
Chapter 103

Chapter 14 – Won’t Tolerate Disrespect. 

“Men are respectable only as they respect.“– Ralph Waldo Emerson 


“Get me out of this!” 

“Why?” Jackie’s belly laughter echoes as she towers over my pitiful form. “He looks so comfortable!” 

“Well, I’m not!” I retort.. 


“I have to pee!” 

Here I am. Lying on the kitchen floor, flat on my back, with a snoring Alpha on my front. With thick arms wrapped around my smaller frame and head heavy on my chest, I’m an unwilling prisoner. Now, I know what body pillows feel like, but I can’t say that I hate it too much. I admit this skyscraper on steroids looks peaceful. Like a sweet baby. 

But it doesn’t change the fact that my bladder is begging for release! 

Note to self: Neron is deep–conditioning alone from now on. 

“Alright, bud. That’s enough.” I say, patting Neron’s bare back. “Wake up! Becoming a pillow is not my intended profession in life.” 


“He’s out cold!” I gasp in horror. 

“The big bad Alpha must be so tired.” Galen teases as he dances around me like a giddy child. “I admit, this is 

an adorable sight. Out of all the pillows in this home, he chose you!” 

“I’m not a pillow,” I growl lowly. “But he can catch some Z’s back in his room.” 

“Come on, Kiki! Admit it! You like this! You never allow Neron this close unless you have to.” 

“I don’t like it!” 


Sure. Like you didn’t enjoy washing his hair? You wouldn’t stop smiling, girl! And I didn’t miss the sounds you made too!” He playfully pokes my nose but retracts when I attempt to bite it. “Feisty!” 

“I was just helping him,” I mutter softly. “It meant nothing.” 

Liar times two. 

“Sure. Keep telling yourself that.” My friend shoots an irritating smirk at me before adjusting his shower cap. “Jackie, Abi, my love, we’re seeing the blossoming of a beautiful relationship.” 


“Are y’all going to get this puppy off of me or not?!” I’m getting fed up. Not with the teasing, but from the close contact with the sleeping Neron. He’s shirtless and I’m wearing a short robe that exposes most of my chest and legs. It’s a lot of skin–to–skin contact, and it enveloped me in a warmth equivalent to the sun. It’s comforting. Peaceful. Hell, this is another image of Neron branding into my mind. 

It’s sweet. 

Ah, this is something you don’t come across every day. I still remember you on your knees scrubbing this floor.” And just like that, all my soft feelings disintegrated to infuriation when that high–pitch voice grates against my eardrums. “Reminiscing?” 

Despite my view of the world turned upside–down, I recognize the two bodies that entered the kitchen. One brought me hatred and the other, pain. The dearest mate couple of Odessa and Darien. As much as Darien’s presence saddened me, my fury was on Odessa for the reference to my slave days. If I wasn’t weighted down. by this two–hundred and fifty pound Alpha, I’d claw her face off. 

“Come down and find out!” I growl, shivering as Neron adjusts himself slightly. “What the hell do you want?” 

“Cassandra was complaining about her kitchen being used for ‘unnecessary reasons‘ and we followed the stench of spoiled avocados.” Darien shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. Jackie glowers at the insult, ready to pounce until Abigail’s touch calmed her. “You’re still making that shit? How do you even know if it works?” 

“Why don’t you try it, Judge Darien? You might need it to soften your attitude.” Galen barks back. His anger was as hot as a flaming knife. And it threatens to stab his best friend in the chest. His dark eyes are void of its earlier humor. “You don’t get a say in what we do on our day off when you haven’t been doing your job.” 

“So?” Odessa scoffs. “Doesn’t he have a right to speak his mind, dear Delta?” 

“Yes, but he’s not exempt from its repercussions. Talk shit, get hit.” Jackie retorts, slamming a bowl down on the kitchen counter. “What is wrong with you, Darien? You blow off training, ignore us, and now you’re insulting Little Bit. Alpha Anthony won’t be happy with your drop in performance.” 

“Well, he- The Beta interrupted Odessa with a hand to her face.. 

“I’m speaking to Delta Darien, not you. Stay in your lane.” 

Anger contorted Darien’s handsome face. It’s scary. This is threatening to spin out of control. The last thing I wanted was for my friends to fight. “Odessa has a right to speak like everyone else. If I told Abigail to ‘stay in her lane‘, you’d be the first one to tear heads off. There’s no need to be hypocritical. I won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting my mate.” 

“But you’ll disrespect us?” Galen asks, crossing his arms. “We’re supposed to be working together. I get that you want to spend time with Odessa, but you’re neglecting your work. This is unlike you.” 

You all have to face it,” Odessa smirked triumphantly, which irked me further. “Darien is focused on better things. Like me! You’ve trained the dogs on your own. So, why can’t he take a vacation?” 

“There’s a difference between taking a vacation and neglecting the duties your Alpha specifically assigned you.” Jackie barks. “And Odessa? You’re pretty and all, but you aren’t that Important.” 

“She is to me.” Darien possessively wraps his arm around Odessa’s waist, pulling her closer to him. “And maybe I don’t want to work. Maybe I refuse to hang around a bunch of heartless, overbearing, and nagging 

Chapter 14–Won’t Tolerate Disrespect 

mutts. You have mates and yet you can’t let me be happy with mine?” 

“Darien, that’s not what they’re saying,” I spoke. Whether it be my response or the sound of my voice, insulted look on his face seared into mine. 


“The rejected mate doesn’t have a say in this matter.” My heart heaves painfully from the sadistic smirks on the couple’s faces. How dare he throw my rejection in my face? Did he forget that he was rejected too?! “Before you continue to embarrass yourself, shut up, and let the big boys and girls handle this.” 

