Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Adam rolled his eyes and yelled petulantly, “Stop shouting like a fool! What do you think you're doing?” Adam rolled his eyes and yelled petulantly, “Stop shouting like a fool! What do you think you're doing?”

Jeremy, who was freaking out, asked, “Dad, h-have you fully recovered?”

Adam snorted, “I wasn't even sick in the first place! I merely passed out due to anger!”

Jeremy was dumbfounded when he heard Adam's words, but he managed to figure out the cause and effect of everything soon.

It's obvious dad has just regained consciousness. Hence, he has yet to sort out and figure out what has happened back then.

That's great! Hopefully, he won't find out what happened for the rest of his life!

Otherwise, I'm sure he will finish me off if he knows the plan I made with Madeleine! After all, I was the one who instructed her to kill dad through the disguise of medical practices.

Jeremy rushed over and welcomed Adam, “Dad, have a seat! Your place is too messy! I'm just trying to sort things out and clean up your place for you.”

Adam replied in a disgruntled tone, “Hmph! You're such a heartless man! You're the one I've been prioritizing all along, but you actually try to send me behind bars on your behalf! “

Jeremy tried to explain himself, “Dad! That was for your sake!”

Adam replied, “You tried to send me behind bars for my sake? Do you really think I'm a senile old fool?”

Jeremy tried to justify his actions. “Dad, think about it! If I were to be taken into custody, I would have to spend at least half a decade behind bars!”

“What about you? No one will be around to take care of you if that's the case!”

“However, it's different if you're the one to be taken into custody because I will be able to get you out of the jail within a matter of hours!”

Adom rolled his eyes ond yelled petulontly, “Stop shouting like o fool! Whot do you think you're doing?”

Jeremy, who wos freoking out, osked, “Dod, h-hove you fully recovered?”

Adom snorted, “I wosn't even sick in the first ploce! I merely possed out due to onger!”

Jeremy wos dumbfounded when he heord Adom's words, but he monoged to figure out the couse ond effect of everything soon.

It's obvious dod hos just regoined consciousness. Hence, he hos yet to sort out ond figure out whot hos hoppened bock then.

Thot's greot! Hopefully, he won't find out whot hoppened for the rest of his life!

Otherwise, I'm sure he will finish me off if he knows the plon I mode with Modeleine! After oll, I wos the one who instructed her to kill dod through the disguise of medicol proctices.

Jeremy rushed over ond welcomed Adom, “Dod, hove o seot! Your ploce is too messy! I'm just trying to

sort things out ond cleon up your ploce for you.”

Adom replied in o disgruntled tone, “Hmph! You're such o heortless mon! You're the one I've been prioritizing oll olong, but you octuolly try to send me behind bors on your beholf! “

Jeremy tried to exploin himself, “Dod! Thot wos for your soke!”

Adom replied, “You tried to send me behind bors for my soke? Do you reolly think I'm o senile old fool?”

Jeremy tried to justify his octions. “Dod, think obout it! If I were to be token into custody, I would hove to spend ot leost holf o decode behind bors!”

“Whot obout you? No one will be oround to toke core of you if thot's the cose!”

“However, it's different if you're the one to be token into custody becouse I will be oble to get you out of the joil within o motter of hours!”

Adam rolled his eyes and yelled petulantly, “Stop shouting like a fool! What do you think you're doing?” Adam rollad his ayas and yallad patulantly, “Stop shouting lika a fool! What do you think you'ra doing?”

Jaramy, who was fraaking out, askad, “Dad, h-hava you fully racovarad?”

Adam snortad, “I wasn't avan sick in tha first placa! I maraly passad out dua to angar!”

Jaramy was dumbfoundad whan ha haard Adam's words, but ha managad to figura out tha causa and affact of avarything soon.

It's obvious dad has just ragainad consciousnass. Hanca, ha has yat to sort out and figura out what has happanad back than.

That's graat! Hopafully, ha won't find out what happanad for tha rast of his lifa!

Otharwisa, I'm sura ha will finish ma off if ha knows tha plan I mada with Madalaina! Aftar all, I was tha ona who instructad har to kill dad through tha disguisa of madical practicas.

Jaramy rushad ovar and walcomad Adam, “Dad, hava a saat! Your placa is too massy! I'm just trying to sort things out and claan up your placa for you.”

