
Chapter 161

Chapter 72 Loved Ones

“I miss you in ways that not even words can understand. – Gemma Troy


Nightfall brought its silvery partner, the moon, to dazzle the world with its luminescence acting as a guiding light through the dark. The stars twinkled in their silent symphony as the celestial diamond stole the show. But I didn’t have the energy to admire the spectacle. It has officially been one day since the devastating attack and the anxiety from the pack members soured the air.

Sleeping wasn’t an option, not with imminent danger plauging our hearts. I checked up on families that lost their loved ones, members recovering in the hospital, and assisting with repairing minor damages to the pack house and the smaller homes. Many expressed their fears of another attack and began arranging temporary shelter elsewhere until the danger passes, if at all. It hurt to see many saddened and frightened faces as Zircon Moon lost its medal of safety and security.

But there was a common theme when I checked on the members of the older generation.

Is there a plan in place to rescue Dad, Ashley, and Steven?

No, there wasn’t. At least, not yet.

Osiris’ location was a growing mystery irking my soul. The bastard was proficient in covering his tracks. I caught a lucky break when Anthony phoned me earlier to say that he and his team believes the snake is in Oregon. That small bit of information filled me with hope. Where Osiris is, Lady Sanguine is there. While the information came at a great time, it leaves us both at a lost-the state is huge with endless amounts of forestry. If we deploy our soldiers to search the entire state, we’ll waste time, and by the time we reach our destination, Dad, Ashley, and Steven will be dead. The information isn’t sufficient to move forward with a rescue mission

Kiya’s necklace rested in my palm as my thumb caressed the cracked full moon pendant. Despite the damage, the image glowed under the moonlight in the darkness. I haven’t found the time to get it fixed, but the chill of the silver is redolent of my mate’s missing presence. Everything is colder without her around, but she’s spreading the flames of hatred as she holds Dad and the Betas prisoner.

But the question is, do I want my father back? Time and time again, he’s proven that he isn’t trustworthy. I can take him assassinating my character, but my respect for him combusted into flames when he admitted to the car crash. He almost killed Kiya and her family because of his anger.

However, that is not the reason he needs to be rescued. It is because of what Lady Sanguine will do. During the aftermath, patrols discovered Odessa’s body, along with the guards I assigned to take her back to the dungeons in the open field. Someone sliced her throat to where the wound exposed the muscles to the elements. Her hollow, lifeless eyes stared ahead at nothing, void of the life they once had. Odessa was killed shortly after Ariel separated from her. Kiya’s scent, once aromatic, turned sour, drenched the area.

I’m certain that this hell won’t end with anything other than my father’s and the Beta’s deaths.

I’m terrified. Has Kiya-Lady Sanguine killed him? A part of me doesn’t think so, but even gut intuition can be

wrong. With every kill, part of the soul dies. Before the person knows it, they are but a hollow shell.

programmed for murder. Kiya, naturally, has a benevolent, bright soul. She is a good person, through and through. However, if Lady Sanguine kills my dad, I’m scared that Kiya will never return to the path of light. Osiris’ hold over her will be absolute.

Onyx and I will lose our mate for good.

I have to rescue them; not for their sake, but Kiya’s.

But that begs the question.” Onyx’s strong, rumbling voice spoke. If Kiya doesn’t kill him, would you be the one to do so?”

“I’m not a god, Onyx. I can’t choose who lives and who dies.”

“No, but we don’t have a choice in this matter.” My wolf paced around in my mind. “I’m not telling you to play god, but you need to weigh the pros and the cons of keeping him alive. I’m not waiting for old age to kill the man. That kind of death is too merciful.”

A heavy sigh left my lips as I rubbed my face, taking a seat in my chair. I press my back against the backrest, staring at the moon peeking through the window in my office. My heart stung like a hornet’s sting. The conflicting images of my father played side by side in my mind, displaying moments where he was a complete monster and others where he was a loving father. The father I needed.

I’ve lied awake at night thinking of solutions about my father. Exile, banishment, hoping the bastard somehow repents-everything. Peaceful resolutions won’t work this time and I know it, deep down. My father is guiltless, just as Odessa was. Both made the life of my mate a living hell and kept secrets from me that didn’t come to light until after I lost Kiya for the second time.

It both angers and saddens me at the same time.

He’s the only family I have left.”

“What the hell am I, chopped liver? You have me, dumbass!”

“You live in my head, Onyx.”

I still count.” I know he’s rolling his eyes. “You also have family in Norway. Your mom’s family.”

“They haven’t spoken to us since Mom and Nuria died, and I don’t blame them. They were in just as much pain as we were, and what do I say to them, Onyx? But back to Dad. If I kill him, wouldn’t that make me as bad as the men before me? Wouldn’t I be on par with those monsters?”

I can’t be like them.

“No, because you have a heart. Think about it this way; would leaving your father alive do more harm or good?

