
Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 — The Attack +109 Bonu 04:09

“Learn to dance in the rain steady hand, steady alm. Knock ‘em dead or Redfield ain’t my name — “Far from Alive” Resident Evil 2 Rap by IT Music feat. Andrea Storm Kaden


The boom of thunder. The scent of falling rain. The aura of chaos.

Together, they shaped the melting pot for battle. It caked the atmosphere of Zircon Moon, frenzied and remorseless. In my peripherals, bodies scramble in and out of the main house in preparation to combat the evil that dared to soil the day, Rain battered against the windows like acoustic drums, broadcasting their presence to all wolves. Trained combatants suited up, faces obscured with determination and ferocity, the exact emotions needed in warfare.

Jumbled chatter mixed with whines of fear twirled in the air as mothers, unmated wolves, children, the elderly, and the sick trekked hurriedly to the underground, impenetrable safety room. Built across from the dungeons, accessibility to the room was only through the packhouse to ensure the maximum level of safety to the most vulnerable. The pup trainees were amongst those in the safety room because they’re unfit for battle.

The stench of decay was enough to make me sick, but | did not have time to dwell on my nausea. it was time to buckle up and take my place on the battlefield. The itch for battle tickled my every nerve, exciting my synapses. Adrenaline immersed me like a tsunami. This was my chance to protect the children, reinforcing the reasons | was rightfully a Delta.

| scowled at Raina for the final time before turning my back. No use to waste time on this fruitless. conversation. And | didn’t want to waste any more of my breath on her.

“You're going out there?” Raina asked. Her worry was as thick as smoke.

“Yes. We're under attack, as you said. Deltas don’t run and | have every intention to fight.”

“But you'll get hurt-”

“Comes with the job, Raina.” | retorted, cracking my knuckles. “Either you join me or stay the hell out of my


“Mommy!” | turn to see little Adonis running towards his mother from the staircase, tears blurring his eyes. He was picked up by his mother, clinging onto her neck for dear life. With his face buried in the crook of her neck, his small body quaked in fear. A sting of pain punctured my heart to see the little boy so frightened.

“It's okay, my treasure. It will be okay.” She whispered in his ear, rubbing circles on his back. | see it now. To Raina, Adonis comes first. It was a mother’s instinct to protect their children from the ills of the world, even if it kills them. Raina was not acting like a Beta Female; she is and always will be a mother first.

I'm not a mother, but | understand the need to protect those | love.

“Raina!” Valerian shouted, running to his family. His hands went on his wife and child, one running through 177

Chapter 55 — The Attack

Adonis‘ curls. His jade eyes relaxed as he looked at his son, “This insanity has to end.”

“It will, my love.” They shared a brief kiss. “Come back to me in one piece.”




“You know | will.” He smiled. Raina ushered off to the safety room. Adonis peered at me, and for a moment, | could feel the terror emanating from him. That look alone strengthened my resolve.

No one deserves to live in fear.

With a soft growl, snubbing the fact | was still in my pajamas, | left the packhouse into the heavy rain. Quickly, | was drenched, my clothes clinging like a second skin. As pack members filed out, | walked towards my team gathering the weapons of warfare. Briefly, | see Jackie’s face twisting in worry as Abigail clasp on her chest plate.

“She has the blessing of Selene. Abigail will survive.” | reassured my friend. Abigail is a human, twice as vulnerable as us werewolves. Since | am the avatar of Selene, | could physically grant her protection through a special mark. With Selene’s divine will, her vulnerability is radically reduced, physically on par with us

werewolves. | traced an image of a crescent moon on her shoulder with my finger, the magic seeped into her deep brown skin.

Swiftly dressing in my gear, | walk towards the front lines with Galen, Darien, and Jacqueline at my sides. Sapphire and Abigail were several feet behind us, ready for the onslaught. The smell of death grew stronger as the fighters spread across the territory. Some as humans, but many as fully grown wolves.

It wasn’t long until the three ranked wolves of Zircon joined the frontline, their mates safely tucked away in the safety room. Sparks flared on my arm, which | promptly jerked away in anger as | glared in ocean blue.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?” | accused.

