Chapter 48: Let it be

Chapter 48: Let it be

Sage Miller

I laid awake in my bed thinking. I've been doing a lot of that lately. I've taken up residency in my head

as of late.

I haven't been to school in the past two days and today it's the last time I'll skip school. For the next

foreseeable future.

Okay, that was Wren's idea not mine. Or more like blackmail from her side.

I get to stay here, in my house not here, as long as I attend all my classes, pass with reasonable

marks, and stay the hell out of trouble.

That means no skipping classes, no leaving school early, no more self-proclaimed day off. And no

more trouble.

Getting in trouble at school is no longer an option. She made that very clear.

I don't know how I'll do with all these rules after I've lived so long without them. But I want to live here

so I'll give it my best.

Being stuck at her house or shipped to Canada to live with grandma isn't ideal for me.

I patted for my phone on the bed until I found it. I opened it only to be greeted by a dozen messages

from Kate.

I sighed and sat upright. I decided to text her back before she busted through my doors.

Her head is hot enough. It's something she'd do.

I haven't seen her in two days and I have no idea what she's been up to at school. She probably

cheated again.

I gotta get my hands on what she's been up to while I was gone.

But first things first, I'm meeting Wren and her attorney at the courthouse today at 11 then she's coming

to my school to talk to the principal.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my hand startling me. I already knew who it was. I groaned and

answered it anyway.

"Hello." I deadpanned.

"Don't give me an attitude Sage. I should be the one giving you one." Kate just let it all out. She yelled.

"I'm not giving you an attitude." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

I stood a foot away from the bed looking at it. I was debating on whether to make the bed now or later

or maybe never.

I ended up deciding on living it the way it is. I was really not in the mood to worry about petty things like

making the bed.

It was already 8 am and I wanted to go to the gym to blow off some steam before I met up with Wren

later on.

"Like hell you are. Your friends won't tell me anything. What the hell is going on. Three days you

haven't been at school. Even when I come to your house Connor won't let me in."

Of course, they wouldn't tell her shit. They don't even like her, not like they ever liked any girl I ever

hooked up with.

I've kept both Sebastian and Connor in the loop excluding the gory details and the fact that I'm a


I'm sure Sebastian won't judge me but I'd like for that detail to never see the light of day.

"Mind your damn tone girl." I snapped. "Whatever is going is none of your damn business. You'll see

me when you see me."

She had a neck for getting on my nerves very fast and right now she was vexing me.

"I'm your girlfriend and you'll treat me as such." She argued.

"You can leave if you want." I shrugged ready to end this conversation. Possibly this relationship.

But she would never leave me. Not in this lifetime anyway.

"Damn it, Sage. Is it so bad that I want to see my boyfriend and be treated as your girlfriend?" She

asked hurt.

I get her, I do but I don't have the time nor energy for her whiny ass. I have bigger problems and I don't

need her to add to the stack.

"Fine, I'll pick you after school and I'll take you to a diner or something," I told her and hang up.

If that wasn't enough for her then too bad.

I was about to put my phone down when I saw a text from Eve.

My heart leaped. Finally, I've been trying to get ahold of her for the past two days. I know she

deliberately ignoring my calls and texts.

Seeing a text from her is a relief. I know she needs time to process everything and when she's ready I'll

be right here.

However long it may take.

Grandma is coming this weekend, heads up- Eve

I couldn't help but smile. I fumble with my thumbs trying to call her only to be sent straight to voicemail.

Maybe her battery died. I told myself but I knew the truth. She was still avoiding me.

But it was easy pretending that's what happened than acknowledging the truth. The truth hurts.

I took a quick cold shower and went downstairs with my gym bag in hand.

"You not going to school?" Connor asked when I popped my head in the kitchen.

He was making breakfast.

"Yeah I got this thing with Wren today but I'll go tomorrow," I told him and poured myself some juice.

"Leave me some."

I pointed at the breakfast he was making. We both knew that I wouldn't make one myself if he didn't so

he had to leave some for me.

This was almost a ritual with us.

"Call your girl dude. She's so annoying." Connor whined. "She's the most annoying creature ever

created and she looks so damn lost without you. She needs direction."

