
Chapter 106

Chapter 17 The Intrusion 

“Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?“– Bret Easton Ellis 



This is one hell of a hickey! 

My fingers graze on top of the blotch of broken blood vessels on the junction of my neck and shoulder, exposed proudly against my dark skin. I didn’t know what to think as I stare at it from my bathroom mirror. I prefer the hickey to the other red bruise on my neck. At least it’ll heal overnight. 

Around me, I feel the lingering presence of Neron–or rather, Onyx. His scent is mind–numbing, and I embarrassingly feel the powerful tingles on my lips and the moist heat between my legs. 

In my mind, Artemis hides her eyes shamefully behind her paws, whimpering in sadness. “I’m sorry, Kiya!

went too far!” 

I didn’t respond. The fear in Artemis‘ voice is palpable; she thinks I’m angry with her. She continues to apologize for her actions in weighty remorse, her voice breaking away for her tears. Sighing, I grip the rim of the sink and started giggling. 

Artemis growls in confusion. “Why are you laughing?” 

“You thought I’ll be mad?” 

“You aren’t?!” My wolf yells, aghast. It saddens a part of me because she thought I’d be angry. I mean, I can see why she thinks so. “But…I used your body selfishly, Kiya. The arousal you’re feeling is mine, not 


I admit, it feels weird. It’s like an ocean between my thighs.” Stripping out of my clothes, I hop into the shower and lowered the temperature. “But Artemis, we share a body. I share yours as a wolf and you share mine as a human. We work together as a solid unit. I’m not mad at you. I’m happy for you!” 

“You are? Why?” 

“Because you’re happy. And if you’re happy, I’m happy.” I grab my loofa, squirt some body wash, and started. scrubbing. “So, tell me about the run and the k*ss!” 

“O–Oh.” Never in my life have I heared Artemis stutter. We’re two sides of the same coin; she’s calm and collected and I’m the walking disaster. “Honestly? It felt amazing. I don’t know what it is, but running with Onyx…I never felt more like myself. Around him I was playful. Mischievous. And it felt great. If I can describe the run in a color, it’d be true blue.” 

My heart warms. In her voice, I can sense the honesty and endearment she felt. This was more than a run to her. It was a night where she channeled the raw truth of her identity. For so long, she had to hold herself back and I blame myself for it. Artemis always put me first and herself on the back–burner. She’s not only my best. friend; she’s my guardian angel. That burden was lifted tonight. For the first time in her life, Artemis was in tune with her beastly instincts. 


“And the k*ss…I don’t know how to describe it. I felt like I was on fire, but in a good way. So many sensations rolled into me and I was falling. Fast. I felt…” 


“Desired. Sexy, even. Like someone wanted me for much more. But I got scared. Onyx almost marked me, and I could’ve ruined things for both of us. The worst part of it all was that I didn’t want it to stop. Goddess, I wanted to continue. The passion and lust! I wanted to surrender.” 

I ponder on what Artemis revealed as the water hit me. Judging by her voice, she’s feeling a plethora of emotions, not just for herself, but for me. There are so many things she wanted tonight, but not even the haze of lust was enough for her to ignore the boundaries I’ve set. I’m elated that she felt wanted by someone for the first time. She deserves to be coveted because she’s a beautiful soul. 

“That’s not a bad thing, Artemis. It’s okay to feel a little selfish, sometimes. Thank you for respecting my boundaries. You didn’t cross them even when the passion demanded you to. You’re always thinking. 

“You’re my human, Kiya. And my best friend. We’ve been together since you first shifted. Nothing can separate us. I was afraid that you might think I was taking advantage of you…like him 

“Artemis. My voice took a hardened tone as I shut off the shower and wrap myself in a towel over my breasts. “Never compare yourself to that monster. What you did tonight will never compare to what that gourd did to me those years ago. You aren’t like him.” 


“No. You’re fine, dude. Technically, it’s your body too. We just swap consciousness here and there like wigs.” Artemis will never be like the guard. Ever. That bastard abused me in the most heinous of ways. He’s evil. Artemis is pure. My hope rests on the prayers that the armored devil is dead and buried. I haven’t seen familiar hair of his since I’ve been here, and I’m grateful for that 

That’s how this story should be. Buried and forgotten. No one will know of my stolen innocence. 

Artemis sighs in relief. I’m sure she removed her paws from her eyes. “Okay. Thank you for taking away this burden from my heart. I don’t know what I’d do if you were mad at me.” 

“Just as you protect my heart, I’ll protect yours. You’re my ride–or–die. Amy.” 