“| don’t want you out here,” Neron explained. “I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to you in this fight. You should be in the safety room.”

“| appreciate the concern, but that won’t happen. I’m a Delta, and | need to be out here.” “Kiya- “There’s no time for this, Neron. I’m staying, whether or not you like it.”

Neron snarled softly, shutting his eyes as he inhaled deeply. The rain made his wet hair stick to his flesh, beautifying his god-like features. His clothing soaked up the rain, revealing the outlines of his best assets, including some | didn’t need to name.

After a second, he opened his eyes, conveying a silent message into my own. “Fine. Be careful.” He muttered.

I said nothing after that. Soon, all the warriors including guards and border patrols stood, armed and ready for an attack. Neron conveyed a message to his entire pack via links, judging by the glassy look in his eyes.

“Don't hesitate and don’t hold back,” Jacqueline spoke to us. “Put these bitches in the dirt!”

The vengeful miasma of death made my eyes tear up and inhumane growls reverberated into the air, causing us all to bristle. This was it. Our enemies made their appearance from the darkness of the woodlands. The rain


Chapter 55-The Attack

did nothing to disguise the horror of these wolves, whose jaws oozed bright-green drool. +109


The rogues don’t look normal. Their horrified emergence was enough to still my heart in unrelenting fear. Each deadly rogue looked as if different pieces of wolves were meshed to form their reanimated bodies like patches sewn on damaged toys. Different ears, eyes, tails, snouts, and so much more shaped their disproportioned bodies. Their eyes were void of life, soulless.


Both sides waited precariously, seeing who would buckle and attack first. We as fighters learn to not fear the bark, but the bite of rogues. Fury and resolve were our best assets, ready to aid us to the top of the hill to claim victory. Pushing aside my hate, | knew we could weather this infestation with minimal casualties. The vulnerable population was counting on our success, many waiting for their mates to return to their arms.

Thunder roared. Lightning flashed. The battle had begun. The reanimated rogues roared and rushed at us at blinding speed, and the pack countered with the ferocity of the gods. The fighters beat and tore at the rogues. Various injuries painted our flesh, but our resolve continued to burn bright as a star. The territory became slippery and muddy, but it didn’t deter us.

Everywhere | turned was the scourge of the dead. If one dies, two more appear from the darkness of the trees, carrying the stink of failed decomposition. | fought off many, but some nicked my arm and my leg.

| didn’t yell. | didn’t scream. | fought for my survival. | fought for the children hiding, scared for their lives

Two wolves charged at me in unison, bashing me rearward into the soupy mud. Brown blurred my vision as | struggled against their snapping, frothing jaws. Before either took the chance to bite my throat, a large red wolf body-slammed them into the mud, jaws tearing their decaying flesh apart. A brown wolf came into my view, using its snout to help me on my feet.


| growled, batting that wolf away. | knew who it was, and | didn’t need them acting like they care when we're in the middle of a fucking war.

Wiping the mud from my forehead, | witnessed Neron tearing apart five wolves at once as Onyx, efficiently showing why he was the king of the pack. Some cowered away, but many foolishly launched themselves at the Alpha, determined to take him down. To his side, Valerian fought valiantly as a brown wolf, despite the deep claw wound at his side. Kwame, as a spotted black and grey wolf, tore down his enemies with ease. Their dominance in the battle was to be admired.

Abigail sliced and diced like an expert swordswoman why Jacqueline, as Rosaline, protected her mate’s back. Sapphire blazed through the land, dragging a rogue by the neck, and tossing it to the side with her claws. Galen and Darien, still in their human forms, shot arrows and javelins, impaling many through the hearts.

As more decomposing wolves appeared from the woods, | knew it was time to end this for good. With a roar, | shifted into Artemis, white fur sprouting from my flesh as | landed on all fours. Sharing one mind, Artemis and | worked in unison to destroy the army of the undead.

Dead eyes landed on me, swimming in the only emotion | saw in their eyes for the first time, fear. | tore apart the nearest rogues in front of me while many retreats. An interesting development if | might say. Suddenly, there is a distant, disembodied howl that rang through the air, halting all undead rogues in their tracks.

