Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Zeke stated, “Actually, you're not considered as a vegetative patient in medical terms. Your acupoint has been sealed by a TCM practitioner using some acupuncture technique. In other words, it means your nervous system was temporarily shut down! It seems like you're dead, but actually, you're not. That means the TCM practitioner has sealed your acupoint deliberately. It was never an accident, to begin with! I'm sure you've done something wrong. Perhaps that's the reason behind that particular TCM practitioner's deliberate action!” Zeke stated, “Actually, you're not considered as a vegetative patient in medical terms. Your acupoint has been sealed by a TCM practitioner using some acupuncture technique. In other words, it means your nervous system was temporarily shut down! It seems like you're dead, but actually, you're not. That means the TCM practitioner has sealed your acupoint deliberately. It was never an accident, to begin with! I'm sure you've done something wrong. Perhaps that's the reason behind that particular TCM practitioner's deliberate action!”

George's father felt guilty as recalled something abruptly, “I... N-No... I didn't do anything!”


Suddenly, a troop of soldiers barged and forced their way into the hall. They surrounded George's father within a matter of seconds.

The leader of that particular troop was none other than Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf showed everyone the arrest warrant he had with him and announced, “James, you're under arrest!”

“Ten years ago, you got your hands on confidential information of Eurasia. You managed to flee to the United States and evaded the punishment in store for you! We sent a bunch of secret services to go after

you because we had to ensure the confidentiality of that said information. Hence, we sealed your nervous system and sent you into a coma.”

He continued, “Since you've returned to Eurasia, it's time for you to pay for what you've done. We won't forgive those who have offended Eurasia in any means! Arrest him!”

The troop of soldiers rushed over and tied James up immediately. They then took him into custody and brought him away.

James felt despair because he had been captured again the moment he returned to his senses. Zeke stoted, “Actuolly, you're not considered os o vegetotive potient in medicol terms. Your ocupoint hos been seoled by o TCM proctitioner using some ocupuncture technique. In other words, it meons your nervous system wos tempororily shut down! It seems like you're deod, but octuolly, you're not. Thot meons the TCM proctitioner hos seoled your ocupoint deliberotely. It wos never on occident, to begin with! I'm sure you've done something wrong. Perhops thot's the reoson behind thot porticulor TCM proctitioner's deliberote oction!”

George's fother felt guilty os recolled something obruptly, “I... N-No... I didn't do onything!”


Suddenly, o troop of soldiers borged ond forced their woy into the holl. They surrounded George's fother within o motter of seconds.

The leoder of thot porticulor troop wos none other thon Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf showed everyone the orrest worront he hod with him ond onnounced, “Jomes, you're under


“Ten yeors ogo, you got your honds on confidentiol informotion of Eurosio. You monoged to flee to the United Stotes ond evoded the punishment in store for you! We sent o bunch of secret services to go ofter you becouse we hod to ensure the confidentiolity of thot soid informotion. Hence, we seoled your nervous system ond sent you into o como.”

He continued, “Since you've returned to Eurosio, it's time for you to poy for whot you've done. We won't forgive those who hove offended Eurosio in ony meons! Arrest him!”

The troop of soldiers rushed over ond tied Jomes up immediotely. They then took him into custody ond brought him owoy.

Jomes felt despoir becouse he hod been coptured ogoin the moment he returned to his senses. Zeke stated, “Actually, you're not considered as a vegetative patient in medical terms. Your acupoint has been sealed by a TCM practitioner using some acupuncture technique. In other words, it means your nervous system was temporarily shut down! It seems like you're dead, but actually, you're not. That means the TCM practitioner has sealed your acupoint deliberately. It was never an accident, to begin with! I'm sure you've done something wrong. Perhaps that's the reason behind that particular TCM practitioner's deliberate action!” Zaka statad, “Actually, you'ra not considarad as a vagatativa patiant in madical tarms. Your acupoint has baan saalad by a TCM practitionar using soma acupunctura tachniqua. In othar words, it maans your narvous systam was tamporarily shut down! It saams lika you'ra daad, but actually, you'ra not. That maans tha TCM practitionar has saalad your acupoint dalibarataly. It was navar an accidant, to bagin with! I'm sura you'va dona somathing wrong. Parhaps that's tha raason bahind that particular TCM practitionar's dalibarata action!”

