The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 40


“You like it?”

Lily nodded. “I love it. It’s beautiful.”

“So are you.” I said softly. She blushed from the unexpected compliment.

“What’s gotten into you?” She mumbled.

Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I laid my chin on shoulder. “Can I be honest with you?”


Here goes nothing.

“Ever since my parents died, I’ve been making mistake after mistake. I was cold, angry. Heartless. I was running the pack, but not as well as I could have been. My people didn’t trust me; they feared me. I pushed everyone away, closed myself off from the world. And then out of nowhere, a girl with red hair and startling green eyes entered my life, and started to make me feel again.”

Lilys chest moved up and down rapidly as I talked. Slowly, I turned her in my arms, resting my hands lightly on her back.

“You made me remember what it felt to feel happy. To smile and laugh. You showed me how to let go of my anger and have fun again. I’ve made a lot of mistakes with you, Lily. Now I’m standing here, asking if you’ll give me a second chance.”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I could practically see the wheels turning in her head. I waited patiently, giving her time to organize her thoughts.

“Is this real? Or do you only want me for your original reasons?” She asked finally.

“I’m being serious. I know I was selfish. And stupid. I wanted you for only one reason, but now I want you for many.”

“Such as?”

“The way I feel when I’m with you. The way you can make me laugh, just by being yourself. Your kindness and caring. I wanted you to make me stronger, and you have in the most unexpected ways. I can’t go back to a life without you in it Lily.”

A stray tear ran from the corner of her eye and onto her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb.

“I want you. For you. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out. I want us to start over, have a new beginning. Just know that if you say no, I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for my shitty choices until you change your mind. You’re worth every second.”

I watched her anxiously, hoping with everything inside me that she wanted me like I wanted her.

“Having you begging for my forgiveness for a whole lifetime is pretty tempting.” She mused. “But being happy with you, as mates, sounds even better.”

My heart cracked, pouring out so much happiness I thought I’d faint. Placing my hands on her cheeks, I brought my lips down on hers, kissing her with everything I had. Sparks shot through me at the contact, stronger than I’d ever felt before. Lilys arms went around my neck, pulling me closer. It was far too long overdue, but she was so worth the wait. It was the best k**s I’d had ever have, and it also felt like the first. It was her first, and I thanked the Goddess it was I who shared it with her.

She pulled us to the bed, never removing her lips from mine. I kicked off my shoes, running my hands down the soft material of her dress. Gently lying her back, I took a minute to gaze at her beautiful face. She was glowing, pure joy shining in her eyes. Swiftly, I undid her hair, letting it fall onto the bed and frame her face.

Lily reached up, her small hand cupping my cheek softly.

“I want you Dimitri.”

My mind stuttered, my heart beat picking up.

“I didn’t do this so you would sleep with me Lily.”

“I know.” She smiled. “But I want to.”


“Don’t make me attack you again.” She threatened.

I raised an eyebrow. “Would you?”

“Without hesitation.”

Pulling me down by my collar, she whispered in my ear, “Come on. Show me what my Alpha can do.” And every ounce of self control I had was gone. My lips slammed down on hers and I kissed her with a hunger of a man starved. Lily broke the k**s, gasping in air. I simply moved my lips down her jaw. Over her neck. Kissing and gently biting the swell of breasts. I had to remember that everything that was going to happen was all new to her- I needed to take my time.

Her first time should be as special as she was. It was going to hurt; there was nothing I could do about that. But I could try and prepare her as much as possible. With that thought in mind, I slid my arm under back and pulled her into my lap. I used my free hand to slowly unzip her dress, letting the sleeves slip off her shoulders. I attacked the newly showing skin, eager to taste of every inch of her. I grazed her marking spot with my teeth, and her h**s bucked.

Placing her hands on my shoulders, she gently pushed me back. Her eyes were alive with a confidence I’d only seen once before, during her heat. standing on the bed, she pushed the sleeves down and let her dress slide off her body to land at her feet. She wasn’t wearing a bra, only a thin layer of white silk panties that had me drooling. I didn’t have words to describe how she looked. Beautiful seemed too mild.

Discarding her clothes to the floor, I pulled her back down.

“You’re making it very difficult to go slow with you.” I told her.

“I’m really not sorry.”