In a flash, all the rogues disappeared into the woods, although some got pulled back into the field to be killed. In less than a minute, the victor of battle is decided. Zircon Moon stood triumphant on their land, wolves howling in the war’s end. Panting, | sat on my rear end, allowing the rain to wash the dirt off my snowy fur while the howls of victory echoed through the storm.

Chapter 55- The Attack.

It's over. We won. But something told me it won't the last time we'll see of those rotting rogues. +109



“Hold still and let me use this antiseptic on your wound, Kiya!”

“I can help myself, Sapphire!”

She continued to shake the can and spray the claw mark on my calf, ignoring my protests. | sat on a rock in baggy shorts and a large t-shirt as the aftermath of the battle settled in. Warriors and border patrols dragged the rotting bodies of the rogues away, slime-like green staining the grass in their wake. The injuries we sustained are, oddly, taking more time to heal than usual, so the pack doctors and paramedics had to pitch in

with the treatment.

My wound was healing, albeit slowly, but the antiseptic made it feel cleaner. Exhaling a breath, | didn’t know | was holding, | relaxed. The stench of death disappeared, leaving behind the clean air of earth Mother Nature graced us with. It was needed after a lengthy battle.

“There you go.” My blond friend handed me a single roll of gauze with a smile. “I know if | tried to bandage you, you’d just might bite me. So, I'll leave you to it, girl.”

Smirking, | took the gauze from her hands. Suddenly, Sapphire’s blue eyes flashed black, nostrils flaring. A deep growl rumbled in her chest and before | knew it, the woman took off faster than a space rocket.

“Huh. What’s gotten into her?” “Uh oh.” Jackie sang, eyebrows bouncing. “Looks like the little pup has found her mate.”

My jaw dropped. Seriously? Who knew that Sapphire would find her mate in this backwater pack? My heart swelled in happiness at the thought of my friend achieving the love she deserves. After being mateless for so long, my blond friend deserved something like this.

“How long do you think it will be before she gets knocked up?” “Jackie!” | pushed her shoulder. “Where’s Darien and Galen?”

“Darien is helping to transport some warriors to the pack hospital who sustained non-life-threatening. injuries. As for Galen, | haven't seen him in a hot minute.” On cue, the both of us saw Galen walking across the field hand-in-hand with a handsome man with a bandaged forearm. From where we're sitting at, the twinkle in Galen’s eyes shone as bright as a star and his grin stretched on for miles. I've never seen him like

that before! That could only mean one thing...

“Oh! It looks like Galen found his as well!” Jackie laughed, clapping once. My jaw dropped. What are the odds that both Sapphire and Galen’s mates were here? “It is a good thing we came along for this mission, isn’t it,

Little Bit?”

“...] guess.” | muttered, toying with the hem of my shirt. As Abigail finishes bandaging up her arm, Jackie drew her in her arms. and kissed her forehead. Abigail emerged unharmed from the battle, only covered in grime and mud. The relief on the Beta’s face is more than enough to calm her heart.

No matter what, Jackie would always worry about Abigail's safety. They were mates and deeply in love, and with love comes worry.


Chapter 55 — The Attack +


That’s probably why Neron jogged up to me, ready to draw me into his arms. | quickly shot up from the rock, keeping a three fect distance from him. “Don’t even think about it.”

03:51 Realizing what he was about to do, Neron softened and nodded. “I’m sorry. | needed to see that you were


“As you can see, I’m fine.” | sat back down on the rock, dressing my leg wound. “How many casualties today?”

“For once, none.” He sighed in relief. | could tell that he didn’t want to face more losses from his pack. Zircon Moon couldn't take another hit like before. “You've trained my warriors well in such a short time. For that, | thank you.”

“Just doing my job.”

“Here.” Neron kneeled on the wet grass near my calf. “Let me help with that. | have gauze tape.”

| didn’t want him to touch me. | didn’t want to feel those fucking sparks. “Just give me the tape. | can handle it myself.”

