Her Dirty Professor Series (21+)


“If it was just you and me, and we were the last two people on Earth-no fucking Alik Petrov, no audiences, no nothing. And it’s Christmas morning, and you can eat anything you want in the whole fucking world. What would you choose?”

Carina hesitates, just for a fraction of a second, then a smile spreads over her face as she looks down at her dish. “Donuts,” she gushes.

With a smile, I pick up the freshly-made sugary rings Mama made according to my instructions and hold it in front of her lips. “Open your mouth. I’m feeding you, remember? Because you are my world, Carina. And you get to have everything you ever want.”

If my girl wants donuts for Christmas breakfast, she gets fucking donuts.

She shifts on her stool, then with tentative movements, she opens her mouth and bites into the sugar sprinkled dough.

As she closes her eyes and moans my fucking erection returns, jealous as fuck about the donut.

The shimmering sugar coats her lips.

Leaning down I press my lips to hers, licking the sugary sweet taste of donuts and Carina. She turns toward me, her body instinctively leaning in. And I love it. But it should wait.

Licking my lips, I pull back. “Good girl. Getting even more delicious for Papa. Take another bite.”

Her cheeks turn red while a smile appears on her beautiful face as I feed her another bite.

Then another.

I watch as she chews. Remembering all the ways her mouth gave me pleasure last night.

She sits up taller in her stool, hands on her knees. This time she kisses me, letting me suck her tongue.

God, this girl.

I pull her onto my lap, placing the donut back on her plate. When I bring my sugar covered fingers on her lips, she greedily sucks them into her mouth, licking them clean. If I’ll have to use sex to make her eat as eagerly as she’s licking the sugar out of my fingers, so be it. Be my guest, my little honeysuckle.

I slide my other hand between her legs under her tights and take my fingers out of her lips. She places her head on my shoulder, squirming on my lap, rubbing my hard on with her ass.

“Eat,” I whisper to her ear, giving her already wet pussy a good rub from slit to clit.

“Papa,” she moans and picks up her half-eaten donut between her thumb and finger and takes a massive bite.

“Keep eating. Soon you’ll connecting this pleasure…” I rub her clit in a hard circle as her body melts against me, “with this pleasure.” I put the donut to her lips and she takes a bite without hesitation. I keep at it until she’s chewing and swallowing and shaking with a shuddering orgasm. It will take time, but I’ll retrain her brain to understand and I’ll enjoy every moment.

I kiss her forehead, push the dish towards her and steal just one as I hear Lucy and Sully coming down the hall with Mama’s voice ranting about the variegated poinsettias Lucy has put all over the house.

“I’ll be back.” I settle her quivering back on the other chair as I rush back to my room, taking the stairs two at a time and dress in my Santa suit as I always do for Christmas morning.

We all gather in the great room with its twelve foot tree and I start the fire while Mama lights the candles and sets out sugar cookies and more of that fucking God-awful Lambrusco.

Carina is like a little girl, tearing open wrapping paper with such excitement it makes me laugh. I try to turn it into a “ho, ho, ho” to maintain the illusion. I’m not sure if it works.

The next two hours are filled with laughter and torn paper and broken ribbons and giving was never so sweet.

Mama waddles off to see about more Lambrusco and restart her three tenors Christmas album as Lucy and Sully sneak off.

There’s a stab of something in my heart as they go, but I know it’s time. Time for both my girls to grow up.

At least a little.

“One more,” I say handing Carina a small box once we are alone. She flips it open with that little girl awe I remember from when she was a child staring at the ballerina necklace, diamonds sparkling almost as bright as her eyes.

“It’s too much.” She tries but she’s already reaching up to pull her hair aside so I can put it around her neck.

“Nothing is too much for you.” I reach into the back pocket of my Santa suit and hand her the tiny envelope with a single ticket inside. “I lied, one more.”

“Fuck, Papa, enough,” she mutters to herself, and I smile the muscles in my face getting sore from overuse.

She tears open the envelope. “Is this really… This isn’t a joke, right?”

She looks up into my eyes, and I shake my head. “No joke. You asked for it, you get it. As many lessons as you need to get your pilot license.”

“W…when is my first lesson?”