The relief I felt was unhealthy. At least I know I'm worth something.

"Don't worry, I talked to her. She'll leave you alone." I told him sipping my juice. "Speaking about Kate,

what has she been up to the last couple of days?"

It sounded as bad as it did in my head. I was that guy. The jealous type and I couldn't help it. I never

liked sharing.

"You mean other than following us around being a nuisance? I mean damn that girl is clingy as hell."

He complained.

I was glad he didn't realize what I was doing. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't ask the question I really

wanted to ask.

By any chance did she cheat? That's the question I wanted to ask. But I didn't, my pride will never let


After I had breakfast I went straight to the gym and worked out for an hour before I took a shower and

went to court to meet Wren.

At court, things went smoothly without any hiccups at all. I guess it pays to have money. I was glad.

I was asked a few questions, like if I wanted to stay with Wren and whatnot.

Soon we were sitting in the principal's office and Wren was explaining my situation to the prick.

No doubt I would be getting some kind of special treatment from now on.

I could practically see the dollar sign shimmering in his eyes as he agreed to everything Wren said.

He couldn't even hide that he was eying the check Wren had in her hands that she was giving to the

school as a donation.

He knew exactly who Wren is and how much she's worth.

Greedy bastard. I leaned back on the chair and zoned them out. I didn't even see any reason for me to

be here.

By the time they were done discussing and Porter agreeing to everything thing Wren said, it was

almost time for classes to be over.

I decided I'd wait for Kate and take her to some diner to shut her up.

I turned to Wren when we got to the parking lot.

"School is almost out, I'll wait for my friends if that's okay," I asked her.

It felt so damn weird asking for confirmation from someone. I never had to ask for it. I did as I damn

well pleased.

"Girlfriend?" She smiled and I gave her a lazy smile in return. "That's okay, I wanted us to have dinner

today but I'm not even sure if Evernly will come home today."

Her shoulders slumped and that got my attention real quick.

"What? Why?"

"We fought this morning." She paused seeming to debate what to say next. "Did you know she has a

tattoo or to be exact, several tattoos on her back?"

It took a second to understand and process what she said.

"What?" I yelled very surprisedly. "She does... I mean I didn't know."

"Honestly I'm just worried about her. That boyfriend of hers is not a good influence but if I keep pushing

she pushes even harder. I don't know what to do with her."

She sounded so exhausted and tired that my heart bled for her. Eve is so lucky yet she doesn't see it.

And Wren needs to give up on trying to tear her away from Styles. After what he did, I didn't think she'll

go back to him but she did. Pushing will only push her into his arms even more.

"Don't worry too much Wren. She is fine and she loves you. She might not show it but she does

otherwise she wouldn't be staying at your house. And about the tattoos, I'll speak to her." I assured her.

After all, Eve is partly my responsibility.

"Be a good boy. And remember, you get to stay by yourself if you follow the rules and weekend you Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

come by the house okay?" She told me.

I smiled lightly.

"Yeah, Sundays I'm yours." I joked and she breathed out a laugh.

"I'm not joking Sage. Weekend." She emphasized.

"Okay, Saturdays then."

"I'm serious. The whole weekend, every weekend." She waved me goodbye and her driver opened the

door for her and they drove off.

I made it to my car which was in the student parking lot near the gate. I leaned against it and took my

phone out to kill time.

I whipped my head around to scan my surroundings. Since this morning I've been having this aching

feeling like I'm being watched.

And now that I'm alone in a quiet parking lot the feeling seems to be stronger.

I looked at the roads and cars passed by. Normal cars. A grey sedan passed and I tried to see who

was driving but I couldn't.

I tried that with different cars but still, no luck, and every car that passed by didn't give me any weird

vibe. They all seem ordinary. Nothing sticks out.

No car stopped or even passed by twice. I couldn't even explain the paranoia I have.

Again, I was startled by my phone vibrating. I took my eyes off the road to focus on my phone.

I don't know who I thought it was but I wasn't expecting her to text me. Not after the last time.

The text was something else entirely.

I need to see you-Alora

No greetings, nothing. I stared at the text like I was expecting it to vanish or waiting for another text

which will probably say wrong text.

