
Chapter 160

Chapter 71 – Memory Recall 

“Things end but memories last forever.“– Unknown 


A new summer’s day starts off with the sun blessing my lands and the echoes of my wolves bombarding the air. It is something I look forward to each morning, and it fills my heart with joy. Happiness is no stranger to me as every day brings more warmth and possibilities for greatness and progress. 

Today wasn’t one of those days. 

News of the attack on Zircon Moon didn’t just reach my ears, but it crossed state lines. It is unheard of that a lone enemy can destroy a good portion of a titular pack, but it struck fear in the strongest hearts. Because of this, Alphas all over have increased security around their territories in case the threat spreads. No one was taking any chances. 

I followed suit. Security around the perimeters of my terrain increased in expectation that we might be next on Osiris‘ hit list. My members had asked why the sudden change when Garnet Moon was the safest pack on the West Coast, but I assured them it was a precautionary measure. I couldn’t tell the whole truth, for it would 

raise alarms. 

However, nothing could prepare me when Jacqueline and the others recounted the horrific details of the attack. They’ve arrived in the morning with heaviness in their hearts and sadness in their eyes. As if someone ripped their hearts out of their chest. Descriptions of the blood, the screaming, and the terror made it feel as if I was there on that calamitous night–and knowing they couldn’t do a thing to help is a type of helplessness I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. 

I couldn’t describe the gut–wrenching sensation I felt when I learned that my little sister led the charge. Corrupted. Misled by a snake in the grass. One bite of the poisonous fruit and she turned into a beast with Osiris holding the leash. All of what Lucien, Phoebe, and Nadia speculated not too long ago molded into the truth; Kiya could be beyond reach. If her friends couldn’t get through to her, what could? 

Kiya slaughtering people struck a lightning bolt of fear into my spine. I didn’t believe it was my little sister; the most humble and benevolent wolf that I know, aside from my mother. She isn’t the type to hurt people, no matter how angry she got. The group described an unhinged, vengeful animal, not Kiya. 

I refuse to call her by that wicked alias Osiris gave her. His name awakens an anger in me I never thought existed he took my family. He is a dead man as soon as I get my hands on him! 

Telling my parents wasn’t easy. Watching the devastation on their faces demanded that I repent for the sin of upsetting them. The light left my mother’s eyes as she cried, and the unspoken sadness in my father hurt deeply. I wanted to comfort them, but I knew it wouldn’t work. Mom looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Dad confirming it only aggravated my pain. 

They need Kiya back. ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

I couldn’t afford to waste time. We have to find Kiya and bring her home; even if it means dragging her kicking and screaming. If anyone knew answers about where Osiris is, it is Nadia and Lucien. Desperate times 


call for desperate measures. 

1 needed Phoebe’s expertise. 

You think Nadia and Lucien know where Osiris‘ main base Is?” Phoebe asked, carrying her black, thick book as we walked to the couple’s safe home. “Nadia said before that they didn’t know where they were coming from.” 

“I’m aware of that, but I believe if we keep pushing, they can recall things they couldn’t recall before.” I explained. “Is there anything in that book of spells that can help?” 

“It’s called a grimoire.” Phoebe answered with a playful eye–roll. “But, yes. There are spells in here for memory recall. To be transparent with you, these are the spells I don’t touch nor perform on a whim. These spells don’t just make the person recall specific memories; they can recall any–good and bad.” 

“I see. There is the risk that we might retraumatize them.” 

“Exactly. Memories are powerful, but some are better left buried and forgotten.” The witch paused for a moment and sighed, as if she was trying to push back some memories of her own. “We don’t know the full extent of what Nadia and Lucien experienced at Osiris‘ hands. They remember more than what their brains allow them to. What do you hope to gain from this?” 

“A way to know Kiya’s location. Osiris kept his business hidden–we know that, but if they’re able to recall things in the environment, it can point us in the right direction. We may not know the city, state, hell even the zip code of where they were, but I need something to work with.” The weight in my chest is back, pressing against my heart. I…I can’t believe what Kiya has become. She…it isn’t possible.” 

Anything is possible, Anthony.” Phoebe hugged her grimoire when she faced me. “Darkness and light have a complicated relationship. It isn’t as black and white as everyone thinks it is. Kiya is an amazing person with a great heart, but even those with big hearts struggle with their darkness–the feelings they’re forbidden to express. Just as Lucien said, if Osiris senses a weakness, he’ll exploit it and whether we like it or not, Kiya had many that she hid very well.” 