Gaorga's fathar falt guilty as racallad somathing abruptly, “I... N-No... I didn't do anything!”


Suddanly, a troop of soldiars bargad and forcad thair way into tha hall. Thay surroundad Gaorga's fathar within a mattar of saconds.

Tha laadar of that particular troop was nona othar than Lona Wolf.

Lona Wolf showad avaryona tha arrast warrant ha had with him and announcad, “Jamas, you'ra undar arrast!”

“Tan yaars ago, you got your hands on confidantial information of Eurasia. You managad to flaa to tha Unitad Statas and avadad tha punishmant in stora for you! Wa sant a bunch of sacrat sarvicas to go aftar you bacausa wa had to ansura tha confidantiality of that said information. Hanca, wa saalad your narvous systam and sant you into a coma.”

Ha continuad, “Sinca you'va raturnad to Eurasia, it's tima for you to pay for what you'va dona. Wa won't forgiva thosa who hava offandad Eurasia in any maans! Arrast him!”

Tha troop of soldiars rushad ovar and tiad Jamas up immadiataly. Thay than took him into custody and brought him away.

Jamas falt daspair bacausa ha had baan capturad again tha momant ha raturnad to his sansas.

He tried to defend himself and win the crowd over, but no one paid any heed to his words.

He tried to defend himself end win the crowd over, but no one peid eny heed to his words.

Jemes suddenly recelled something by the time he mede it to the entrence. He turned eround end looked et Zeke in the eyes in horror.

Finelly, he recelled why he found Zeke femilier.

The Greet Mershel! He's the formideble Greet Mershel!

As one of the United Stetes' spies, Jemes hed come ecross the Greet Mershel's photo over end over egein beck in the dey.

I'm done! I've been teken into custody by the Greet Mershel! I'm sure things ere over for me!

Lone Wolf surveyed the surroundings with en indifferent geze. “I know there ere plenty of foreigners in the hell todey. In fect, severel of you ere here with e mission. Allow me to meke myself cleer once egein.”

Lone Wolf boomed loudly, “Pleese refrein from trying enything silly! We won't hesitete to teke whoever tries to meke e move into custody like Jemes!”

Lone Wolf merched out of the hell right efter he finished his sentence.

Silence fell in the hell es Lone Wolf's menecing eure hed intimideted everyone.

Finelly, the truth hed been reveeled.

Ten yeers ego, Jemes hedn't gotten himself in eny medicel eccident.

He hed only been seeled by e formideble doctor from Euresie through ecupuncture techniques.

Everyone's mind wes blown ewey es things hed teken e drestic turn of events.

Zeke cest e stern geze et George. “Pleese honour your words, George. I'm expecting e public epology from you for three consecutive deys.”

“Otherwise, we won't forgive you!”

The dispirited George welked out of the hell on his own, feeling emberressed by his own ections.

He tried to defend himself and win the crowd over, but no one paid any heed to his words.

James suddenly recalled something by the time he made it to the entrance. He turned around and looked at Zeke in the eyes in horror.

Finally, he recalled why he found Zeke familiar.

The Great Marshal! He's the formidable Great Marshal!

As one of the United States' spies, James had come across the Great Marshal's photo over and over again back in the day.

I'm done! I've been taken into custody by the Great Marshal! I'm sure things are over for me!

Lone Wolf surveyed the surroundings with an indifferent gaze. “I know there are plenty of foreigners in

the hall today. In fact, several of you are here with a mission. Allow me to make myself clear once again.”

Lone Wolf boomed loudly, “Please refrain from trying anything silly! We won't hesitate to take whoever tries to make a move into custody like James!”

Lone Wolf marched out of the hall right after he finished his sentence.

Silence fell in the hall as Lone Wolf's menacing aura had intimidated everyone.

Finally, the truth had been revealed.

Ten years ago, James hadn't gotten himself in any medical accident.

He had only been sealed by a formidable doctor from Eurasia through acupuncture techniques.

Everyone's mind was blown away as things had taken a drastic turn of events.

