
Chapter 152

Chapter 63 Off Limits 


If he’d done something to harm her, I would annihilate him.“–Stephenie Meyer 


Children are so precious. Blissful ignorance carved a pathway to their innocence and joy–unaware of the world’s dangers. I watched tiny hands grasping onto their parents‘ hands as they walk through the dangerous streets and listened to their infectious laughter when playing with their friends in the park. 

Purity. Abundant purity. I wanted to reach out and touch it; to get a feeling of what I once had. Tainted, I cant never be pure again, but it doesn’t mean I can’t protect it. Oh, how I want to hold and tell them that the world. will never harm them as long as I live. 

But how can I? I am one with the darkness. Its black tendrils wrap around my body, chaining me into its everlasting charm. It caresses and pampers me as if I’m its child. Pain is non–existent and my happiness mattered. Why should I step into the world of light when the darkness has done more for me in keeping me safe? I can’t enter a world that doesn’t guarantee my protection. 

Sometimes it is lonely. At random times, I crave for my family. I want my mother and father with me, and my brother and sister. I wanted my friends as well. The army of witches and hybrids cannot replace the people my heart treasured. My darkness cannot taint that sacred part of my blackened heart–it is untouchable, guarded fiercely by my undying love for them. Even when I saw my mother today, my heart burned with life. 

Then I remembered. I cannot expose myself so carelessly. That is why I ran from Phoebe when she saw me too. Osiris‘ plans cannot fall to ruins. I am to stick by his side at all times, notably since the wolves from my pack have blended with our minions on the streets. How long until Anthony and the others know? A part of me wants them to find me so we can be together, but the other part recognizes that Osiris is wise, and he has a plan for everything. 

Behind me are bags of clothes–expensive clothes–he purchased for me. They are to be tailored and fitted once we go back home to add to my new dark wardrobe. I’m no seamstress, but I’m excited to see what ideas he has for me. Yet, I don’t feel that bubble of excitement in my stomach. 

I wonder why? 

Osiris and I are sitting on a secluded bench in a shaded area of St. James Park with his arms wrapped tight around my waist. My head rests on his shoulder as I watch the children play in the distance. Hearing their laughter brings a smile to my face. 

“Will the children be safe in our new world?I asked him out of the blue. “I want nothing to happen to them.” He shuffled a bit before expelling a deep, rumbling sigh. 

“If that is what you want, Little Moon.” Osiris answered. “You will be their protector, their dark guardian angel. We just have to eliminate the danger first.” 

A painful sting lanced through my heart, causing me to wince. I don’t know why that happened. Osiris must have noticed because he squeezed me tighter. No pain, please, no pain! Before I could say anything else, a hybrid walked up to Osiris and whispered in his ear. I watched his face go from calm shock to slight anger to at 

dangerous grin. The hybrid left, leaving the both of us alone. 

“Nadia and Lucien made it to Garnet Moon, it seems.” A deep growl groveled in his chest, loud enough for me to hear. My head cocked up to listen more. “We can’t let them live for much longer. They could plot with the wolves to ruin our plans.” 

I didn’t know what to feel. For some reason, I felt happy that those two are safe? I was under the impression that Osiris killed them, but it looks like he hasn’t. He loves to play games with his prey. But why do I feel happy? They are the enemy; I should feel angry! “What does this mean?” 

“You won’t like what I’m about to say, Little Moon, but I’ll say it. After we destroy Zircon Moon for good, we must get those two. That means we must attack your pack to do so.” 

“No.” I promptly said, narrowing my eyes. “No one touches Garnet Moon.” 

“We must. If you wish to blame someone for putting your family in danger, blame them.” 

“But you’re proposing to attack my family just to lure those pathetic meat sacks out! I won’t allow it!” 

Hurting my family and friends? Hot anger imploded in me and my vision hazed over in a sea of red. My mind scrambled like eggs and thoughts garbled together in disjointed sentences that made my head throb. And all I wanted was to snap Osiris‘ neck for even suggesting to attack my home. He is making me angry. I don’t like to be angry. He promised me happiness, and he’s betraying me? 

In a flash, we went from sitting on a secluded park bench to darkness disguising us in a random alleyway away from the humans. Although tinted in red, Osiris‘ glare was as clear as day. 

“Now isn’t the ti 

the time for your childish tantrums, Kiya.” Osiris growled. “For us to remake this world into our image, we must make sacrifices. Whether or not you like it, we will attack to kill Nadia and Lucien. They betrayed me and didn’t stick around for you. In the end, family and friends won’t last forever.” 

“Mine will.” 

He let out a rambunctious cackle, as if I performed the best comedy act in the world. “You, out of all people, should know that family never sticks around. Your biological parents and your sister abandoned your weak self. Do you think once your new family and friends see the new you, that they’ll still be around to support you?” He leans in close to where our noses almost touch. “Tell me, Little Moon. Are you ready to be betrayed again?” 

Silence. Heavy, deafening silence. 

My family wouldn’t betray me. They cannot betray me. Mom and Dad love me. Anthony loves me. Jackie and the others love me. They’ll have a special place in the new world because I love them. Betrayal wouldn’t exist because I won’t give them the chance. They’re different from Ashley, Steven, and Raina. 

They won’t hurt me! Ever! 

And the gall for Osiris to suggest that they will… 

A deep buzz vibrated through my arms and pulsated out of my hands, incinerating my veins. Sheer energy hit 

Chapter 1 On Linds 

Osiris square in the chest, launching his body many feet from me. He made me angry after he promised he would make me happy. 

