Taming His Heart

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Once we hit the party I want to go back home. There are way too many people here. Kyle just smiles at me. “Relax, it’s just for a little while. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“I know that. I just don’t like being out of my element.” I open the truck door and Kyle comes around and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“Oh, if we see your sister in there, ignore her. I know she will say some stupid ass shit like she always does. Just let her and move on. I got your back.”

“You know she doesn’t like me in her space.” I am a little nervous to see her there. I know she will be there.

“Yeah, but she can deal. She doesn’t rule the world, contrary to what she believes.”

“What did she do this time?” It seems like Kyle has been in love with her for like ever, but every now and then she does something that pisses him off.

“Not much. Just enough to piss me off. Now, we are not going to talk about her. We are going to enjoy ourselves. As of right now, you are my girlfriend.”

“Got it. I am only interested in Kyle.”

“What’s not to like?” He smiles at me.

“Oh, the perfect Kyle, how can anyone compare?” I joke.


We climb up the stairs and we are barely inside when we see Courtney. She comes storming up to me. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Kyle pulls me closer. “I invited her. Control your ass. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“You know I don’t want her around. Why the fuck would you bring her here?”

“Maybe because I don’t give a shit what you think. Danny is my girlfriend and if I want her to go to a party with me then she will.” He growls at her.

I am in shock. I didn’t think we were going to tell Courtney. She is not going to be happy. This is definitely going to send her off the deep end.

She just laughs, which is not what I was expecting. “Oh, that’s rich. You and Danielle. What universe is this?”

Kyle just growls. “Tell her Danny.”

I lower my gaze but I do. “It’s true. Kyle asked me out and I said yes.”

She laughs again. “Have fun with my leftovers sis.”

“Kind of hard not to find your leftovers. You dated everyone.” Kyle smiles.

She slaps him. “Go to hell Kyle.”

“I was there when I was dating you.” He pulls me away from her. He takes us further into the house. A few people are staring at us. Not surprising. Everyone knows Courtney. He takes me towards the kitchen. “You want a drink?” He’s almost acting like nothing even happened.

“I think I need one.” I nod my head.

He smirks. He leaves my side to get our drinks, but not too far away. “Your sister takes the cake sometimes I swear. Well, the good news is, now everyone will know that we are dating.” He winks at me.

“Yeah, cause that was my worry.” I chuckle.

He comes back to me with a red cup full of beer. Not really tasty stuff, but what do you expect at a frat party? I take a sip and Kyle puts his arm around me. “Well, drink up and then we will make the rounds. I want everyone to know who you are with by the end of the night.”

“I thought Courtney was going to do that for us.”

“Naw, I need everyone to see you. I want to show you off.” He winks again.

Someone bumps into me and I spill my beer on the front of my hoodie. “Fuck.” I try wiping it off myself, but I know that isn’t helping.

He pulls me towards him. “It’s not that big of a deal.” He reaches the hem of my sweater and starts to pull it up.

I grab his hands. “You know I don’t like that.”

“I don’t think you have a choice. You don’t want to be wearing beer all night.” He tugs past my hands. “Trust me Danny.”

“I’m trying.” I shiver as the hoodie passes over my head. It’s like I just lost my armor.

Kyle tosses my hoodie onto the counter. “We’ll get that later. That’s not so bad is it?” He tries to give me a reassuring smile. It isn’t working.

“I feel naked.”

He smiles and looks around. “Well, a few guys have noticed you already.” He pulls me closer to him, laying his claim. “Let’s walk you around. I am sure you want to see the rest of the party.”

“Not particularly.” I have my head buried in his chest. I don’t usually get this close with Kyle, but I am so embarrassed right now I can’t even look up.

“Don’t worry, it’s fun. Nothing to be scared about.”

He holds me close as we walk around the party. A couple of football players came towards us. “Yo, Miller, who’s the hotty?” I bury my head further into Kyle’s chest. People do not refer to me as hotty.

