The Cursed Human

Chapter 49

Third person’s p. o. v

“THAT MOTHERFUCKER TRICKED US!” Lucifer growled as he crumbled the piece of paper resting in his hands and threw it on the floor.

“Now what?… we can’t let him get Sarah,” Angelina said worriedly as she looked at Lucifer’s pacing figure. Every single fibre in her body was feeling concerned and perturbed for Sarah.

“He won’t touch her! I’ll kill him before he could even think of laying his fucking fingers on her!” Lucifer snarled angrily as he slammed his fist against the wall shaking it with the impact. Angelina jumped startled. A thought creeped into her head as she walked towards Lucifer. She could clearly saw him shaking with anger.

She put her hand gently on his shoulder as he stopped shaking.

“Reynes isn’t safe for her…” Lucifer looked at her with a scowl masking his worried emotions. He looked into her eyes and threw his hand in air knowing where this conversation was going.

“Have you lost your mind?!” He said as he turned around but Angelina quickly grabbed his arm.

“And it is the only solution, why don’t you understand!” She said frustratingly as she tried to convince him.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes as he looked at Angelina’s hand on his arm and yanked his arm back angrily.

“You don’t tell me what to do!” Lucifer snarled angrily at Angelina as she backed away and leaned against the wall. Lucifer looked spitefully at her as he roamed his hand through his hairs to calm himself.

“I-I just want her to be….. alive.” A lone tear flowed down her cheek as she took deep breaths to not cry but was failing miserably. Her mind was becoming more chaotic passing second making her remember when her brother became a monster that everyone despise. She gulped down her bitter memories of past as she looked painfully at Lucifer.

“She’s changing you… brother.” Angelina whispered lowly as words managed to passed out of her mouth. Lucifer’s face twisted as he looked nonchalantly at her. He tried not to show his true emotions but failed as Angelina again gulped down. She wanted to know what was going on in his mind, she wanted to know why was he suffering inwardly, why he wasn’t letting anyone saw his true self, the self that was burned with Melissa’s death.

“Don’t pretend like you know me!” Lucifer growled as he sensed Angelina looking at him. He breathed out in fury and smashed his fist on table breaking it into two.

“No I don’t know you… but I know the brother hiding behind this tough face and…. I promise you brother, no one’s going to harm her….” Lucifer looked strangely at her as she quickly turned around and walked away. He kept looking at the door till the sound of her footsteps faded. He looked at broken table as he sighed loudly.

“Fucking hell,”

Sarah’s p. o. v

“What?” It was unbelievable and shocking at the same time. I was feeling ecstatic yet scared simultaneously.

Lucifer’s words were still lingering in my ears and the clear threat that he imposed on me was scaring the living daylights out of me.

“Yeah… pack few necessary things and get ready. We don’t have much time.” Angelina said as she walked into the closet. I looked wide eyed at the direction where she went and ran towards her.

“Like seriously! Are you sure Lucifer gave me permission….?” I asked nervously as I looked at her packing few clothes in a duffle bag.

“You sound nervous… don’t you want to go?” She raised her brow while she stuffed few more clothes forcefully in the bag.

“No, No! It’s just…. I’m kinda confused. Why would he let me go to my parents kingdom if he just threatened to kill them like few hours ago.” I mumbled confusedly. What was going on his mind? What were the games he was trying to play? Why did he suddenly allowed me to see them?

All these questions were eating me alive. I was feeling desperate to meet them and saw how they were like. So many emotions at the same time, were hard to handle.

“Is he going with us?” I asked as Suddenly my mind drifted few hours back when he threatened me.

“Yes, he wasn’t going to let you go alone.” She looked strangely at duffle bag as clothes started pooping out.

“Okay….” I sighed.

At least he was letting me meet them.

I had nothing much to pack only few clothes and some other necessaries. I still couldn’t bought myself to believe that I was finally meeting my parents. All my life I was living in lies and now when I finally was going to saw them for real, my heart started beating erratically against my chest. All the misunderstandings and confusions that Lucifer had about my family, I was going to clear them. My heart was telling me that my father could never killed his mother, there must be something missing and I was going find what was that.

