
Chapter 151

Chapter 62 Nadia and Lucien 


“There is safety in the very heart of danger.“–Vincent van Gogh 



Running to keep myself and Nadia safe from Osiris‘ insanity. The maniac had eyes and ears everywhere. If we moved, he knew. Privacy was nothing more but an illusion in the grand scheme of things; he took that from us. We couldn’t rest because we weren’t allowed to rest. After all, Nadia and I had a bounty on our heads. 

Standing up against a tyrant grants you an endless list of enemies. 

Run to Garnet Moon was all I heard through the wild journey. Those who risked themselves to keep us safe- the wolves, fairies, and other creatures all said the same thing. The Warrior Pack of California was a haven for those running from danger. A diverse pack dedicated to keeping their members safe. I had doubts, I couldn’t diminish the hope in Nadia’s eyes. Full of desperation and fear, she needed–no, deserved a safe place to stay. After all that Osiris had put her through; his supposed mate. She deserves better. 

And here we are, handcuffed like animals under the annoying, blistering sun. I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Many eyes are on us, burning with untold fury and scrutiny. Nadia shrunk under their gaze, scooting her body close to mine. Her exhaustion is present on her face and I want nothing more than for her to get some sleep. However, one pair of eyes didn’t hold red–fiery rage, but concern. Mystical purple glittered with tears. I recognize the woman who possesses them as one of the many captives all those weeks ago. 

I recognize all those who Osiris puts through hell with his ever–evolving plans. 

“Asylum?” The auburn hair man, who I assume is the Alpha of Garnet Moon, spoke. “You’re withholding vital information by forcing me to grant you asylum?” 

“We don’t have a choice.” I countered, gritting my teeth. “Our lives are in danger. My offer is non–negotiable; you must guarantee that Nadia and I will be protected. If not, we’re not saying shit.” 

“That’ll depend on the type of information you give about Osiris. I’m not in the mood for games.” The Alpha warned with an added growl. “What is your relation to him?” 

“I am–well, was his good friend.” 

And I was his mate.” Nadia added, earning widened eyes at her response. Her blue eyes and head lowered as if she was begging. “Please, just promise us we’ll be safe here. We’ll tell you everything! I’m tired, hungry and…please…” Stray tears rained on her lap. My heart twisted in agony. I wanted to comfort Nadia as I’ve been doing the entirety of our escape, but the cuffs aren’t doing me any favors. When she rested her head on my shoulder, I rested mine on top of hers as she sniffled. Already, I can feel her palpitating heart slowing 


“They’re telling the truth, Anthony.” The woman with purple eyes revealed. “Nadia and Lucien helped Kiya, Violetta, and I escape the facility. Without them, we’d still be there. I sense no malice or deceit. You can trust them.” 

Alpha Anthony regarded us with a heavy look for a moment longer, soaking in the words of the witch. The man standing next to him with an owl on his shoulder shook with withheld rage. He then took a deep breath and ran his hand through his long hair. Whoever he is, I can tell he wanted to strangle me. Not a moment after, the cuffs around my wrists were removed and my arms immediately wrapped around Nadia, rubbing soothing circles on her back. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Nadia, Lucien…” The purple–eyed woman walked around and kneeled in front of us with a dazzling, warm smile. “Do you remember me?” 

“Phoebe?” Nadia asked confidently, earning a nod and a smile. 

“I’m glad you 

you both are okay. I thought…” She hesitated. “I thought you both perished in the flames.” 

“No…sometimes, I wish we were.” Nadia replied in sadness, sighing heavily. “Lucien and I have been on the run from Osiris for over a month now. He wants us dead because we betrayed him. We ruined his plans, so he had to make new ones from scratch–a task he hates to do.” 

“How were you able to elude him for so long?” 

“We kept moving. Every day, we found a new place to hide out–either in plain sight or hidden in the woods. We tried our best to find a place to sleep and eat, but when the enemy has eyes and ears on you, the danger just heightens.” 

A month full of hell and looking over our shoulders. It has been so long that I forgot what peace felt like. 

“Okay, so you both betrayed the big dude, and he wants your asses on a silver platter.” Another woman with braids in her hair spoke, almost indifferently. It angered me. “Nadia, right? How the hell did you have the misfortune of becoming his mate? Do vampires even have mates?” 

“From what Lucien told me, they do, but it’s different from a mate bond with a werewolf. Osiris is a hybrid- both vampire and werewolf.” Nadia explained. “The bond was from his werewolf side, but it is no more. He killed his wolf, Set. Don’t ask me how because it is something I don’t want to know.” 

I heard a collection of gasps around us. Killing your bonded wolf must be unheard of around these parts. I resisted the urge to scoff. 

“Love isn’t supposed to be possessive.” Nadia continued, squeezing my pale hand for comfort. “I don’t think he ever loved me. He just strung me along because he knew I’d wouldn’t leave him. Osiris never hesitated to remind me that my life is worth nothing without him in it. For a moment, I thought it was true; I have no family or friends–just him. I guess it’s my fault for not stopping him sooner.” 

“Osiris‘ descent into madness is not your fault, Nana.” Her sweet smile graced her lips when I called her by her nickname. It made my world shine brighter. “You’ve done what you could. His manipulation runs deep. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.” 

“You were his friend.” The man next to Alpha Anthony spoke. “Why didn’t you try to stop him?” 

