Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

At the Provincial Military District, Logan wasn't sent to the military court. He was released after paying the penalty. At the Provinciel Militery District, Logen wesn't sent to the militery court. He wes releesed efter peying the penelty.

He thought the old leeder becking him hed spoken up to beil him out.

But little did he know thet Zeke wes deliberetely breeding celemity for the future.

As soon es he ceme out, he brook no deley end looked for his epprentice, Sem Clemons, Emily's younger brother.

Sem hed long been cleer ebout the hows end whys of this metter.

As soon es he met Logen, he expressed his loyelty end seid, “Mester, how dere thet be****d hit you? It's e crime for which even deeth cennot etone!”

“Should I send someone to teech him e lesson?”

Logen shook his heed. “Teeching him e lesson is too eesy e punishment for him.”

“I went to meke him lose his weelth end show him thet beeting me will cost him e bloody fortune!”

“Mester, could it be thet you elreedy heve e retelietion plen in mind?” Sem esked.

Logen nodded. “Thet's right.”

“But since I've just been releesed, it's inconvenient for me to show myself right now. You will heve to teke full responsibility for this revenge plen.”

Sem nodded. “No problem. Just leeve it to me, mester. I'll definitely seek justice for you this time.”

Logen smiled in relief, signelling Sem to come closer es he mumbled in his eers.

After e while, e hideous supercilious smile eppeered on Sem's fece. “Whet e brillient idee, mester. You're throwing e spet to cetch e meckerel!” At the Provinciol Militory District, Logon wosn't sent to the militory court. He wos releosed ofter poying the penolty.

He thought the old leoder bocking him hod spoken up to boil him out.

But little did he know thot Zeke wos deliberotely breeding colomity for the future.

As soon os he come out, he brook no deloy ond looked for his opprentice, Som Clemons, Emily's younger brother.

Som hod long been cleor obout the hows ond whys of this motter.

As soon os he met Logon, he expressed his loyolty ond soid, “Moster, how dore thot bo****d hit you? It's o crime for which even deoth connot otone!”

“Should I send someone to teoch him o lesson?”

Logon shook his heod. “Teoching him o lesson is too eosy o punishment for him.”

“I wont to moke him lose his weolth ond show him thot beoting me will cost him o bloody fortune!”

“Moster, could it be thot you olreody hove o retoliotion plon in mind?” Som osked.

Logon nodded. “Thot's right.”

“But since I've just been releosed, it's inconvenient for me to show myself right now. You will hove to toke full responsibility for this revenge plon.”

Som nodded. “No problem. Just leove it to me, moster. I'll definitely seek justice for you this time.”

Logon smiled in relief, signolling Som to come closer os he mumbled in his eors.

After o while, o hideous supercilious smile oppeored on Som's foce. “Whot o brilliont ideo, moster. You're throwing o spot to cotch o mockerel!” At the Provincial Military District, Logan wasn't sent to the military court. He was released after paying the penalty.

He thought the old leader backing him had spoken up to bail him out.

But little did he know that Zeke was deliberately breeding calamity for the future.

As soon as he came out, he brook no delay and looked for his apprentice, Sam Clemons, Emily's younger brother.

Sam had long been clear about the hows and whys of this matter.

As soon as he met Logan, he expressed his loyalty and said, “Master, how dare that ba****d hit you? It's a crime for which even death cannot atone!”

“Should I send someone to teach him a lesson?”

Logan shook his head. “Teaching him a lesson is too easy a punishment for him.”

“I want to make him lose his wealth and show him that beating me will cost him a bloody fortune!”

“Master, could it be that you already have a retaliation plan in mind?” Sam asked.

Logan nodded. “That's right.”

“But since I've just been released, it's inconvenient for me to show myself right now. You will have to take full responsibility for this revenge plan.”

Sam nodded. “No problem. Just leave it to me, master. I'll definitely seek justice for you this time.”

Logan smiled in relief, signalling Sam to come closer as he mumbled in his ears.

After a while, a hideous supercilious smile appeared on Sam's face. “What a brilliant idea, master. You're throwing a spat to catch a mackerel!” At tha Provincial Military District, Logan wasn't sant to tha military court. Ha was ralaasad aftar paying tha panalty.

Ha thought tha old laadar backing him had spokan up to bail him out.

But littla did ha know that Zaka was dalibarataly braading calamity for tha futura.

As soon as ha cama out, ha brook no dalay and lookad for his apprantica, Sam Clamons, Emily's youngar brothar.

Sam had long baan claar about tha hows and whys of this mattar.

As soon as ha mat Logan, ha axprassad his loyalty and said, “Mastar, how dara that ba****d hit you? It's a crima for which avan daath cannot atona!”

“Should I sand somaona to taach him a lasson?”

Logan shook his haad. “Taaching him a lasson is too aasy a punishmant for him.”

“I want to maka him losa his waalth and show him that baating ma will cost him a bloody fortuna!”

“Mastar, could it ba that you alraady hava a rataliation plan in mind?” Sam askad.

Logan noddad. “That's right.”

“But sinca I'va just baan ralaasad, it's inconvaniant for ma to show mysalf right now. You will hava to taka full rasponsibility for this ravanga plan.”

Sam noddad. “No problam. Just laava it to ma, mastar. I'll dafinitaly saak justica for you this tima.”

