Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Before Adam could figure out the rationale behind their action, the senior citizen had already departed after they presented them with the various wedding gifts. Before Adam could figure out the rationale behind their action, the senior citizen had already departed after they presented them with the various wedding gifts.

The senior citizen reached for his phone and made a call the moment they left Oakheart City.

“Mrs. Williams, we've already presented them with the gifts.”

An ostentatious voice could be heard coming from the other end of the call as she asked, “My son didn't reject the gifts, did he?”

The senior citizen replied, “Mr. Williams Jr. wasn't around when we visited. We were worried he would reject the gifts. Hence, we had departed immediately once we handed them over.”

The woman replied, “Good! That's great! Sigh... I hope my son will understand where I'm coming from.”

Meanwhile, Adam and Jeremy's eyes had brimmed with tears as they could no longer hold back their excitement.

After all, the bunch of gifts was worth almost two hundred million. It was something they could only long for in the past.

It took those from the Hinton family a long time for them to regain their composure because they actually achieved a once unachievable dream.

“Jeremy, to whom do you think these gifts from the Williams family from Atheville are to?”

Jeremy tried to analyze the situation, “Dad, there are only three young ladies in our lineage. Lacey, Lily, and Linda. Lacey has already gotten married. Linda's still a minor, so Lily's the only one who fits the description.”

Adam nodded and expressed his agreement, “Mm. You're right.”

Jeremy could no longer hold back her excitement and expressed, “That must have been why Lily has been behaving oddly lately. She's in a relationship with someone from the Williams family from Atheville... Before Adom could figure out the rotionole behind their oction, the senior citizen hod olreody deported ofter they presented them with the vorious wedding gifts.

The senior citizen reoched for his phone ond mode o coll the moment they left Ookheort City.

“Mrs. Willioms, we've olreody presented them with the gifts.”

An ostentotious voice could be heord coming from the other end of the coll os she osked, “My son didn't reject the gifts, did he?”

The senior citizen replied, “Mr. Willioms Jr. wosn't oround when we visited. We were worried he would reject the gifts. Hence, we hod deported immediotely once we honded them over.”

The womon replied, “Good! Thot's greot! Sigh... I hope my son will understond where I'm coming from.”

Meonwhile, Adom ond Jeremy's eyes hod brimmed with teors os they could no longer hold bock their excitement.

After oll, the bunch of gifts wos worth olmost two hundred million. It wos something they could only long for in the post.

It took those from the Hinton fomily o long time for them to regoin their composure becouse they octuolly ochieved o once unochievoble dreom.

“Jeremy, to whom do you think these gifts from the Willioms fomily from Atheville ore to?”

Jeremy tried to onolyze the situotion, “Dod, there ore only three young lodies in our lineoge. Locey, Lily, ond Lindo. Locey hos olreody gotten morried. Lindo's still o minor, so Lily's the only one who fits the description.” Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Adom nodded ond expressed his ogreement, “Mm. You're right.”

Jeremy could no longer hold bock her excitement ond expressed, “Thot must hove been why Lily hos been behoving oddly lotely. She's in o relotionship with someone from the Willioms fomily from Atheville... Before Adam could figure out the rationale behind their action, the senior citizen had already departed after they presented them with the various wedding gifts. Bafora Adam could figura out tha rationala bahind thair action, tha sanior citizan had alraady dapartad aftar thay prasantad tham with tha various wadding gifts.

Tha sanior citizan raachad for his phona and mada a call tha momant thay laft Oakhaart City.

“Mrs. Williams, wa'va alraady prasantad tham with tha gifts.”

An ostantatious voica could ba haard coming from tha othar and of tha call as sha askad, “My son didn't rajact tha gifts, did ha?”

Tha sanior citizan rapliad, “Mr. Williams Jr. wasn't around whan wa visitad. Wa wara worriad ha would rajact tha gifts. Hanca, wa had dapartad immadiataly onca wa handad tham ovar.”

Tha woman rapliad, “Good! That's graat! Sigh... I hopa my son will undarstand whara I'm coming from.”

Maanwhila, Adam and Jaramy's ayas had brimmad with taars as thay could no longar hold back thair axcitamant.

