sex-me boss.

chapter 244

love? Dimitri didn’t believe the word existed. He thought it had been invented by dream salesmen to make the naive believe it was possible to love someone as much as you loved yourself, otherwise he would never believe the feeling existed. He looked at Arturo who’d just said that, and when he saw his smile, he knew he’d made a fool of himself, given the smile on his lips. He turned back to Kira, who still hadn’t let go of her jacket.

-And I even think that, apart from wearing your shirt, she would have worn your Dimitri underpants too. What a love match, my friend.

Kira felt all the shame in the world wash over her. She lowered her head for fear of meeting Dimitri’s gaze, which could kill her if his eyes were ever machine-gun fire.

-Go to your room, Kira, now,” said Dimitri, without a glance at her.

she unclenched her fists and left, head bowed. Dimitri followed her with his eyes until her silhouette disappeared, then turned his attention back to his friend, who was still smiling mischievously. To hell with this kid who didn’t know her place and didn’t know how to obey, to hell with Arturo Lombardi who couldn’t see and pretended he hadn’t.

-You’re going to break her, Dimitri, she’s not from your world and you see how oblivious she is? any one of your men would have jumped her since she wasn’t even dressed. I think you should teach her some manners.

-Thank you for that, but we’re not here to talk about my guests or who’s been hanging around my place. Forget what you’ve seen, because if I ever find out you’ve got ulterior motives, I’ll shoot you and only your remains will go back to Italy.

-Oh, what a possessive man. I’m sure she’s just waiting for you to possess her to the depths of her entrails, don’t waste time and go and see her, the object of your primitive desire Dimitri Savoski.

without giving her time to reply, he saw Arturo make his way to the exit. he huffed as he looked around. he was looking for a punishment that would go well with her, so that she would understand that his orders were respected without exception. He climbed the stairs two at a time and once on her floor, he opened the door to her room with a bang, which startled her. he didn’t give a damn about her fears and all the rest. he was sick of her messing around.

-Can I ask what you were doing down there dressed like that? No, we’ll start at the beginning. Can I ask how you got that shirt?

Kira was content to remain silent, which made Dimitri’s anger rise a notch. she certainly thought he was joking, but he didn’t have all day. he moved towards her and she backed up on the bed. remembering what had happened the night before, she thought it best to speak up, so as not to shorten her days.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

-I… I wanted to wash and I needed a change of clothes, that’s all.

-and all you thought was that I could go and rummage through the monster’s dressing room, he might have some clothes that would fit me and tell me Kira, are you really wearing a stocking that belongs to me?

She had thought she’d be able to avoid this part of the conversation, but the monster wanted to make her feel uncomfortable. She huffed, and when she saw him advancing even further, her breath caught. She was afraid he was about to check her out, and at the mere thought of imagining the mobster’s firm hand on her skin, she shivered. Dimitri was tempted to capture her lips, which kept drawing him in, but no, she was just a kid he had to correct and nothing else. he dropped his hand and cleared his throat to bring her back to reality.

-I wasn’t going to strut into your domain with my buttocks in the air.

-I wouldn’t have had a problem with that, kiddo, on the contrary, it would have saved us a lot of time. Slam you up against a wall, lift you up so that you wrap your legs around my waist, zipper me up and everything would have gone very quickly, what do you think?

Kira swallowed hard. He was openly saying that… she shook her head not to think about it as he gave her a serious look that showed he wasn’t joking. She felt a fire welling up in her gut and clenched her thighs.

-Does that mean yes? Do you have my stocking?

-Yes… but I wasn’t going to walk around without anything on, was I?

a nameless desire assailed him even more than he’d already felt. he imagined what it might look like on her since she was so small compared to him. he’d never imagined she’d have this kind of courage, but I guess he was wrong about her. she wanted to stand up to him, she disobeyed him and did things her own way. Dimitri moved forward and took his place on the edge of the bed, while Kira looked at him with her frightened little eyes.

-I want to go home.

-I told you you’re not going anywhere, so you’re going to stay here.

-I don’t even know how long I’ve been here as I’ve lost track of time, so please let me go.

-and I told you you’re not going anywhere. i’m not keeping you because it makes me happy, but for your own good, Kira. your brother can’t be trusted, he’s not who you think he is, otherwise how do you think you ended up with me?

-I don’t know what you have against him, but you’re not going to succeed in turning me against my own brother. He’s always been there for me and I’d never believe such a thing.

She wanted to convince herself that her brother couldn’t do such a thing, yet he knew she was lying to herself.

-I don’t want you to mince my words, Miss Fiodora, but as I told you, if it hadn’t been me, it would have been someone else, because your brother exchanged you for money during our game of Pocket at night, but he lost the game and, as you saw, I won both my money and his stake, which was you. have you ever wondered why the authorities never mentioned your disappearance? because your brother doesn’t have the guts to press charges against me for kidnapping, since he’s the cause of your misfortune. you belong to me and that’s that. i’m not a narcissistic pervert or anything, but i just want you to stay where you belong.