And also I had few questions for my mother too. I was seeing myself in a mess created by supernatural creatures including witches. Though they are mortal, they still held a upper hand in historical period. Whatever their intentions were, they were neither good nor bad. Or probably they wanted to kill vampires and werewolves for their own protection…?

I didn’t knew. But I was going to, soon.


We were in Lucifer’s car with Rafael driving, Lucifer sitting in passenger seat and me and Angelina sitting in the back gossiping with our eyes. Lucifer’s dark aura was making us shut our mouths till we reached there. I hadn’t talked to him since he threatened me and it’s not like I wanted to talk to him but he seemed somewhat distant. He was not in his usual self making me scared or terrified, rather he helped me getting in the car by opening door for me.

I was shocked, I must say.

He was behaving rather nice to me.

Why? I didn’t knew.

It’s been two hours since we had been moving without any of us uttering a word. Everyone seemed to be in their own little battle with their minds thinking about things. Angelina was distant like Lucifer and Lucifer seemed to be in his own dilemma.

“H-how far is the place?” I mumbled quietly because with their heightened senses I knew they could hear me easily.

“Zhoutis, you mean.” Rafael said as he smiled looking at me through mirror.

Zhoutis was a strange name but again my life wasn’t normal anymore.

“Yes, probably.” I replied back with same smile that he offered me. Nor Angelina neither Lucifer seemed to be fazed by what I said as they kept looking outside. Since Falcon’s death, Angelina lost that carefree and her bubbly nature, the excitement that always managed to make her distinct was now gone somewhere and I seemed to missed that.

On other hand, Lucifer was hard to read. With his default stoic and angry face, I couldn’t tell what was going on his mind. He definitely was not mourning Falcon or feeling sad for his demise. Something was bothering him and I didn’t wanted to found out what?

“When I was in my early hundred years, I visited Zhoutis with my father and I must say, it was a sight to capture,” Rafael said as a small smile curved on his lips.

“What did it looked like…. back then?” I found myself asking. Zhoutis must be changed over so many years.

“… beautiful…” I looked at left to say Angelina looking at me with a smile on her lips.

“It was breathtaking… back then” she breathed out as she looked at nothing a she dozed off in her head maybe thinking about that time.

“The gardens, the flowers, the beauty…. the serenity, one could probably mistook it for heaven on Earth.” She smiled at me.


“Your majesty, they’ve arrived.”

Kyleigh and Perseus looked at each other with worry dancing in their eyes. Nervousness and anxiousness was eating her from within. She wanted trust the words that were written on piece of parchment but the past was making her believe otherwise.

“Come,” Perseus said as he took Kyleigh’s hand in his and they both walked out to the grand entrance together. They both stood there as they waited for nightmare to walk in. Kyleigh was still not sure how to took in the new information but anything included her daughter, was something that concerned her more.

She turned towards the commander as she finally said.

“Where are they?” She asked with nervousness shimmering in her brown eyes. Suddenly loud footsteps echoed through the corridor as they both looked towards the door.

The door opened and Lucifer walked in.

“Greetings, your majesties,” Lucifer nodded his head as Kyleigh and Perseus looked dumbfounded at him.

“We recieved your letter, something was mentioned regarding our daughter.” Perseus said with authority as he nodded his head at Lucifer.

“Before discussing about your daughter, I would like to clear some….. things….. regarding my mother,” Kyleigh and Perseus couldn’t understand what he was saying or why he was here along with their daughter but looking at the way Lucifer wasn’t trying to kill them was quiet discomforting for them. The air around them seemed to get thick and heavy with confusion.

“I would like to see my daughter first,” Kyleigh quipped as she presented her request. But Lucifer smiled charmingly as he shook his head with a light grin on his face.

“First, I would like to discuss,” he said as he looked at them.

“Very well then, shall we?” Perseus said as he tried to even out the air around them. He lightly pulled Kyleigh as he walked towards the throne room with Lucifer on his side.


“When can I meet them?” I asked anxiously as I paced around the room and Angelina seemed to be quiet occupied with her own thoughts.