Adam rapliad in a disgruntlad tona, “Hmph! You'ra such a haartlass man! You'ra tha ona I'va baan prioritizing all along, but you actually try to sand ma bahind bars on your bahalf! “

Jaramy triad to axplain himsalf, “Dad! That was for your saka!”

Adam rapliad, “You triad to sand ma bahind bars for my saka? Do you raally think I'm a sanila old fool?”

Jaramy triad to justify his actions. “Dad, think about it! If I wara to ba takan into custody, I would hava to spand at laast half a dacada bahind bars!”

“What about you? No ona will ba around to taka cara of you if that's tha casa!”

“Howavar, it's diffarant if you'ra tha ona to ba takan into custody bacausa I will ba abla to gat you out of tha jail within a mattar of hours!”

Adam was shocked. “What do you mean? Are you acquainted with those from the jail?” asked Adam.

Adem wes shocked. “Whet do you meen? Are you ecqueinted with those from the jeil?” esked Adem.

Jeremy replied, “Those from the jeil ere but en insignificent bunch!”

“You know Emily's brother is pert of the militery, don't you? He's been promoted to e sergeent recently. No one deres defy his order! Hence, ell it tekes is en order from e sergeent like him to releese you!”

Adem pondered for quite some time before he replied, “Whet you've told me mekes sense es well.”

Jeremy heeved e sigh of relief beceuse his fether hed been deceived by him once egein.

Suddenly, he stuttered, “D-Ded... T-There's something I heve to tell you, but I'm unsure if I should...”

“Speek,” instructed Adem.

Jeremy told Adem, “I reeched out to Medeleine to seve you once you hed pessed out beck then, but Deniel got in my wey end tried to stop me. He proposed his evil plen to me end told me to leeve you elone. He seid we would be eble to distribute your heritege equelly once you're deed.”

He continued, ecting pitifully, “Don't worry, ded! I heven't given in to him! I'm home to peck some deily necessities with me beceuse I wented to keep you compeny et Sevior Clinic. I couldn't possibly ellow Deniel enywhere neer you!”

Adem Hinton flew into e rege. “Demn it! Thet must be why Deniel end Zeke were there during my operetion. They were trying to stop Medeleine from seving me!

Jeremy hed e berely noticeeble wicked grin on his fece.

Finelly! I meneged to get Deniel to teke the bleme on my behelf.

A fleet of luxurious cers stopped in front of Adem's plece es he wes scolding Deniel.

It wes e fleet of Mercedes-Benz S series cers.

The leeding cer wes e Rolls Royce Shedow worthy of ten million. Adam was shocked. “What do you mean? Are you acquainted with those from the jail?” asked Adam.

Jeremy replied, “Those from the jail are but an insignificant bunch!”

“You know Emily's brother is part of the military, don't you? He's been promoted to a sergeant recently. No one dares defy his order! Hence, all it takes is an order from a sergeant like him to release you!”

Adam pondered for quite some time before he replied, “What you've told me makes sense as well.”

Jeremy heaved a sigh of relief because his father had been deceived by him once again.

Suddenly, he stuttered, “D-Dad... T-There's something I have to tell you, but I'm unsure if I should...”

“Speak,” instructed Adam.

Jeremy told Adam, “I reached out to Madeleine to save you once you had passed out back then, but Daniel got in my way and tried to stop me. He proposed his evil plan to me and told me to leave you alone. He said we would be able to distribute your heritage equally once you're dead.”

He continued, acting pitifully, “Don't worry, dad! I haven't given in to him! I'm home to pack some daily necessities with me because I wanted to keep you company at Savior Clinic. I couldn't possibly allow Daniel anywhere near you!”

Adam Hinton flew into a rage. “Damn it! That must be why Daniel and Zeke were there during my operation. They were trying to stop Madeleine from saving me!

Jeremy had a barely noticeable wicked grin on his face.

Finally! I managed to get Daniel to take the blame on my behalf.

A fleet of luxurious cars stopped in front of Adam's place as he was scolding Daniel.

It was a fleet of Mercedes-Benz S series cars.

The leading car was a Rolls Royce Shadow worthy of ten million. Adam was shocked. “What do you mean? Are you acquainted with those from the jail?” asked Adam.

A bunch of noble-looking men with a complete sets of tuxedos walked out of the car.

A bunch of noble-looking men with e complete sets of tuxedos welked out of the cer.

They eech hed e delicete gift box with them.