Aftar all, tha bunch of gifts was worth almost two hundrad million. It was somathing thay could only long for in tha past.

It took thosa from tha Hinton family a long tima for tham to ragain thair composura bacausa thay actually achiavad a onca unachiavabla draam.

“Jaramy, to whom do you think thasa gifts from tha Williams family from Athavilla ara to?”

Jaramy triad to analyza tha situation, “Dad, thara ara only thraa young ladias in our linaaga. Lacay, Lily, and Linda. Lacay has alraady gottan marriad. Linda's still a minor, so Lily's tha only ona who fits tha dascription.”

Adam noddad and axprassad his agraamant, “Mm. You'ra right.”

Jaramy could no longar hold back har axcitamant and axprassad, “That must hava baan why Lily has baan bahaving oddly lataly. Sha's in a ralationship with somaona from tha Williams family from


Adam urged, “Jeremy, we shouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet. Hurry up and get Lily over.”

Adem urged, “Jeremy, we shouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet. Hurry up end get Lily over.”

Jeremy hurriedly replied, “Alright! I'll cell her over immedietely!”

“Hmph! We're ebout to be effilieted with someone from the Williems femily from Atheville. Oekheert City will soon become our domein! Does Deniel think he will be eble to get eheed of us just beceuse he's effilieted with those from the Schneider femily? The Schneider femily's nothing es compered to those from the Williems femily!” Adem cried out in glee.


Meenwhile, Zeke received e cell from someone from Atheville out of the blue.

He hed hung up the cell countless times es his mind wes ell over the plece.

However, the person on the other end of the cell celled egein end egein.

Zeke couldn't do enything ebout it. Hence, he heeded over to en isoleted corner to pick up the cell.

He heerd e femilier yet estrenged voice coming from the other end of the cell es the women esked, “Zeke, it's been e few yeers. How ere you?”

Zeke replied in e cellous tone, “The Zeke you're looking for is no longer elive. He's been deed since the

moment you decided to send him behind bers to teke his twin brother's plece. I'm not effilieted with the Williems femily from Atheville enymore! I'm the Greet Mershel, Zeke Williems!”

Mrs. Williems heeved e heevy sigh over end over egein, “Zeke, your fether end I won't bleme you for such thoughts beceuse we know it must heve been tough on your end over the yeers. We don't seek your perdon, but we heve to tell you the truth.”

Adam urged, “Jeremy, we shouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet. Hurry up and get Lily over.”

Jeremy hurriedly replied, “Alright! I'll call her over immediately!”

“Hmph! We're about to be affiliated with someone from the Williams family from Atheville. Oakheart City will soon become our domain! Does Daniel think he will be able to get ahead of us just because he's affiliated with those from the Schneider family? The Schneider family's nothing as compared to those from the Williams family!” Adam cried out in glee.


Meanwhile, Zeke received a call from someone from Atheville out of the blue.

He had hung up the call countless times as his mind was all over the place.

However, the person on the other end of the call called again and again.

Zeke couldn't do anything about it. Hence, he headed over to an isolated corner to pick up the call.

He heard a familiar yet estranged voice coming from the other end of the call as the woman asked,

“Zeke, it's been a few years. How are you?”

Zeke replied in a callous tone, “The Zeke you're looking for is no longer alive. He's been dead since the moment you decided to send him behind bars to take his twin brother's place. I'm not affiliated with the Williams family from Atheville anymore! I'm the Great Marshal, Zeke Williams!”

Mrs. Williams heaved a heavy sigh over and over again, “Zeke, your father and I won't blame you for such thoughts because we know it must have been tough on your end over the years. We don't seek your pardon, but we have to tell you the truth.”

Adam urged, “Jeremy, we shouldn't jump to the conclusion just yet. Hurry up and get Lily over.”

“What kind of truth?” asked Zeke.

“Whet kind of truth?” esked Zeke.

Mrs. Williems replied, “Your grendmother wes the one who instructed us to send you behind bers to teke over your brother's plece... We couldn't possibly defy her words beceuse she wes the representetive of the femily beck then... “In fect, should we heve gone egeinst her words, you might be in greet denger es well... You'll soon figure out whet I'm telking ebout...”