“Believe me, I tried.” I retorted, balling my free hand into a fist. Memories of Osiris and I before the madness settled in plagued my mind like a disease. “He wasn’t always like this, or perhaps, I was too blind to his true identity, Osiris‘ hatred for this world is immense! My voice, in a sea full of red–hot vehemence, holds no 

Chapter 62–Nadu and Lucien 

weight and being the avatar of an evil god made nothing easier. Unfortunately…” I sighed heavily. “He roped me into his plans. I was weak. I’ve known him for a while–damn near a century, but Osiris is an enigmatic 


“He must have told either of you something.” Phoebe spoke, biting her lip. “Osiris took Kiya and we have to get her back. Please, if either of you know something, no matter how insignificant it is, we can use to take him down…” 

Nadia and I glanced at each other for a moment, our eyes shining with the same type of fear. My heart dropped and dread filled my mind. His insanity filled rambles of ‘capturing the light‘ all made sense now, and I fear for not just our safety, but the entire world. 


…I don’t like the looks in your eyes,” Alpha Anthony pointed out. 

He got Kiy 

Kiya…” Nadia sighed, rubbing her cheek. “This is bad. How long has it been?” 

“Approximately a week, now.” An older version of the Alpha replied. 

“Then none of you are safe.” I said. “In fact, you all might as well count your blessings because it is going to 

be a shit storm from here on out.” 

“Then talk.” The long–haired man retorted with a deep growl. “What the f*ck does he plan to do with my 


“Kiya is your mate?” I arch an eyebrow in shock. When he nods, I closed my eyes to gather my words without sounding like a complete asshole. “You might have to prepare losing her for good.” 

“Over my dead body.” 

“Might as well be. From what I can recall from Osiris‘ talks, he hates werewolves more than anything on this planet. He disclosed to me that they are the reason behind his abusive past and that bitterness settled and 

grew for over a century.” 

“He lost someone.” Nadia revealed. “When we were in bed one night, he was calling out to someone in his sleep. He sounded sad and distraught. Whoever that person was, they were significant to him. I tried talking to him about it the following morning, but he shut me out and shoved me to the side. Maybe his hatred and this. mysterious person are linked, somehow.” 

“Okay, this is a good start. He is motivated by revenge.” Phoebe pondered. “Then, why take Kiya?” 

“He hates werewolves, and Kiya is the avatar of Selene, the wolves‘ matron goddess, Just as Lady Nyx is the matron to vampires. Kiya has the power and the ability to shape the future of all werewolves as their salvation or the cause of their destruction. He can’t kill you all, so why not get Selene’s avatar to do it?” 

“Kiya wouldn’t do as he says.” The woman with braids retorts. “She is not evil.” 

“If Osiris could manipulate Nadia and I into his plans, don’t you think he’d do the same thing to her? If her willpower is strong, as you’re implying, she’ll be okay. But Osiris is cunning and perverse; he can find a weakness and use it to his benefit. That is how he could get dark witches and tormented hybrids on his side, thus, making them his army.” 

Chapter 62 Nadia and Lucien 

“Great. We’re dealing with a motherf*cker with a god–complex.” 

“And an ego too big for this world.” I snorted. “When you prey on the desperation of someone and feed them false hope and happiness, they’ll bend to do whatever you want. If Osiris found Kiya’s weakness, he will use it to get her on his side.” 

“Oh, dios mio.” An older woman muttered, covering her mouth. “I’m worried Osiris might have gotten to her because I’ve seen her and-” 

“You saw her?!” The long–haired man bellowed in shock. 

“I did as well, Neron. It happened during our searches, but she never stayed.” Phoebe sighed wistfully. “We… might be too late. I think he got to her. When I saw her, her aura altogether has changed from what is normal. Dark, yet incredibly powerful.” 

Nadia dosed off on my shoulder in urgent need of sleep. Her eyes drooped and her breathing slowed. Keeping a protective arm around her shoulders, I did my best to make this woman as comfortable as possible while the wolves are in conversation. Thinking back, I wished I could have done more to stop Osiris, but how does one stop hatred? If felt as its purest state, the victim becomes reluctant to let go of what provided them strength. Nadia’s love wasn’t enough. My companionship wasn’t enough. 

What would be enough to stop a man hellbent on destruction? 

Now, he has lured Kiya into his thralls. If these wolves have as much faith as they do in her survival, I can’t be the one to disappoint them. Osiris is a venomous snake and with a single strike of his fangs, he cripples his victims. Exhaustion creeps in like a thief in the night, demanding that I surrender to sleep. Like Nadia, I haven’t slept in several days nor have my regular supply of blood. My growling stomach says so. 

“This is progress. It is better than what we had before, which was nothing.” Alpha Anthony showed me one last look. “Lucien, in your opinion, what should we do now?” 

“Toughen up security and prepare for anything and everything.” I sighed, rubbing my temples. “Osiris covers his track and will strike when least expected. If he plans to use Kiya, which he will, prepare for the fight of your lives because he will leave no one alive.” 

A wave of silence washed over everyone as I noticed some of their eyes glazing over. Communicating through their mind–link, it appears. After a minute, Alpha Anthony expelled a hefty sigh. 

“I’ve allowed you and Nadia to stay out of concern for your safety. You’ve provided us with significant information that will aid us in our investigation. There are a couple of furnished houses unoccupied on the south–east part of my territory. My Omegas will lead you both there for rest and food. If either of you can remember anything you believe can help, tell us.” 

“Thank you.” A gasp exited Nadia’s lips, relief running through her in waves. Finally, she can get some rest. That mattered the most. Expressing my gratitude to Garnet Moon’s Alpha, I carried Nadia in my arms as the Omegas led us to our new home. 

Nadia and I are safe. But I’m still worried. Osiris will know we’re here and won’t hesitate to attack this pack to kill us both. Have we made the right decision? I watched Nadia’s chest rise and fall as she submitted to a much–needed sleep on a soft bed, pulling a blanket over her. I pressed my lips against her forehead gingerly, 

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