the air around is ablaze. The Alpha smiled shyly with deep pink ch*eks, caressing mine with a hand. “I’ve been waiting for years to k*ss you like that, but we shouldn’t have done this.” 

No shit, sherlock.” 

“…Do it again.” 

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