The Cursed Human

Chapter 50

Sarah’s p. o. vMaterial © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I was nervous as hell. It was very first time I was going to meet them officially.

Meeting in cellars didn’t counted.

After all these years of burning in fire of loneliness and isolation, I was finally going to blew it down. My hopes, my nerves, my senses, everything was high along with my blood pressure. I was tensed and worried.

Angelina told me Lucifer went back to Reynes but he would be here by tomorrow. And my parents wished to see me. I was bathed and clothed in elegant dress that Angelina handed me. She seemed rather familiar with this place more than I was.

I sighed again as I looked into the mirror assessing myself. Peach colored dress looked good on me. I liked the way it flowed down my hips and made me look like a princess. My hairs were down hiding marks of Lucifer’s claim.

“It’s not that hard,” I muttered looking at myself.

A knock on door startled me as I looked towards it. Angelina stood there wearing a beautiful yellow dress enhancing her beauty. Her golden curls were twisted in bun making few strands falling on her face.

“You ready?” She asked.

Was I?

I didn’t knew. But one thing was for sure, I was not ready to lose them, not again.

I nodded my head and followed after Angelina. When we first entered this castle few hours ago, I was failed to notice the beautiful bright hallways decorated that were encouraged with colorful flowers. It gave me some confidence and strength that I do badly needed.

“How are you feeling?” Angelina asked walking down the steps of stairs with me closely following behind her.

“I-I don’t know,” I followed after her and bunched my dress up in my hands. Stairs were beautiful cream color with pastel pink flowers wrapped around rails.

Angelina let out a small chuckle as she looked at me.

“Perseus’s excitement is on another level. He’s more nervous than you,” who wouldn’t? Its was not like one get to see their dead child everyday? I just couldn’t imagine how much they would’ve suffered when they would had came to knew that I was dead?

We passed a spacious hall as several servants looked our way. Few of them were whispering and some were looking at me like they had seen a ghost. Some were making gestures to another explanation what was happening.

Dead daughter of their was king back.

“Pink must be her color,” I heard a manly voice as we neared the tall wooden doors. My anxiousness increased with everything step I took.

“No! She’s my daughter! Red have to be her color,!” A woman whispered yelled making me assume her to be my mother.

“Oh, Kyleigh! She’s my daughter too!” My father whispered back. Disappointment was clear in his voice. I could hear their little chit chat about my favourite colour from other side of the door as we stood next to door. Angelina smiled at me as she grabbed my hands in her and gave a little squeeze.

“You’ll love them,” she muttered a she pushed opened the door. The first thing that came into my view was beautiful lavender colored flowers resting on each and every corner of the hall. The chandeliers were hanging proudly as giant stairs cascaded down elegantly taking my breath away.

At last, my eyes travelled to two people I was so very nervous to meet. My breathing was not right, so was my heart. Erratically beatings of my heart and abnormal breathing of my lungs were making me more anxious by passing second.

I walked slowly, hesitantly, fearfully. I didn’t knew what to expect and I was afraid. I was curious, anxious, still but at the same time I was worried about their opinion about me.

The second My mother set her eyes on me, she abruptly let go of bouquet of flowers she was holding making it land not so beautifully on the marbled floor. My father followed her actions. They looked at each other before I saw a lone tear escaping her eyes. They walked towards me as I looked at them in slow motion.

It was like a movie scene where everything was still, nothing mattered except the wind part. I saw them slowly and carefully coming towards me as I stood glued to my spot.

I could no longer look away from them as they looked at me. A familiar aura surrounded us as I recognised the bond we shared. She looked at me with her captivating chocolate eyes, scanning me, admiring me. My father looked shocked, relieved, happy.

I couldn’t speak, neither did they.

“S.. Safina,”

Suddenly this unfamiliar name sounded so refreshing and good.

With shaky hands, he reached out to touch my cheek. I looked at his green eyes but didn’t moved away. I didn’t wanted to.

“My little… Safina,” he was trying to held back his tears. It had been twenty one long years and yet it felt like a whole lifetime.

I was consumed with feelings I couldn’t explain. The thought of getting my real parents back was so overwhelming that I couldn’t explain.

“My girl,” My mother engulfed me in her arms as she wept. The dam of my teras broke too as I myself couldn’t stopped myself from crying. It felt so surreal. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

“I missed you,!” She cried out as I tightened my arms around her afraid she might disappear again and cruel reality would hit me with it’s cruelness.

“Mother,” I wept and cried and traveled. This much happiness and this much pain was so hard to grab. I felt my Father’s arms circled around us as he himself wept.

I felt the sudden connection, the touch, the unspoken love. I knew I was theirs, I knew they were mine parents.

“I missed you, Father,” I muttered holding onto his shirt as well all cried in each other’s arms.

“My Safina,” he whispered a she pulled away looking at me, running his hands over my cheeks.

“You… you’re just like your mother,” he said in awe as my mother smiled down at me.

I chuckled and couldn’t stopped but looked at them.

“Blue…” I sobbed into their arms as I felt them looking at me confused.

I smiled brightly before muttering.

“Blue’s my favourite colour,”


I was shown around the castle, introduced to several important people of kingdom. I was respected and adored by everyone in this short period of time but I was still anxious about something.

After spending time with my parents, they told me to rest and get ready for event that was happening tonight. They said they had arranged a ball for my return to my real home, to them. Angelina was with me all the time, wiping my tears, and making me feel better.

I was missing Falcon, terribly. I had everyone by my side, my mother, my father, my people but not my best friend, not the person who protected me. There was this void in my heart that was not going to fill anytime soon. With Lucifer as threat to my parents I was still not sure why did he let me be with them? Something fishy was going on in his mind.

“Get ready Sarah. You got less than an hour. People of Zhoutis wants to meet their princess.” Angelina said opening the door of closet and ruffling through the clothes.

Princess. It sounded strange.

“May I come in?” I looked around hearing familiar voice of my mother. She stood near the door looking gently at me with her hands crossed in front of her.

“Of-of course,” I said quickly walking towards her. She smiled as she stepped inside and took my hands in her.

“How are you feeling?” She asked rubbing soothing circles on back of my hand.

“It’s umm.. it’s good to be home,” I whispered looking at her. The warmness and kindness was dancing in her eyes while she was looking at me. She missed me and so did I.

“I bought you something. Would you like to see?” She whispered the last part wiggling her eyebrows making a small laugh escape my lips.

“Of course, Mother,” I said softly looking at her thinking about all those years I’ve missed with her, with my own blood.

“Come in Maria,” she said still looking at me. A woman in late forties walked inside holding a beautiful blue colored gown as she placed it on the couch placed nearby and walked outside before bowing down.

Mother led me towards the couch as she pointed at the dress.

“When I was first crowned as Queen of Zhoutis, my mother weaved this for me.” There was a strange emotion flickering in her eyes as she looked down at the dress.

“It’s… beautiful..” I breathed out. The beauty of the clothe was extravagant beyond this world. The color, the vibe, the design, everything was exquisite.

“It would make me overjoyed if you would wear this tonight,” she softly muttered turning her head to look at me.

“I have lots of… feelings secured with this,” I saw her gulping down before she blinked her eyes and looked at me.

“You will enhance it’s beauty,” she smiled brightly before kissing my forehead.

“I will,” I said as she smiled softly and walked away leaving me wondering.

It was evident that she was missing her mother.

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