Happiness finally bubbled in my belly. It came from hurting him. Today, he’ll understand what it means to hurt me. A giggle escaped my throat as I walked over to his rising form, knocking him on his back once again. with my leg. Without further a due, my bare knees were on his chest, carrying all my weight to trap him between me and the dirty ground. 

“You broke your promise, so I will kill you!” I laughed, wrapping my hands around his throat, and squeezing as tight as I could. His hands worked to pry my fingers from his delicate flesh. “I will destroy this world, the sun, and the moon if you harm my family! Anyone who tries is dead! Dead, dead, DEAD!! Do you hear me, Osiris?!” 

Suddenly, I’m tossed off and my back hit the ground. With a gleeful smile on my face and a vision full of red, I’m itching for a fight. Osiris engaged in a mini–fight where he tried and failed to subdue me. But he didn’t seem to put much of a fight as I attacked, focusing heavily on defense, dodging my claws every chance he got. 


“I’m a lot of things, Kiya.” He growled at me. “But I’ll be damned if I’m bested by you.” 

“Take back what you said about my family.” I pulled out the dagger from the attached sheath underneath my skirt and pointed the tip at his throat. “We’ll come up with a different plan to get Nadia and Lucien. There are other ways to lure a human and a vampire from a sea of wolves. However, touch my family and I won’t hesitate to gut you like a f*cking pig, Osiris.” 

Osiris shot me a look of pure fear, crimson darting from my blade to me. I expected him to cower and fall to his knees, but he laughed like a parent proud of their child’s accomplishment. Gently pushing my arm down, he yanked me into a tight hug and landed a firm, yet powerful kiss on my lips. 

The red haze disappeared. I’m…confused? 

“You are beautiful as you are fearsome. Absolutely perfect.” He snickered, running a knuckle over my cheek. “I love it. You are more than ready to destroy all that is in your way. Your homecoming draws closer and I cannot wait to watch you lead Zircon Moon to their slaughter.” 

“What about Garnet Moon?” 

“I won’t touch them.” 

Relief flooded through me like a tsunami, knocking me off balance. Osiris didn’t hesitate to press my head on. his chest, rubbing circles on my back as he basked in my warmth under the darkness of this alleyway. My family will be safe. 

But Zircon Moon? I’ll bathe their lands in red

They won’t know what hit them. 


After Nadia and Lucien retired into their new abode, I’m left with more questions than answers. Lucien alluded to Kiya potentially being influenced by darkness, and I cannot wrap my mind around it. Kiya is strong with impervious willpower–that woman cannot and will not surrender. But, with Lyra’s and Phoebe’s recall of her sightings, my worry only grows. I need to see Kiya with my own eyes to believe it. Until then, I won’t believe that she has turned to the darkness. 

It is out of her character. She is much stronger than anyone gives her credit for. With the new information we learned about Osiris and his quest for revenge, it gives all of us a solid starting point. The more we know about our enemy, the closer we are to take him down. But there is a nagging feeling at the back of my head that the abusive past Lucien briefly mentioned may have something to do with my family. 

After all, he said my bloodline is cursed. 

I spotted Darien walking away from the group. I know fully that he hates my guts, but he deserved to know what will happen with Odessa and Ariel, Jogging up to him, he realized my presence when he turned on his heals and shot me a burning glare. 

“What the f*ck do you want, Neron?” 

“I need to talk to you about something important.” I answered, unfazed. “Hear me out, please.” 

“I prefer not to.” He rolled his eyes and walked away from me. I can’t let this pass me by. With a deep breath, I spoke again

“Ariel wants a soul separation from Odessa.” That stopped Darien in his tracks. “In the next few days, two elders from New Mexico will perform the ritual. Since Odessa was your mate, I thought you deserve a right to 


“Soul separation?” All anger evaporated from Darien’s eyes when he turned to me, and worried. 

now m “Why would she agree to that? Wouldn’t it kill her? 

“I don’t know.” I replied. “But Ariel wants to be happy and doesn’t believe she’ll get it being bound to Odessa. She’s willing to risk death for it.” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I watched Darien’s blue swim with many unspoken emotions as the gravity of the situation settled over him. I stood, waiting for his response. His eyes cast down, glazed over, and darting from side to side as he communicates with his wolf. 

“What about Odessa?” He asked. “What has she said about it?” 

“I don’t know. Ariel refuses to let Odessa have control.” 


“Do you want to be at the ritual, Darien?” I might as well have hit him because he’s taken aback by my question, mouth agape like a fish. Goddess, I wish to never be in his shoes, deciding whether to attend a sacred ritual of separating a wolf from their human. My heart throbs at the thought of it. But the conflict on Darien’s face is as clear as day. 

hapter 63 – Off LimT 

“I…I’m not sure if I want to.” He whispered, rubbing his temple. “Is it bad that a small part of me hopes Odessa is regretful and changes?” 

“No. It’s not foolish.” 

“But Sirius…Ariel is his mate, and he’s been cheated out of spending time with her. I think…f*ck this is hard.” 

“You don’t have to decide now.” I point out. “It’s a big decision-” 

“I’m going to go.” Darien reveals, eyes swimming in determination. “But, not for Odessa; for Sirius to see and talk to Ariel before the ritual. He deserves that, at least.” 

I nod firmly, rubbing the side of my neck. Diana, on my shoulder, gazes at me with concern. I still feel guilty for the fall of Darien’s relationship. He didn’t deserve to lose his mate like this. I hope that at the ritual, he and his wolf find some closure in the hysteria. 

Moon Goddess, please grant Darien a second–chance mate. If anyone is more deserving of love, it is him. 

And I pray that my touch doesn’t burn it to ash. 

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