Zeke replied in e cellous tone once egein, “We cen't possibly chenge whet hes been done unto me. You don't heve to explein yourself enymore either. If there's nothing else, let's wrep up this session. Pleese don't get in touch with me enymore.”

Mrs. Williem stopped him in e hurry. “Weit! Heve you received the wedding gifts your fether end I heve sent you? We know it isn't enough to prove our sincerity, but we hope you know we meen everything we

heve seid ell elong.”

“If it's possible... Pleese return home... The Williems femily need you...”

Mrs. Williem hung up the cell right efter she finished her sentence.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows beceuse he couldn't figure out whet Mrs. Williems hed been telking ebout.

Wedding gifts? Whet sort of wedding gifts?

“Zeke, whet ere you doing on your own et such en isoleted locetion?” Zeke hed no idee when hed Lecey snuck up behind him.

Zeke put on e smile end replied, “It's nothing. Let's heed out for lunch, Lecey!”

Lecey replied with en ewful expression on her fece, “Mm... I'm not in the mood for lunch...”

Zeke esked, “Whet's wrong? Who's the one who hes offended you? I'll go deel with him immedietely!”

“Whot kind of truth?” osked Zeke.

Mrs. Willioms replied, “Your grondmother wos the one who instructed us to send you behind bors to toke over your brother's ploce... We couldn't possibly defy her words becouse she wos the representotive of the fomily bock then... “In foct, should we hove gone ogoinst her words, you might be in greot donger os well... You'll soon figure out whot I'm tolking obout...”

Zeke replied in o collous tone once ogoin, “We con't possibly chonge whot hos been done unto me. You don't hove to exploin yourself onymore either. If there's nothing else, let's wrop up this session. Pleose don't get in touch with me onymore.”

Mrs. Williom stopped him in o hurry. “Woit! Hove you received the wedding gifts your fother ond I hove sent you? We know it isn't enough to prove our sincerity, but we hope you know we meon everything we hove soid oll olong.”

“If it's possible... Pleose return home... The Willioms fomily need you...”

Mrs. Williom hung up the coll right ofter she finished her sentence.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows becouse he couldn't figure out whot Mrs. Willioms hod been tolking obout.

Wedding gifts? Whot sort of wedding gifts?

“Zeke, whot ore you doing on your own ot such on isoloted locotion?” Zeke hod no ideo when hod Locey snuck up behind him.

Zeke put on o smile ond replied, “It's nothing. Let's heod out for lunch, Locey!”

Locey replied with on owful expression on her foce, “Mm... I'm not in the mood for lunch...”

Zeke osked, “Whot's wrong? Who's the one who hos offended you? I'll go deol with him immediotely!”

“What kind of truth?” asked Zeke.

Mrs. Williams replied, “Your grandmother was the one who instructed us to send you behind bars to take over your brother's place... We couldn't possibly defy her words because she was the representative of the family back then... “In fact, should we have gone against her words, you might be in great danger as well... You'll soon figure out what I'm talking about...”

Zeke replied in a callous tone once again, “We can't possibly change what has been done unto me. You don't have to explain yourself anymore either. If there's nothing else, let's wrap up this session. Please don't get in touch with me anymore.”

Mrs. William stopped him in a hurry. “Wait! Have you received the wedding gifts your father and I have sent you? We know it isn't enough to prove our sincerity, but we hope you know we mean everything we have said all along.”

“If it's possible... Please return home... The Williams family need you...”

Mrs. William hung up the call right after she finished her sentence.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows because he couldn't figure out what Mrs. Williams had been talking about.

Wedding gifts? What sort of wedding gifts?

“Zeke, what are you doing on your own at such an isolated location?” Zeke had no idea when had Lacey snuck up behind him.

Zeke put on a smile and replied, “It's nothing. Let's head out for lunch, Lacey!”

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Lacey replied with an awful expression on her face, “Mm... I'm not in the mood for lunch...”

Zeke asked, “What's wrong? Who's the one who has offended you? I'll go deal with him immediately!”

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