Where We Belong

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"Please don't, I don't want to hear" I said moving away from him "I told you last night you didn't have to explain". Truth was I didn't want to hear it because I was afraid I would burst into tears and I didn't want to cry infront of him. "I have to go" I told him again before I made my way down the stairs. Going straight for the bottle of wine I had in the fridge I filled my glass back to the top. A few more wouldn't hurt before I go and with Blaze here I needed it.

Watching him walk to the fridge he pulled out a beer and leaned against the bunker tops. Why was he still here? "Yes Blaze you can have one" I said watching the smirk make its way onto his face. "Hair of the dog darlin'." he said raising the bottle to his mouth and almost finishing it. Why was I smiling? How did it feel like nothing had happened?

"How was your first day?" He asked not once taking his eyes of me. He was making me feel nervous and when I was nervous I said stupid things. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"I can't wait to start" I smiled "I have a really good feeling about it. I met the head doctor today and he seems lovely, tomorrow I should get my office and meet the rest of my staff. They seem like really nice people and-.. I'm rambling" I laughed forgetting how easy it was to talk to him. Feeling the blush take over my cheeks I buried my face in my glass.

"Ramble away darlin' I could listen to you all day" He said his eyes flicking over my body for the first time tonight.

Clearing my throat I finished of my wine and put my glass in the sink "I really have to go" I said checking the time on the wall clock. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I was a little late. "Need a lift?" He asked placing his bottle in the bucket by the backdoor.

I did..

"No it's fine I'll call a cab it-"

"You ain't riding in a cab dressed like that. Now the back of my bike, thats an image I won't ever get out of my head" He smirked wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Such a pervert... Rolling my eyes I looked at how short my dress was. I couldn't get on the back of a bike dressed like this- what the hell am I doing?

"Ava it's just a ride. Nothing else I will honour your word".

That changed everything.

"Unless you don't want your doctor friends seeing you being dropped of by a member of Devils Due?" He sneered his features turning cold.

"Have I ever gave a shit before? Fuck Blaze I'm pretty sure they know who my dad is" I said shaking my head at him. How could he ever think that? "I'm not ashamed of my family Blaze".

" Well then let me give that fine ass of yours a ride" He grinned

Pursing my lips together I crossed my arms over my chest watching him as he mounted his bike. "This is a bad idea" I said glancing down at my dress "I don't want to flash my ass to the world. I think I'm just going to get a cab". Yeah that would be a better idea. This dress wasn't made for a bike.

" You ain't now get over here" He muttered holding out his helmet for me to take. Chewing on my bottom lip I shook my head "I'm calling a cab" I said pulling my phone from my bag and unlocking it. This is what I should have done the minute he offered me a lift. I don't want him getting the wrong idea, even though he said he would honour my word I wasn't sure I could keep mine.

"Stubborn ass" he muttered "Why pay for a cab when I'm right here?"

"Because I don't want to have to owe you anything. I don't want you to think everything's okay between us because its not". There I said it. Taking a deep breath I glance at my phone. It was approaching 8 o'clock, I didn't want to be any later than I was.

" I told you I would honour your wo-.."

"I'm not sure I can keep to mine" I snapped cutting him off "Unlike you my feelings don't just disappear in a day. I'm afraid to be around you because I don't want to give in". This is exactly why I told him there was nothing to take about. I didn't want to drag up how I felt.

Feeling his stare burn a hole in my face I laughed I fucking laughed " Guess I can't just shut out how I feel huh? Well you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else" I glared heading to my car. I knew I had slipped my keys in my bag earlier and I was thankful I did.

"You already did that remember?" He snapped storming towards my car.

That was it. Slamming my car door shut I stormed towards him hitting my fists of his chest "You really think I slept with Cage?" I roared catching the attention of my next door neighbors. Laughing out loud I shook my head "Unlike you I have some respect for my body. Now I'm not going to tell you again. Leave me alone, forget you ever met me because from this moment on that's what I plan to do". Storming back to my car I got in and drove off. That man drove me insane.

Finally reaching the black widow I parked my car round back. I needed a big glass of red wine maybe even a bottle. That man had nearly ruined my night but I was not going to let that happen. This was my chance to make some new friends and actually start my life here. Reapplying my lipstick I grabbed my purse and headed inside.

Glancing around the bar I smiled when I saw Josh waving at me " I thought you weren't coming" he smirked walking towards me and taking my hand "Come meet the team".