“I know you’re not.” I kissed her, taking her lower l*p between my teeth. “Tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable, okay?”


My eyes never leaving hers, I lowered my head running my tongue over her n****e before taking it in my mouth. A soft m**n left her lips, the sound heading straight to my d**k. I licked and teased her before moving to give her other n****e the same attention. Her breath was coming rapdily and the scent of her arousal hung thickly in the air. It was hard to leave her gorgeous mounds; I culd stay like this all night. Still, she was eager and so was I. I sat back on my heels, undoing my belt. Lily watched my movements with a curious and excited expression.

Relief washed through me as I took off my pants; They’d been far too tight. The relief was replaced by amusement as I watched my mates face morph from curious to shock and then doubt.


She met my eyes.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” She answered immediatly.

I took off my shirt, throwing it to the floor. Leaning over her, I placed a k**s on her nose.

“I won’t hurt you. Not intentionally. But this doesn’t have to happen if you’re not ready. You can always tell me stop, and I will, no questions asked. I promise.”

After a minute, she said, “I’m ready. I want you Dimitri.”

Leaving a trail of k****s down her body, I hooked my fingers in her panties and pulled them off. Then I spread her legs and settled my head between her thighs. She was already so wet, the sight making my d**k throb. Flicking my tongue out, I ran it quickly over her slit, savouring her taste. It was incredible. Her h**s lifted at the contact, a hiss coming between her teeth. Repeating the action, I got the same response. Holding her h**s in place, my tongue ran all the way up, teasing her clit. And again.

“Dimitri!” Lilys voice was raspy, breathy. It only turned me on more.

I teased her for several minutes more before finally taking her clit in my mouth, sucking on it hard. She m****d loudly, encouraging me to go further. I inserted one finger, all the way until I felt a wall. She winced a little so I pulled out, adjusting so I wouldn’t hurt her. Her h**s started moving, grinding against my face as I licked and sucked and bit gently. When I thought she was ready, I added another finger.



“You’re going to… make me…”

“Mhmm.” I hummed. A minute later, she did, my name leaving her lips, sounding like music to my ears. I licked her juices, not able to get enough of the delicious taste.

“Oh my Goddess.”

Positioning myself over her, I gave her a long k**s. “Are you ready?”


Wrapping one arm under her neck, I positioned myself at her entrance. I pushed in an inch, stopping when she winced. When she nodded, I went a little further. f**k, she was tight. It was incredibly hard to take it as slow as I was, no pun intended.

“Breathe Lily.”

Lily took a deep breath under me. When she released it, I pushed in again. We went like that until I hit her wall again.

“This is going to hurt.” I warned her.

“I know. It’s okay.”

I kissed her, and feeling like a total a*****e, pushed through the resistance inside her. She screamed into my mouth, biting my l*p. I think she drew b***d.

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?” I asked her worriedly.

“When exactly does it start to feel good?” She hissed through clenched teeth.

“Soon. I promise.”

Two tears fell onto her cheeks and I kissed them away. I stayed perfectly still, just letting her breath and relax.

“I’m okay, I think. You can move now.”

Keeping my eyes on her, I started to move in and out. After a few minutes, the pain on her face was replaced with a look of awe.

“Oh..” She m****d softly and I smiled.



I picked up the speed a little, Lilys mouth forming a small ‘O’. Her fingers ran across the skin of my back, nails digging in. Everywhere she touched, fire erupted on my skin.

“Faster. Please.”

Lilys voice was mixed with her wolves in my head. Her eyes were flashing from green to black and back again.

“You really want to see what your Alpha can do?” I growled.

Something between a growl and m**n was my response. I started giving her my best, not my all, but enough to give her the pleasure I wanted her to have. I’d save the rest for another time. Ajax pushed himself to the surface. I knew what he wanted, I did too. Tilting her chin away from me, I exposed her neck. My caninnes extended, my wolf ready to take over and complete our mating.

“Mine.” Ajaxs voice came from my mouth before my teeth sunk into neck. I felt Lily bite me almost instantly after. I couldn’t describe what happened next, not in a million years. The closest I could come to was saying I felt something like our souls coming together, intertwining. At the same time, I felt my mate clench around me, almost painfully tightly. With one powerful thrust, I came undone inside her, experiencing the best o****m of my entire life.

Together we released each other and fell to the bed exhausted.

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