
Chapter 108

Chapter 19 Her Intuition 

“Honesty whispers, “Don’t get pricked by the thorns of lie.“–Angelica Hopes 

Phoebe Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Evil is a living entity. It coils around the hearts of good men and women, infecting their purity with abysmal blackness. It has a scent, taste, sound, sensation, and look. The evil within them can sway one who vowed to live their life on the path of righteousness. 

The taste is vile. It lands on my tongue the moment I step foot on Zircon Moon territory. No doubt Osiris influence stained the air with the wolves unaware of the wickedness taking refuge with their families. It slithers between the cracks, waiting to strike. 

Like a snake. 

Convincing Alpha Anthony to allow me to leave for Nevada was a challenge. It made sense not to trust me. I did sneak away without his permission last time and subsequently got abducted. With any developments involving the situation, I am to let him know. 

The kidnapping is still fresh in my mind. The scent of fire, the violent grabbing, the lust for my power to use for evil’s selfish gains–I remember all. But things have been getting better. Endo has been a big help in my recovery, and I can’t thank him enough. Healing is a process. I need to remember that. 

I met Alpha Neron and Kiya at the front steps where they led me to the office. How can they move about so easily? The density of the darkness in the air made breathing difficult, but I somehow managed. One can’t see it; only feel it. Activity is buzzing about throughout the hallways and foyer, but it doesn’t bring joy because a threat lurks. Darkness is coming. 

And I can see it in some individuals. The perks of being Hecate’s avatar: my intuitiveness is high, and my thirdcye is always open. 

“Thank you for coming in on short notice, Miss Phoebe.” Alpha Neron spoke, opening the door for our entry. I sat in the main chair and Kiya sat in the spare beside me. The large bag I carry settles between my ankles. “I hope we didn’t keep you away from anything important.” 

“Luckily, today is my free day.” I smile warmly. “I spent the better part of my week getting displaced families. acclimated into Garnet Moon. I’m afraid the attacks on packs haven’t ceased. I fear the worst.” 

Judging by the forlorn look on Neron’s face, he, too, is aware. Packs in the Tri–state area aren’t the only ones affected. It’s been spreading. No doubt by the cult that captured Kiya and me. Osiris is their leader. What pleasure is he gaining from this? 

“But!” I perk up. “The families are content with their new home. That’s what matters to me.” Clearing my throat, I lean back in my chair. “Now, about Osiris. Have either of you notice the weight of the air? It’s heavier 

-a direct effect of him skulking about.” 

“Galen mentioned that earlier,” Kiya acknowledges. 

“Mhm. This is a dire situation. I don’t know why Osiris wants you, Kiya. The logical answer is that he’s after your power, but I fear it could be more.” 


Chapter 19 – Her 

“What makes you say that?” 

“If Osiris wanted you just for power, he wouldn’t have allowed you to escape the asylum,” I answer honestly. “There’s more he wants. Maybe…with the pack itself.” 

“My pack did nothing to this madman.” Alpha Neron retorts. “Yesterday was the first I’ve heard of him. Miss Phoebe, what could happen if he continues to linger?” 

I give my answer some thought. “Darkness is a tricky thing. Everyone has it. However, it’s our decision if we let it conquer us. Osiris is an avatar; one of darkness. And darkness corrupts. This must be dealt with to keep your pack and yourselves safe. And to expose your traitor.” 

“And you think it’s Odessa,” Kiya spoke with a slight scowl on her face. “As much as I hate her, is she capable of betraying her pack?” 

“You never know what someone is truly capable of when the circumstances are right,” I explain, tapping my fingers on my thigh. “There’s evil surrounding that woman. I could see it clear as day through the video–call. My intuition never lies. Even if she isn’t the traitor, there’s no doubt the path she’s walking is dangerous. I wouldn’t trust her as far as I can throw her. How is she mated to Darien and yet, still pines for Neron?” 

Alpha Neron answers with a heavy sigh. “She and I were in a relationship. A serious one, but we were together for the wrong reasons. Reasons that blinded me to the truth. I cut her loose. Delta Darien is a good man. Lately, however, both have been nasty towards Kiya.” 