“You really thought about this, didn’t you?” 

Yep.” She nods. “But not all hope is lost, Anthony. You’re going to get your sister back. We just need to get creative and look at other avenues we haven’t thought of before. And take risks.” 

“I don’t take risks.” 

“You take calculated risks.” She smiled as we resumed walking. “But I don’t have to touch you to know that you fear the future.” 

It was my turn to pause. Goddamnit, I love and hate Phoebe’s perceptiveness. Yes, I’m scared. The image of my little sister in my mind is flawless and polished–I remember her as how I left her at Zircon Moon months ago. I haven’t seen her since. But, with these recent developments, I’m afraid of that perfect image distorting into something grotesque. Kiya, though every flaw and blemish she has, is still perfect in her own way. 

I hate the circumstances that led up to this. 

“Talk about it to someone.” Phoebe called out some distance ahead of me. “I’m not the most ideal person, but 

someone else could be.” 

I’ll keep that in mind.” 

As we drew closer to Nadia and Lucien’s home, I noticed a familiar pair walking toward their front door. Confused as we were, Phoebe and I trotted up to them. “Mom? Dad?” They turned to face me, shocked that I was even here. “What are you both doing here?” 

“We were…” Mom hesitated a bit, eyeing Dad for help. “…wondering if Nadia and Lucien could answer some questions for us.” 


“Where the snake lives.” Dad answered blandly. 

“Looks like we’re on the same wavelength.” Phoebe chuckled. “We’re going to do the same thing. Wouldn’t it be overwhelming for the four of us to be here?” 

“I don’t care.” Mom replied, firm in her stance. The light in her eyes is coming back, but it is not as prominent as before. I’m sick of not knowing, and I’m sick of waiting. Those two rested for long enough and I need answers on how I can get my baby back!” 

Despite our protests, Mom stalked to the white door of the modest house and knocked so hard the door shook. She was a woman on a mission–a mission formed out of desperation and impulsivity. When we caught up, we heard a yelp and rummaging echoing in the interior. Curious, I press my ear against the door to listen in

“Fuck, Lucien! Where did you put my clothes?” 

“Does it matter? You look better naked, anyway.” 

“Not in front of our guests! Where the hell is my bra–Lucien! Give it back!” 

“Why are the cups bigger than my face? It’s adorable!” 

“Because retail stores don’t sell bra sizes above D–get it off your face!” 

I could use this as a face mask if I wanted to!” 


“Fine, fine.” 

Oh Goddess Selene, were they fucking? 

Mom, impatient, slammed her fists against the door again. A save Bowl rumbled inside, along with the 

pitter–patter of footsteps. The door swung open to reveal a disheveled Lucien wearing his unbuttoned blouse inside–out and Nadia in a short robe. 

Yep. They were fucking

“Can we help you with something?” Lucien asked, irritated. Mom and Dad invited themselves into their home and made themselves comfortable on the couch while Phoebe entered hesitantly along with me

“It stinks of sex in here.” Mom blurted out. 

“Mom!” I shouted through mind–link. Nadia’s checks grow red and Lucien smirked. 

“Anyway…Phoebe fell to her knees at the coffee table, slamming her grimoire on the surface. “We wanted to talk to you both to see if you can recall anything else about your escape.” 

“We told you everything.” Nadia said, adjusting her robe. 

“Osiris and Kiya attacked Zircon Moon last night.” Their eyes widened. “The damage is severe, and they’ve kidnapped the old Alpha and Betas. We need to know where Osiris is located so we can retrieve them and my sister. The smallest detail would help.” 

…Most likely, keep would keep them in the prisons.” Lucien explained with a weighty sigh. “We were there until we broke out. We never looked back, and we don’t know where his home is located, but it was in a deep woodsy area.” 

“That’s a start.” Dad muttered. “What about the direction you ran in? Did any scents stick out, maybe the weather?” 

“We just kept running until we came across smaller, unestablished packs and supernaturals that took us in. The direction didn’t matter–we needed to get far away from Osiris has possible.” Nadia’s eyebrow arched. “But your pack was south. So we headed south.” 

“Okay, I’m ready.” Our attention turned to the witch on her knees. “With both your permissions, I’ll cast a memory recall spell where you’ll be put into a trance.” 

