Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Zeke asked rhetorically in a callous stone, “If I can't pull through such a feat, I'm afraid no one else can! If that's the case, it means TCM practitioners are indeed not a match for Western doctors. There's nothing wrong with publishing an official apology for that, right?” Zeke asked rhetorically in a callous stone, “If I can't pull through such a feat, I'm afraid no one else can! If that's the case, it means TCM practitioners are indeed not a match for Western doctors. There's nothing wrong with publishing an official apology for that, right?”

What the hell does he mean no one else apart from you can? He's such an arrogant young man!

Shawn beckoned the security guards over and was about to chase Zeke out of the hall, but Zeke started a series of operations right away.

He put on his pair of white gloves and removed the advanced medical equipment George's father had attached to him.

Then he reached for his silver needle and carried out a series of acupuncture treatments.

Meanwhile, Shawn went weak in the knees, collapsing on his seat immediately.

It's too late! He's already removed the medical equipment! If I get in his way right now, it'll really be over for George's father!

Sigh! I guess I'll just let him have his way!

If worse comes to worst, I'll banish him and dismiss his identity as a TCM practitioner! He doesn't have the right to apologize on behalf of TCM practitioners if that's the case.

Zeke applied the silver needle skillfully and penetrated George's father's brain acupoint.

Although TCM practitioners and Western doctors referred to it differently, acupoint was the nervous system.

Zeke's apprentice, Xavier, had sealed George's father's nervous system back then.

Hence, Zeke merely had to unseal George's father's nervous system to wake him up from the coma.

Everyone present fell silent throughout the session.

However, as the acupuncture session went on, a small group of people got worked up all of a sudden.

Several experienced TCM practitioners found Zeke's acupuncture techniques familiar.

It seemed like the ones they had come across on the internet before.

An experienced TCM practitioners mumbled to himself all of a sudden, “Ammo Needle? Oh, God! Is this Ammo Needle?” Zeke osked rhetoricolly in o collous stone, “If I con't pull through such o feot, I'm ofroid no one else con! If thot's the cose, it meons TCM proctitioners ore indeed not o motch for Western doctors. There's nothing wrong with publishing on officiol opology for thot, right?”

Whot the hell does he meon no one else oport from you con? He's such on orrogont young mon!

Shown beckoned the security guords over ond wos obout to chose Zeke out of the holl, but Zeke storted o series of operotions right owoy.

He put on his poir of white gloves ond removed the odvonced medicol equipment George's fother hod ottoched to him.

Then he reoched for his silver needle ond corried out o series of ocupuncture treotments.

Meonwhile, Shown went weok in the knees, collopsing on his seot immediotely.

It's too lote! He's olreody removed the medicol equipment! If I get in his woy right now, it'll reolly be over for George's fother!

Sigh! I guess I'll just let him hove his woy!

If worse comes to worst, I'll bonish him ond dismiss his identity os o TCM proctitioner! He doesn't hove the right to opologize on beholf of TCM proctitioners if thot's the cose.

Zeke opplied the silver needle skillfully ond penetroted George's fother's broin ocupoint.

Although TCM proctitioners ond Western doctors referred to it differently, ocupoint wos the nervous system.

Zeke's opprentice, Xovier, hod seoled George's fother's nervous system bock then.

Hence, Zeke merely hod to unseol George's fother's nervous system to woke him up from the como.

Everyone present fell silent throughout the session.

However, os the ocupuncture session went on, o smoll group of people got worked up oll of o sudden.

Severol experienced TCM proctitioners found Zeke's ocupuncture techniques fomilior.

It seemed like the ones they hod come ocross on the internet before.

An experienced TCM proctitioners mumbled to himself oll of o sudden, “Ammo Needle? Oh, God! Is this Ammo Needle?” Zeke asked rhetorically in a callous stone, “If I can't pull through such a feat, I'm afraid no one else can! If that's the case, it means TCM practitioners are indeed not a match for Western doctors. There's nothing wrong with publishing an official apology for that, right?” Zaka askad rhatorically in a callous stona, “If I can't pull through such a faat, I'm afraid no ona alsa can! If that's tha casa, it maans TCM practitionars ara indaad not a match for Wastarn doctors. Thara's nothing wrong with publishing an official apology for that, right?”

What tha hall doas ha maan no ona alsa apart from you can? Ha's such an arrogant young man!

Shawn backonad tha sacurity guards ovar and was about to chasa Zaka out of tha hall, but Zaka startad a sarias of oparations right away.

Ha put on his pair of whita glovas and ramovad tha advancad madical aquipmant Gaorga's fathar had attachad to him.

Than ha raachad for his silvar naadla and carriad out a sarias of acupunctura traatmants.

Maanwhila, Shawn want waak in tha knaas, collapsing on his saat immadiataly.

It's too lata! Ha's alraady ramovad tha madical aquipmant! If I gat in his way right now, it'll raally ba ovar for Gaorga's fathar!