And you ruined the fuzzy moment with that accursed nickname.” 

“What’s wrong with it?!” 

“It’s so undignified for a wolf like me!” 

Laughter bubbled out of my chest as I rummage through my closet for my pajamas. Deciding to go with the red bottoms that hugged my hips and a matching tank top. I trudge my tired body to my bed Anward s shows my happiness for my wolf and how this night ended on a pleasant note. Tomorrow will start a new day. 

Kiya. We need to tell Neron and Onyx about Osiris.” And like that, my mood Eaterske a pancake. “T told Onyx that we’ll speak to them tomorrow about it. Will there be a problem 

“No, there’s no problem. And you’re right. I have to tell them. I just thought I could handle this myself” 

Chapter 13 – The imbustion 

“It’ll be okay.” 

It wasn’t okay. If you speak or think of a devil’s name, they’ll appear. And my devil arrives on time in a billow of black smoke. Red eyes pierce mine with blades full of disappointment and rage, unlike the usual dark mischievousness. 

“How shameful must you be to k*ss that mutt like a needy whore?” Osiris snarls at me. “Have you learned nothing from your experience under the hell this place put you in?!” 

The surrounding air grows dim as the fluorescent lights of my lamps are cloaked in thickening black. Without thinking, I summon a ball of moonlight to attack, but immediately the beast clamps his harsh hands on my own, forcing me on my feet. 

“Must you fail miserably to understand, Little Moon?” He teases. “The more you’re enamored by this Alpha, the closer you trudge to disaster. Watching you surrender to the seductive thralls of that mongrel is disgusting. He’s the same mongrel who marred your beautiful, young flesh and you let him touch you!” 

What I do with my body is none of your business! Leave me alone!” I hate how his words tickle the darker side of me. The rising fury in the hybrid’s voice brought forth a new sensation of terror. One I haven’t felt before since my dark days. The body is amazing at adapting to high–pressure situations because my sympathetic system is on overdrive. I don’t know what Osiris is about to do, and I’m not staying to find out! 

Pulling my hands away, I bolt to the door. My fight–or–flight response chose flight. Swinging the door open, I nearly made it over the threshold when Osiris violently jerks me backward. A scream tore through my throat right before the door seals my fate, escaping into the hallway air. 

Maybe someone’s heard me… 

Osiris holds me against the bedroom wall, nails threatening to split skin. “You should rethink your stance before you send yourself back into hell, Little Moon. It takes a single word to sway the weak heart of a rejected woman to make her think she’s truly loved. Do you think the fool changed? Men will say anything to get what they want.” 

“Like you?” I snarl at his face. 

“No, my dear. I’m no man.” He leans in and whispers in my ear. “We’re more alike than you know. We are avatars after all.” 

My world dropped into a pit of darkness. 

Osiris is an avatar? No! He’s bluffing! That can’t be-! 

The doorknob rattled madly as I hear Neron’s voice on the other side call out for me. I cannot see my enemy’s mouth, but his red eyes did all the smiling. “Care to introduce me?” 

The door flung open at the same time Osiris releases my arms. Neron catches me before I crumble onto the ground, cradling my body in his arms. The door closes again, and I knew for a fact, Neron can see what I see: my darkened bedroom with an even darker billow hovering over the both of us. I’m too much in shock from the recent news to notice the Alpha’s glowering face. 

“What the fuck is this?!” He demands, holding me tighter

“There’s no need to be rude, stupid dog.” Osiris in “where’s your hospitality? After all, I am a guest,” 


“It’ll be okay.” 

It wasn’t okay. If you speak or think of a devil’s name, they’ll appear. And my devil arrives on time in a billow of black smoke. Red eyes pierce mine with blades full of disappointment and rage, unlike the usual dark mischievousness. 

“How shameful must you be to k*ss that mutt like a needy whore?” Osiris snarls at me. “Have you learned nothing from your experience under the hell this place put you in?!” 

The surrounding air grows dim as the fluorescent lights of my lamps are cloaked in thickening black. Without thinking. I summon a ball of moonlight to attack, but immediately the beast clamps his harsh hands on my own, forcing me on my feet. 

“Must you fail miserably to understand, Little Moon?” He teases. “The more you’re enamored by this Alpha, the closer you trudge to disaster. Watching you surrender to the seductive thralls of that mongrel is disgusting. He’s the same mongrel who marred your beautiful, young flesh and you let him touch you!” 

