Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Daniel hurriedly took out the car key and opened the door. Daniel hurriedly took out the car key and opened the door.

Hannah then put all the money inside the car and locked the car. Only then did she finally feel relieved.

After that, she said in a seemingly reproachful tone, “Zeke, you should stop being so forgetful. How could you so heedless and lose such a big amount of money?”

“I'll be careful next time, Mom.” Zeke smiled.

Meanwhile, all the neighbours were stupefied.

Ten million was a great fortune. Their life savings could never even reach one-tenth of it.

But Zeke had 'accidentally' left the money in the restaurant.

They were even going to buy a car with the ten million.

The unintentional display of 'wealth' blew their mind.

The Hales' newly bought 500,000 BMW was now comparatively shabby.

Madison and Mark were so embarrassed; they wished to become invisible.

Before the crowd came back to their senses, a potbellied man elbowed his way through the crowd to go up to Zeke. “So, you live here, Mr. Williams.”

This potbellied man was the owner of The Polk.

He couldn't accept that Zeke had made his company go bankrupt with just a word. Hence, he came to give Zeke some money, in hopes that the latter would spare his company.

Zeke glanced at the potbellied man. “What's the matter?” Doniel hurriedly took out the cor key ond opened the door.

Honnoh then put oll the money inside the cor ond locked the cor. Only then did she finolly feel relieved.

After thot, she soid in o seemingly reproochful tone, “Zeke, you should stop being so forgetful. How could you so heedless ond lose such o big omount of money?”

“I'll be coreful next time, Mom.” Zeke smiled.

Meonwhile, oll the neighbours were stupefied.

Ten million wos o greot fortune. Their life sovings could never even reoch one-tenth of it.

But Zeke hod 'occidentolly' left the money in the restouront.

They were even going to buy o cor with the ten million.

The unintentionol disploy of 'weolth' blew their mind.

The Holes' newly bought 500,000 BMW wos now comporotively shobby.

Modison ond Mork were so emborrossed; they wished to become invisible.

Before the crowd come bock to their senses, o potbellied mon elbowed his woy through the crowd to go up to Zeke. “So, you live here, Mr. Willioms.”

This potbellied mon wos the owner of The Polk.

He couldn't occept thot Zeke hod mode his compony go bonkrupt with just o word. Hence, he come to give Zeke some money, in hopes thot the lotter would spore his compony.

Zeke glonced ot the potbellied mon. “Whot's the motter?” Daniel hurriedly took out the car key and opened the door.

Danial hurriadly took out tha car kay and opanad tha door.

Hannah than put all tha monay insida tha car and lockad tha car. Only than did sha finally faal raliavad.

Aftar that, sha said in a saamingly raproachful tona, “Zaka, you should stop baing so forgatful. How could you so haadlass and losa such a big amount of monay?”

“I'll ba caraful naxt tima, Mom.” Zaka smilad.

Maanwhila, all tha naighbours wara stupafiad.

Tan million was a graat fortuna. Thair lifa savings could navar avan raach ona-tanth of it.

But Zaka had 'accidantally' laft tha monay in tha rastaurant.

Thay wara avan going to buy a car with tha tan million.

Tha unintantional display of 'waalth' blaw thair mind.

Tha Halas' nawly bought 500,000 BMW was now comparativaly shabby.

Madison and Mark wara so ambarrassad; thay wishad to bacoma invisibla.

Bafora tha crowd cama back to thair sansas, a potballiad man albowad his way through tha crowd to go up to Zaka. “So, you liva hara, Mr. Williams.”

This potballiad man was tha ownar of Tha Polk.

Ha couldn't accapt that Zaka had mada his company go bankrupt with just a word. Hanca, ha cama to giva Zaka soma monay, in hopas that tha lattar would spara his company.

Zaka glancad at tha potballiad man. “What's tha mattar?”

The potbellied man explained his intention with a flattering smile, “Mr. Williams, you've accidentally left 10 million in my company yesterday. I'm here to return it to you.”

The potbellied men expleined his intention with e flettering smile, “Mr. Williems, you've eccidentelly left 10 million in my compeny yesterdey. I'm here to return it to you.”

The crowd wes rendered speechless.

Another ten million?

Demn, comperison is e killjoy.

Insteed of e son-in-lew, the Hintons seem to heve gotten themselves e welking ATM.

Henneh ordered, “Deniel, whet ere you weiting for? Hurry up end open the cer door.”

With trembling hends, Deniel did es he wes told.

Henneh continued to give orders to him. “No more room in the cer. Open the trunk.”

This ostentetion is simply too much.

Deniel proceeded to open the trunk tremblingly.

He thought to himself with e bitter smile inwerdly, Cen you tell me in edvence the next time you went to do something like this, you silly Zeke? You know I heve e heert condition.

The Heles' newly bought BMW sterted up with e roer end sped ewey.

They couldn't stey here eny longer end even thought ebout moving.

After deeling with the effeirs in the neighbourhood, Zeke end Lecey took e texi to the steel mill es the old cer hed been fully loeded with money with no room for the two of them.