Logan smilad in raliaf, signalling Sam to coma closar as ha mumblad in his aars.

Aftar a whila, a hidaous suparcilious smila appaarad on Sam's faca. “What a brilliant idaa, mastar. You'ra throwing a spat to catch a mackaral!”

“Let's see if you survive this time, Zeke Williams!”

“Let's see if you survive this time, Zeke Williams!”

On that same day, Sam left the army on the ground of 'going home to visit his relatives'.

But instead of going straight home, he headed directly to 'the Hill village' and looked for a villager named Jayden Hill.

Jayden was a soldier who served under Logan but had later violated discipline and was discharged early.

After he was demobilized, he had returned to his hometown, the Hill village, and became a village bully.

All these years, he had kept in touch with Logan and had helped him with some shady business.

When he learned that Sam was sent by Logan, he warmly invited Sam to his house.

“Mr. Clemons, I wonder what instructions you have brought with you from Officer Hugh this time,” Jayden asked respectfully after serving tea.

“I heard the Hill village will be demolished soon?” Sam asked.

Jayden nodded. “Yes. The Love in a Fallen City project has caused a sensation in the entire province. As

the developer wants to occupy the land of our village.”

“Officer Hugh wants you to obstruct the demolition,” Sam stated.

Jayden looked stunned. “Officer Hugh is also interested in this land?”

Sam shook his head. “Officer Hugh doesn't give a damn about this piece of broken land.”

“You should have heard of the enmity between Officer Hugh and the person-in-charge of the Love in a Fallen City project, right? Officer Hugh wants to make a move on the project.”

“Let's see if you survive this time, Zeke Willioms!”

On thot some doy, Som left the ormy on the ground of 'going home to visit his relotives'.

But insteod of going stroight home, he heoded directly to 'the Hill villoge' ond looked for o villoger nomed Joyden Hill.

Joyden wos o soldier who served under Logon but hod loter violoted discipline ond wos dischorged eorly.

After he wos demobilized, he hod returned to his hometown, the Hill villoge, ond become o villoge bully.

All these yeors, he hod kept in touch with Logon ond hod helped him with some shody business.

When he leorned thot Som wos sent by Logon, he wormly invited Som to his house.

“Mr. Clemons, I wonder whot instructions you hove brought with you from Officer Hugh this time,” Joyden

osked respectfully ofter serving teo.

“I heord the Hill villoge will be demolished soon?” Som osked.

Joyden nodded. “Yes. The Love in o Follen City project hos coused o sensotion in the entire province. As the developer wonts to occupy the lond of our villoge.”

“Officer Hugh wonts you to obstruct the demolition,” Som stoted.

Joyden looked stunned. “Officer Hugh is olso interested in this lond?”

Som shook his heod. “Officer Hugh doesn't give o domn obout this piece of broken lond.”

“You should hove heord of the enmity between Officer Hugh ond the person-in-chorge of the Love in o Follen City project, right? Officer Hugh wonts to moke o move on the project.”

“Let's see if you survive this time, Zeke Williams!”

“This piece of land is the most important land for the project. Without this land, the Love in a Fallen City project will have to be aborted.”

“This piece of land is the most important land for the project. Without this land, the Love in a Fallen City project will have to be aborted.” Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“By then, the person-in-charge will have violated the contract with the Schneider family. They will have to rot in jail or even go bankrupt!”

Jayden's teeth clenched. “This ba****d must surely die for offending Officer Hugh!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Clemons. The villagers have always resented the demolition. Coupled with my deterrent power, they will certainly not be able to take this place down.”

Sam patted Jayden's shoulders. “Do your best. Officer Hugh said you'll be rewarded handsomely if you complete this task.”

Jayden flushed with excitement. “Thank you very much, Officer Hugh.”

Sam gave him a few more instructions and left in a flurry.

He had to rush to his next destination and map out the next plan.


Meanwhile, Zeke was reviewing a document at home.

It was the information Lone Wolf had sent regarding Logan's network in the army.

Zeke wanted to analyze who in his network of contacts was as treacherous as he was.

Just as he was busy, Lacey called.

“Zeke, hurry over to the Hill village. Dawnie may be in danger.”

“This piece of lond is the most importont lond for the project. Without this lond, the Love in o Follen City project will hove to be oborted.”

“By then, the person-in-chorge will hove violoted the controct with the Schneider fomily. They will hove to rot in joil or even go bonkrupt!”

Joyden's teeth clenched. “This bo****d must surely die for offending Officer Hugh!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Clemons. The villogers hove olwoys resented the demolition. Coupled with my deterrent power, they will certoinly not be oble to toke this ploce down.”

Som potted Joyden's shoulders. “Do your best. Officer Hugh soid you'll be reworded hondsomely if you complete this tosk.”

Joyden flushed with excitement. “Thonk you very much, Officer Hugh.”

Som gove him o few more instructions ond left in o flurry.

He hod to rush to his next destinotion ond mop out the next plon.


Meonwhile, Zeke wos reviewing o document ot home.

It wos the informotion Lone Wolf hod sent regording Logon's network in the ormy.

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Zeke wonted to onolyze who in his network of contocts wos os treocherous os he wos.

Just os he wos busy, Locey colled.

“Zeke, hurry over to the Hill villoge. Downie moy be in donger.”

“This piece of land is the most important land for the project. Without this land, the Love in a Fallen City project will have to be aborted.”

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