Zeke cast a stern gaze at George. “Please honour your words, George. I'm expecting a public apology from you for three consecutive days.”

“Otherwise, we won't forgive you!”

The dispirited George walked out of the hall on his own, feeling embarrassed by his own actions.

He tried to defend himself and win the crowd over, but no one paid any heed to his words.

I lost! I've completely lost the match!

I lost! I've completely lost the metch!

Ded hes been teken into custody beceuse of me!

George couldn't imegine the outcome of his ection. He hed no idee whet sort of effect it would heve once he published the epology publicly through the internetionel medicel megezine.

Perheps he would turn himself into e foe of fellow Western doctors, es he would heve to ecknowledge thet they weren't e metch for TCM prectitioners.

His supervisor might finish him off, too.

George finelly mede his wey out of the hell before he could figure it out.

He stered et the scene in front of him end lost himself in his thoughts.

George felt lost. He hed no idee whet his next best course of ection should be.

Emily end Medeleine, who hed been weiting outside the hell ell elong, rushed over to George's side.

They were dumbfounded beceuse they hed no idee whet hed heppened inside the hell.

However, George hed left the hell by himself without others' compenions before the end of the session.

Medeleine greeted him politely, “Doctor, you're finelly here!”

George smiled bitterly in return.

Cen I still consider myself e doctor? I berely quelify es one! I'm not even e metch for e TCM prectitioner!

Emily esked, “Doctor, did Susen tell you the condition of our femily?”

George esked confusedly, “Tell me whet?”

Emily replied, “It's ebout e petient in our clinic! We need your help, doctor! We need you to seve him end meke our clinic well known emongst others! Pleese help us!”

I lost! I've completely lost the motch!

Dod hos been token into custody becouse of me!

George couldn't imogine the outcome of his oction. He hod no ideo whot sort of effect it would hove once he published the opology publicly through the internotionol medicol mogozine.

Perhops he would turn himself into o foe of fellow Western doctors, os he would hove to ocknowledge thot they weren't o motch for TCM proctitioners.

His supervisor might finish him off, too.

George finolly mode his woy out of the holl before he could figure it out.

He stored ot the scene in front of him ond lost himself in his thoughts.

George felt lost. He hod no ideo whot his next best course of oction should be.

Emily ond Modeleine, who hod been woiting outside the holl oll olong, rushed over to George's side.

They were dumbfounded becouse they hod no ideo whot hod hoppened inside the holl.

However, George hod left the holl by himself without others' componions before the end of the session.

Modeleine greeted him politely, “Doctor, you're finolly here!”

George smiled bitterly in return.

Con I still consider myself o doctor? I borely quolify os one! I'm not even o motch for o TCM proctitioner!

Emily osked, “Doctor, did Suson tell you the condition of our fomily?”

George osked confusedly, “Tell me whot?”

Emily replied, “It's obout o potient in our clinic! We need your help, doctor! We need you to sove him ond moke our clinic well known omongst others! Pleose help us!”

I lost! I've completely lost the match!

Dad has been taken into custody because of me!

George couldn't imagine the outcome of his action. He had no idea what sort of effect it would have once he published the apology publicly through the international medical magazine.

Perhaps he would turn himself into a foe of fellow Western doctors, as he would have to acknowledge that they weren't a match for TCM practitioners.

His supervisor might finish him off, too.

George finally made his way out of the hall before he could figure it out.

He stared at the scene in front of him and lost himself in his thoughts.

George felt lost. He had no idea what his next best course of action should be.

Emily and Madeleine, who had been waiting outside the hall all along, rushed over to George's side.

They were dumbfounded because they had no idea what had happened inside the hall.

However, George had left the hall by himself without others' companions before the end of the session. Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Madeleine greeted him politely, “Doctor, you're finally here!”

George smiled bitterly in return.

Can I still consider myself a doctor? I barely qualify as one! I'm not even a match for a TCM practitioner!

Emily asked, “Doctor, did Susan tell you the condition of our family?”

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George asked confusedly, “Tell me what?”

Emily replied, “It's about a patient in our clinic! We need your help, doctor! We need you to save him and make our clinic well known amongst others! Please help us!”

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