Her Dirty Professor Series (21+)


And the world is brighter. Because she’s mine, and she always will be.


Epilogue 1 -One month later

Papa turns to me, and for the first time I remember there are tears in his eyes. The reindeer barn has been opened up, allowing guests to sit under the white gazebo out in the pasture to watch, warmed by strategically placed pot-bellied heaters. There is a comforting scent of wood smoke all around us, and the sound of reindeer shifting in their stalls, except Leonardo.

Because he’s standing by my side, and I swear he’s grinning.

“Carina…” Papa draws a quick breath, clearing his throat as his nervous hand barely holds onto the page of notes. “I swear to stand by you, now and always. We will share in each other’s joy and I will comfort you in sorrow. I will dance with you, every day, under the sun or under the stars, and help you realize your dreams as I share in your ambitions. You’re everything to me. My heart, my future, my…”

He shakes his head, looking down and wiping at his eyes.

I step forward. I can’t help it.

I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t watch him cry and do nothing, even for the sake of our wedding. I take him in my arms and pull myself in close, and his instincts kick in.

Without hesitation, he enfolds me in an embrace, pulling my face into his chest and kissing the top of my head. I feel a poke from down below and grin despite myself.

“I’m sorry,” he says, and I try to tell him he doesn’t need to apologize, but he isn’t finished. “You’re just so fucking beautiful in that dress. I want to tear it off you and fuck you in the reindeer stalls.”

A wave of laughter and whispers ripples through the crowd, those closest telling the guests farther away what just he said. My cheeks are on fire because now that’s all I can think about.

I turn to the officiant as he holds back a laugh.

“Let’s get the short version.” I whisper, desperate to get rid of the guests and have the reindeer barn to ourselves. “Please?”

Lucy catches my eye, her arm linked with Sully’s, as Don Pugliesi steps forward, trying to get the right set of rings from the correct pocket so that we can hurry through the ceremony and get to the kissing… and more…

Because we’ve got two weddings going on here and this is only the first.

The officiant, thankfully, manages to regain his composure and continue with admirable professionalism. Gennero finishes his vows, I make mine, Lucy and Sully make theirs, and Don Pugliesi doesn’t mix up the rings.

Time rushes by, and before I know it, I’m being pulled into a deep kiss that promises so much for the future, both distant and immediate.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Everyone get out of my fucking barn,” Papa growls as both couples are declared man and wife. “There’s booze and food but not in here.”

There’s another ripple of laughter, but when he turns and they see the look in his eye, they fall silent. Then start filing out in quick order.

Mama is making apologies, telling everyone that there’s a buffet in the dance auditorium and there’s plenty for everyone, but I barely notice them all go. Because my eyes are fixed on Papa.

“Congrats, sis,” Lucy whispers as she’s pulled away by Sully. She grins, anticipation sparkling in her eyes. “We’ll see you later.”

And with that, she’s gone, and we’re alone.

“So, the whole Chicago drama from way back is settled?” I ask, watching after Lucy. “I mean, that was a condition of returning, right? Having one of us marry Sully? Then Alfredo was going to fix the rifts of the past?”

“Yes, but we aren’t going. Unless you want to visit.” Gennero shakes his head as he reaches above him, running his hand along the wooden beam down the center of the barn. “I don’t want to go back, and I don’t think you do, either. This is where our life is. But yes, things are settled. Debts paid so to speak.”

“What about ballet? Now that Alik…well had his accident. Do you want me to still train?”

“Do you? I only want you to do what you want.”

“I love to dance. But, I’m not looking to dance for anyone but you.”

When I told him the things Alik had been saying to me all these years, well, I haven’t seen Alik since that day. I don’t think Papa killed him, but I don’t ask.

I realize now that Gennero will always be the mafia boss semi-retired maybe, but you never really leave the life while you’re alive.

“Then, the stage is our new playroom. No tutus or leotards necessary.” He says as he walks over to close and latch the barn door, then returns, guiding me into a spotless stall looking like he had this idea all along.

“Where do you want me, Papa Santa?” I ask with a grin.

To me, Santa will always be real. Because Gennero is him. He’s given me everything I could ever wish for, for now and forever.

“Put your arms up here,” he tells me, running his hand down one of the wooden support posts, and I shrug and do as he says.

As soon as they’re up there, he grabs a long leather cord, and begins binding my wrists. Then he takes his place behind me and hikes up the back of my wedding dress.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to see that until tonight,” I joke, and wince as he slaps my rear kicking my legs wide as I bend at the waist ready for what he’s about to deliver.

“I’ve seen it before and I’ll see it whenever I like.” He traces the line of my pussy through my white silk thong then tugs it aside. “Fucking gorgeous. And fucking mine.”

