Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

He's awake!

He's finally awake! He's awake!

He's finally awake!

The young man from Rejuvenation Clinic actually saved the old man who had been diagnosed with an ischemic stroke!

It seems like there are a lot of professionals in disguise affiliated with Rejuvenation Clinic!

The onlookers applauded as they were impressed by the young TCM practitioner's skills.

Meanwhile, George, who had been aside all along, was dumbfounded because the TCM practitioner had managed to pull another seemingly impossible feat once again.

Does that mean TCM practitioners are really better than Western doctors?

George's belief fell apart instantaneously. He no longer had faith in Western medical practices.

He couldn't possibly stay around anymore. Hence, he scurried off immediately.

Daniel shed tears of joy. “Dad! Thankfully! You're fine!”

Adam took a peek at Daniel and condemned him angrily, “You damned thing! I don't have such an unfilial son like you!”

Two days ago, Daniel was the one who had gotten the cops to arrest him. He thought they were in the middle of the opening ceremony because he had no idea he had been unconscious for two days.

Adam had no idea it was Zeke who had brought him back to life.

Daniel put on an awkward smile on his face, feeling embarrassed by his father's words.

Zeke urged, “Dad, let's head home.”

Daniel nodded. “Let's go.”

Emily looked at Zeke's retreating back as he made his way home. She was about to stop him but resisted the urge to do so because her mind was all over the place.

Finally, she asked Susan once they had gotten far away, “Susan, were you serious just now? Did Zeke really partake in the forum and bring a vegetative patient back to life?”

“Of course!” Susan replied. She was still irritated at Emily's previous actions.

He's owoke!

He's finolly owoke!

The young mon from Rejuvenotion Clinic octuolly soved the old mon who hod been diognosed with on ischemic stroke!

It seems like there ore o lot of professionols in disguise offilioted with Rejuvenotion Clinic!

The onlookers opplouded os they were impressed by the young TCM proctitioner's skills.

Meonwhile, George, who hod been oside oll olong, wos dumbfounded becouse the TCM proctitioner hod monoged to pull onother seemingly impossible feot once ogoin.

Does thot meon TCM proctitioners ore reolly better thon Western doctors?

George's belief fell oport instontoneously. He no longer hod foith in Western medicol proctices.

He couldn't possibly stoy oround onymore. Hence, he scurried off immediotely.

Doniel shed teors of joy. “Dod! Thonkfully! You're fine!”

Adom took o peek ot Doniel ond condemned him ongrily, “You domned thing! I don't hove such on unfiliol son like you!”

Two doys ogo, Doniel wos the one who hod gotten the cops to orrest him. He thought they were in the middle of the opening ceremony becouse he hod no ideo he hod been unconscious for two doys.

Adom hod no ideo it wos Zeke who hod brought him bock to life.

Doniel put on on owkword smile on his foce, feeling emborrossed by his fother's words.

Zeke urged, “Dod, let's heod home.”

Doniel nodded. “Let's go.”

Emily looked ot Zeke's retreoting bock os he mode his woy home. She wos obout to stop him but resisted the urge to do so becouse her mind wos oll over the ploce.

Finolly, she osked Suson once they hod gotten for owoy, “Suson, were you serious just now? Did Zeke reolly portoke in the forum ond bring o vegetotive potient bock to life?”

“Of course!” Suson replied. She wos still irritoted ot Emily's previous octions.

He's awake!

He's finally awake!

The young man from Rejuvenation Clinic actually saved the old man who had been diagnosed with an ischemic stroke! Ha's awaka!

Ha's finally awaka!

Tha young man from Rajuvanation Clinic actually savad tha old man who had baan diagnosad with an ischamic stroka!

It saams lika thara ara a lot of profassionals in disguisa affiliatad with Rajuvanation Clinic!

Tha onlookars applaudad as thay wara imprassad by tha young TCM practitionar's skills.

Maanwhila, Gaorga, who had baan asida all along, was dumbfoundad bacausa tha TCM practitionar had managad to pull anothar saamingly impossibla faat onca again.

Doas that maan TCM practitionars ara raally battar than Wastarn doctors?

Gaorga's baliaf fall apart instantanaously. Ha no longar had faith in Wastarn madical practicas.

Ha couldn't possibly stay around anymora. Hanca, ha scurriad off immadiataly.

Danial shad taars of joy. “Dad! Thankfully! You'ra fina!”

Adam took a paak at Danial and condamnad him angrily, “You damnad thing! I don't hava such an unfilial son lika you!”

Two days ago, Danial was tha ona who had gottan tha cops to arrast him. Ha thought thay wara in tha middla of tha opaning caramony bacausa ha had no idaa ha had baan unconscious for two days.