“What I do with my body is none of your business! Leave me alone!” I hate how his words tickle the darker side of me. The rising fury in the hybrid’s voice brought forth a new sensation of terror. One I haven’t felt before since my dark days. The body is amazing at adapting to high–pressure situations because my sympathetic system is on overdrive. I don’t know what Osiris is about to do, and I’m not staying to find out! 

Pulling my hands away, I bolt to the door. My fight–or–flight response chose flight. Swinging the door open, I nearly made it over the threshold when Osiris violently jerks me backward. A scream tore through my throat right before the door seals my fate, escaping into the hallway air. 

Maybe someone’s heard me… 

Osiris holds me against the bedroom wall, nails threatening to split skin. “You should rethink your stance before you send yourself back into hell, Little Moon. It takes a single word to sway the weak heart of a rejected woman to make her think she’s truly loved. Do you think the fool changed? Men will say anything to get what they want.” This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Like you?” I snarl at his face

“No, my dear. I’m no man.” He leans in and whispers in my ear. “We’re more alike than you know. We are avatars after all.” 

My world dropped into a pit of darkness

Osiris is an avatar? No! He’s bluffing! That can’t be-! 

The doorknob rattled madly as I hear Neron’s voice on the other side call out for me. I cannot see my enemy’s mouth, but his red eyes did all the smiling, “Care to introduce me?” 

The door flung open at the same time Osiris releases my arms. Neron catches me before I crumble onto the ground, cradling my body in his arms. The door closes again, and I knew for a fact, Neron can see what I see: my darkened bedroom with an even darker billow hovering over the both of us. I’m too much in shock from the recent news to notice the Alpha’s glowering face. 

“What the fuck is this?!” He demands, holding me tighter. 

“There’s no need to be rude, stupid dog.” Osiris giggles. “Where’s your hospitality? After all, I am a guest.” 

Chapter 17–The Intrus 

“You’re a trespasser.” Neron corrects. “I don’t appreciate talking puffs of smoke intruding in the room of my 


“Your mate? Don’t make me laugh, Neron Prince. You are the least deserving of this beautiful lady. Time cannot wash away the evils of your past, especially sins that stain your hands, Alpha.” 

Neron’s breath hitches in his throat. My skin, against his own, feels the prickling sensations of his fur threatening to sprout. He’s going to shift. “I want to know who the fuck you are, and you have three seconds before I kill you.” 

“What are you going to do? Bite the air? The billow cackles. “You can’t touch me, Alpha! I’m not tangible for you. But hey, I love the fighting spirit. It gives me the goal to break it. To reveal the sniveling brat you are!” 

He rose higher into the air, the ends of the smoke hovering and slithering like a snake’s tail. “But I’ll take my leave. Not to worry; I’ll be back! It was fun speaking with you, mongrel. We shall meet again.” 

The darkness lifts, allowing the light to bathe my room again. I’m still frozen like a statue. It wasn’t until Neron gently shakes me to get my eyes to focus on him. His eyes reflect all the emotions he’s feeling. 




“I’m sorry,” I whisper to him. “I should’ve told you sooner. I thought I was strong enough to handle this myself.” 

“Was this you’ve wanted to tell me about?” Neron whispers. I nod meekly. “What was that, Kiya?” 

“Remember how I was kidnapped three weeks ago? I…I thought he died when that asylum collapsed in flames. He…” A heavy sigh expels from my mouth. “It’s him. The person who ordered Cerberus to take Phoebe and me. His name is Osiris. By my knowledge, he doesn’t have a physical form, but he can still touch me.” 

“Osiris…” Neron shifts me to where I’m sitting in between his legs with his arms still cradled me. “You should’ve told me sooner, Kiya. When did he start to bother you?” 

“A few weeks back. It started with the nightmares. Are you mad at me?” 

“Not mad. Just upset. But you’re safe and that’s all that matters to me.” Planting a firm k*ss on my forehead, his hand rubs my bare arm soothingly. “We’re going to stop him. He’s within our walls, so I must gather a meeting tomorrow to see what we can do. We can’t let this go on.” 

“I know…” 

“Kiya.” His fingers curl under my chin, lifting my head to meet his eyes. “I admire your independence and courage. But, if something’s bothering you, tell me. I want to help you. Let me help you.” 

I went about this the wrong way. Osiris being an avatar changes everything. The danger has only heightened from here on out. With his constant appearances, stalking, and the looming inkling of a traitor within these walls, I couldn’t keep this under wraps for so long. 

Goddess, I’m so stupid

This is more than I can handle. 

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