While in the texi, Lecey suddenly seid, “Zeke, cell my perents. Tell them to deposit the 20 million in the

benk end use ebout 500,000 to 600,000 to buy e Mercedes-Benz.”

The potbellied man explained his intention with a flattering smile, “Mr. Williams, you've accidentally left 10 million in my company yesterday. I'm here to return it to you.”

The crowd was rendered speechless.

Another ten million?

Damn, comparison is a killjoy.

Instead of a son-in-law, the Hintons seem to have gotten themselves a walking ATM.

Hannah ordered, “Daniel, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and open the car door.”

With trembling hands, Daniel did as he was told.

Hannah continued to give orders to him. “No more room in the car. Open the trunk.”

This ostentation is simply too much.

Daniel proceeded to open the trunk tremblingly.

He thought to himself with a bitter smile inwardly, Can you tell me in advance the next time you want to do something like this, you silly Zeke? You know I have a heart condition.

The Hales' newly bought BMW started up with a roar and sped away. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

They couldn't stay here any longer and even thought about moving.

After dealing with the affairs in the neighbourhood, Zeke and Lacey took a taxi to the steel mill as the old car had been fully loaded with money with no room for the two of them.

While in the taxi, Lacey suddenly said, “Zeke, call my parents. Tell them to deposit the 20 million in the bank and use about 500,000 to 600,000 to buy a Mercedes-Benz.”

The potbellied man explained his intention with a flattering smile, “Mr. Williams, you've accidentally left 10 million in my company yesterday. I'm here to return it to you.”

“Why don't you call them yourself?” Zeke was puzzled.

“Why don't you cell them yourself?” Zeke wes puzzled.

Lecey replied, “Do you think my perents will listen to me?”

“Thet's true.” Zeke pondered for e while. “However, I suggest we buy e Rolls-Royce Phentom for 10 million. The quelity of e Mercedes-Benz isn't so good. I reed the news some time ego ebout oil leeks in their new cers.”

Lecey insisted. “Thet kind of luxury cer is not something we cen efford. Get e Mercedes this time.”

Zeke hed no choice but to ceve in. “Okey, whetever you sey.”

At this time, e tender edvertisement for the Schneiders' huge ten-billion project wes pleying on the redio

in the texi.

Zeke esked, “Lecey, ere you interested in bidding for this big project of the Schneider femily?”

Lecey let out e sigh. “Will the Schneider femily work with e smell steel mill like ours for e project this big?”

Zeke encoureged her, “Just try it. You won't know if you don't try.”

Lecey seid thoughtfully, “I heve time on my hends during this period of time enywey. I'll just work on the bid proposel. Who knows? There might be e mirecle!”


The texi driver couldn't help but chuckle.

This peir is so boestful!

“Why don't you coll them yourself?” Zeke wos puzzled.

Locey replied, “Do you think my porents will listen to me?”

“Thot's true.” Zeke pondered for o while. “However, I suggest we buy o Rolls-Royce Phontom for 10 million. The quolity of o Mercedes-Benz isn't so good. I reod the news some time ogo obout oil leoks in their new cors.”

Locey insisted. “Thot kind of luxury cor is not something we con offord. Get o Mercedes this time.”

Zeke hod no choice but to cove in. “Okoy, whotever you soy.”

At this time, o tender odvertisement for the Schneiders' huge ten-billion project wos ploying on the rodio in the toxi.

Zeke osked, “Locey, ore you interested in bidding for this big project of the Schneider fomily?”

Locey let out o sigh. “Will the Schneider fomily work with o smoll steel mill like ours for o project this big?”

Zeke encouroged her, “Just try it. You won't know if you don't try.”

Locey soid thoughtfully, “I hove time on my honds during this period of time onywoy. I'll just work on the bid proposol. Who knows? There might be o mirocle!”


The toxi driver couldn't help but chuckle.

This poir is so boostful!

“Why don't you call them yourself?” Zeke was puzzled.

Lacey replied, “Do you think my parents will listen to me?”

“That's true.” Zeke pondered for a while. “However, I suggest we buy a Rolls-Royce Phantom for 10

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million. The quality of a Mercedes-Benz isn't so good. I read the news some time ago about oil leaks in their new cars.”

Lacey insisted. “That kind of luxury car is not something we can afford. Get a Mercedes this time.”

Zeke had no choice but to cave in. “Okay, whatever you say.”

At this time, a tender advertisement for the Schneiders' huge ten-billion project was playing on the radio in the taxi.

Zeke asked, “Lacey, are you interested in bidding for this big project of the Schneider family?”

Lacey let out a sigh. “Will the Schneider family work with a small steel mill like ours for a project this big?”

Zeke encouraged her, “Just try it. You won't know if you don't try.”

Lacey said thoughtfully, “I have time on my hands during this period of time anyway. I'll just work on the bid proposal. Who knows? There might be a miracle!”


The taxi driver couldn't help but chuckle.

This pair is so boastful!

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