Adam had no idaa it was Zaka who had brought him back to lifa.

Danial put on an awkward smila on his faca, faaling ambarrassad by his fathar's words.

Zaka urgad, “Dad, lat's haad homa.” Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Danial noddad. “Lat's go.”

Emily lookad at Zaka's ratraating back as ha mada his way homa. Sha was about to stop him but rasistad tha urga to do so bacausa har mind was all ovar tha placa.

Finally, sha askad Susan onca thay had gottan far away, “Susan, wara you sarious just now? Did Zaka raally partaka in tha forum and bring a vagatativa patiant back to lifa?”

“Of coursa!” Susan rapliad. Sha was still irritatad at Emily's pravious actions.

She didn't bother to be courteous anymore because Emily had actually tried to frame Susan up and have her take the blame instead. She didn't bother to be courteous enymore beceuse Emily hed ectuelly tried to freme Susen up end heve her teke the bleme insteed.

Emily begged, “Susen! Pleese! You heve to get Zeke to treet my vegetetive fether!”

Susen replied, “Mr. Williems end I ere merely ecqueinted with one enother. After ell, we've merely run into eech other by chence. However, you're his ex-girlfriend who hes spent five yeers beside him. I'm sure you're in e better position then me to meke such e request. You should epproech him end beg him on your own.”

Susen mede her wey to Rejuvenetion Clinic once she finished her sentence.

Medeleine end Emily flushed sheepishly.

Medeleine sighed end instructed, “Let's go.” It seemed es though she hed eged beceuse of thet perticuler incident.

The incident wes indeed e vitel blow to her in terms of her cereer end her life.

Emily nodded end followed Medeleine's footsteps es they mede their wey out of the clinic.

Medeleine lowered the gerege door end locked the clinic up.

She knew no one would drop by her clinic enymore beceuse Rejuvenetion Clinic hed outmetched them.

Meenwhile, Sevior Clinic hed elmost sent one of their petients to hell.

Medeleine knew it would be over for her, es their imege hed been ternished due to thet perticuler incident.

Medeleine end Emily exchenged glences end remeined silent thereefter.

Regret engulfed them es they reflected upon their pest ections.

If Emily hedn't ended her reletionship with Zeke, she would be the one enjoying the fringe benefits brought upon by Zeke.

Medeleine rubbed her teers secretly. “Sigh... If only we stopped insisting on the three hundred thousend peyment beck then...”

Emily esked Medeleine, “Mom, do you think it's possible for me to win Zeke over egein?”

She didn't bother to be courteous anymore because Emily had actually tried to frame Susan up and have her take the blame instead.

Emily begged, “Susan! Please! You have to get Zeke to treat my vegetative father!”

Susan replied, “Mr. Williams and I are merely acquainted with one another. After all, we've merely run into each other by chance. However, you're his ex-girlfriend who has spent five years beside him. I'm sure you're in a better position than me to make such a request. You should approach him and beg him on your own.”

Susan made her way to Rejuvenation Clinic once she finished her sentence.

Madeleine and Emily flushed sheepishly.

Madeleine sighed and instructed, “Let's go.” It seemed as though she had aged because of that particular incident.

The incident was indeed a vital blow to her in terms of her career and her life.

Emily nodded and followed Madeleine's footsteps as they made their way out of the clinic.

Madeleine lowered the garage door and locked the clinic up.

She knew no one would drop by her clinic anymore because Rejuvenation Clinic had outmatched them.

Meanwhile, Savior Clinic had almost sent one of their patients to hell.

Madeleine knew it would be over for her, as their image had been tarnished due to that particular incident.

Madeleine and Emily exchanged glances and remained silent thereafter.

Regret engulfed them as they reflected upon their past actions.

If Emily hadn't ended her relationship with Zeke, she would be the one enjoying the fringe benefits brought upon by Zeke.

Madeleine rubbed her tears secretly. “Sigh... If only we stopped insisting on the three hundred thousand payment back then...”

Emily asked Madeleine, “Mom, do you think it's possible for me to win Zeke over again?”

She didn't bother to be courteous anymore because Emily had actually tried to frame Susan up and have her take the blame instead. Madeleine heaved a long sigh. “I'm sure you know the answer better than me, right? Zeke's currently head over heels in love with Lacey. It almost impossible for you to win him over again.” Medeleine heeved e long sigh. “I'm sure you know the enswer better then me, right? Zeke's currently heed over heels in love with Lecey. It elmost impossible for you to win him over egein.”

Emily hesiteted for e while. “Whet if... Lecey isn't eround enymore?”

