The Heartless Alpha

Chapter 39


“Thara Mary Elena Varlos, please join me.” Dimitri called. Thara gave me a quick pat before stepping out from the curtain and joining her brother.

“Beta Benjamin Griffin Hayes, please join me.”

“You’re middle name is Griffin?” I snickered. Ben put a finger to my lips, going to join Dimitri.

“Gamma Lucas Erik Michael Turne, please join me.”

I peeked through a slit in the curtain, seeing Thara, Ben and Luke standing behind Dimitri.

“Lily Varlos, please join us.”

My ears perked at the name. Nobody had ever used my new legal name until now. It sounded odd, weird. But strangely good.

“We can do this.” Aya reminded me. I nodded and stepped from behind the curtain.

My gaze locked with Dimitris, the look on his face faltering my steps momentarily.

“Is something wrong?” I asked Aya.

“Nothing at all. They’re just in shock.” She chuckled.

Walking carefully up the three steps, I moved across the platform until I was standing in front of my mate. His eyss roamed over me, lingering on my h**s, my cleavgae and finally, my face. His expression was comical, to say the least, like it was the first time he’d seen someone of the oppsite s*x. A few people in the crowd cleared their throats loudly.

“Right. Let’s begin.” Dimitris voice was thick and deep as he turned to his sister, who was smirking at him, unashamed.


She joined us the table, offering him her hand, palm turned up. Dimitri picked up a long blade, the hilt encrusted with a giant red stone. He ran it quickly over he skin, drawing a thin line of b***d. Thara squeezed her hand over the golden bowl, allowing a few drops to drip into it. I hadn’t noticed before, it was filled with some sort of clear drink. Wine perhaps? Tharas b***d sank into it, swirling around.


The same process was repeated with Ben, and then Luke. And then Dimitri held his hand out to me. Softly placing my hand in his, he turned my palm up and placed the tip of the knife just below my thumb. I kept my face neutral as he drew it across quickly. Remembering Tharas instructions, I waited until he cut his own hand and clasped it with mine, our b***d mixing together.

“Do you Lily Varlos, promise to lead the B***d Moon Pack justly and fairly, without intent of malice and harm?” Dimitris voice boomed across the clearing.

“I do.”

“Do you, Lily Varlos, promise to uphold our laws and and our beliefs with kindness and without bias?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Lily Varlos, promise to accept me as your Alpha, and do you accept the privilege and responsibilty of ruling the B***d Moon Pack by my side?”

Meeting his heavy stare, I answered loudly. “I do.”

He turned to our friends. “Do you accept your new Luna wholeheartedly, without objection or question?” He asked.

“I do.” Their voices rang out together, filled with happiness.

Squeezing our hands together, our mixed b***d fell into th bowl, mixing with the others. Dimitri released my hand and picked up one of the goblets, motioning subtly for me to do the same. Dipping it into the wine, we drank the concoction, a warm feeling spreading through my viens and into my stomach. It vaguely reminded me of shifting.

“I, Alpha Dimitri Harold Varlos, accept you, Lily Varlos, as my mate and Luna of the B***d Moon Pack.”

As soon as he’d finsihed speaking, I felt a bond seperate from ours click into place. At the same time, my mind was instantly overwhelmed with hundreds of voices, the chaos causing my knees to wobble and my eyes to shut tightly against the noise. I realized it was pack members, all of them. I was officially connected to them, able to mind-link.

Dimitri gave me a moment to right myself before taking my hand again and pulling me close. He turned to the crowd and said, “Welcome your new Luna B***d Moon!”

Clapping and cheers and utter pandomonium erupted from the crowd, deafening me. The overwhelming acceptance was so unexpected that tears sprang to my eyes. I the most surprising one for me though was the man standing next to me. Becoming his official Luna had almost completed our bond. I could feel waves of happiness and pride radiating off him. He was glad his pack accepted me so fully, I could tell. Our pack, now.

“There is plenty of food, and you’re all welcome to stay and celebreate with us. Enjoy yourselves.” Dimitri said to the crowd before leading me off the stage, followed by Thara, Ben and Luke.

“You did so well Lily! I’m so happy!” Thara gripped me in a tight hug.

“You really did. I am proud to officially call you my Luna.” Ben smiled.

“Me too.” Luke agreed.

I grinned at all of them.

“Thank you, you guys. I’m proud to be your Luna too.”

“Come on. I’m starving.” Thara took my hand, pulling me with her to the dining area. I took the seat she indicated, she sitting next to me. We chatted until the boys joined us, Dimitri setting a plate full of food in front of me.

