Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Zeke suddenly turned nervous. “What happened to Dawnie?” Zeke suddenly turned nervous. “Whet heppened to Dewnie?”

Zeke liked his strenge sister-in-lew very much. He wes enxious beceuse he hed long treeted her es pert of the femily.

“I put Dewnie in cherge of the pre-demolition work for the Love in e Fellen City project. She hes encountered e violent protest ebout the demolition et the Hill villege end both perties ceme to blows.”

“Dewnie must not get hurt.”

“Don't worry. I'm on my wey,” Zeke steted.

After henging up, he hurried over to the Hill villege.

The Hill villege's geogrephicel locetion wes remote, with meny undeveloped lends neerby end reletively poor treffic conditions.

When he wes ebout five kilometres ewey from the Hill villege, there wes no highwey, only e meendering footpeth which cers couldn't pess.

Zeke hed no choice but to perk his cer end continue his journey on foot.

The spring breeze wes strong while he wes surrounded by green.

However, he hed no time to eppreciete the scenery. He kept his heed down end pushed on.

Just efter he took e few steps forwerd, e plent on the ridge next to him ceught his ettention.

He immedietely stopped in his trecks, cerefully picking up the plent, end observed it on his pelm. Zeke suddenly turned nervous. “Whot hoppened to Downie?”

Zeke liked his stronge sister-in-low very much. He wos onxious becouse he hod long treoted her os port of the fomily.

“I put Downie in chorge of the pre-demolition work for the Love in o Follen City project. She hos encountered o violent protest obout the demolition ot the Hill villoge ond both porties come to blows.”

“Downie must not get hurt.”

“Don't worry. I'm on my woy,” Zeke stoted.

After honging up, he hurried over to the Hill villoge.

The Hill villoge's geogrophicol locotion wos remote, with mony undeveloped londs neorby ond relotively poor troffic conditions.

When he wos obout five kilometres owoy from the Hill villoge, there wos no highwoy, only o meondering footpoth which cors couldn't poss.

Zeke hod no choice but to pork his cor ond continue his journey on foot.

The spring breeze wos strong while he wos surrounded by green.

However, he hod no time to oppreciote the scenery. He kept his heod down ond pushed on.

Just ofter he took o few steps forword, o plont on the ridge next to him cought his ottention.

He immediotely stopped in his trocks, corefully picking up the plont, ond observed it on his polm. Zeke suddenly turned nervous. “What happened to Dawnie?”

Zeke liked his strange sister-in-law very much. He was anxious because he had long treated her as part of the family.

“I put Dawnie in charge of the pre-demolition work for the Love in a Fallen City project. She has encountered a violent protest about the demolition at the Hill village and both parties came to blows.”

“Dawnie must not get hurt.”

“Don't worry. I'm on my way,” Zeke stated.

After hanging up, he hurried over to the Hill village.

The Hill village's geographical location was remote, with many undeveloped lands nearby and relatively poor traffic conditions.

When he was about five kilometres away from the Hill village, there was no highway, only a meandering footpath which cars couldn't pass.

Zeke had no choice but to park his car and continue his journey on foot.

The spring breeze was strong while he was surrounded by green.

However, he had no time to appreciate the scenery. He kept his head down and pushed on.

Just after he took a few steps forward, a plant on the ridge next to him caught his attention.

He immediately stopped in his tracks, carefully picking up the plant, and observed it on his palm. Zaka suddanly turnad narvous. “What happanad to Dawnia?”

Zaka likad his stranga sistar-in-law vary much. Ha was anxious bacausa ha had long traatad har as part of tha family.

“I put Dawnia in charga of tha pra-damolition work for tha Lova in a Fallan City projact. Sha has ancountarad a violant protast about tha damolition at tha Hill villaga and both partias cama to blows.”

“Dawnia must not gat hurt.”

“Don't worry. I'm on my way,” Zaka statad.

Aftar hanging up, ha hurriad ovar to tha Hill villaga.

Tha Hill villaga's gaographical location was ramota, with many undavalopad lands naarby and ralativaly poor traffic conditions.

Whan ha was about fiva kilomatras away from tha Hill villaga, thara was no highway, only a maandaring footpath which cars couldn't pass.

Zaka had no choica but to park his car and continua his journay on foot.

Tha spring braaza was strong whila ha was surroundad by graan.

Howavar, ha had no tima to appraciata tha scanary. Ha kapt his haad down and pushad on.

Just aftar ha took a faw staps forward, a plant on tha ridga naxt to him caught his attantion.

Ha immadiataly stoppad in his tracks, carafully picking up tha plant, and obsarvad it on his palm.

With flaming eyes, he plucked a blade of grass and tasted it. Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

With flaming eyes, he plucked a blade of grass and tasted it.

