Chapter 49: Silent like deep waters

Chapter 49: Silent like deep waters

Sage Miller

I anxiously tapped my fingers on the wheel. The car couldn't go fast enough and I had to get to Eve

before she say things she should not say.

I could only hope she would keep quiet but I knew I couldn't hold my breath on that. When Eve is

drunk, she speaks her mind and I'm afraid since I don't know her mind state at the moment.

I think it's because she spends so much time being careful and minding what she says that when she's

drunk she gets the freedom to never have to think about what she has to say.

I haven't seen or talk to her since that day. She hasn't picked up any of my calls and I didn't wanna go

to Wren's because I am giving her space to process everything.

I want to believe that she is okay but no matter how many times I'll try to convince myself of that I can't

because I know that Eve is human.

And no human will ever be okay being associated to a murderer.

Another thing, she's drunk and drunk Eve isn't my favourite one.

When sober, Eve goes to great lengths to watch what she says and never saying the wrong thing.

So when she's drunk she becomes the opposite. She tell you exactly what she thinks.

She might just let it slip that I killed Clara in front of Connor. That's the thing I'm dreading most.

Facing a drunk Eve with no filter is what I fear most at this moment.

When I got to the house Connor was waiting in the porch. I got out of the car as fast as I could.

"Connor dude, where is she?" I hurriedly and asked him running inside the house.

"She's in the basement. I don't know what's up with that." He told me and I froze. I slowly turned around

feeling crippled with anxiety.

"Did she...umm say anything out of the ordinary?" I asked hesitantly.

I crossed my fingers that she didn't mention that Clara was buried downstairs.

"She said something about Kate being a good girl if that counts as out of the ordinary." He said and

visibly cringed. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I would've laughed if I wasn't so anxious. I sighed in relief knowing she didn't say anything about Clara.

"It does." I told him then turned around again.

"Heads up." I stopped and turned around to face him once again. "She's super drunk like very drunk."

"I've got it." I nodded and closed the door.

I ran straight to the basement and when I opened the door I could hear her talking. I gently closed the

door and went down the stairs slowly. Eve came to view sitting in the middle of the room crossed leg.

"Eve." I called out softly for her.

She didn't respond but she slowly lifted her head. Not breaking eye contact with me, she lifted the glass

and drank the whole wine that was left in the glass.

I stood in front of her yet she refused to look up. She opted to pour another drink but she was already


I squatted down and grabbed her hand.

"Don't you think that's enough?" I asked her.

I took the bottle from her hands and put it aside. I then sat in front of her like she was sitting, croosed


I took her hands in mine then kissed the knuckles.

They tasted like wine.

"Talk to me Eve, what's going on?" I pleaded with her.

"Sometimes your voice sounds like dad's." He whispered so low that I barely caught the words.

I was stunned when he mentioned dad. She hasn't talked about him since Aunt Lauren died. She

always refused to talk about him and I respected that.

Before I could respond she spoke.

"I made a promise a long time ago." She whispered but a little louder this time.

"What promise?" I asked her.

"I told myself that when clara died I would get myself a bottle of wine and danced on her grave until I

pooped and burn myself out."

I didn't know what to say to that. It was dark and not like Eve at all but then who would blame her. Clara

abused her a lot.

"Let's get you upstairs alright. Clara can't hurt you anymore." I opted into getting her out of here.

The basement is creepy.

I wanted to break as well but I had to be stronger for her. I needed to be there for her.

I stood up and helped her up and she let me. Just as we were about to walk up the stairs she pulled me

down and we almost fell.

"Eve!" I warned.

"I'm gonna..." She didn't finish the sentence as she collapsed in my armed.

I caught her just in time.

I carried her the living room and past Connor and went to her old room and put her to sleep.

I took off her boots and put a bucket next to the bed then put a blanket over her.

I went downstairs and Connor was still in the living room.

"I'll be right back." I yelled to him as I went to my car to get my phone.

I texted Wren and told him Eve was sleeping at the house but I didn't mention the drunk part.

Again I think I saw a grew Sudan passing in the street. I ran to the street to get the plate number but it

sped up and I didn't get anything.

I didn't even see one letter or number of the plates. I just know that it's a grey Sudan. My paranoia grew

as I tried texting Styles.

I anxiously waited for his response when car lights blinded me. My heart pounded in my chest. I froze

with fear but the car light dimmed and the car passed.