“Harm. No doubt.”

Neron, you literally have your answer, but I know this isn’t a simple decision to make. Me? I clearly

wrong. With every kill, part of the soul dies, Before the person knows it, they are but a hollow shell

programmed for murder. Kiya, naturally, has a benevolent, bright soul. She is a good person, through and through. However, if Lady Sanguine kills my dad, I’m scared that Kiya will never return to the path of light. Osiris’ hold over her will be absolute.

Onyx and I will lose our mate for good.

I have to rescue them; not for their sake, but Kiya’s.

“But that begs the question.” Onyx’s strong, rumbling voice spoke. “If Kiya doesn’t kill him, would you be the one to do so?” 

I’m not a god, Onyx. I can’t choose who lives and who dies.”

“No, but we don’t have a choice in this matter.” My wolf paced around in my mind. “I’m not telling you to play god, but you need to weigh the pros and the cons of keeping him alive. I’m not waiting for old age to kill the man. That kind of death is too merciful.”

A heavy sigh left my lips as I rubbed my face, taking a seat in my chair. I press my back against the backrest, staring at the moon peeking through the window in my office. My heart stung like a hornet’s sting. The conflicting images of my father played side by side in my mind, displaying moments where he was a complete monster and others where he was a loving father. The father I needed.

I’ve lied awake at night thinking of solutions about my father. Exile, banishment, hoping the bastard somehow repents-everything. Peaceful resolutions won’t work this time and I know it, deep down. My father is guiltless, just as Odessa was. Both made the life of my mate a living hell and kept secrets from me that didn’t come to light until after I lost Kiya for the second time.

It both angers and saddens me at the same time.

He’s the only family I have left.”

“What the hell am I, chopped liver? You have me, dumbass!”

“You live in my head, Onyx.”

“I still count.” I know he’s rolling his eyes. “You also have family in Norway. Your mom’s family.”

“They haven’t spoken to us since Mom and Nuria died, and I don’t blame them. They were in just as much pain as we were, and what do I say to them, Onyx? But back to Dad. If I kill him, wouldn’t that make me as bad as the men before me? Wouldn’t I be on par with those monsters?”

I can’t be like them

“No, because you have a heart. Think about it this way; would leaving your father alive do more harm

or good?” 

“Harm. No doubt.”

“Neron, you literally have your answer, but I know this isn’t a simple decision to make. Me? I clearly d


on’t give a fuck about your Dad or Raina’s parents. But we can’t let Klyn fall further into the darkness. You-no, we have to end your Dad before she does.”

“Kiya isn’t lost yet, Onyx. She’s still in there, in whatever Lady Sanguine Is.” I felt her, smelled her, and saw her. All before Osiris ruined everything. Kiya is fighting to get out, I know it!

“We saw her light in her eyes! We can’t let that disappear forever because I will tear this world apart if I lose Artemis!”

“Were you able to get a hold of her at all?” I asked.

Onyx’s mood deflated, his cars lowering in sadness. “No…I couldn’t, even with how close we got.”

“We must kill

Osiris too.”

Oh, that’s a given. I’ll use his fucking face as my chew toy.

Speaking of the walking enigma, during our fight, his taunts had a certain level of malice in them. He had referenced my great-grandfather several times, not to mention ending my bloodline before Dad showed up. Along with the news about Oregon, Anthony also informed me of his speculations about Osiris’ fixation on Zircon Moon’s movements long before the attack. He could’ve been stalking my pack and the attacks on other packs were simply target practice.

But that’s all they were. Speculations. The only person who can tell about Osiris’ motivations is Osiris himself. This attack was personal. My great-grandfather did something to him. He has his motives for revenge, and Lady Sanguine is his weapon of destruction.

What aren’t you telling me, Osiris? How many secrets do you hold?

As I sat, my eyes drooped. Lack of sleep consumed me in my failed efforts of squeezing my eyes shut and opening them to stay awake. Sadly, this made everything worse. I haven’t slept since the attack, and it is catching

up to me quicker than a cheetah.

“Shit.” I grumbled, opening the window slightly ajar. The night air billowed in and cooled my furnace-like. body down, but instead of waking me up, it did the exact opposite. Sleep rushed in and demanded my surrender. Unable to fight it off, I rested the back of my head on the spine of my chair and dozed off.

A couple minutes of sleep wouldn’t hurt, right?


I need to stop listening to myself.

White welcomed me in a world flowing with serenity and joy. Light hovered over the heaven-like domain, guiding and helpful as it led me further into the realm. Without a doubt, I felt out of place, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Onyx was silent in my head as he is in all of my dreams. Huffing in a sharp breath, I traversed down further into a continuous flower field with their petals tickling my toes. Every petal shone a lustrous glow, revealing the hidden rainbows bathing the field with magic, a wonderland. Clouds fluttered past 

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me, dissipating on contact with my fingers. The air carried a gentle, but pleasant scent similar to freesia flowers, enticing a smile on my face. I walked until I reached a temperate pond waiting for ripples on its surface.

