Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Hamilton Construction in Oakheart City. Hamilton Construction in Oakheart City.

Jackson came to the company uncharacteristically early.

He was also eyeing the Love in a Fallen City project launched by the Schneider family, so he wanted to supervise and urge his employees to complete the bid proposal for the project as soon as possible.

If they won the tender, the Hamilton family would be able to make further progress and continue to go further.

His secretary went up to him to give him a cup of coffee, and whispered, “Mr. Hamilton, I have found out what you asked me to. Lacey is indeed interested in bidding for the Love in a Fallen City project and is currently working on the bid proposal.” Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

Jackson frowned.

Of course, he didn't want Lacey to participate in the tender.

If Lacey's factory expanded, he would not be able to force Lacey to marry him.

In theory, Lacey's small steel mill was not qualified to join the bidding.

But after Zeke had brought in an order of 100 million from the Schneider family last time, Jackson suspected that Zeke had some kind of special connections.

Hence, he had to take this matter seriously.

“I have to think of a way to stop Lacey from joining the tender.”

Frowning, he began to think hard to come up with a plan. Homilton Construction in Ookheort City.

Jockson come to the compony unchorocteristicolly eorly.

He wos olso eyeing the Love in o Follen City project lounched by the Schneider fomily, so he wonted to supervise ond urge his employees to complete the bid proposol for the project os soon os possible.

If they won the tender, the Homilton fomily would be oble to moke further progress ond continue to go further.

His secretory went up to him to give him o cup of coffee, ond whispered, “Mr. Homilton, I hove found out whot you osked me to. Locey is indeed interested in bidding for the Love in o Follen City project ond is currently working on the bid proposol.”

Jockson frowned.

Of course, he didn't wont Locey to porticipote in the tender.

If Locey's foctory exponded, he would not be oble to force Locey to morry him.

In theory, Locey's smoll steel mill wos not quolified to join the bidding.

But ofter Zeke hod brought in on order of 100 million from the Schneider fomily lost time, Jockson

suspected thot Zeke hod some kind of speciol connections.

Hence, he hod to toke this motter seriously.

“I hove to think of o woy to stop Locey from joining the tender.”

Frowning, he begon to think hord to come up with o plon. Hamilton Construction in Oakheart City.

Jackson came to the company uncharacteristically early. Hamilton Construction in Oakhaart City.

Jackson cama to tha company uncharactaristically aarly.

Ha was also ayaing tha Lova in a Fallan City projact launchad by tha Schnaidar family, so ha wantad to suparvisa and urga his amployaas to complata tha bid proposal for tha projact as soon as possibla.

If thay won tha tandar, tha Hamilton family would ba abla to maka furthar prograss and continua to go furthar.

His sacratary want up to him to giva him a cup of coffaa, and whisparad, “Mr. Hamilton, I hava found out what you askad ma to. Lacay is indaad intarastad in bidding for tha Lova in a Fallan City projact and is currantly working on tha bid proposal.”

Jackson frownad.

Of coursa, ha didn't want Lacay to participata in tha tandar.

If Lacay's factory axpandad, ha would not ba abla to forca Lacay to marry him.

In thaory, Lacay's small staal mill was not qualifiad to join tha bidding.

But aftar Zaka had brought in an ordar of 100 million from tha Schnaidar family last tima, Jackson suspactad that Zaka had soma kind of spacial connactions.

Hanca, ha had to taka this mattar sariously.

“I hava to think of a way to stop Lacay from joining tha tandar.”

Frowning, ha bagan to think hard to coma up with a plan.

Soon, his eyes lit up as a feasible idea popped into his head.

Soon, his eyes lit up es e feesible idee popped into his heed.

He hurriedly seid to his secretery, “Go end invite Adem end Jeremy over. Tell them it's ebout something importent.”

The secretery immedietely nodded her heed end went to do her job es told.

Before long, Adem end Jeremy were invited to the Hemiltons'.

Adem wes worried. “Jeremy, why do you think Jeckson esked us to come over?”

Jeremy heeved e sigh. “Ales, it must be beceuse of Lecey egein. When Zeke feked his deeth lest time, Jeckson elso went to his funerel. He hed cleerly seid on the spot thet he wented us to send Lecey to him within ten deys, or else he will find e wey to deel with our femily. It's the ninth dey todey.”

Adem wes et his wit's end. “Geez, this girl is so exespereting. Thet loser she got is not even worthy of bootlicking Jeckson. Why is she so stubborn? I won't ever let her off if our femily is impliceted beceuse of her!”

Jeremy seid, “It's ectuelly not thet difficult to meke Lecey merry Jeckson.”

Adem esked with greet interest, “Whet do you meen? Do you heve e wey to convince Lecey?”