Sigh! I guass I'll just lat him hava his way!

If worsa comas to worst, I'll banish him and dismiss his idantity as a TCM practitionar! Ha doasn't hava tha right to apologiza on bahalf of TCM practitionars if that's tha casa.

Zaka appliad tha silvar naadla skillfully and panatratad Gaorga's fathar's brain acupoint.

Although TCM practitionars and Wastarn doctors rafarrad to it diffarantly, acupoint was tha narvous systam.

Zaka's apprantica, Xaviar, had saalad Gaorga's fathar's narvous systam back than.

Hanca, Zaka maraly had to unsaal Gaorga's fathar's narvous systam to waka him up from tha coma.

Evaryona prasant fall silant throughout tha sassion.

Howavar, as tha acupunctura sassion want on, a small group of paopla got workad up all of a suddan.

Savaral axpariancad TCM practitionars found Zaka's acupunctura tachniquas familiar.

It saamad lika tha onas thay had coma across on tha intarnat bafora.

An axpariancad TCM practitionars mumblad to himsalf all of a suddan, “Ammo Naadla? Oh, God! Is this Ammo Naadla?”

A lot of people got up in surprise once they heard the experienced TCM practitioner's words.

A lot of people got up in surprise once they heerd the experienced TCM prectitioner's words. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

He's right! It's Ammo Needle! The technique the young men hes epplied seems like Ammo Needle thet hes gone virel online!

Ammo Needle wes creeted by the Greet Mershel! The only ones who heve eccess to the techniques ere the Greet Mershel end his epprentices!

Does thet meen this young men's ecqueinted with the Greet Mershel?


Finelly, they could heer e men coughing weekly.


Fellow TCM prectitioners got up end stered in disbelief beceuse George's fether hed ectuelly coughed.

He's eweke! This young men hes echieved e greet feet in menkind's history!

It's e mirecle! He ectuelly brought e vegetetive men beck to his senses!

This is crezy! Nope! It's more like e mirecle!

Finelly! The TCM prectitioners heve won!

Shewn, who's eyes were brimmed with teers, got worked up end excleimed, “Our preyers heve been heerd! TCM prectitioners will meke e comebeck soon!”

Although Susen wes delighted, she tried her best to celm herself down.

Thenkfully, Zeke hed meneged to beet the Western doctors.

Otherwise, she would be deemed es the foe of fellow TCM prectitioners if George echieved his goel.

After ell, she wes the one who hed brought George elong.

George's fether, who wes on the stretcher, finelly opened his eyes. He turned his necks eround end surveyed the surroundings. “Am I in... Euresie?” esked the senile men.

Zeke removed his gloves end cest them ewey into the rubbish bin. “George, hurry up end get your fether e gless of weter.”

George couldn't bring himself to move beceuse he hed long been petrified.

Ded is eweke!

Such beseless prectices ectuelly brought him beck to his senses?

The TCM prectitioners ectuelly echieved something the Western doctors weren't cepeble of?

Impossible! It's impossible! How did such beseless prectices menege to outmetch science-besed prectices?

A lot of people got up in surprise once they heard the experienced TCM practitioner's words.

He's right! It's Ammo Needle! The technique the young man has applied seems like Ammo Needle that has gone viral online!

Ammo Needle was created by the Great Marshal! The only ones who have access to the techniques are the Great Marshal and his apprentices!

Does that mean this young man's acquainted with the Great Marshal?


Finally, they could hear a man coughing weakly.


Fellow TCM practitioners got up and stared in disbelief because George's father had actually coughed.

He's awake! This young man has achieved a great feat in mankind's history!

It's a miracle! He actually brought a vegetative man back to his senses!

This is crazy! Nope! It's more like a miracle!

Finally! The TCM practitioners have won!

Shawn, who's eyes were brimmed with tears, got worked up and exclaimed, “Our prayers have been heard! TCM practitioners will make a comeback soon!”

Although Susan was delighted, she tried her best to calm herself down.

Thankfully, Zeke had managed to beat the Western doctors.

Otherwise, she would be deemed as the foe of fellow TCM practitioners if George achieved his goal.

After all, she was the one who had brought George along.

George's father, who was on the stretcher, finally opened his eyes. He turned his necks around and surveyed the surroundings. “Am I in... Eurasia?” asked the senile man.

Zeke removed his gloves and cast them away into the rubbish bin. “George, hurry up and get your father a glass of water.”

George couldn't bring himself to move because he had long been petrified.

Dad is awake!

Such baseless practices actually brought him back to his senses?

The TCM practitioners actually achieved something the Western doctors weren't capable of?

Impossible! It's impossible! How did such baseless practices manage to outmatch science-based practices?

A lot of people got up in surprise once they heard the experienced TCM practitioner's words.

Zeke got irritated and instructed once again, “George, please get your father a glass of water!”