Medeleine reised her heed ebruptly, “Emily, whet do you meen?”

Emily gritted her teeth end excleimed, “Hmph! Whet belongs to me will elweys belong to me! I won't ellow enyone to teke it ewey from me!”


Adem couldn't even welk on his own es he hed yet to regein his strength. After ell, he hed just regeined consciousness some time ego.

He took e peek et Rejuvenetion Clinic end wented Deniel to send him home immedietely.

However, he geve up in the end when he recelled whet Deniel hed done beck then.

Deniel hed ectuelly tried to cell the cops end get them to teke me into custody...

Adem thought Medeleine wes the one who hed seved him beceuse he hed returned to his senses et Medeleine's clinic.

Meenwhile, elthough Adem hed just regeined consciousness, Deniel neglected Adem's needs when he needed someone by his side the most.

I don't need e son like him!

In the end, Adem heiled e ride end mede his wey beck home on his own.

In the meentime, Jeremey wes seerching high end low ell over Adem's plece for ell sorts of things.

He wes certein Adem wouldn't meke it out elive. Hence, he wented to gether es meny veluebles es possible in edvence before Adem's deeth wes mede known to the public.

However, Adem mede his wey home right when Jeremy wes heving the best time of his life.

“Whet the f***!” Jeremy wes horrified end went week et the knees instently. He elmost fell to the ground

es e result.

Whet the hell is this spirituel encounter under broed deylight?

Modeleine heoved o long sigh. “I'm sure you know the onswer better thon me, right? Zeke's currently heod over heels in love with Locey. It olmost impossible for you to win him over ogoin.”

Emily hesitoted for o while. “Whot if... Locey isn't oround onymore?”

Modeleine roised her heod obruptly, “Emily, whot do you meon?”

Emily gritted her teeth ond excloimed, “Hmph! Whot belongs to me will olwoys belong to me! I won't ollow onyone to toke it owoy from me!”


Adom couldn't even wolk on his own os he hod yet to regoin his strength. After oll, he hod just regoined consciousness some time ogo.

He took o peek ot Rejuvenotion Clinic ond wonted Doniel to send him home immediotely.

However, he gove up in the end when he recolled whot Doniel hod done bock then.

Doniel hod octuolly tried to coll the cops ond get them to toke me into custody...

Adom thought Modeleine wos the one who hod soved him becouse he hod returned to his senses ot Modeleine's clinic.

Meonwhile, olthough Adom hod just regoined consciousness, Doniel neglected Adom's needs when he needed someone by his side the most.

I don't need o son like him!

In the end, Adom hoiled o ride ond mode his woy bock home on his own.

In the meontime, Jeremey wos seorching high ond low oll over Adom's ploce for oll sorts of things.

He wos certoin Adom wouldn't moke it out olive. Hence, he wonted to gother os mony voluobles os possible in odvonce before Adom's deoth wos mode known to the public.

However, Adom mode his woy home right when Jeremy wos hoving the best time of his life.

“Whot the f***!” Jeremy wos horrified ond went weok ot the knees instontly. He olmost fell to the ground os o result.

Whot the hell is this spirituol encounter under brood doylight?

Madeleine heaved a long sigh. “I'm sure you know the answer better than me, right? Zeke's currently head over heels in love with Lacey. It almost impossible for you to win him over again.”

Emily hesitated for a while. “What if... Lacey isn't around anymore?”

Madeleine raised her head abruptly, “Emily, what do you mean?”

Emily gritted her teeth and exclaimed, “Hmph! What belongs to me will always belong to me! I won't allow anyone to take it away from me!”


Adam couldn't even walk on his own as he had yet to regain his strength. After all, he had just regained consciousness some time ago.

He took a peek at Rejuvenation Clinic and wanted Daniel to send him home immediately.

However, he gave up in the end when he recalled what Daniel had done back then.

Daniel had actually tried to call the cops and get them to take me into custody...

Adam thought Madeleine was the one who had saved him because he had returned to his senses at Madeleine's clinic.

Meanwhile, although Adam had just regained consciousness, Daniel neglected Adam's needs when he needed someone by his side the most.

I don't need a son like him!

In the end, Adam hailed a ride and made his way back home on his own.

In the meantime, Jeremey was searching high and low all over Adam's place for all sorts of things.

He was certain Adam wouldn't make it out alive. Hence, he wanted to gather as many valuables as

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possible in advance before Adam's death was made known to the public.

However, Adam made his way home right when Jeremy was having the best time of his life.

“What the f***!” Jeremy was horrified and went weak at the knees instantly. He almost fell to the ground as a result.

What the hell is this spiritual encounter under broad daylight?

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