I realized that I was afraid for nothing. It's a road, cars will pass by. I exhaled a heavy sigh filled with an

ounce of relief.

My phone vibrated in my hand and I unlocked it and Styles had responded.

It's taken care of- Styles

I felt myself relax and even felt safe. I turned around only to be brighten by another car, this car when

the lights dimmed I recognized it.

The car brought me back to the text I didn't respond to today. Alora, I didn't think she'd come to me.

She parked her next to my house and got out. All the things I said the last time she was at my house

came back.

It seems like a lifetime ago when it was less than two weeks ago.

It felt like time stood still as our conversation played in my head. She was on slow motion. Less than

two weeks ago she confessed her love for me.

For a long time I imagined what that would be like. I thought I'd feel like a man but in reality I felt sick

when she said she loves me because I could never love her.

I could never give her what she wants. I care about her that's why I can't be selfish with her even

though I want to.

I want to kiss her perfectly sculpted body, I want to pull her perfectly styled blonde hair. I was her lips to

call out my name but I won't be selfish.

"Hello." She shyly greeted me like she wanted to tear up.

I blinked and averted my eyes from hers but they landed on her chest, I averted them from there too

only to look at her hips. I finally opted to look behind her, at her car.

"Al!" I cleared my dry thought and tried hydrating it. "Umm, what are you doing here?"

I wasn't trying to be rude but seeing her here just good for either of us.

"Umm." She looked down and shifted from one foot to another. "I need someone to talk to and you're..."

This time her voice wobbled. She stopped talking and cleared her throat. Out of instinct I step forward

and hugged her.

"Talking I can do." I tried comforting her but she let out a heartbreaking silent sob.

I rubbed her back and felt my heart ache for her. My fragile little Smurf.

And I swear to whatever keeps the internal flame of hell burning that if that fucking red head is the

reason, I'll give him a bold haircut with my fist.

"It's okay Al." I told her and kept rubbing her back. "Let's go inside."

I said to her when it dawned to me that we were still on the street. My neighbors barely like me and

they're big time gossipers.

I held her hand and led her inside. I went to the kitchen to grab two water bottles and thought about

hearding to my room but thought otherwise.

It's never a good idea to be in a lockable room with Alora. Too many scenarios and besides my room

has too much memories and history.

We passed Connor, who gave me a weird look, to the backyard. My backyard was small but had a few

built-in seats and benches.

I chose a bench that is farthest from the house. I sat her down and gave her a water bottle. She smiled

and thanked me

"I'm sorry for just showing up." She started.

"It's-" I didn't get to finish that sentenced and she ambushed me.

"It's just that I needed someone to talk to and you didn't reply when I texted earlier and I thought-" I

placed my hand on her fiddling ones.

"It's okay." I smiled softly at her. "You can come to me whenever when you want to talk."

She smiled back at me. It was warm almost reminding me when days were simple.

But was it okay? Was it okay that when the going gets tough in her world I'm her go to guy. Was I okay

with that?

I mentally shook my head and got rid of those thoughts because in a distant past, I remember

promising her to be there for her when she needs someone.

I told her she could say anything, be anything with me and I would never judge. I may be many things

but I do keep my word. If she needs a friend I'll be here for her always.

I tuned in just in time when her ramblings were over.

"-thank you for this." She finished and I honestly had no idea what she said but I nodded.

"Remember, I'll always be here for you." I reassured her.

"It's just-" She choked on her own words. "I can't even say it without wanting to cry for a whole month."

I rubbed her knuckles with my thumbs.

"He wants to move and I can't handle that. He's going away for college, Sage and not just three hours

away." Tears fell from her eyes and she violently wiped it away.

"He's so selfish and self-serving." She spat and I tried not to ask who. "He's living me alone Sage. How

could my own brothers that."

Then I finally got it. She was talking about her twin brother, Linkin. Relationship status, always


I don't really know the guy except that he's Alora's twin and Styles's friend. I met his a couple of times

last year during parties and when I went to the games at Ransom Everglades.

"It hurts so much.... it hurts so much Sage but I don't want it to yet I can't help but feel this pain." She

brought her hands to her face and buried her face on her hands.

"It's okay." I tried telling her and pulling her to me but she yanked herself and stood up.

The water bottle which was now on her lap fell down.