-until when, she asked?

-Until the day I decide, or even forever, depending.

her eyes turned black, a sign that anger was taking shape throughout her body. Dimitri didn’t blink, just waiting for her to get it out of her system, because that was the best thing to do to make her feel better. his calmness after what he’d just told her wasn’t good at all, and didn’t bode well.

-I hate you so much. I’m going to pray every day that you’ll burn in the flames of hell. I hate you, you understand, I…

Dimitri couldn’t stand any more of this bullshit, so he captured her lips with his own and pressed her body against his to control her. she gradually calmed down and let herself go into the kiss she was beginning to enjoy. his lips were so soft and hard at the same time that she felt herself slipping, but luckily he held her as if he’d known she’d lose her strength. Breathless, Dimitri broke away from her and looked into her eyes. she’d lost all credibility because she really wanted to curse him, she was in the grip of the desire he was stirring up inside her. he, too, couldn’t stand the pain he now felt at the bottom of his belt, but she wasn’t ready and he didn’t want to break her either. she was very young for him and inexperienced.

-I… I… don’t…

Kira didn’t even know what she wanted to say. it was because of that kiss that she was losing her mind, a simple kiss when she’d had to kiss her boyfriend, but it had never made her lose her temper like that. the mobster had managed to tame her mind. he began to stroke her cheek without speaking. Kira still wanted to feel his lips on hers, and when she started to bring hers forward, Dimitri kissed her forehead, making her sigh in frustration.

-We’re going out to buy you some clothes, you’re going back to school tomorrow.

She couldn’t understand how he wanted her to go out when she had no clothes at all, unless he wanted her to walk the streets in her shirt, as if to show people how much she was in love with this man, and yet she hated him.

-I’ll get you a dress to wear and, above all, you won’t ask any questions.

she said nothing and watched him leave. a few minutes later, he returned with a dress and sandals. she didn’t know whose dress it was, but it looked great on him. she found him in the hall as indicated. he was dressed in jeans and a beige sweater, sunglasses on his nose. his build was impressive and she couldn’t deny it.

-When you’ve finished masturbating me, we can finally leave.

she gasped and moved towards him. Dimitri pushed her in front and they got out. The car he was going to take out in was already ready, so he opened the door for her and she gave him a smile of thanks. he ignored her and went in. she couldn’t understand why he had become so impassive towards her when it was he who had given in to temptation and not her. on the way there, everything was so quiet and it was better than hearing him rant and rave as he always did. when he stopped in front of a store, he got out and opened the door for her. given the location of the store, she could already imagine the grotesque prices of the things that could buy her whole life. she followed the mobster inside and, without understanding a thing, saw everyone leave. She told herself there was danger, and when she tried to follow in their footsteps, the monster’s manly hand came to rest on her arm. she stopped and looked up at him. it was impossible for her to understand anything, as he was still wearing his sunglasses.

-You may be the most feared mafioso in Russia, but you’re not immortal either.

-I’ve just privatized the store for you, stupid, so you’d better enjoy it instead of thinking nonsense.

Kira opened her mouth in an “o”, not believing it. he’d had all these people kicked out just so she could be alone with him, but that wasn’t possible. she thought that kind of thing was only possible for the children of presidents. she looked at Dimitri but he didn’t give a damn about her, apparently, as he wasn’t moving at all. she saw the manager approaching and the latter bowed her head to Dimitri.

-She needs clothes of all kinds, but more jeans as she’s a student and I won’t allow her to go to school in a dress or skirt.

Kira opened her mouth to tell him that she could wear whatever she wanted to go wherever she wanted, but she mustn’t speak ill of a king when his people were in front of him. she was going to incur his wrath for nothing. she followed the woman who was helping her make choices without ever stopping. She wanted to let her know that she’d had enough, but the woman wasn’t listening, and she realized it was Dimitri’s order. Hours later, dead tired from the fittings, she was slumped on the sofa next to the mobster. He was determined to ignore her, and she didn’t know what she’d done to deserve his coldness.

-Everything’s loaded into the car, sir.

Dimitri nodded and stood up. He bowed his head to her and offered her his hand. She’d even thought he’d forgotten about her, but apparently he remembered he was with someone, which was even better. they got out of the car and Dimitri opened the door again. She got in very quickly, as she couldn’t wait to get home. When he tried to switch on the ignition, her phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw the smirk on her face, she couldn’t believe the good news. He picked up, and as he spoke, she saw him clench his fists. This wasn’t going well at all, and driven by her sick curiosity, she wanted to hear their conversation, but she couldn’t hear a thing.

-Tomorrow, Yuri will drop you off at school. You won’t have anything to worry about because I’ve already puked the whole thing up with your dean. That would be attempting the impossible.

She considered his words and decided to obey. She was already in this mess and she didn’t want to drag her family into it.

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