The Young Luna

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10



I was slightly upset that Seth didn't tell me I looked pretty, or even nice, when he saw me. I didn't need

him to boost my ego, or settle my insecurities, in anyway. It just would have been nice since I had

dressed up for his benefit. But he was completely indifferent towards me, like always.

His office, inside a large building full of other small offices and conference rooms, was large and grand.

The sound of a grandfather clock ticked loudly in the room, as a serious looking Seth sat behind his

mahogany desk working on paperwork.

"Sit" he told me, waving me over to the leather couch on the other side of the room.

"Woof" I commented, walking over to the couch. Seth looked up at me in confusion. "If you're going to

give me orders like a dog, I may as well act like one" I snapped. He didn't reply, just narrowed his eyes

at me, before going back to his paperwork. I sat awkwardly on his couch for a few minutes.

About ten minutes of uncomfortable silence – well uncomfortable for me, Seth didn't seem to notice –

the intercom on his desk crackled. "Alpha, Dean said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Josh" Seth replied to his Beta. "I need the files of every Shifted Wolf between the ages of sixteen

and eighteen".

"On it now, boss" Josh replied, before the intercom clicked out. After that silence filled the room once

more. I shifted uncomfortably for a few minutes, before deciding that if Seth was going to ignore me, I

might as well get comfy. I settled on the couch, and played a few games on my phone for a while.

About forty minutes later a knock came on the door and Josh walked in. His arms were piled high with

brown files, each with a white label containing a name of a Pack member. "Don't place them down just

yet" Seth said, standing up from his desk. He buttoned his jacket, almost automatically, before

gesturing for me to stand to.

"Place them in the office next door" he told Josh. The Beta nodded before disappearing back outside

the office. Seth then turned to me. "Come, I have work for you". He turned and followed his Beta, I

moved of the couch and slowly trailed out. In the adjoining office, Josh placed all the files down.

"The only file we haven't got is Rafa Nix because it's with Oli because of the--" Josh paused and

glanced at me, "--situation" he settled on.

"I thought Oli sorted that out last week" Seth sighed, and my interests were peaked.

"Mostly, but he is just finishing the report".

"Fine" Seth nodded. Josh then left us in the room. Seth gestured for me to sit at the desk, I had a

feeling he was about to put me to work so I wasn't happy. But I sat down anyway, even if I gave a big

sigh to show my displeasure with the turn in events.

"Here I have files of all the Pack members who could possibly be a guard for you during the day" Seth


"I thought Dean would be my guard, he's the third in command right?"

"He will be. But unless he wants to get arrested for hanging around a school all day, spying on teenage

girls, we'll have to get someone else to watch over you when you're at school" he explained.

I groaned, "do I really have to go to school?"Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"Yes, come on it's not long until summer. You need to finish your Junior year off and then you only have

your Senior year to get through. It's not like I want you to go to college or anything" he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but it's not like I need the diploma. I'm going to spend my life as a glorified babymaker and

housewife" I retorted. Seth paused and looked at me through suspicious eyes.



"I don't know how they did things in your old Pack, but in my Pack the Luna is as much the leader as

the Alpha. When you graduate high school, you'll be in this office every day working and helping me

run the Pack. I don't need a housewife, May, I need a Luna. I don't know if you're up for the job, but I've

claimed you and made you my mate so you need to be up for the job".

I was shocked, in my Pack the Luna pretty much just made cookies and popped out babies. Which was

one of the main reasons I didn't want to be a Luna – I hated baking and I hated babies even more. But

finding out that Seth actually wanted me to work and lead, made me slightly more excited about the

prospect of being his Pack's Luna.

"Anyway, today's work" Seth brought my attention back to the files. "Like I said you need a guard

during the day. And don't say that you don't, because you do. I'm about to go to war, I have a lot of

enemies and you have yet to shift. You need constant protection and if neither Dean or I can be there

to protect you, then there needs to be someone who will".

He fired up the computer and opened a blank document for me. "I need you to look through all these

files and select two names for people to guard you. Don't forget that they both need to be attending the

same High School, there are a few schools around here so make sure you research the school you

want to go to. And don't just chose two random names, I need a full report on why they have been


I groaned, "reports? Are you serious?"

"Always" he replied with a sigh. He glanced at his watch as he walked towards the door. He paused

and glanced over his shoulder at me, "I'll be back at twelve for lunch. I expect you to be either finished

or near to finishing by then". With that he left.

I read through a few files before instantly getting involved in the task. Inside there were details about

the Wolf themselves including; age, gender, height, weight, strength, speed, fighting skills and any

additional information just as medical conditions or important notes. I looked over the schools that were

in the area, and quickly looked them up on the computer.

I settled for one as it had a girls' soccer team and an archery club – both sports I was a fan of. So after

I decided on the school, I eliminated the Wolves that weren't enrolled there. I flicked through the

Wolves deciding to choose both a She-Wolf and a male Wolf.

I decided on my first guard quickly; Shawna Turner. A seventeen year old She-Wolf, who was marked

highly on strength and speed, but she was also in the girls' soccer team. I quickly wrote up a quick

report on her, and my reasons for my choice, before looking through the remaining files.

It took me longer to decide on the male guard, but I finally settled on Javier Estervers. He was a recent

transfer to the Pack, with high fighting skills and previous fencing championships from his previous

school. I decided to choose him because I had always wanted to learn fencing and selfishly thought he

might teach me. But my reasons in the report were because of his fighting abilities and due to his

recent transfer would be sympathetic to my change.

I was finishing the report when Seth walked back in – I was shocked it was lunch all ready. Shockingly,

I had really enjoyed the work. Not only because it was actually interesting learning about all the

different Wolves in the Pack but also because I was being given a say in something. My parents

dictated a lot of what I did and I hated that, but Seth was actually giving some responsibilities and


"How far through are you?" he questioned, leaning over my shoulder to look at the computer screen.

His familiar scent, masculine and strong, hit me like a bus and warmed me inside slightly.

"Yeah so I'm just finishing the report on the second person" I explained. "I can finish it off after lunch, it

won't take me long".

"Good" Seth nodded, "who did you choose?"

"Shawna Turner and Javier Estervers".

He nodded, eyes looking down at me with encouragement. "Those are sensible choices. Are you

happy with your school choice?"

"Yeah they have a soccer team and an archery team" I explained.

"You play those sports previously?"

"Yeah I was captain of my soccer team back home and...let's just say that archery was my life for a

while" I shrugged, not wanting to disclose what archery really meant to me. "My therapist said I had a

lot of pent up rage so my father put me in sports to stop me beating up my brother".

Seth's lips quivered as he tried not to laugh, "I'm not surprised. I thought your brother was older?"

"Oh he is. And I'm pretty sure that is why he doesn't like me now. I used to bully him as a kid. He was a

bit of pussy so I would torment him and when he Shifted, and I didn't, he turned the tables. I guess I

kind of deserved it".

"Maybe" he considered, "but siblings are meant to fight".

"Yeah but the younger sister isn't supposed to beat the shit out of the older brother who is set to be

Beta" I retorted. Seth finally chuckled, shaking his head, before moving away from me slightly.

"Right, let's get some lunch and then we'll come back up here".

"Seth" I called, making him pause in the doorway. "Thank you for letting me choose my own guards. It

really makes me feel nice you're actually giving me work and not pointless filing or leaving me around

to do nothing".

He nodded, actually looking happy with my words, "you're a Luna, you deserve responsibility".

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