“Fucking yours,” I agree. “So, what are you waiting f-” My words die on my tongue when he fills me with one forceful thrust. A gasp escapes my lips as I’m filled up to the hilt, my body collapsing under me, held up by the leather tie around my wrists. “Oh, Jesus. Oh, fuck.”

He thrusts, in and out, in and out, and has me mewling like a wild animal being bred.

“You might not be pregnant yet, but I’m not stopping until you are,” he grunts as he moves inside me.

“If you haven’t already.” I huff knowing we need to order another pack of pregnancy tests. It’s been two weeks since I peed on the past one and he’s filled me with enough sperm since then to impregnate every woman in Canada.

“I want twins. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, two little new Sabato’s running around.”

I nod because words are no longer possible, but he’s right.

I never thought about it before, but I’d like that.

And from the way he’s pounding my pussy like a steel spike into the barn wall, he’s got what it takes.

My papa wants to be a Papa and I’ll make all his Christmas wishes come true.

Just like he does for me.


Epilogue 2 -12 years later

The sceneon stage is so adorable, I’m surprised some of the guests aren’t having diabetic seizures.

The twins, both of them barely able to walk are toddling around in their little tutus while the older children display various levels of ability, all the way up to 11-year-old Sofia with her aunt’s competence and dedication to the craft.

Two sets of families, but all eight children are dancers in their own ways. Carina and Lucy have taught them, but never pushed them.

With my financial backing, they’ve opened a dance studio in Chicago for underprivileged youths. It’s grown to a level that rivals any studio in the country.

It caters to dancers of all abilities and from all backgrounds and doesn’t ask them for a single contribution. Lucy runs classes for those who can make it in person, while Carina runs online group sessions for those who’d prefer to learn in their own homes for whatever reason.

They’re happy. And that’s all I ever wanted for them. Making a difference is what they love.

I look at Lucy, watching her children with pride in her eyes. Lucy and Sully struggled to have children of their own, and after several years of trying the traditional way, they settled on adoption.

They now have two boys and a girl: Benjamin, Luke and Petra. All of them fabulous and such a joy for me as much as for them.

I laugh along with the crowd as Carina rushes over to grab Allegra before she can toddle off the edge of the stage, but the truth is I would have caught her. I’ll always catch my girls if they fall.

Five perfect little girls and their gorgeous mother.

Carina and I made our family the old-fashioned way. And I guess there must be something in our water up here because all we’ve had is girls. The five we have already and another on the way, though Carina isn’t showing yet.

I’ve become a fucking health nut. I work out like I used to, but I’ve added in more raw foods.

Supplements and meditation.

And yoga.

Fucking, yo-ga. Me?

But, anything to keep me healthy and alive for as many years as possible, I’m all about it. We still eat meals in the dining room, but it’s more chaotic and I don’t give a shit if we don’t eat on time. As long as we are all together.

Sofia and Giulia were born three years apart, with Aurora coming along four years later, and then the twins Allegra and Fiorella were born about eighteen months ago. And my love has grown so much with each and every birth I spoil them all like a great grandfather should.

But, make sure they know their father is here for them to provide. To protect. And to teach.

This old gangster is getting soft, and I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about that.

My family is everything. And I would die to protect it.

Leonardo is still hanging tough. We have around a hundred in the heard now and old Mort disappeared a couple years after Carina and I married.

He came over and landed a shot into one of the reindeer one night. He was a bad shot, so the reindeer was fine.

Him, not so much. The fishes of Lake Harpon ate well that week. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Once he was declared dead, I bought his land, tore down his house and built another barn, and an airplane hanger for Carina’s growing collection of vintage planes which she flies for special occasions and when she just needs to feel that sense of freedom.

I’ll always be her protector and her greatest cheerleader. Seeing Carina doing what she loves gives me comfort that she lives the life she chooses.

She’s still got a foul mouth sometimes, and Aurora’s first word was fuck. I don’t care.

They’ve all done well in school despite the cursing. I wanted to have tutors for them at home, but Carina insisted they have a life outside of Chateau Sabato.

Mama has slowed down but she’s still on lasagna duty every Sunday. We have gone through a few other cooks over the years. None of them living up to her standards.

As for my own life, well, I’m still Don Sabato. I still have a hand in my family business from my workshop, the way I have all these years. Lucy is the Don, and everyone knows that, but she relies on my support and advice. Sometimes it’s tough, sometimes the decisions we have to make break my heart, but it’s all I know and it’s how I ensure my community stays safe. Carina understands that, and she leaves me to it.

She’s my greatest support. But, being a father and a husband is my greatest accomplishment.

As the dance winds down, and the crowd starts to applaud, I do the same. Later, I’ll have my own private performance from my little honeysuckle. But until then, I’ll just have to be satisfied sitting here with a boner.

Not much has changed.

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