sex-me boss.

chapter 243

-I’m really sorry for what I’ve just said, I know it was very cruel of me, but you’ve got to understand, it’s not my fault I did it.

-You’re speaking without thinking, and since I’m a heartless man, I’m going to punish you for this clumsiness on your part. I wanted to try and think about your fate, but no, from now on I’m going to keep you for myself and myself alone. you’re going to stay in this manor forever. prepare to meet the monster I am every day.

Kira thought she’d misheard and stared at him to see if he was serious, but when he didn’t blink at all, she knew the mobster wasn’t joking. Her eyes were tingling with tears, but she didn’t want to show her weakness in front of him, because he didn’t deserve her tears at all. She made her way out and once in front of the door that separated their two rooms, she turned back to him and stared at him with a hint of hope in her eyes, but he was so impassive that she would never have known what he was feeling.

-My mother wanted me to do this for her, and even if it’s not to practice it, I’d at least like to get my diploma, you understand.

-It’s not a problem, Miss Fiodora. If you’re so keen to go to school, you’ll go back when you want to, I promise, but you’ll be here.

-and you think you’re doing me a favor? you think this is a charitable act? think again, dear sir. what you’re doing is just to ease your conscience, but since i’m not like you, i’m going to help you get rid of this guilt that’s eating away at you. good night.

She left, slamming the door, which made the mafioso gasp. That kid was really getting on his nerves, and it was really starting to piss him off. He went to bed dreading what was going to happen the next day with Arturo’s arrival.

A few hours later, he looked at the clock on the wall in his bedroom and saw that it read half past five in the morning. He had no urgent business to attend to, so he headed straight for the gym. After a moment he couldn’t quite define, he left the room and took his secret way to his bedroom. He checked to see if the connecting door was locked, since it could only be closed from his room. he didn’t want to see that kid’s face so early in the morning, let alone have to keep an eye on her for fear she might venture into his room. as he stepped under the water jet, he let the cold, almost freezing water relax his body, silencing his thoughts which were directed towards this girl who never ceased to haunt him. further into his thoughts, he saw himself shifting her lingerie to the side and uncovering it with his fingers, seeing her head tilt back and seeing her short breath. hearing her moan in her beautiful voice and letting him drink in the sound, such were his most unhealthy thoughts when he thought of her. With a sudden gesture, he turned off the water and grabbed a towel. he wiped his body and left the water booth without delay. when he was dressed in his usual black, he retrieved his phone and pistol, then left the room. he was tempted to check if she hadn’t by chance come up with the idea of suicide, but no, he didn’t want to see her face. when he reached the first floor, he saw Yuri walking towards him with a certain apprehension.

-Hello boss, I hope you had a good night and…

-I’m not some chick you’re trying to reassure after a night of warming up the pussy, Youri. Are you going to tell me what’s going on or not?

-The Italian’s here, I took him to your office.

Dimitri clenched his fists as he imagined their affront. nothing dangerous, but the mistrust between the two men drove them to wage war, not a bloody war but a cold war at every turn. he ordered a woman in his employ to bring up Kira’s breakfast and then took the path leading to his office. When he arrived at the door, it was ajar and he could see Arturo’s tall silhouette covered by a black chinstrap and a cowboy hat, always the same color, giving off a sense of danger that only freaked out the rookies in their world.

-I thought the great Savoski would be waiting for me with an army ready to shoot me in his office, it would have made a great trap, wouldn’t it Dimitri?

-and you know it’s never too much for this kind of thing, Lombardi. if you want only your remains to go back to Italy, I’ll be happy to offer you my entire stock of bullets with my semi-automatic, you know. it’s no problem if my friend would like me to do him a favor.

Arturo looked at Dimitri and smiled frankly, opening his arms, but Dimitri preferred a handshake to hugging a man. He couldn’t doubt his friend’s sexual orientation, since the latter even had a list of all the chicks he preferred to explore pussy with every month, and never the same person twice in the same month.

Awake for a while, Kira had hoped to hear noises from the other side of the room that was supposed to be the mobster’s but except that the room was totally empty. no noise and nothing else. she had tried to open the door like the day before but it seemed to be locked which irritated her even more. A few minutes later, when she heard the noises on the other side, she knocked on the connecting door and without delay, it opened on a young girl working for the manor. Fearing that she would slam the door in her face, Kira hurried to the mobster’s dressing room, where she picked up anything she could use. she then went out and headed for the bathroom. minutes later, she heard the sound of a key in the lock, and it was probably for her breakfast. when the door opened, she felt a hollow in her belly and decided it was the right time. she didn’t wait long and attacked her breakfast while emptying the tray. what could be better than enjoying this wonderful food while waiting for the moment when she would find her way out. having finished, she returned to retrieve the tray, except that she had forgotten to lock the door, giving her another chance to try the impossible. she tiptoed to her feet, walked to the door and opened it. She poked her head into the corridor to check if anyone was there, and when she saw that the path was clear, she began her adventure, not knowing where it would lead. after descending several steps, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was in fact the last one. it was as if she were staying in a hotel and not in a house inhabited by men. It was a stupid thought, but you’d have to see what the apartment she shared with her brother and nephew looked like, but it was her life and she liked it that way. she wanted to get away from it all. she walked along, avoiding the stares of the guards posted everywhere, but it didn’t seem to be going very well, as they saw her but pretended not to or simply ignored her. she shrugged her shoulders, thinking that it was certainly both, but she was held back when she tried to pass through the hall door. she started to struggle, but this man was so strong that she wouldn’t let him do it.

Alerted by the sound of two children fighting over a lollipop, Dimitri wondered what all the fuss was about, what kind of comedy was going on in his mansion. From the sneer on Arturo’s face, he could see that he was taking a malicious pleasure in mocking him. Dimitri got up, followed closely by Arturo. He’d have liked to tell him not to follow him and to stay where he was, but he wouldn’t have listened, so he might as well stick his pretty face at home.

the girl in the arms of one of his guards, the latter struggling even though she knew she’d never be a match for his henchman. Dimitri wanted to laugh at her, but something caught his eye and made him clench his fists. He shook his head frantically and walked towards his henchman to free her. Instead of running away from him, she hid behind him as if to taunt his guard.

-Everyone to their posts,” shouted Dimitri.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Arturo let out a low laugh and Kira’s curiosity got the better of her. She quickly hid behind Dimitri. Arturo saw this and started walking towards Dimitri. Feeling the girl clinging to him as if he were her lifeline, Dimitri realized she was running away from the man in front of him.

-Not another step, Lombardi.

-oh the Viking is protecting his prey, what a beautiful love story my dear friend.

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