“As if the bitch ever does,” Odessa adds in that snide to hurt me further. 

I can take insults. But what I refuse to accept is the pain of my past being thrown at my face like a goddamn frisbee. This new Darien continues to break the foundation of what our friendship once was. I don’t know what happened to him, but something happened. Something bad and I can’t figure out what. 

It hurts. Yet, I will not take it. Who the hell do they take me for? Odessa is a rotting banana that Darien happily eats. Perhaps her toxicity is rubbing off on him. I never thought he’d stoop this low. 

But I didn’t get that chance to defend myself. 

Because, in the blink of an eye, the heavyweight on my front was lifted. And said weight threw the couple against the wall. They struggled as thick hands held them by their necks, gasping for air. Neron, in a f*cking deep conditioning cap, is trying to strangle my enemy and former best friend! 

“Continue to disrespect my love, and neither of you will have the vocal cords to spew out more garbage. And I always keep my promises.” 

Holy shit. 

That deep, rumbling voice. This isn’t Neron. It’s Onyx! 

The couple couldn’t croak a syllable because Onyx’s arms shook with fury. He’s pissed. Pissed for me. He must have heard everything while Neron was asleep and just came in like a wrecking ball. As much as I loathe Odessa, I don’t want Onyx to kill her. And I still care about Darien. 

“Onyx, stop!” I hurry onto my feet. “Don’t do anything hasty, please.” 

“No. They stood here and insulted you. They upset you. Your respect is non–negotiable. I’ll be damned if I stand idly by, Kiya. These two deserve to be punished for their insolence.” Golden eyes stare deep into my own. when he turns his head to me. “You don’t deserve this.” 

I admit. My wolf mate defending me twists some arousal wires in me. It’s attractive–but it’s unnecessary! Odessa and Darien continue to lose oxygen; on the verge of passing out. 

“Kiya, let me take over,” Artemis demands. I’ll handle this.” 

“If you say so.” 


“Onyx, let them go.” His head snaps toward my direction, hard gold instantly softening into a shade full of warmth and love. “There are other ways to handle this, but choking the hell out of them isn’t the answer.” 


Something in my tone clicked in his mind. No one would dare to order an Alpha like this. Perhaps I’ve signed my death certificate and should expect an open casket funeral soon. But, to my surprise, Onyx obeys and releases the idiots, dropping them heartlessly on the kitchen floor. 

Oh, how the tables have turned. Instead of Kiya, it’s them. Amusing. I watch as they desperately fill their 

with air, scooting away from the frightening tower of my mate. Before I can say anything else, I’m hauled into Onyx’s powerful arms and taken out into the kitchen. 

We pass by some pack members giving us looks of anticipation or curiosity, drumming up scenarios in their minds of what’s happening between us. I hope they aren’t thinking we’re going to mate. 

Because that’s not happening 

Onyx took me into Kiya’s room, kicking the door close behind him. We went tumbling onto the bed with his strength caging me against his bare chest. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, deeply inhaling my 


“I’ve missed you, my angel,” Onyx mutters happily. His seductive, rumbling baritone sent delightful shivers down my spine. He must have felt my trembles because his arms tightened around my waist. Like Kiya, I can’t feel the sparks of the mate bond. But his encompassing warmth brought a sense of peace to my mind. “Are you okay?” Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m fine,” I say flatly. “What’s going on with Neron?” 

“He’s exhausted in more ways than you think.” He answers thoughtfully, his head still buried in my neck. “He’s asleep, so I took over. Good thing I did too.” 

“Onyx, don’t do that again.” Leaving me no other option, I rest my head on his chest. “I appreciate you coming to our defense, but Kiya still cares about Darien, She doesn’t want to see him hurt.” 

“I cannot promise you that. Anyone who insults you deserve my wrath. By insulting Kiya, by extension, he insulted you. He didn’t care that he was hurting you, so why should I care if I hurt him?” 

“While I see your point, it’s not what Kiya or I want. I don’t want her to be sad. So, if you’re going to kill someone, at least let us know beforehand.” 

His chuckle quakes through my body like a violent tremor while his hands on my back left trails of the burning flame. It’s a pleasant feeling that I can’t get enough of, I shifted my body to get more comfortable, but Onyx took it as a sign to tease me further. 

“You don’t understand how much I want to make you mine.” He says breathlessly. “Your scent, your warmth- it’s possessing me like a ghost. I want to love you so much, Artemis.” 


“I know what you’re going to say, and I understand.” He lifts my head to meet his. I never knew gold had so many shades until I look deep into the windows of Onyx’s soul. It’s a beautiful swirl with each shade marking a unique emotion. Above them all, I see love. For me. “I haven’t earned your trust yet. I won’t stop until I do, 


“Because Alphas keep their promises,” I repeat his infamous line from the kitchen. He smiles like an excited child. It’s breathtaking and I couldn’t help but smile back. “I was planning on going for a run tonight. Do you 

Flutende Duespect 

He blinks. “Are you sure you want me there? We’ve never gone on a run together.” 

I’m not sure why I’ve invited him. His presence is getting to me. Then again, I’ve never seen his wolf in the glory of a run before, and I’m curious to see it. “It was an offer. If you don’t want to run, then-” 

“N–no! I do!” He panics, shooting up from the bed with me. “I thought you still hate me. 

“I tolerate you.” 

“That’s better than nothing.” He grins. “What time do you want me to meet you?” 

“Eight o’clock. East side.” Wiggling out of his arms, I head to the bathroom. “I’m going to wash this thing out. of my hair, and you should too.” 

Are you asking me to shower with you?” 

“Onyx, you have until the count of ten to get out. Nine!” Like a rocket, he left my room in a gaggle of deep laughter. 

And I laughed too. For the first time in a while. 

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