“Kiya,” His blue eyes were pleading. “I know you space. Onyx is worried and won't stop howling.”

an handle it, but please let me have this and I'll give you

My eyes narrowed, glaring daggers. “You swear you'll give me space?”

He shot me an irritating smirk. “For today, at least.”

| rolled my eyes, resisting the urge to smack that smile. “Make it quick.”

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His blue eyes lit up like a child on Christmas Day. Pulling out the gauze tape from his pocket, he got to work.

His fingers, gentle qesputious} | r diusteccmy eal e. Firm, but not tight. The tips of his fingertips brushed against the brown skin, sparks erupting underneath. | hated the feeling, but it was over just as it had started. Neron finished taping the bandage before smiling. “There. How do you feel?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Fine.” | shot to my feet and walked away, leaving him near the rock. As much as | appreciated the help, that’s as far as | was willing to let him touch me. Anything beyond that would blur lines, and | couldn't afford that.

As | walked towards the packhouse, the red and brown wolves that took the rabid rogues off me trotted toward me. Their gold and amber eyes looked at me with saddened expressions, their tails between their legs. One red wolf tried to rub its snout on my leg, but | backed away. Crossing my arms underneath my chest, | glared at them.

“My gratitude for you both does not extend off the battlefield. If you have something to say, say it now because | won't give you that chance later.”

The two wolves went behind one statue at the front stairs. Emerging clothed were two people | wished I’d never see again. Two people | hoped were dead and buried before | arrived. Two people who, unfortunately, each gave half of their genetic makeup to me.

Steven and Ashley Lane.

My biological parents.

“Halima, my baby girl...” Ashley squeaked with watering eyes, walking toward me.

Chapter 55-The Attack

| stepped back as if | was avoiding a fire. “Kiya is my name, and I’m not your fucking baby girl.” Steven took a step next to his wife, grasping her hand. “She is your mother, Kiya.”




“She sure didn’t act like it before.” | rolled my eyes, tilting my hip to the side. “So, what have you come to beg me for? Forgiveness? Because I’m not here to accept any olive branches.”

“Baby girl, please, you can’t reject us like this,” Ashley begged. | resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. “You have no idea how much | suffered when you died. | thought you were gone forever. | missed you so much and prayed for the day we’d meet again. [+I didn’t expect to see you alive after so long. It was a miracle from the Moon Goddess.”

“For me, not for you, Ashley.” My remark lanced her through the heart because she looked at me with an expression full of misery.

“We shouldn't be surprised at the way you are now,” Steven bowed his head as his voice quaked. “We failed you as parents. We fail yoy ItsO rriany Nee Hiswoitéc} cked. “I should have been a father...an actual father to you. | should have never treated you the way | did. We should have been at your side to give you what you deserve. Please Kiya, find it in your heart to forgive us and your sister.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“| love you so much. | still do and always will.” Ashley added, hands clasped together like she was praying. “I don’t want you to be angry at me. | want my baby girl back. | want our family to be the way it should have been before all this madness happened. I'm so sorry, Honeybee. Your father is sorry, and Raina is sorry.


My heart clenched at the old nickname. Honeybee. Because | liked to wear yellow and | was always found near the flower bushes in the woods back then. That name was lost

in the wind and no longer stirs any warmth in me. It was dead, like my love for these people. They weren’t my parents. | have my real ones back home.

And | liked the nickname Moonbeam better. “| know you hate us...” Steven muttered.

“| don’t hate you,” | tell him. “I can’t hate people | don’t care about. Or maybe | do hate you both? But | do know that | hold no love for either of you.”

Tears fell freely from Ashley's eyes as she sobbed into her trembling palms. Something should stir in me, like a feeling of remorse. | couldn’t change who gave birth to me, but I sure as hell can choose my parents.

“This conversation is over. You both don't deserve the title of parents. It wasn't like anyone forced you to be cruel to me. Youre green se6pie | capablaefrhaking choices and you chose to not only be cruel but to abuse me. You both were the reason | became a slave, and now you want me to forgive you? Some things cannot be forgiven, and it isn’t starting today.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

With that, | went into the house as Ashley wailed behind me.


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