She turns the ticket around in her hands, but I wrote it myself. There’s no restriction, because I’m going to pay for all the lessons she needs. If she wants to fly, that’s what she’s going to get. Although, she doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to be there for every fucking lesson.

No way I’m letting my baby girl up in the air without me.

I make a dramatic show of pulling back my oversize Santa sleeve to look at my watch, making her giggle, then meet her eyes. “Now. If you like.”

* * *

The airfield comesinto view as I steer the Range Rover down the entry to the small airport, a haven of low hangars and control buildings against the backdrop of snow-capped wooded mountains. The single runway is a dark ribbon, meticulously cleared of snow even today.

Carina is grinning as we climb out of the cab and head for the hanger where her instructor is waiting. The place is decorated for Christmas, with festive red and green ribbons visible in the buildings as we pass.

“Don Sabato, over here!” I recognize the voice well, older now than I remember, but then aren’t we all? Valentina retired from official duties, but she’s the best pilot I know and now has her instructor’s license. She grins as we turn and walk towards her. “Little Carina Sabato. You’ve grown.”

Carina shakes her head, eyes wide and Valentina laughs, looking at me.

“Valentina was the pilot that brought you here,” I explain. “She brings all our people north, when it’s needed. Or did, before she retired. She’s the only person I trust to give you flying lessons.”

“I know who she is. I’ve wanted to be like her from that day.”

“Being a pilot isn’t hard. If you can dance, you can fly. Your grandfather paid me well to be here today. But, truth is, he’s not the kind of man you say no to.”

After that, everything goes by in a whir of excitement and joy.

It might be her first lesson, but Carina gets to fly the plane. Sort of. Valentina is at the controls, co-piloting, but Carina gets to feel what it’s like, the joy of being up in the air and seeing the ground a few thousand feet below.

“Leonardo would love this,” she says, laughing as we come in to land. “As soon as we get back, I’m feeding him and telling him all about it.”

Valentina looks at me with a quizzical expression, and I explain, “Leonardo is her pet reindeer.”

“Ah, well, in that case, he’ll be extra interested. Given that Santa over here hasn’t taught him to fly under his own power yet.”

The landing goes smoothly, with a little help from Valentina, and Carina is bouncing with joy as we step out of the plane. But as my old friend makes herself scarce, knowing what I have planned, I’m get fucking nervous.

Not about what I’m about to do. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life, and I know that Carina will feel the same way I do. I’m not nervous about what’s going to happen, or about our future. But I am nervous about the words I’m going to say, how I can get across the feelings inside me so that she knows. So that she understands what this means.

I take her hands in mine and drop to one knee. I’ve taken a knee in front of her, and it feels like home.

“Carina,” I say, drawing a deep breath as the words come, my breath a vapor hanging in the cold air. I look into her beautiful eyes and let it all go. “I love you. I loved you as the little girl I had to protect and I love you now as the woman who’s changed my world. You are my sun and sky and the stars that will guide the rest of my life. In five generations, this will be the first marriage that’s based on love and love alone. No political alliances, no convenience. Just you and me and the rest of our lives together.”

I pull the box from my back pocket, and she gasps when I open it up. Then I slide the ring onto her finger and kiss her knuckles.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“I love you,” she whispers. “I love you so much. But what about Chicago? What about-”

“That will always be a part of who we are as a family, but I’ve done my time as boss. I don’t want it. All I want is here. All I want is you. And the truth is…” I hesitate, but now is the right time. She needs to know it all, so that we can go into marriage with a clean slate. “The truth is Lucy has been helping me run things for a while now. With my help, but she has her own ideas.”

“Wait, Lucy? My sister is the Don? Or…whatever?”

“I’m not sure what the female version of a don is, but yes. She will be. So you see, there’s nothing to stop me staying here, where I’m happy. Our love will soar higher than any of these planes, Carina,” I tell her, glancing around at the pilots that have stopped their pre-flight checks to watch. “Let’s make history. Let’s do this for the right reasons. For love. For family. For forever. Marry me.”

She’s nodding, tears making glistening rivers down her cheeks as I pull her into my arms, standing, kissing the top of her head as those watching cheer, giving their congratulations before they return to their own lives.

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