“Darien?” Kiya nods, dismayed. There’s no way. Darien and Kiya are best friends. To think that he could turn her back on her is unfathomable. This couldn’t be a coincidence. A woman still after the heart of her first love is bound by the mate bond to another. Yet, he turns against his best friend, who is the woman the Alpha 



kind of love–rectangle insanity is this? 

“All I can say is monitor Odessa.” The gravity lining my tone is intense enough for them both to grasp. “She isn’t to be trusted. And with Osiris silently wreaking havoc, there’s no doubt that he has a hand in this. My intuition says the traitor is that woman, but without legitimate proof. I’m not risking the chance to condemn 

an innocent woman to a crime she didn’t commit.” 

“That wouldn’t be a problem. She hates me and finds every opportunity to remind me I’m pathetic. And Darien is along in her crazy ride.” Kiya’s brown eyes look into my purple, almost pleading with me. “Could we expose Odessa? Maybe you can do a spell or a ritual to compel her?” 

I smirk. “I don’t think a spell is necessary. Evil and deception will be exposed on its own. I don’t need to compel her to reveal herself. Odessa will expose herself as a traitor if she is one. She’s after the Alpha’s heart but sees you as an obstacle. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned–but, it is also in that fury where she’ll make a mistake. She doesn’t seem like the careful type. Unfortunately, that’ll make her the perfect target for Osiris‘ manipulation.” 

“You sound confident. They could be working together.” Alpha Neron mutters. His face contorts in growing anger. Knowing that one of your own has potentially betrayed you must be a hard thing to cope with. I’ve had people betray my trust, but never to this extent. 

Yes. Therefore, you both need to tread carefully around her. There’s no telling what she can do. There’s no telling what Osiris can do.” 

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and wanting this pack saughtered.” 

“You’ve been through a lot on these lands. And darkness has a sadistic way of making you feel loved and powerful–but it’s all a trap. All I can say is to remain strong. You can beat this. You can beat Osiris. You just got to believe in yourself more.” 

“Yeah.” Patting her thighs once, she hopped on her heels. There’s more in her mind that’s bothering her–1 can see it on her face, but it’s clear that she doesn’t want to talk about it. 

Kiya is secretive, sometimes. I wish she was more open. I wish she understands how much she means to people. 

“will you be around later? I have to train the pups. 

“Yes, I won’t leave until later this evening.” After we departed, I walk up the stairs to my guest room where someone crossed my path. Someone who reeked of malice and scorn. 


She shot me an offended look as my presence insulted her. Through my third–eye, I see black ooze dripping from her pores. It caresses her like a mother to a child. This confirms it. Odessa is the traitor and for the first time in a long time, fury bubbles within me. 

Does she know the consequences of her actions?! 

“You’re in my way, witch.” She snarls. “How long will you play the little puppy dog to that wretched bitch? She brings nothing but calamity and yet, you’re helping her?” A cackle escaped her cupid–bow lips. “Let’s see how long it takes before she drags you in her madness,” 

“I should say the same to you since you’re but a lapdog to a demon.” Within seconds, I have her pinned to the wall with my magic. Arms spread and her body frozen. I stalk up to her like a lion to a gazelle, my nose flaring 

in my fury. 

I press my 

my forehead against her own and gaze deeply into her hazel eyes. Through its reflection, I spot my eyes glowing purple. I observe black tendrils swirling around her soul, each touch planting a seed of evil. White turns black and the light vanishes to dark. And it all screams Osiris. 

I’ve seen enough. 

Separating, I continue to glower at the cowering woman. “I know what you are. You’re a selfish woman buried deep underneath your insanity that the costs of your actions are blind to you. Don’t think you can hide the truth from me, Odessa Rossi. You’re a traitor to your kind and a heartless being to think that selling your 

soul to a monster will help get what you want. And you play with the heart of Darien? You’re as delusional as the corrupt witches!” 

“I’ll leave you with parting words. Continue down this path and you’ll lose more than you gained. Mess with my friend Kiya, and I’ll cast down the wrath of the goddess unlike you’ve ever seen before. You have no idea what I do to people who deserve it.” 

I drop Odessa callously onto the ground and turn my back on her. Her presence offends me. Without another word, I leave her in the empty corridor to think upon my words. 

Your treachery won’t go unnoticed, Odessa. 

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