“Will it hurt?” Nadia asked. 

“Physically, no. Again, it is up to you two if you want to go through this.” 

The couple spared glat one another, teetering between acceptance and rejection. From the look in their eyes, they didn’t want to relive the intimate details of their escape but understand the importance of it. We shared looks, some of hope and some of anxiety. But, in the end, Nadia and Lucien agreed to participate. 

Mom, Dad, and I watched as Phoebe place the two in a trance once they settled on the couch. Purple and white wisps of magic emitted from her palms and sunk into the skin on the couple’s shoulders. The surrounding area sunk in temperature as the spell progressed and Phoebe’s magic buzzed through the air, urging us to huddle for warmth. Between Nadia and Lucien was shaking, sweating, and soft cursing, but the witch helped them with guiding questions so that my parents and I can receive the clues to Kiya’s location. 

Dense forests for miles. 

Clouds blocked the sun. 

Yelling and screaming from Ostris subordinates to capture them. 

Pain–cuts and bruises littered their bodies as they dodged every tree and log. 

The shadows were both ally and enemy because Osiris maneuvers through it with ease. 

When Nadia couldn’t go on, Lucien muscled his way to safety with the woman in their arms. 

Their escape seemed too easy. 

“The trees smelled like Christmas trees.” Nadia said out of the blue. “I smelled pine everywhere.” 

“It felt like we stepped from one dimension to another–like we burst through the bubble of darkness into the light.” Lucien added. Phoebe’s eyes, purple and glowing, shot open as she halted the trance, knocking the couple back into reality with a gasp. She gave me a knowing, frightful look before she gathered her grimoire and left the house. Mom took off after her. 

“I’m sorry we couldn’t be more helpful.” Nadia answered, bowing her head. 

I shook my head. “You both did good; there is nothing to apologize for. Get some rest and we’ll let you know if we find anything.” Dad and I turned on our heels and left the home to catch up with Mom and a spooked Phoebe. 

“I think the trees Nadia described are Douglas Fir.” I proposed. “They’re indigenous to the northern states like Washington and Oregon, stretching to Canada. They’re also in Idaho and Montana.” 

“Since they were told to head south to our pack, it’d make sense if they came from the North.” Dad added on thoughtfully. “But that is yet a vast area to cover.” 

“Didn’t they mention before that they encountered fairies and other creatures?” Mom mentioned. “They’re found in trees, right?” 

“Oregon.” We all looked at Phoebe, clutching her book until her knuckles grew white. Her breathing became erratic. I’ve never seen her so frightened. “Oregon has the largest population of supernatural beings in all of North America, Salem is where most of them stay. Since Osiris‘ army consists of witches and hybrids, it makes sense he would stay in an area where he has an endless supply of them to lure into his cult.” 

“Oregon is right above us, which means Osiris never left the West Coast. Something tells me he didn’t choose Oregon on a whim.” I explained, tapping my cheek. 

“He could have.” Dad shrugged. “We don’t know how his mind works.” 

“It’s not a coincidence that he was in the center of where different packs were attacked and destroyed in the Tri–State area several months ago. Osiris was practicing for the main event! Don’t forget that Oregon sits above Nevada too.” 

That is when I noticed Mom’s eyes widening when she caught onto it all. “He kept Zircon Moon under his surveillance?” 

“Most likely. The ambush last night wasn’t sloppy; it was planned. Osiris doesn’t seem like the type to attack 

impulsively and why he has Kiya in the first place, I believe, is the key to understanding his true motivations.” 

“Endo is in Salem now, so I’ll call him to ask if there have been any magical disturbances as of late and in what area. There are a lot of forests and woodsy areas in Oregon, so it is still a huge area to search.” Phoebe shut her eyes. Anthony? Can I make a request?” 

“I know what you’re going to say, Phoebe. You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. When I plan for a travel mission, you don’t need to participate.” 

The anxiety departed Phoebe’s shoulders, making her sigh with relief. Phoebe never talked about her past, nor was it my business to know, but something about Oregon scared her. I can’t place her in a compromising position like that. 

Thank you.” 

Nodding. I turn to my parents. “Something is better than nothing. This is our big break to getting Kiya back. I’ll call Neron and relay what we’ve found out.” 

Mom and Dad both sighed with relief, smiles creeping up on their aging faces. The light is already returning and the heaviness on my heart has lifted. 

Hang on, little sis. 

We’re coming. 

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