Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




Even though I was exhausted the next morning, I still found myself feeling like I was floating through the clouds. I was on cloud nine and I felt invincible. It felt like there was nothing that could ruin my mood. My high spirits were so obvious that Clara teased me relentlessly all morning but it wasn't enough to dissuade me.

I had my first training with the teenagers that morning. Unfortunately Ronald was not the one taking it but the instructor was really nice. It was more taxing than training with the kids and I was easily the weakest person in the group but I was confident it would get better. I left the field limping and with aching shoulders and thighs but my day still felt perfect.

“I'm worried about you,” Serena whispered snapping me out of my thoughts.

We were in the café because our class had been shifted. We were sipping coffees and trying to get a head start on the assignment that we had to submit in a week. Seeing as we always sat together, we were paired together for every group assignment.

“Why are you worried?" I asked in response to her question. “Is something wrong?”

“You're too excited today,” she explained and I scrunched my brows. “You look like you've swallowed a rainbow or something. You were like this yesterday as well. Did something happen?”

I was about to tell her no but a buzzing from my phone distracted me. I pulled it out to see a text from Kaden that had me grinning from ear to ear. He had wished me luck in class today and although it was a simple message, my lower belly had erupted with butterflies.

‘It is a guy. isn’tit,” Serena accused. "I thought I already warned you away from Aiden. He is bad news, the last thing you want to do is get involved with him.”

“What are you talking about? It isn’t Aiden.”

“That phone you're holding isn’t even out yet. I know that because I have been saving up for when it drops next month. The only people who would be able to get access to it would be the top ranking families and I know for a fact that Aiden has an interest in you. I like you Amelia, that is the only reason I am telling you this. Stay away from him

“It is not Aiden,” I tried to assure her but I could see that she didn’t believe me. “I stay with the Beta’s family. They were the ones who gave me the phone. They're a high ranking family. I had no idea the phone was so expensive.”

She still looked suspicious but my answer seemed to have relieved her of some of her suspicion because she nodded. She turned back to the papers in front of her but I didn't want to let the conversation go so easily. There was a reason she was against Aiden so badly and I wanted to know why. I sensed bad blood between them and I knew it was greater than the general dislike.

“Is there a particular reason you hate Aiden?” I knew she heard my question because she froze but she did not lift her head to look at me. “I am grateful that you're looking out for me but it just seems like there’s something going on between the both of you.”

As soon as my words were out of my mouth, she began to gather her things. I was dumbfounded for a second as I watched her. I tried to think back on my words in case there was anything I said that may have pissed her off but I couldn't find a fault with my words.

“This is my fault. I should have never said anything,” she muttered under her breath. “Feel free to do whatever you want.” “I wasn't trying to call you a liar. Serena, I'm sorry, I'm just-”

I reached out for her but she pulled away from my grip. “You're more than welcome to experiment with Aiden yourself. This is the last time I'll try to help someone else.

She stormed out of the café leaving me sitting there in silence and confusion. I could feel eyes on me as people tried to figure out what had just happened. I felt so self conscious that it only took me two minutes before I gathered my own things and left the café. I decided to finish my waiting in the library and I was on my way there when I noticed someone following me.

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed it was the men from the border. I hadn’t seen them in a while and I honestly forgot they existed until now. I could see them whispering to themselves and pointing in my direction so I sped up my walking. I didn’t know what they wanted but I also did not want to find out. The last thing I needed was to cause trouble.

I turned a comer sharply and I bumped into someone. Arms wrapped around my shoulders to keep me from falling and I looked up to see Aiden smiling down at me. I glanced over my shoulder only to see the men murmuring between themselves in disappointment. For a brief moment, I was relieved to be with Aiden

“Are you okay?” he asked following my line of sight to the men. “Were they bothering you again? I could talk to them if you wanted.” “No, I'm fine, can you just walk me to class? He smiled. “Of course.”

When class ended, I had Aiden walk me out again. He led me to the parking lot and I could hear people whispering as we passed them. I saw Serena and she was shaking her head in disappointment. I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t what she thought but she disappeared before I had the chance.