“This shy little thing is my girlfriend Danny.” He chuckles and tries to get my head out of his chest. “Come on Danny, say hi to the guys.”

I barely manage to turn my head towards them. I see two guys smirking at me. They are the big burly types. The ones that probably do a lot of tackling on the field. “Hi.”

Kyle laughs. “She hardly talks to people, this is a lot for her.”

One of the guys, the one on the right chuckles a little. “Well, I wouldn’t mind talking to her.” The look on his face makes it clear what kind of talking he means.

“Dude, my girlfriend.” Kyle scolds him a little.

“Yeah, yeah, you have a new one all the time. A guy can look.” The guy on the right says. Kyle is a bit of a player.

“Whatever. We are going to make our rounds. Danny isn’t much for parties. We’ll catch you guys later.” He removes his arm from me and high fives the two guys, leaving me alone for a second.

I guess that was a second too long. My arm is yanked back and I am turned around. “Danny, what are you doing here? You said this isn’t your thing.” Jordan stands there holding both my arms. He seems upset. He keeps looking up and down my body, he hasn’t seen me without my hoodie. Again I am overwhelmed with the feeling of being naked.

“It’s not. Kyle wanted me to come.”

Kyle pulls me back with his arm around my waist. “Dude, keep your hands off my girlfriend.” He kisses my neck to make his point. No one has ever kissed me anywhere ever. So I let out a little gasp.

Jordan looks at Kyle. “You have got to be fucking kidding me. No wonder you were turning me down for dates. You are already dating a douche.” He looks really irritated.

Kyle laughs. “Harsh. What’s the matter Peters? Mad I snaked her first?”

“Danny, this is not a good guy. You can do way better.”

“I have known Kyle for a long time.” I counter.

“You trying to say you’re better than me Peters?” It’s like I didn’t even say anything.

“Yeah, I am Miller.” Jordan glares at him. While he glares at Kyle he talks to me. “We still on for coffee.”

I nod. “Sure.” I know he just wants Courtney so he is in no way going to hinder Kyle’s plan.

Kyle pulls me closer. “Keep your hands off my girl, or we’re going to have problems, Peters.”

“Possessive much.” Jordan grumbles.

Kyle turns my head back gently. His lips are on mine before I can turn away. He takes control of my mouth. Thankfully he doesn’t try to use tongue, I am not ready for that. Especially with Kyle. I didn’t think this whole thing through enough. I didn’t realize that there would be kissing involved. He pulls back a little, pecking my lips. “Yeah, I am.” He doesn’t look at Jordan as he says it. I almost forgot what they were talking about.

Kyle looks back over at Jordan. “We are going to make the rounds. Go away.” Kyle pulls me off.

“What was that all about? You were rather hostile.” I joke a little as we move around the room.

“I hate that guy. He thinks he’s so much better than me. Gives me shit all the time. I just hate him.”

“Is he mean?”

“No, pompous. Look, I just don’t like him alright.” He kisses my head. “You want to dance?”

“Yeah, that would be a no. You know I don’t dance.” I give him a stern look, but he doesn’t seem to care.

“Only because you never have. I think it might be time to come out of your comfort zone.” He continues to pull me towards where everyone is jumping around dancing.

“I like my comfort zone.”

“Danny, dance with me.”

“You are so needy.”

He takes my hands and pulls my body close to his. He starts dancing and I follow. Only to not look awkward. I am sure people would be staring if I just stood here. “That’s it, let loose.” He smiles and continues to dance. Kyle puts my arms up around his neck and places his hands on my hips. “Not so bad, huh?”

“This is the worst ever.” I smirk at him. “Ok, not so bad.”

“You should really get out more often. Tell your sister to shove it.”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“You know as well as I do, it’s not just my sister.” I give him a stern look.

“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Whatever, I got you out now.” He just shrugs it off.

We dance for a while and then he introduces me to a few more players. I am sure this is him marking his virgin for the bet. Now the other players won’t try to get with me. At least that’s a positive.

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