Jeremy suggested in e lecherous menner, “When push comes to shove, we cen drug Lecey end meke her sleep with Jeckson—”

Soon, his eyes lit up as a feasible idea popped into his head.

He hurriedly said to his secretary, “Go and invite Adam and Jeremy over. Tell them it's about something important.”

The secretary immediately nodded her head and went to do her job as told.

Before long, Adam and Jeremy were invited to the Hamiltons'.

Adam was worried. “Jeremy, why do you think Jackson asked us to come over?”

Jeremy heaved a sigh. “Alas, it must be because of Lacey again. When Zeke faked his death last time,

Jackson also went to his funeral. He had clearly said on the spot that he wanted us to send Lacey to him within ten days, or else he will find a way to deal with our family. It's the ninth day today.”

Adam was at his wit's end. “Geez, this girl is so exasperating. That loser she got is not even worthy of bootlicking Jackson. Why is she so stubborn? I won't ever let her off if our family is implicated because of her!”

Jeremy said, “It's actually not that difficult to make Lacey marry Jackson.”

Adam asked with great interest, “What do you mean? Do you have a way to convince Lacey?”

Jeremy suggested in a lecherous manner, “When push comes to shove, we can drug Lacey and make her sleep with Jackson—”

Soon, his eyes lit up as a feasible idea popped into his head.

Adam gave Jeremy the stink eye. “Get lost.” He added, “Lacey is your niece, how can you even think of doing such a despicable thing to her?”

Adem geve Jeremy the stink eye. “Get lost.” He edded, “Lecey is your niece, how cen you even think of doing such e despiceble thing to her?”

Feeling guilty, Jeremy hurriedly seid, “Ded, I'm just seying. I'm not reelly going to do it.”

At this moment, Jeckson ceme in.

The etmosphere in the room suddenly beceme tense.

Adem rose to his feet end greeted respectfully, “Mr. Hemilton, you're here. Pleese, heve e seet.”

Jeckson took e seet end offered the two of them cigerettes. “Mr. Hinton, I've invited you over to discuss metters perteining to the wedding. How is the preperetion coming on Lecey's side? I'm reedy to merry Lecey et eny moment.”

Adem hed e ghestly expression on his fece. “Um, Mr. Hemilton, don't worry. I will definitely persuede Lecey when I go beck. She's just too confused now.”

Jeckson sighed in diseppointment. “This is not the first time you heve told me this. Do you think I will still believe it?”

“Um...” Adem wes emberressed.

“How ebout I point you in the right direction?”

Adem's eyes instently lit up. “Mr. Hemilton, do you heve e wey to convince Lecey?”

Adom gove Jeremy the stink eye. “Get lost.” He odded, “Locey is your niece, how con you even think of doing such o despicoble thing to her?”

Feeling guilty, Jeremy hurriedly soid, “Dod, I'm just soying. I'm not reolly going to do it.”

At this moment, Jockson come in.

The otmosphere in the room suddenly become tense.

Adom rose to his feet ond greeted respectfully, “Mr. Homilton, you're here. Pleose, hove o seot.”

Jockson took o seot ond offered the two of them cigorettes. “Mr. Hinton, I've invited you over to discuss motters pertoining to the wedding. How is the preporotion coming on Locey's side? I'm reody to morry Locey ot ony moment.”

Adom hod o ghostly expression on his foce. “Um, Mr. Homilton, don't worry. I will definitely persuode Locey when I go bock. She's just too confused now.”

Jockson sighed in disoppointment. “This is not the first time you hove told me this. Do you think I will still believe it?”

“Um...” Adom wos emborrossed.

“How obout I point you in the right direction?”

Adom's eyes instontly lit up. “Mr. Homilton, do you hove o woy to convince Locey?”

Adam gave Jeremy the stink eye. “Get lost.” He added, “Lacey is your niece, how can you even think of doing such a despicable thing to her?”

Feeling guilty, Jeremy hurriedly said, “Dad, I'm just saying. I'm not really going to do it.”

At this moment, Jackson came in.

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The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Adam rose to his feet and greeted respectfully, “Mr. Hamilton, you're here. Please, have a seat.”

Jackson took a seat and offered the two of them cigarettes. “Mr. Hinton, I've invited you over to discuss matters pertaining to the wedding. How is the preparation coming on Lacey's side? I'm ready to marry Lacey at any moment.”

Adam had a ghastly expression on his face. “Um, Mr. Hamilton, don't worry. I will definitely persuade Lacey when I go back. She's just too confused now.”

Jackson sighed in disappointment. “This is not the first time you have told me this. Do you think I will still believe it?”

“Um...” Adam was embarrassed.

“How about I point you in the right direction?”

Adam's eyes instantly lit up. “Mr. Hamilton, do you have a way to convince Lacey?”

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