It never came and five minutes later I was still frozen. Just as I was about to reply with something I

would regret the bell rang, signaling the end of yet another school end.

Something I'm seeing is that Alora fucks with my head and lately I'm not stable. I don't need her to

send me over the edge. I don't need her to fuck me up.

Her sanity comes at the cost of mine and I'm not in the right place to handle that.

Kate, I can handle it. Sure she gets under my skin but she's nothing I can't handle. Alora on the other

hand is something beyond my power.

She's addictive and disruptive capable of reducing me to mess, a hot mess. She can fuck with me and

my head that I barely see or think logically.

She's my kryptonite. Always ready to destroy me.

I locked the screen and threw my phone on the driver's seat.

Just as I lifted my head I came gave to face with Tyler's smirking face. Sebastian told me that he's the

new captain and behaves like he runs the school.

I guess there's no practice today.

I click my tongue and look elsewhere but it was evident that he wasn't going anywhere.

"You finally realized you don't belong here, Miller." He commented so snuggly.

My fist itched at my side but Wren's words rang in my head. I shouldn't cause trouble.

"Fuck of Tyler before you have to replace another tooth." I flipped him off trying not to give in to the bait

he was setting.

Back in freshmen year, he made a mistake to piss off Sebastian, the ever angry boy and Sebastian

knocked his tooth right out of his mouth.

He had to replace that with a fake one. Girls have talked about how when they kiss him it comes out.

"I'm not scared of you. You're just a washed-up jock." His insults were as weak as him.

"Oh here comes Sebastian." I bluffed and he took the bait and spun around so quickly that I'm pretty

sure he gave himself whiplash.

I snorted.

"Always using others to fight for you." It was pretty evident that he was shaken up by my bluff even

though he tried not to show it.

"You and I both know I don't need Sebastian to know your teeth so far down you'll stick a toothbrush up

your ass to brush them," I told him with a straight face then looked at my hands. "Problem is that I just

did my nails and I wouldn't wanna ruin them on someone as useless as you."

"Excuses, excuses." He sang. He wasn't aware of the murderous look I was spotting. I might just run

him over today. "Watch out Miller, I'm coming after your girl next."

My level of control was running thin with this dumbass. I pushed myself off my car and completely

invaded his personal space.

"Listen here asswipe, the only reason that you got to be captain is that both Sebastian and I quiet. And

you might be captain but we still rule this school." I lowered my voice and the student stopped to see

what happened next but I didn't want a show.

"Now get lost before I lose the last thread of my patience and I strip you of the last ounce of respect

these idiots still have for you." I went back to my previous position, leaning against my car.

Kate arrived and walked past a frozen Tyler. She gave him a side glance otherwise ignore his existence

which was almost satisfying to watch.

"Took you long enough," I complained and opened the door. "I lost half my life waiting out here."

"I didn't think you'd really show." She stated and I rolled my eyes and said nothing.

I waited until She had her seat belt on. I backed out of the parking lot very fast not forgetting to show off

as I pressed the accelerator and make noise.

The ride was quiet until Kate decided to break it.

"So what did Tyler tell you?" She asked and I turned my head to look her at for a moment but she

wasn't looking at me.

She was looking out the window. I turned back to the road and raised a brow.

"What was he suppose to tell me?" I asked her accusingly.

"I don't know. I just saw you two whispering." She deflected which made me think she was hiding


"If you did something you better tell me now," I demanded gripping the wheel very hard.

"I didn't do anything Sage. Why do you always gotta think I did something." She got defenses and sunk

in her seat.

I studied her posture to find something to exploit. I then realized I couldn't use fear.

I've always used fear to keep her under control. Either fear of me leaving her or worst but it's always


"You fucking better tell me now. You know I'll find out and it won't be pretty for you little girl. If you did

something dumb I'll rip you to shreds." I threatened her.

I hadn't thought of what I said until I had actually said it. I fucking hated how I sounded.

I sounded like my mother. I sounded like the person I hate most in this world.

"I swear I didn't do anything." Her voice squeaked out of fear and I chose to shut the hell up before I

turned into Clara.

I was parked outside McDonald's' debating whether to go in or not. From where I parked I could see

how full it was.