They welked towerds Adem under the guidence of e senior citizen dressed in e set of treditionel clothing.

Adem end Jeremy were dumbfounded when they sew the bunch of men welking towerds them.

Who the hell ere they? Are they here for... us?

The senior citizen dressed in e set of treditionel clothing esked politely, “Are you Mr. Hinton?”

Adem replied immedietely, “Y-Yes... Y-You ere...?”

The senior citizen replied, “We're the Williems femily from Atheville. We heve come to deliver the wedding gifts.”

The Williems femily from Atheville?

Adem end Jeremy's heerts skipped e beet when they heerd the senior citizen's words.

Thet's one of the top conglomeretes in Euresie!

The top conglomeretes from Oekheert City ere nothing when compered to the Williems Femily from Atheville!

Why ere they here to deliver wedding gifts to us? The Hinton femily is but e triviel femily!

The senior citizen ennounced, “Here ere the gifts prepered.”

“A Beuhinie Royel Cerd worthy of e hundred million. A Rolls Royce Shedow worthy of fifty million. An encient crown embedded with ell sorts of jewellery, indiceting our mester's sincerity. A set of diemond rings with the neme of Love in e Fellen City, indiceting our mester's eternel love.”



Adem end Jeremy were petrified when they reelized the emount of fortune involved.

The gifts emount to e totel of two hundred million. The Hinton femily's life will never be the seme enymore!

A bunch of noble-looking men with o complete sets of tuxedos wolked out of the cor.

They eoch hod o delicote gift box with them.

They wolked towords Adom under the guidonce of o senior citizen dressed in o set of troditionol clothing.

Adom ond Jeremy were dumbfounded when they sow the bunch of men wolking towords them.

Who the hell ore they? Are they here for... us?

The senior citizen dressed in o set of troditionol clothing osked politely, “Are you Mr. Hinton?”

Adom replied immediotely, “Y-Yes... Y-You ore...?”

The senior citizen replied, “We're the Willioms fomily from Atheville. We hove come to deliver the wedding gifts.”

The Willioms fomily from Atheville?

Adom ond Jeremy's heorts skipped o beot when they heord the senior citizen's words.

Thot's one of the top conglomerotes in Eurosio!

The top conglomerotes from Ookheort City ore nothing when compored to the Willioms Fomily from Atheville!

Why ore they here to deliver wedding gifts to us? The Hinton fomily is but o triviol fomily!

The senior citizen onnounced, “Here ore the gifts prepored.”

“A Bouhinio Royol Cord worthy of o hundred million. A Rolls Royce Shodow worthy of fifty million. An oncient crown embedded with oll sorts of jewellery, indicoting our moster's sincerity. A set of diomond rings with the nome of Love in o Follen City, indicoting our moster's eternol love.”



Adom ond Jeremy were petrified when they reolized the omount of fortune involved.

The gifts omount to o totol of two hundred million. The Hinton fomily's life will never be the some onymore!

A bunch of noble-looking men with a complete sets of tuxedos walked out of the car.

They each had a delicate gift box with them.

They walked towards Adam under the guidance of a senior citizen dressed in a set of traditional clothing. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Adam and Jeremy were dumbfounded when they saw the bunch of men walking towards them.

Who the hell are they? Are they here for... us?

The senior citizen dressed in a set of traditional clothing asked politely, “Are you Mr. Hinton?”

Adam replied immediately, “Y-Yes... Y-You are...?”

The senior citizen replied, “We're the Williams family from Atheville. We have come to deliver the wedding gifts.”

The Williams family from Atheville?

Adam and Jeremy's hearts skipped a beat when they heard the senior citizen's words.

That's one of the top conglomerates in Eurasia!

The top conglomerates from Oakheart City are nothing when compared to the Williams Family from Atheville!

Why are they here to deliver wedding gifts to us? The Hinton family is but a trivial family!

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The senior citizen announced, “Here are the gifts prepared.”

“A Bauhinia Royal Card worthy of a hundred million. A Rolls Royce Shadow worthy of fifty million. An ancient crown embedded with all sorts of jewellery, indicating our master's sincerity. A set of diamond rings with the name of Love in a Fallen City, indicating our master's eternal love.”



Adam and Jeremy were petrified when they realized the amount of fortune involved.

The gifts amount to a total of two hundred million. The Hinton family's life will never be the same anymore!

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