
What Happens After

Amelia pov


Tears are falling thick and fast down my cheeks. I press a hand to my mouth to stifle the sound of my sobs, rushing to my room and slamming the door.

I don’t know if the door will stop Rogers from hearing me, but it’s the best I can do.

I throw myself onto the bed, pressing my face into the pillow.

I never thought it would be like this.

I never thought he’d find out.

Even if I’d known he would, I would have been sure he’d brush it off, just like all my other efforts of investigation.

I grab my phone, sending a text to Amanda with shaky hands.

“Amanda I messed up. Rogers found out about Jim tailing him. He’s mad. I think he hates me.” I texted her

“Oh hon, I’m sorry. Tell me what happened, exactly.” She replied.

I spend a few minutes typing out a description of the fight, not wanting to risk Rogers hearing me speaking to her on a phone call.

Hannah’s response is a few minutes in coming.

“Give him the night to cool off. He has a right to be mad. I’m not saying you were wrong, as clearly what’s

going on is dangerous, and you need to know about it, especially if you’re living with him. “She texted.

“But I can still see why he’s upset. He cares about you, though. He’ll forgive you.” She texted again.

“I’m not sure he will. All these years, I’ve been chasing stories, unearthing the truth, but I’ve never worried about what comes after. This is what comes after pain and hurt. Perhaps some secrets are better left buried.” I replied.

“I know you don’t believe that. You’re just upset. Trust me, sleep and talk to Rogers in the morning. If things aren’t better by then, call me and we’ll come up with an action plan.” Amanda texted.

That brings a watery smile to my face.

“Thanks, Manda. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I replied

“Crash and burn, obviously” She replied.

“You just keep thinking that!” I texted.

Amanda is right. The best thing I can do right now is sleep and hope things will be better in the morning.

I’m no longer even remotely hungry, and I can’t summon the energy to get up and put the dinner in the fridge.

The stress of the fight catches up to me all at once. I roll over and I’m asleep in moments.


Rogers is waiting for me at breakfast the next day. His expression is not encouraging.

“Amelia. Please sit down. We need to talk.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Crap, he’s about to break up with me. Of course, he can’t break up with me, as we’re not a couple.

That thought doesn’t comfort me as I sit opposite him.

“Listen, Rogers.”

He holds a hand up, stopping me mid-sentence. “I was angry last night. I shouldn’t have shouted at you or said all the things I did. I’m still angry, but I’m also still willing to be your fake husband.”

What about my real friend?”

Rogers hesitates. “I still care about you, Lia, and I still want you as a friend. I’m just not sure I can trust you anymore.”

When I find out what his secret is, everything will be better.

“I’d never do anything to hurt you intentionally.”

I realize that, but we’re very lucky that no one got unintentionally hurt because of your little stunt.”

I nod, not really understanding, but knowing he’s not going to explain it to me.

Hopefully, this will all be over soon. I’ll find out what Rogers’s hiding, and we’ll finally be on the same page. For now, I say we get back to where we were before.

Ok, I understand.” I give him my most winning smile. “We’ve got food from last night – it should still be good. I put it in the fridge when I got up. Fancy some chicken

for breakfast?”

I can’t, I’ve got to go.”

I watch Rogers’s back as he walks out.

He may have put the argument behind him, but he doesn’t trust me. WilI ever be able to win back his trust?

I go to work, but my heart isn’t in it. If Roland notices my melancholy, he’s kind enough not to say anything.

I count the hours to my lunch break and text Amanda the moment the clock strikes twelve.

“Rogers and I talked.” I sent

“What did he say?” She replied almost immediately.

“He’s still willing to marry me, but he doesn’t trust

me. He wants to maintain our friendship, but I don’t

know how he can when he looks at me like he can’t

rely on me.” I texted her.

“He’ll get over it. This is already a vast improvement from last night.” She replied.

“How long will that take? It hurts, having him look at me like that.” I texted.

“You would know that better than me. Like has never been one to hold grudges, though.” She replied back.

“I wish he’d never left. Whatever made him leave is what’s keeping us apart now. He thinks that if I know his stupid secret, l hate him. I can see it in his eyes; he thinks I’ll leave him.” I texted.

“Well, you never know. What if you discover he’s a serial killer or something. You’d be mad not to hate that.” She replied.

“Lol right, like Rogers could ever kill anyone.” I texted.

“You never know” She replied.

“I put away my phone, smiling.”

Talking to Amanda always makes me feel better. After all, what secret could Rogers possibly have that could drive a wedge between us once brought out into the light?

I know him. He hasn’t done anything terrible. There’s more to this, some other reason why he thinks I’ll leave. Whatever it is, I’ll find out.

I work at top speed on my current article for the rest of the day so that I have time to keep working on my investigation into Rogers.

It isn’t strictly something I should be doing at work, since I have no intention of publishing an article on this, but Roland doesn’t mind if I pursue my own interests as long as my work is done.

By the end of the day, my brief good cheer after talking to Amanda has worn off. I’ve hit brick wall after brick wall in my investigation.

“The sum total of what I’ve discovered is there’s something weird going on here.

“Great job, Amelia. That will really make headlines, that will. Some reporter you are. Sure, uncover scandals for Roland, but when it really matters, here you sit with basically nothing.

It’s starting to look like the only way I’ll find out Rogers’s secret is if he tells me. Fat chance of that.

Shut up, Amelia, stop being so negative. You know Rogers. Surely, convincing him can’t be that hard.

I’ll have to give him a few weeks, of course. I need to regain his trust before I start asking him to reveal his deepest, darkest secret.

All I can do is try my best to show him that I’m trustworthy, that he can tell me.

Charged with my new determination, I head home. I have no intention of stopping my investigation, but convincing Rogers to tell me is a more viable option right now.

It’s just a happy coincidence that my goal of getting him to trust me fits perfectly with my other goal: having Rogers screw me so thoroughly that I can’t walk straight for a week.

I press my legs together at the thought.

Rogers is already home when I arrive. He’s sitting in the lounge, reading. He seems calm, and he smiles when he looks up at me.

“Hey, Lia. I thought I’d order us pizzas for supper. You in?”

“Absolutely. Maybe we can watch a movie.”


I’m completely certain he sees my ulterior motives for the movie, and the fact that he agreed anyway is a good sign.

Rogers sits apart from me on the couch, but I move closer. It isn’t long before he puts his arm around me.

I’m starting to forget about getting him to trust me and thinking more along the lines of getting his dick in my mouth when the doorbell rings.

I expect it’s just the pizza man.

Rogers gets up to answer. Pm not really listening, until a name jumps out at me.

What is it, Derek?”

Icy fear floods my veins.

Did Derek know that I was thinking of sucking Rogers’s cock? I don’t see how he could, but then, how could he know we were having sex the other night?

The first time was probably a warning what will he do now? I’m fairly certain it was Derek who bests Jim up. Rogers is involved with Derek somehow, and his obedience is clearly expected.

I can’t let Derek hurt him. I have to stop him, no matter what.

I leap up, ready to throw myself between Rogers and Derek if Derek shows even the slightest sign of wanting to hurt my man.

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