The same iridescent flowers decorated the exterior of the pool, but their glow was more notable than its fellow florae. The familiar chill I’m used to is non-existent, Instead replaced by a joyous warmth that encircled me from head to toe. This place is in harsh contrast to the dreams and nightmares that pick which night to torment me. Here I felt welcomed and protected.

Almost as if something was waiting for me here.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Walking to the pond, I kneeled on the ground and dipped my hand into the water, watching the surface dance in ripples and waves. My eyebrows arched in both curiosity and confusion. Huh. Ponds aren’t usually warm, but this one is. It wasn’t an awful warmth, but a pleasant one, like if you wanted to relax in a bath after a long day.

How strange.

Then again, this entire realm is strange underneath the veil of light and silver. Why this type of dream? Why



The entire world froze when the saccharine, yet gut-wrenching voice spoke. Nostalgia engulfed me like a violent tsunami with powerful shock riding the waves, clouding my senses. My eyes widened and my breath hitched in my throat. Sweat perspired though my pores and I couldn’t move nor speak. That voice ensnared the Alpha faster than anything I’ve come across.

“Neron, I know you can hear me. Don’t act as if you don’t, please.”

Chills nestled in their favorite place in the middle of my back. So many reasons festered in my mind as an answer to the owner of the voice, deftly avoiding the one correct answer I’m afraid to acknowledge. My mind is playing tricks on me from all the stress. Yes, that’s it! It is a trick; a hopeless trick toying with the heart of


Surely, it can’t be-!

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Neron!” The voice groaned, annoyed. “Turn around so I can finally see my big brother after thirteen goddamn years!”

My body twisted around so fast that I thought I got whiplash, but the pain didn’t hold a candle to the beautiful woman standing before me in a silver dress. “It’s about time! I thought you were deaf for a second there.”

Her smile aged but held that same star-striking shine, holding a level of warmth and glee I thought I’d never seen again. Her ebony tresses matched mine, longer and silkier, scarcely brushing against her elbows. The twin admiral orbs overflowed with an abundance of excitement as she did a small dance, waiting for my reaction. I couldn’t match her dance! I wanted to scream, cry, rip my hair out, but I couldn’t. I was a robot waiting for a command that never came. Instead, I summoned the fleeting power in my muscles and reached out with my shaky palms, cupping her tanned cheeks to relish the supple flesh.


Tears fell, and they didn’t stop falling. One tear turned to two, and two turned into a pair of raging rivers. My heart throbbed to the beat of a drum, hitting my ribcage so hard that my lungs didn’t bother to work after the initial shock. How could this be? This is a dream, but why does she feel so real? A painful gasp erupted from my throat when the woman pressed her smaller palms on top of mine, her eyes filling with unshed tears.

“N-N-Nuria? Is that really you?”

“Yeah, it’s me. Metaphorically, in the flesh!” Her smile turned into a smirk. “The one and only, unless I’m cloned-whoa!”

“Nuria!!!” My sister! My sweet, trouble-making little sister! I buried my face in the crook of her neck when I yanked her body into the tightest bear hug I could give. Pomegranates! She still smelled like pomegranates! My sobs turned to wailing, and it thus turned into screaming. I’ve made peace with the fact I’ll never see Nuria again. Death takes and never returns. But she’s here; real, tangible-1 can touch her!

Thirteen years of suppressed pain; missing her, wishing she’d come back, the loneliness of being an only child, growing accustomed to seeing her tombstone versus her face crushed the dam and opened the floodgates. I drowned in unspoken emotions I’ve long forgotten were a part of me, but Nuria’s light pulled me out of the chaos and into her arms. Her arms wrapped around my broad back, rubbing soothing circles as her head rested on my shoulder

“I missed you so much.” She murmured, nuzzling her nose against my hair. “It’s been so long…”

I didn’t speak. I just tightened my hold like someone was going to take her from me again.

Suddenly, my wailing got much louder when another presence joined us. A strong, tender, and loving presence. There is a reason mandarins are my favorite fruit because they reminded me of her. My legs buckled, and I dropped to my knees, taking the women with me, but they never broke out of their embrace. Another pair of arms wrapped around my body, humming a sweet melody in my ear that calmed my beating heart; a sweet nighttime melody that lost its luster after her death.

This is…too much.


“I’m here, skatten min.” Her whispers tugged at my heartstrings. “Shhh, it’s okay. It’ll all be okay.”

My tears distorted Mom’s image, but I didn’t care. Her warmth and touch were all I needed. I missed her heavenly presence in my life. There is something about a mother’s hugs that turns fear on itself. Everything is going to be okay because Mom said it will be. And I believe her. My cries didn’t settle, but I was more than elated to have Mom and Nuria around me.

My family.

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