"But it's not okay. It should be okay because he's leaving me. Seattle is too far and he already

registered to go. He'll be gone in just a few weeks but what about Me, huh? What about poor Alora. He

told me today. Today, Sage. He doesn't care how I feel. He didn't ask. It hurts so much Sage. He's

living me alone with dad. The man barely knows I'm his daughter. "

I didn't know what to tell her. Nothing came to mind because there's nothing I could tell her that would

make this any better.

A fact about the twins, they've been together since they were conceived. They shared the same group

of friends, went to the same school. They are never a city apart. This is a huge change, from being just

a few miles apart to being a thousand of miles apart.

She fell to her knees and I immediately stood up and walked to her. I squatted down next to her and

tried getting her to stand up but she didn't let me.

She sobbed, her chest shaking violently.

"I'm all alone. When he leaves I'll be truly alone." She whispered.

"You have me though." I comforted her but she sobbed even more.

"I don't have you Sage." She cried out but I chose to not answer that.

I didn't want to go down that road. I just held her and let her cry.

"Everything is falling apart Sage. Everything around me is crumbling and there's nothing I do that's

stopping it from falling apart." I wish I knew how to help but nothing I will do would help.

There's nothing I have that she needs. Nothing.

The next morning I went to check on Eve but she was still sleeping. So I then took a bath and went

downstairs where the sweet delicious aroma of freshly made breakfast was calling me.

"What did I do to deserve such treatment today?" I mused inhaling the intoxicating aroma of the


"Bummer that I didn't make it for you." Connor said and swatted my hand before I even took a slice.

"I don't see anyone here and besides that plate is written my name all over it." I couldn't help but sneak

in my hand and grab a toast.

"It's for your sister dumbass. She'll need this food when she wakes up. She's been sleeping for more

than 10 hours amd she was pretty drunk last night."

"How generous of you." I said to him. "But seriously where's my plate."

He laughed then poured coffee in a mug. He looked at me smugly because the fucked didn't make me


After I had a bowl of cereal and Eve had her breakfast, we dashed out of the out and luckily we made it

to the first class on time though we pissed homeroom.

The day went on with no drama at all. After school, Sebastian, Connor and I met up at a local diner to

catch up.

I haven't really talked to them since that they the police came to my door and even then things were


I explained my situation to them with the whole open investigation for Clara and the Wren situation.

Connor was worried he had to leave my house but I assured him that Wren was cool with him staying

and even if she wasn't, the house isn't hers. I can let whoever I wasn't stay.

We all ordered lunch then joked around like the typical boys we are.

It had been a very long time since we honestly hung out with no drama or beef between us.

"Party at my house Friday?" I suggested and they both agreed.

Maybe it's a bad idea to get drunk Friday when I have to be at a high level party the next day but


"Hell yeah. I'm up for that." Sebastian said but we had one day which is tommorow to get this party


"I have a big race Friday night." Connor said. "Why not do the party Saturday. It'll be more fun since it's

Halloween and all."

"No can do dude. Saturday is a no go for me." I told him. "I have this fancy thing to go to."

I could see how disappointed he was when I said that so I suggested something else.

"You have my permission to do a party Saturday too if you want." I told him. "But I won't be around."

"It's cool dude. I just wanted to invite both if y'all to something Friday night." He said sounding so

disappointed but he quickly masked it. "But it's whatever. I'll join the party after my rave."

I was about to tell him that I'll come but he changed the topic on us. I glanced at Sebastian but he was

already looking at me.

I wanted to speak but he shook his head and my head dipped.

Back at my house I called Eve to see how she was doing after I left in a hurry this morning but Styles

picked up.

"That isn't your phone Styles, give it back to Eve." I demanded as soon as I realised I was talking to


"Oh sure, I'll just give it to her since she's puking her guts out." He replied sarcastically. I even imagined

him rolling his eyes. "What happened last night? She's been puking since she came back."

"Did she even go to her house?" I asked him curious because I had a feeling she didn't. Wren was so

worried about her.

"Probably not." He answered. "I gotta run. Bye."

"Hey wai-" But he had already hung up. I said I put my phone down.

"Hey Sage." Connor yelled from downstairs and I yelled back. "I'm off, see you later okay."

"Okay sure dude." I yelled and fell on the bed. "Don't forget your keys."