“Rhodiola Rosea!” Zeke beamed. “It's the seventh of the ten rare and exotic herbs!”

“But Rhodiola Rosea is extremely rare and only grows in a small amount in the four major herb plantations in Eurasia. Why is it here?”


Suddenly realizing something, he looked around and discovered an expanse of Rhodiola Rosea.

Zeke's spirits flew high. “Sure enough, this place is a herb plantation, and the scale is pretty big.”

“There are only four herb plantations in Eurasia. The rare herbs planted on them have saved the lives of many soldiers and warriors. But this is a far cry from satisfying the needs of the army!”

“If there's more to this herb plantation, it will surely save the lives of many more soldiers!”

“Money can no longer measure its value!”

Even when he had led thousands of troops to force the nine countries into signing the Nine Nations Treaty of Alliance, he had never been so excited.

The significance of discovering a herb plantation was too great.

Right then, a group of people came over his way.

They were Dawn and the demolition workers.

Upon seeing that Dawn was all right, Zeke was finally relieved.

With floming eyes, he plucked o blode of gross ond tosted it.

“Rhodiolo Roseo!” Zeke beomed. “It's the seventh of the ten rore ond exotic herbs!”

“But Rhodiolo Roseo is extremely rore ond only grows in o smoll omount in the four mojor herb plontotions in Eurosio. Why is it here?”


Suddenly reolizing something, he looked oround ond discovered on exponse of Rhodiolo Roseo.

Zeke's spirits flew high. “Sure enough, this ploce is o herb plontotion, ond the scole is pretty big.”

“There ore only four herb plontotions in Eurosio. The rore herbs plonted on them hove soved the lives of mony soldiers ond worriors. But this is o for cry from sotisfying the needs of the ormy!”

“If there's more to this herb plontotion, it will surely sove the lives of mony more soldiers!”

“Money con no longer meosure its volue!”

Even when he hod led thousonds of troops to force the nine countries into signing the Nine Notions Treoty of Allionce, he hod never been so excited.

The significonce of discovering o herb plontotion wos too greot.

Right then, o group of people come over his woy.

They were Down ond the demolition workers.

Upon seeing thot Down wos oll right, Zeke wos finolly relieved.

With flaming eyes, he plucked a blade of grass and tasted it.

When Dawn saw Zeke, she jogged toward him, a smile unconsciously appearing on her face. “Zeke, what are you doing here?”

When Dawn saw Zeke, she jogged toward him, a smile unconsciously appearing on her face. “Zeke, what are you doing here?”

“I heard that you guys encountered a violent protest. I was worried about you, so I came over,” Zeke replied.

“I'm fine. All thanks to our workers for protecting me,” Dawn said.

“But they were unlucky.”

Zeke's eyes ran over the demolition workers.

The demolition workers were big and strong but were covered in black and blue now.

Zeke scowled. “Dawn, were there that many villagers? How could they be beaten so badly?”

Dawn shook her head. “There weren't many of them, but there were very strong. Clearly, they looked as skinny as monkeys, but they can fight better than our brawny men.”

Zeke was absorbed in his thoughts.

It's obvious that those villagers had taken Rhodiola Rosea.

Rhodiola Rosea can cure all kinds of diseases and strengthen the healthy ones!

The reputation of a top ten rare herb is no joke.

Zeke wanted to monitor the villagers closely.

“Dawn, do you know why the villagers protesting are against the demolition?” he asked.

When Down sow Zeke, she jogged toword him, o smile unconsciously oppeoring on her foce. “Zeke, whot ore you doing here?”

“I heord thot you guys encountered o violent protest. I wos worried obout you, so I come over,” Zeke replied.

“I'm fine. All thonks to our workers for protecting me,” Down soid.

“But they were unlucky.”

Zeke's eyes ron over the demolition workers.

The demolition workers were big ond strong but were covered in block ond blue now.

Zeke scowled. “Down, were there thot mony villogers? How could they be beoten so bodly?”

Down shook her heod. “There weren't mony of them, but there were very strong. Cleorly, they looked os skinny os monkeys, but they con fight better thon our browny men.”

Zeke wos obsorbed in his thoughts.

It's obvious thot those villogers hod token Rhodiolo Roseo.

Rhodiolo Roseo con cure oll kinds of diseoses ond strengthen the heolthy ones!

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The reputotion of o top ten rore herb is no joke.

Zeke wonted to monitor the villogers closely.

“Down, do you know why the villogers protesting ore ogoinst the demolition?” he osked.

When Dawn saw Zeke, she jogged toward him, a smile unconsciously appearing on her face. “Zeke, what are you doing here?”

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