The Young Luna

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11



He slipped his hand into mine and I was shocked. I looked up at Seth as we walked, but he didn't

acknowledge he had just grabbed my hand. "You're holding my hand" I commented.

He looked down at me in annoyance, "the Pack can't know we're not anything other than a perfect

loved up Alpha and Luna".

I snorted in amusement, "are they idiots?"

"No. But we're going to be good actors" he replied through gritted teeth. I could hear the threat in his

words, if I wasn't convincing.

"Well I should be fine, I actually have a heart and feelings. You, I'm not too sure about".

"Shut up May".

"Darling that is no way to speak to your loving mate" I mocked him. He grumbled incoherently under his

breath but didn't reply.

Seth had called a Pack meeting in which to introduce me to everyone and show everyone how loved

up and happy we were – despite the obvious issues with our relationship. All I had to do was keep my

mouth shut and we'd get through it, according to Seth anyway.

At five o'clock that evening, the entire Pack gathered in the forest clearing behind the Pack offices. I

was nervous as I stood at the front with my hand in Seth's as he silently used his other hand to go

through his emails on his phone. "Pay attention to me" I hissed at him.

He turned to me and raised an eyebrow, "I'm busy".

"Not too busy for your mate I hope" I replied nonchalant. Seth knew what I meant and he sighed

heavily before slipping his phone back inside his suit jacket pocket. He took a second to compose

himself before turning and smiling brightly at me.

"Of course not baby, I'm never too busy for you". Reaching up he stroked my cheeks, and if I didn't

know Seth I would have thought he was being genuine. I looked up into his blue eyes, marvelling in

their beautiful colour for a moment, before I remembered our rocky relationship. It was ridiculous really,

Seth and I were mates and there was obviously attraction between us, but we were both too stubborn

to admit we felt anything for each other.

"Aw, isn't this sweet" Dean commented from behind me. I jumped in shock, looking away from Seth's

eyes and turned to see the familiar smirking blonde. Dean had a woman on his arm, a tall woman with

deep raven black hair; skin and eyes to match. She was beautiful, as was the little boy on her hip – with

a skin tone a few shades lighter than her mother due to his white father.

"Shut up Dean" Seth grumbled, as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me to his side.

Secretly I liked being so close to him, but I sighed and threw him an annoyed look for effect – I still had

some pride left to preserve.

"May, this is my mate Tricia and our son Bentley" Dean said. I smiled warmly at them, but didn't really

have anything to say. Luckily, the conversation was interrupted by a familiar petite brunette woman

walking over with a tall dark-haired man in tow. "Uh-oh parental units on the move" Dean muttered and

I hid my smile.

"Seth, you plan to introduce your mate to the Pack before you've mated or even introduced her to your

parents?" Seth father said as he reached us. He was intimidating, and tall, like his son. The dominance

and pure arrogance he radiated, rivalled that of his son, making his previous position in the Pack very


"Yes that is exactly what I plan to do" Seth replied emotionless, before gesturing to his mother. "Plus,

Ma met May last night".

"I found you about to pounce on a child".

"I'm not a child" I snapped, at the same time Seth growled out; "May is not a child".

"She's sixteen" Angie barked.



"Look, I get you guys have problems with this. But this is my Pack, May is my mate and I am a grown RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only


"Exactly, you're a grown man and she's not" his father added in.

"If I was a grown man, then age would be the least of our troubles" I added sarcastically. The comment

got me lots of glares, although I heard Dean laughing quietly behind me. Seth quickly brought the

conversation back.

"Age is just a number" he shrugged.

"Prison is just a cell" Dean chimed in from beside me. I snorted in amusement as Seth and his father

turned to glare at him. Dean muttered an apology before pulling his mate and son away from the


"Look, whether you like this situation or not – whether you like May or not – you have no say in the

situation. She is my mate and she will be the Luna of this Pack" he snapped, but still kept his voice low

as so the rest of the Pack could not overhear.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise because of the way he defended me. With the way he spoke about

me, people would think he actually wanted me as a mate and Luna. Though, I knew the truth but his

words had me doubting what I knew to be true.

"We'll discuss this further but not now" Seth announced.