Because I wouldn't open for him when he comes back because he forgot his keys.

Feeling drowsy, I let my eyelids fall. I decided I'll take a 30 minutes nap and decide when I wake up

what I'll have for dinner. Pizza sounded good.

I opened the front door of my house and I was immediately hit with an overwhelming smell of blood. It

was unavoidable. It was strong, intense and fresh.

My heart started racing. I also started heaving. With both hands, I covered my mouth to muffle the

noise of my breathing.

Slow and careful I tip toed, careful not to make a sound. I started in the kitchen but it was empty.

I then noticed that the house was quiet, too quiet. I slowly and carefully walked to the living room and I

yelled when I saw the sight.

At the landing of the stairs there was Clara dead, blood gushing from her head.

I pushed myself to a corner and slid down terrified. My heart felt like it would just out of my mouth.

I hugged my legs and screamed even more but the blood wouldn't stop gushing.

What I didn't understand is that I buried her. By now she should be nothing more than bones.

I came back to my senses, I had to bury her again if I didn't wanna go to jail and I didn't wanna go to


I hadn't realised I was crying until I stood up and could barely see because my eyes were blurry.

I hiccupped and I involuntary wiped my eyes which were watery.

I ran to the basement and got a shovel and a dirty rug. My heart wouldn't stop racing and I couldn't stop


I struggled lifting her corpse up to get her on the rug but at last I rolled it to rug and rolled her with the it.

I dragged the body to the basement and pushed her down the stairs and the corpes tumbled down.

I ran to the kitchen and got every single cleaning chemical I could find. I had to get rid of the evidence

before Connor came back and saw all the blood.

After cleaning the blood I ran down to the basement and started digging. I dug a hole bug enough to fit


Just as I was dragging the corpse to hole, the basement door busted open. Cops flooded the place with


They all souded at me to raise my hands. Some had guns pointed at me.

My eyes moved to the top of the stairs to see the last person to walk in. My eyes widened.

At the top of the stairs was Alora. She looked at me with so much hate then pointed at me.

"That's the killer." She announced and the cops all jumped on me.

I abruptly jerked awake and yelled. Then I realised I was back in my room and that was a really bad


I jumped alarmed when I saw Kate in my room.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I yelled at her still freaked out by the nightmare.

Kate was sitting next to me on the bed. She freaked me out. She was watching me during the whole

nightmare but didn't dare wake me.

How much of a suck freak is she? She saw u was struggling but did nothing.

I sweaty and my tee was soaked with sweat.

She frown a bit but then smiled.

"I came to make you dinner." She stated then flashed me a big smile. "I even closed the windows and

turned on the light since your house was dark because you were sleeping."

My mind was still cloudy and trying to catch up with the now and her presence wasn't helping.

She was giving me different vibes today.

"What?" I asked then shook my head. "That's not even my first question."

I sat up and got off the bed. I felt drowsy again and a bit light headed. I managed to stand on my own

after a mili second of feeling light headed.

She was on the other side of the bed and she had her back on me. I waited until stood up and turned

around to faced me before I asked her.

"How the hell did you get into my house?" I'm very sure Connor locked the door when he left.

"Oh that, I made myself a copy of your keys." She stated like it was no big deal at all.

"What?" I blinked a couple of times.

I couldn't make out her next words as images of the nightmare I had started popping in my head.

My heart started pounding and I felt light headed again. I was having trouble breathing like there wasn't

enough air in the room.

My vision was becoming blurry like in the dream. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I reached out.

My hands found Kate's head and I pulled her in. I know I shouldn't have done what I did next but what

the hell.

I kissed her and not just any kiss, I kissed her like she was my oxygen and Kate wasn't oppose to

anything. She kissed me back with fire.

Slowly as I kissed her, I was getting my feet back on the ground.

I pulled back only to push her on the bed. I was hard and I needed release now. I'll see the thing about

the key when I'm done.

She smiled panting. I got on the bed and practically reaped her top off. I started suckung from her jaw

down to her boobs.

She moaned and craw the bed in pleasure as I sucked her nipples.


You can use your imagination for the rest.

How creepy is Kate and how creepy do y'all think imma make her. One thing is obvious, she is


New amazing cover by PrincessPlatinum by the way.

And please do leave comments and vote if you liked the chapter. I appreciate that a lot.

I love you all


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