“Thank you.” I told him.

He gave me a gorgeous smile, taking my hand on the table. I was in too good a mood to analyze his actions so I simply accepted it and chatted with his sister as I ate. Laughter and excitment could be heard from every direction, the pack as happy as I’d ever seen them. Some time later, Luke left us to find his mate and Ben went with him. Thara claimed to be tired, and took her leave as well. Which left me sitting alone with my mate, still holding hands. I decided it was the perfect time to try.

“Dimitri?” I sent out a hesitant mind-link, giggling when he jumped a little before looking at me.

“That’s going to take some getting use to.” He smiled softly.

Hearing his voice in my mind… it was so different. I loved it.

“I like it.”

“Me too. And there’s someone who wants to say hi.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Hello mate.”

A voice that didn’t belong to Dimitri floated into my head.


“Yes. It’s nice to finally be able to contact you.”

I furrowed my brows. “You couldn’t before?” I simply assumed he’d never tried, not that he couldn’t.

“No, though I do not know why. Aya was able to talk to Dimitri, but I could not reach you, even in wolf form. Perhaps it is because you are a Mother Wolf.”

“Huh. Wierd. Well, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“And you. I want to thank you Lily, for showing us kindness. Even when my human did not quite deserve it. You are truly a perfect mate.”

I blushed. “I see why Aya is so enamoured with you. Shame that Dimitri did not get your manners.”

“He is trying. I will give him back control now.”

“Bye Ajax.”

I watched as Dimitris eyes cleard and he sighed. “Everyone likes him more than me.” He grumbled. I laughed.

“He is quite charming.”

He rolled his eyes.

“I like you too, you know.” I told him shyly.


“Really.” I squeezed his hand on mine. “You’re not… as much of a monster as I thought you were.” I said slowly.

His face softened.

“Thank you.” His tone said my words meant a lot to him.

We made small talk, laughing here and there, and it felt so nice. A few pack members came to congratulate me, telling me how happy they were to have me as Luna. I accepted everyone graciously, feeling every bit the Luna I now was.

“I have something for you.” Dimitri told me an hour later. The celebration was still in full swing-these people knew how to have a good time, obviously.

“For me?”

He nodded. “It’s in our room. We can wait a while if you want to stay longer though.”

I hadn’t missed the way he’d said ‘our room’. Thinking about it, my curiousity got the better of me.

“We can go.”

Pulling me to my feet, we said a fond farewell, assuring everyone they were welcome to stay as they liked. We walked together back to the house, him still refusing to release my hand.

“Did you have fun?” He asked.

I nodded. “It was incredible.”

When we got upstairs, I got confused as he led me past his door.

“I thought you said-?”

“I did. Just wait.”

We walked past his office, turning the corner. I’d always assumed this way led to more bedrooms, but the hallway came to a sudden stop in front of just one door. I looked at him questioningly.

“This is the Alpha and Lunas suite. I’ve never used it, you weren’t here yet. It can be our new room, if you want.”

“You want me to move in with you, officially?”

“Yes.”© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

Excitment bubbled inside me, but I tried to contain it. “Okay.”

Dimitri beamed. Like I’d just given him the best Christmas present. His behaviour today was so unusual, I’d never seen him smile this much. But I liked it, hoping it would last.

“Close your eyes.”

I gave him a look.

“Trust me.”

I did as he asked, hearing the door open. He came to stand behind me, guiding me forward. The door closed behind us. Differnt smells drifted around the room. Rose… Lillies…and was that smoke? Angling me slightly to the right, he leant down to my ear, “Okay.”

I slowly opened my eyes, gasping as I took in the room. The first thing I saw was the huge bed, as big as the one in his room. It had a soft looking gold comforter with white pillows laced with gold trim. Two wooden night tables sat on either side of the bed, both with huge white vases filled with roses and lillies. I saw a double door that I assumed was the closet. An open kitchen was placed to the left of that, a small dining table and chairs seated close by. That was also adorned by flowers.

There was an old fashioned stone fireplace opposite the bed, a giant plush rug on the floor in front of it. A fire was already roaring inside, sparks crackling in the air. An open doorway led to a bathroom, looking every bit as polished and fine as the ones I’d used so far. Looking up, I noticed a beautiful chandelier hanging from the high cieling. The walls were the same dark colour as Dimitris room, familiar.

It was a lot to take in.

“Wow.” I breathed.

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