“Lucifer needs to clear some things out with your parents and till then we’ve to stay in this room.” She said while looking around.

My parents.

It sounded quiet strange in a good way.

But again I have this question invading my mind…. why was Lucifer doing all this? Bringing me to my parents…?

After we arrived here, Lucifer ordered some servants to settle us in west wing as he said. Rafael and him seemed to get vanished in thin air after that. What was cooking in his mind? I was highly unaware of that…

“Okay…” I breathed out. It was getting out of my mind these days that why was I being forced into all this mess. I was ready to wait as long as Lucifer didn’t end up killing my family.


It felt good to call someone your family especially when you had a long lost family and you were unaware of that thing since ages.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

A sudden thought came across my mind, if Lucifer believed that my father killed his mother then did Angelina believes that too? What of this was a plan of his to brought me here with him so that he could killed my parents in front of me….

Like he threatened me back in Reynes….?


“Can we start?” Kyleigh breathed out a she rubbed her temples, tried to ease her beating heart. Perseus glanced at his wife with worried look and looked at Lucifer.

“What is it,? King Lucifer.” Perseus said as he leaned against the chair.

Lucifer twisted his mouth and sighed deeply and said what he was not prepared to say.

“Everett, you might have heard the name….” He watched as Perseus expressions changed into anger.

“The coward… who betrayed his own people” Lucifer could hear the distaste in his voice as he clenched his fists.

“I don’t know where to start, Perseus but…. I think I do own you an apology…” Lucifer narrowed his eyes and looked at duo in front of him. Lucifer leaned back in his chair as he clasped his hands in front of him.

Kyleigh forrowed his brows in confusion as she looked at him. Her lips suddenly curled up in a smirk as she snorted a laugh.

“My, my, don’t tell me you’ve come to realise your mistake, my lord,” she snorted a half laugh as she looked at him.

“It doesn’t matter if it was a mistake or not… I still don’t like you, Kyleigh,” Lucifer rested his arms on the armrest, his blue eyes glazed over as he looked firmly at her.

“And what makes you think that I like you…?” Kyleigh remarked back as air started to get thicken.

Lucifer quirked his brow.

“Rein your tongue or you would find it wrapped around your throat!” Lucifer scoffed as he clenched his fists.

“Matter at hand, my lord…. what you are trying to say is Everett is your mother’s killer…? Am I right?” Perseus interrupted as he senses the situation becoming heated.

Lucifer glared at Kyleigh before looking back at Perseus.

“Yes and I want to know why you were involved?!” Lucifer demands as she raised his voice.

“We were not involve in that incident, believe it or not…” Perseus spoke out looking straight at Lucifer.

Lucifer put his hand in his pocket as he pulled out wrinkled piece of page from his pocket before placing it on the table.

“Read it,” he said and Perseus looked strangely at paper before taking it. He unfolded the paper and soothed out the lines before reading it.

His expressions changed as he read next word carefully. By the time when was done reading, his face was masked with fury and rage.

“That’s why you bought her here,” Perseus said tensely as Kyleigh read the letter that Everett send to Lucifer.

“She’s becoming attraction to my enemies and…. yours too.” Lucifer said glancing at Kyleigh who just burned the letter with candles.

“Your kingdom is far safer than ours! Why did you brought her here?!” She exclaimed while rubbed her hand on her dress to calm herself.

“She’s not safe there either… I suspect a traitor among us. Her, living there is far more dangerous. I can’t compromise with her safety.” Lucifer said as Perseus and Kyleigh looked at him with worry for their daughter.

“She’ll stay here till I figure out what to do.”

“She’ll be staying here… always!” Kyeigh interrupted as Lucifer glared at her.

“I would like to prove you wrong, Kyleigh.” Lucifer smirked before getting up and turning towards the door. He stopped as he turned around to look at Perseus.

“Angelina will be staying with her” Lucifer ordered and walked outside leaving Kyleigh and Perseus tensed.

“We’ll keep our little girl safe.” Kyleigh put her hand on Perseus’s shoulder and gave him a comforting smile.

Perseus smiled back as he looked adoringly at her.

“Our little girl’s home,”

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