"I'll prepare dinner and you can bring your--" Angie paused, considering the right word for a moment, "--

mate" she finally settled on.

"Adequate" Seth nodded, before wrapped his arm around my waist and shouting for silence and

attention of his Pack. Slowly the Pack quietened down, and turned towards us, before complete hush

engulfed the clearing. The Equinox Pack was the biggest in the country, with roughly about one

hundred and fifty Wolves. It was intimidating to have so many eyes on me.

"I am sure some of you are aware why I called you here this evening. In my recent visit to the Vernal

Pack, I found my mate" Seth began. Titters of conversation ran through the Pack and I felt butterflies in

my stomach. Seth's warm arm stayed around my waist, as silence fell once more. "My mate, May, is

the daughter or the Vernal Beta and is – as of now – the new Luna of the Equinox Pack".

I gulped deeply, his words finally sinking in on how much my life had changed in just a number of days.

I was no longer just plain old May, I was now someone's mate, and a Pack's Luna.

Seth turned to me, "May do you want to say anything?" he asked. My eyes widened and I suddenly

wanted the entire ground to swallow me up. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Seth raised an

eyebrow in shock, as my eyes begged him not to make me speak to such a big audience.

Seth faked a laugh, "maybe another time. May has had an overwhelming few days, I shouldn't have

thrown her into the deep end there". He laughed again, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the

top of my head. I wasn't going to lie – I loved him kissing me on the head in front of so many people.

Because he could no longer deny that I was his mate and I could believe he wanted me with a loving

kiss like that.

"I understand that some of you may have heard that I was sceptical of accepting my mate, but I can

promise you that was not true" he lied. "I was simply wary as there an age gap between my mate and I,

which of course is uncommon. However, I would have never denied the Pack its true Luna, its true

mother". He looked down at me and smiled.

I imaged his smile was similar to the one Judas gave Jesus before he betrayed him. I didn't trust Seth

at all, and I didn't believe his words at all. He blew hot and cold every two seconds, with more mood

swings that a PMSing crack addict having withdrawal symptoms. I didn't trust Seth Zev one bit.

Seth said a few more words, before he dismissed everybody for the night. I was shocked he could

pretend to be nice and actually have people look up to him and respect him. I thought he was just a

dickhead, but then maybe I was wrong about that. Maybe he was just a dick to me.

"You're very good at pretending to be a nice person" I commented, as Seth dragged me over to his car.

"I'm not pretending, I am".

I snorted, "you could have fooled me". Silence feel between us for a few moments as we got into the

car. We drove for a few seconds before Seth spoke again.

"I didn't realise you were so shy" he said. I shrugged slightly but didn't say anything in reply. His eyes

glanced over to me, as his hands held onto the steering wheel tightly. "I shouldn't have put you on the

spot like that. Sorry, that was wrong of me".

My eyebrows raised in shock – I never expected Seth to ever apologise to me. He was too proud for

that. I wasn't sure what to say in reply, so I chose not to. "Where are we going?" I asked, when we

drove past our house.

"My parents are having us for dinner. They want to condemn our relationship over food and expensive

wine" he grumbled, sounding like a moody teenager.

"Your mother really doesn't like me, does she?" I sighed heavily.


"Thanks for making me feel better".

"Lying to you would not help. You still have to face her, whether she likes you or not" he shrugged.

There was a pregnant pause. "If it makes you feel better, it's not you she doesn't like it is simply the

situation you put me in".

"Is that the same for you?" I asked coyly.

"No, I just don't like you".

"Oh fuck you" I spat at him.

Seth gave me a harsh look, shaking his head. "And you wonder why. You're as young mentally as you

are physically".

"Well duh" I rolled my eyes, "my brain is the same age as my body".

"Once more you prove my point" he shook his head again. "I thought maybe I had been wrong earlier,

with how hard you worked today. But within a number of seconds you proved me wrong".

"You're just making up excuses why you don't want to be with me. But we both know the real reason" I

snapped bitterly – knowing it was because of how I looked and he wasn't attracted to me like mates

should be.

"I don't need to make up excuses. I don't want to be with you because you aren't just a child, but you

also act like one".

"I'd call you a pussy but you don't have the depth or the warmth" I retorted.

"Sure, Mabel, sure".

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