Dragging me through the crowd he stopped at the back booth with a group of about 10 people. " Everyone I'd like you to meet Ava" Josh said causing everyone to look at me. Smiling nervously at them all I gave a little wave.

"You are beautiful" Ally the girl I met early gushed beside me. I was guessing Ally had had a little to much to drink. "Really you are stunning, I'm so glad your working with us. Its about time we got some more girls around that place" Knocking back the shot she had in front of her she slammed it back on the table.

Everyone I had met was lovely and they sure knew how to have a good time. "Come on Ava do a shot with me" She smirked grabbing the shot glasses from Mark a nurse that was part of her team.

Shrugging my shoulders I took the shot my face screwing up as the liquid slide down my throat. Tequila!! "Oh come on I love this song" grabbing onto my hand she pulled me from the booth "Dance with me".

I wanted to know where this girl got her energy from. " I'll miss this one out" I smiled watching as she grabbed both Mark and Sean dragging them to the dancefloor.

"She's a little wild" Josh laughed as he slide into the booth beside me. She was that but she was great. Taking a sip of my wine I smiled, this was the most fun I'd had in a long time.

"She's great" I replied watching his hand slip into mine. What was he doing? "I think you're going to fit in here perfectly" he muttered looking straight into my eyes. Watching him lean in I turned my head in the opposite direction, as lovely as he was I wasn't about to start something I had no intention of persuing.

"My bad" He huffed "Sorry Ava but you are a very attractive woman and I saw a chance so I thought I would take it. I do apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable it wasn't my intention. Let me get you a drink" he muttered running off before giving me a chance to speak. I think he was embarrassed more than anything else.

"So think you'll like it here" A girl named Holly asked as she sipped on her drink.

"Well I have an awesome team do I not?" I smirked as they all started hooting and cheerinoff

"Ain't you Franko Mendez's daughter?" Mark pipped up a little louder than I would have liked managing to catch a few peoples attention. Great the one thing I didn't want them to mention and one person has to bring it up.

Clearing my throat I looked around the table. Surely they already knew I was. "Ain't he President of Devils Due? That gang of thugs that think they run the city?" Sean asked a distasteful look on his face. Okay so they weren't perfect but they weren't thugs. Fine they maybe are but they ain't all that bad.

"Running around on there little motorbikes wearing those stupid cuts, pathetic. Did you know they all have tattoos the full length of there back representing there club. Who even does that?" Greg pipped up knocking back his beer.

I think it was time I left. "Guys that's enough" Josh muttered as I stood up and smoothed down my dress. "You're sitting here ripping apart my family and your the ones calling them pathetic. I think its time I left. Excuse me" I whispered making my way out of the booth.

"Ava ple-.."

"I'm fine, what you guys said was true. My fathers a criminal but I'm not. I just wish people would get over that fact that he's my dad. I hope you all don't think any different of me. Enjoy the rest of your


Walking into the cold air I shivered as it circled my body. Why the hell did I not bring a jacket?. Thinking about what they said made me angry. No matter what he had done or that he was president of the most feared MC he was still my dad, my family. How could anyone just sit there and talk about shit they knew nothing about? Were they going to judge me badly because of who my dad was? Those boys may look like criminal thugs but they were now my family and if it wasn't for them, wasn't for Blaze a lot of bad things would have happened to me. I get that rumours fly and escapade into something bigger than what they are but blood was blood. They were my blood and I sure as hell wasn't going to hide it.

Glancing at my phone I groaned when I noticed the time. I hadn't planned on staying out this late. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. Not really wanting to do it I opened up a new text my fingers hovering over the letters.

'Black widow. Need a ride'

After hitting send I almost jumped 10 feet in the air as a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I was just coming to make sure you were okay?"

"I told you I was fine Josh. If they want to treat me differently because of my dad then so be it. Its not going to change that I am one hell of a good doctor. I just hope they know they're all working for a criminals daughter. Did you tell them?" I asked moving back a little so I could get a clear view of him.

"Sean and Mark are sorry. Ally ripped them a new one as soon as you left. We aren't going to treat you any differently. You're a great asset to the hospital and I will apologise in advance for what they said. You can expect an apology from them tomorrow morning in person".

He still didn't answer my question. " Do they know I'm there new boss?" I asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket. "They know and they are truly greatful. Honestly they all love you and they'll get over who your Dad is".

"Good to know" I muttered just as my phone bleeped.

'5 minutes away'

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