Aiden led me towards my car and I was shocked to see Clara standing in front of it. As far as I knew, she wasn't having any classes. She smiled when she saw me but her smile fell when she noticed the person beside me. If Aiden noticed her swift change in expression, he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he walked me up to the driver’s side door.

‘I'm assuming this is safe enough,” he said completely ignoring Clara. “I'll see you next week, Amelia.” He walked away and as soon as he was out of earshot, Clara grabbed my arm “What are you doing with Aiden?” she all but yelled. “You need to stay away from him.

“I was trying to but there are some men whe have been bothering me and they only seem to leave me alone when he’s there. I didn’t want to be with him, I had to.”

She pursed her lips. “You should tell Kaden about it.”

“No, he doesn’t need to worry about something this stupid. It is just college stuff,” she raised a brow. "You have to promise me that you won't tell him. “I promise but my point stands. Kaden will flip if he figures out you're spending time with his cousin.”

“He won't figure it out.” my words were more of a threat than a request.

“If that's what you want then no problem. I’m always on your side. He is asking for you though. He wanted to see yau in his office.”

“Do you know why?

She shook her head and I let out a sigh. I hadn't done anything wrong so I had nothing to worry about. That was the mantra I kept repeating as I drove to the office. Clara said she couldn't come with me so she left me to make the drive on my own.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

When I arrived, I was nervous because a partof me couldn't help but won der ny day was about to take a sharpleft turn. I greeted the~. guards atthe door andthey =~ responded curtly but o herwise> , ignored me. I braced myself to see Luey at his desk but I was shocked t&Find it empty. I found miyself looking around for her and I didn’t even realize I was doing it until Kaden’s secretary cleared her throat.

“She isn't here,” she said once she caught my attention. “The Alpha is waiting for you inside.” I started to walk past her but she grabbed my arm. "I know this might be stressful but he just wants to make sure you're not threat to the pack. It will be over soon.

I smiled softly and she released my hand.

I made my way into the office and knocked softly! waited until I got a grun beforetpushed the door open. Kaden was Seated at his desk and-~ as soon’ Bs he felt my presence, his head snapped up. I shut the door behind me and ina flash, Kaden was outof his seat and in front.of me. He had moved so fast that fe was othing more than a blur in my vision.


“You sent for me,” I began and he hummed. His eyes ran over me as if he could not get enough. “Is there something wrong?

“I needed to see you,” his words had me flushing pink. “You look amazing. Is this how you always dress to schoal?”

I looked down at my outfit wondering if I had picked wrong. It was a simple pair of jeans, a spaghetti top and a jacket over it. I wasn’t overly exposed in fact. I would have categorized the outfit as very decent. I nodded unsure of where Kaden was going with the question and he let out a groan from deep within his chest.

‘I'm sure you have every man falling over his own feet for you.” he led me towards the table but instead of letting me sit opposite him, he pulled me towards his chair and pulled me into his lap.

My cheeks heated from the proximity and I looked away. His body was hot against mine but I couldn’t focus on that, all I could think about was the last memory I had of him in this chair with someone else. it had my spine straightening and a from marring my expressions.

His hand curled into my hair and he turned me to face him. “What's wrong Amelia? Did I do something? Is this too much?”

“You had her on your lap,” I voiced out and I saw him close his eyes and mutter a small curse under his breath.

‘I'm sorry I did that. I should never have. I would take it back in a second if I could, I even threw out the chair it’s anewone,"Iwas oS shocked¢hat he did that and even® more Sstiocked that he was willingly telling me. ' ‘I know I cannot take thase memories away but t ifyou want, I can give you new.ones. If you let me, I can paint over those memories you have of her with you instead.”

“I- do you mean that?”

“I want you, Amelia. It is a shitty thing to say but when I was with her, I only thought about you. I know it doesn’t make it better but it is true and right now, I want you. If you don’t want that, you can get up and leave.”

I was shocked at his brazen admission. I had never had someone tell me so boldly that they wanted me. “I don’t want to have sex with you in here, I'm not ready for that.” “Your first time won't be in my office,” his lips curled up. “I don’t need to have sex with you, I just want to hold you.

I found myself standing to my feet and I felt his disappointment. I made my way over to the door and hesitated over the knob before moving down to the key. I turned it once and the click echoed through the room.

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