Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25


Time seemed to fly by and my days got even busier. Clara took me to a store where I was able to get some things for school. The closer I got to school, the more terrifying the idea of it became. Kaden hadn’t called me for the test yet so I was yet to train and I was scared of meeting those boys but the general excitement of going to school managed to water down my fear.

It took me hours of sitting in bed and squealing into my pillow before I managed to fall asleep and regardless of that, I woke up every other hour hoping that it would finally be morning. By the time I saw 6 a.m. on the clock, I practically leaped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

By 7, I was dressed in simple jeans and a cute top with a sweater over it and I paired it with sneakers and tied my hair into a low ponytail. I didn’t want to dress too much so I wouldn’t draw attention to myself but I also wanted to look good and I think I managed to get the exact look I was going for.

I waited patiently for Clara to knock on my door and when she did, she walked in wearing her night robe and she raised a brow at me fully dressed. I flushed pink because I knew I was early but she didn’t tease me for it, instead, she gestured for me to follow her for breakfast.

Caleb wasn’t at the table- he rarely ever is. I have stayed here for a week and I have only seen him two times and they were t dinner. Clara explained that he usually leaves very early because of his job and he returns very late. Pamela and Devin however were at the table however and they offered me wide smiles.

“You must be excited,” Pamela broke the silence. “I remember Clara’s first day of university, we had to drag her out of bed because she slept in.”

A small smile left me and I saw Clara roll her eyes out of the corner of my eyes but she was smiling softly. She picked up a piece of toast and put it in her mouth before disappearing into her room to get ready for the day.

“You’ll do great today,” Pamela assured me with a soft smile before disappearing into the kitchen.




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Chapter 25

I allowed her words of encouragement marinate in my soul and I breathed a deep sigh. can do this and I will do great..

Clara wanted to drop me off at school but I offered to walk because I wanted to get used to the environment. I got the main building and my mouth fell open in shock. The school was large- much larger than the one at my old pack- There was a main building that I knew was the admin block and lots of other large buildings lining the walls. The entire campus was large and I wished I asked Clara to come with me so I don’t get lost.

I squared my shoulders and made my way towards the admin office and I noticed people staring. At first I wondered if there was something wrong with what I was wearing but I noticed almost everyone was dressed similarly. As some boys began to whistle and cat call, I realized that they probably knew that I was new.

I tried not to feel too uncomfortable by their advances and I ignored them as I made my way to the admin office to get my schedule and school map. I met a woman by the desk, she looked to be in her mid 70s to early 80s but her eyes were sharp and looked like they were piercing though my soul. I offered her a small smile and although she didn’t return it, her eyes looked kind.

She was in a pin up blouse with a long skirt and she had glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. Her grey hair was in a lazy bun at the top of her head and she looked up at me as if silently asking what I wanted.

“Hi, I’m new and I was told to come here for my schedule.” I told her softly.

“What’s your name?” she turned to her laptop that was open in front of her.

“My name is Amelia Blackwood,” her eyes snapped up to mine at the mention of my last name and I swallowed deeply hoping that I hadn’t said anything wrong.

“Did you just say that your last name was Blackwood?” she asked looking up at me through the rim of my glasses and I nodded.

“Yes, is there something wrong?” She shook her head.

“I knew your

your mother is all. I knew her by her maiden name but she married Alpha Blackwood.” I wanted to ask her questions but the sound of the printer broke the spell and she moved her expression back to neutral. “You should get to your first class, it is starting



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Chapter 25





I wanted to stay and ask questions about my mother but she turned away from me and devoted all her attention to her laptop. I knew that she was done entertaining me and so I took the schedule and map from her. According to it, my first class was holding in the East building and I made

y way over there.

I followed the map to a T and I saw the large building in front of me. As I made my way inside my assigned class, I noticed the guys from a few days ago- the patrol soldiers. I made to avoid them before they saw me but my plan didn’t work because one of them looked and his eyes snapped up to mine. He smiled cruelly and I made to run away but they cornered me.


I swallowed deeply looking for any chance to escape but there was none. I was backed into a wall and no one seemed concerned enough to stop and help. They would just glance at me and then look away quickly as if staring for too long would make them switch places with

1. me.

“Hello little mouse,” one of them teased. “It looks like we are in the same class. That is a huge surprise, don’t you think?”

I opened my mouth to speak but then I heard an unfamiliar voice. “Don’t you think it is too early in the school year to start harassing women?”

I looked towards the source of the sound and I saw an attractive young man standing there. There was something familiar about his features but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. He was standing tall with a lean b*dy and he had round glasses resting on his nose. Het looked the typical part of a nerd and I feared they would turn their attention on him but instead they grumbled under their breaths and stepped away from me.

The guy

walked over to me and held out a hand to me which I quietly took. He led me over to an empty seat and after I was settled, he sat down next to me. I took the opportunity to really take him in. He had curly brown hair and his eyes were the color of melted chocolate. When I realized I was staring at him, I quickly turned away with my cheeks burning pink.

“My name is Aiden, by the way,” he told me without looking up. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Amelia,” I said softly. “Thank you for saving me from them. You didn’t have to.”




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Chapter 25

“It’s what any decent person would do,” he waved me off. “There’s no need to thank me for it.”

“No one else stopped to help me.” I hated how soft my voice was.

“Not many people are decent people. Besides, most people are scared of them, they are known to be bullies and no one wants to be the brunt of their jokes.”

“What about you?” I asked and he finally turned to me. “Aren’t you scared that they will turn their attention on you?”

“They won’t,” he spoke the words with such assurance and I couldn’t help but believe him.

I didn’t know what else to say after that so I looked away from him and I accidentally locked eyes with a random girl and she gave me a disapproving look. I wanted to ask what I did wrong and what I had done to deserve that kind of expression but the lecturer walked in and I was forced to pay attention to the class.

The class was long but it was really interesting. It was a history class and I found myself making notes throughout much to the amusement of the guy next to me who didn’t even bother to bring out a pen or even a book. At the end of class, I picked up my bags but then I was bumped into by the girl from earlier who looked at me weirdly.

Up close I could see her clearly. She had dark skin with honey colored braids and she was wearing jeans, boots and a crop top. She had an expression that clearly stated that she didn’t want anyone talking to her accidentally.

I bent to pick my books and so did she. When we were down and at eye level, I heard her voice ever so softly next to my ear.

“Watch out for him.” She stood up and walked away so quickly after that and I began to wonder if she had even spoken. I would have thought it was a figment of my imagination if not for the look she shot me as she walked out of the class room.

There was a free period so I decided to go to the student café. I was still shaken from the warning and I tried not to think about it but it kept settling in my head. I swallowed deeply. as I reached the large eating area and as I looked around, I noticed that everyone was sitting

with their friends”




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Chapter 25

I didn’t know where to sit and I didn’t want to feel like I was intruding. As I looked around, I noticed the patrol guys and they were wiggling their brows at me. My skin crawled and I quickly moved away from the vicinity looking for another spot. As I searched, I noticed Aiden and when he saw me, he waved me over and I smiled.

As I got to the table, my smile fell when I noticed a girl walking over. She was wearing ripped jeans and a beautiful wrapped top. Her l*ps were painted a soft pink color and her hair was straightened. She sat next to Aiden and I watched as he smiled at her.

She wasn’t wearing as much makeup but she was clearly the girl I saw with Kaden in front of the restaurant.




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