School was out and so were students. McDonald's is their hang-out spot after school and I knew we

wouldn't find a table.

Besides I wasn't prepared to be in a public with that many people. I still felt vexed.

Alora's text was still burning at the back of my head begging me to reply. To see her, even if it's just one

last time. For a moment I almost convinced myself that I'd go see her. One last time.

But the text wasn't the only thing. The feeling of being watched had followed me the whole day and

right now was no different.

I looked everywhere and I still couldn't find the source.

"Let's actually just go through the drive-thru, I got a spot we can go chill," I suggested softly trying to

make up for what I did and said on our way here.

She just nodded and I pulled out of the parking spot and saw a glimpse of what looked like a grey


I blinked thinking that maybe I imagined everything. I wasn't sure. I'm paranoid. Sedans are common


I pleaded with myself not to freak out and follow that car. I went through the drive-thru.

I asked Kate what she wanted and we ordered then went to the next window to pay and collect our


I kept thinking about that grey sedan I saw. It could've been just a coincidence.

Many people own sedans, Right? It must be a coincidence.

But no matter how I tried to convince myself that no one was following me, I couldn't. The fact

remained that I saw the same car twice in 20 minutes.

That couldn't have been just a mere coincidence.

I took out my phone and texted Styles. He's the only person I could tell about this.

Some1's following me. If it's 1 of ur guys let me knw.-Sage

I waited in the parking lot for his response. I couldn't ignore the fact that maybe it's Styles and his

security details. He may have ordered someone to follow me.

If so, he'll tell me now then I can relax.

Kate kept complaining about being stuck in the car but as usual, she wasn't a priority or even a

concern. She can suck it up or get out of the damn car.

Minutes went by until I got his reply.

Not mine-Styles

I stared at the text wondering what now. If not him then who. Who wants to follow me? Me of all people.

I haven't pissed anyone lately.

Two seconds later Styles sent another text.

Send ur location. I'm sending some1 over. Act normal, don't give anything away that u knw you're

followed. Go to where you were going. I'll take place of this.-Styles

Relief flooded me when I read the text. Since this morning when I walked out of the house, I could

finally relax knowing that Styles is on top of it.

I sent a simple k with my location to Styles then drove off.

Thirty to forty minutes later I got another text from Styles.

Got him.-Styles

I released the breath I've been holding for forty minutes. I let my tense body relax.

Kate and I were on the lookout point of Miami, a hill on the north. We've been here for twenty minutes

and we were done eating.

I had a blanket in my car which we used to set a mini picnic.

A sign of relief escaped my lips and I laid back and rested my head on Kate's lap.

I'll find out who was following me later. Styles will tell me but do now I want to relax. I've been deprived

of that since the week started.

Although the week is almost over.

Kate slipped his fingers in my hair and started massaging my scalp. I couldn't help but moan because

the pleasure was too good.

"Keep going." I encouraged her to never stop. She giggled.

I could sleep like this. It felt so good and for the first time in day I felt relaxed. It's ironic and crazy that I

felt so at ease with Kate next to me.

I guess I do fall asleep because I woke up to Kate calling me. She was shaking me giving me


I realise that the sun had gone down and it was dark. I yawned and tried to fully wake up.

"What?" I asked annoyed and still a bit slippy.

"Your phone keeps ringing and Connor is calling me now." She replied just as annoyed.

I guess she fell asleep too.

"I'll see him back home." I tried dismissing the issue.

Kate shoved the phone in my hand.

"Tell him that yourself. Your friends can be annoying." She complained.

I had no choice but to talk to Connor.

I didn't get to speak before Connor spoke.

"Dude, what the fuck? I've been calling you." I yawned again. "Your sister is here drunk to a point she

can't stand. Get here."

He didn't miss a bit and in two seconds, I was full awake and on my feet. My whole body was stiff and


"What?" I asked shocked.

"Ummm, yeah. She's here and I don't know what to do." Connor replied awkwardly.

"I'll be there in fifteen. Make sure she doesn't leave." I told him. "And please take good care of her."


Chapter 48 done guys.

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please leave and vote and a comment of your favorite part.

I love you all


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