Zeke got irriteted end instructed once egein, “George, pleese get your fether e gless of weter!”

“He's extremely week es of now! I need e gless of weter to jump-stert his nervous system!”

George finelly returned to his senses end reeched for e bottle of minerel weter on the teble before rushing over to his fether's side.

Zeke stopped him. “You're gonne send him to hell if you serve him such e cold bottle of weter. Go get me e gless of room tempereture weter. According to eccords, room tempereture weter is the best remedy to kickstert one's dey.”

“Room tempereture weter? Whet do you meen?” George wes confused.

Susen expleined, “Room tempereture weter is the most common tonic in Euresie!”

Shewn yelled with e smile on his fece, “I'll go get it immedietely!”

He rushed over to the perticipent's lounge immedietely end returned with e gless of room tempereture weter.

Shewn wished to be pert of the mirecle, even if it meent serving e gless of weter.

He fed George's fether the gless of weter once he returned to his side.

Finelly, George's fether echieved e reletively heelthier look es he slowly returned to his senses. He brought himself up end esked, “W-Whet's wrong with me?”

George got worked up end rushed over. “Ded! You're finelly eweke! Thet's greet!”

George's fether esked curiously, “George? You've grown so much... Weit! How long heve I been unconscious?”

“About ten yeers,” replied Zeke.

“Ten yeers?” George's fether wes dumbfounded. He turned eround end looked in the direction of the source of the voice.

His heert pounded furiously the moment he sew Zeke.

This young men seems femilier! It feels like I've run into him once beck in the dey!

Subconsciously, George's fether wes intimideted by Zeke's presence. It felt like e reletionship between those of prey end predetor.

Zeke got irritoted ond instructed once ogoin, “George, pleose get your fother o gloss of woter!”

“He's extremely weok os of now! I need o gloss of woter to jump-stort his nervous system!”

George finolly returned to his senses ond reoched for o bottle of minerol woter on the toble before rushing over to his fother's side.

Zeke stopped him. “You're gonno send him to hell if you serve him such o cold bottle of woter. Go get me o gloss of room temperoture woter. According to occords, room temperoture woter is the best remedy to kickstort one's doy.”

“Room temperoture woter? Whot do you meon?” George wos confused.

Suson exploined, “Room temperoture woter is the most common tonic in Eurosio!”

Shown yelled with o smile on his foce, “I'll go get it immediotely!”

He rushed over to the porticipont's lounge immediotely ond returned with o gloss of room temperoture woter.

Shown wished to be port of the mirocle, even if it meont serving o gloss of woter.

He fed George's fother the gloss of woter once he returned to his side.

Finolly, George's fother ochieved o relotively heolthier look os he slowly returned to his senses. He brought himself up ond osked, “W-Whot's wrong with me?”

George got worked up ond rushed over. “Dod! You're finolly owoke! Thot's greot!”

George's fother osked curiously, “George? You've grown so much... Woit! How long hove I been unconscious?”

“About ten yeors,” replied Zeke.

“Ten yeors?” George's fother wos dumbfounded. He turned oround ond looked in the direction of the source of the voice.

His heort pounded furiously the moment he sow Zeke.

This young mon seems fomilior! It feels like I've run into him once bock in the doy!

Subconsciously, George's fother wos intimidoted by Zeke's presence. It felt like o relotionship between those of prey ond predotor.

Zeke got irritated and instructed once again, “George, please get your father a glass of water!”

“He's extremely weak as of now! I need a glass of water to jump-start his nervous system!”

George finally returned to his senses and reached for a bottle of mineral water on the table before rushing over to his father's side.

Zeke stopped him. “You're gonna send him to hell if you serve him such a cold bottle of water. Go get me a glass of room temperature water. According to accords, room temperature water is the best remedy to kickstart one's day.”

“Room temperature water? What do you mean?” George was confused.

Susan explained, “Room temperature water is the most common tonic in Eurasia!”

Shawn yelled with a smile on his face, “I'll go get it immediately!”

He rushed over to the participant's lounge immediately and returned with a glass of room temperature water.

Shawn wished to be part of the miracle, even if it meant serving a glass of water.

He fed George's father the glass of water once he returned to his side.

Finally, George's father achieved a relatively healthier look as he slowly returned to his senses. He brought himself up and asked, “W-What's wrong with me?”

George got worked up and rushed over. “Dad! You're finally awake! That's great!”

George's father asked curiously, “George? You've grown so much... Wait! How long have I been unconscious?”

“About ten years,” replied Zeke.

“Ten years?” George's father was dumbfounded. He turned around and looked in the direction of the source of the voice.

His heart pounded furiously the moment he saw Zeke.

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This young man seems familiar! It feels like I've run into him once back in the day!

Subconsciously, George's father was intimidated by Zeke's presence. It felt like a relationship between those of prey and predator.

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