Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 16

Adam Wilson

I slowly opened my eyes and as the strong smell of antiseptic filled my nose. I found myself laying down on a bed, in a room that was so bright. The light from the window reflected off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had been sleeping for months, but I was still tired.

I could also hear the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the sound. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore. I noticed Sophia sitting on a chair by the window, she was staring outside.

I spotted the machine that made the sound, it was a heart rate monitor. I was in a hospital. I tried to get up but the excruciating pain I felt in my chest held me back. I groaned due to the pain.

Sophia’s head swiveled around quickly to my direction when she heard me groan.

“Mr Wilson! You’re awake!” She rushed towards me, sitting on a high chair directly beside me. “How are you feeling?”

I tried to speak but my voice couldn’t come out properly and my mouth tasted bitter.

“Water.” I managed to croak out.

She quickly went to the table filled with supplies and got a glass cup. Beneath the table was a mini fridge and she got out a bottle of water. She poured some water into the glass and brought it to me.

“Here.” She placed the cup in front of me and I drank some.

“Where am I?” I managed to speak.

“Franklin Hospital. It was the closest hospital to you when you got shot.”

“Ugh, my chest hurts. It’s so difficult to breathe.”

“Sorry sir, the doctors said you will be completely better in about a few weeks but you could be discharged after 10 days.”

“How long have I been out?”

“A day.”

“A day?” I said in disbelief. “And you’ve been here all this while?”

She nodded.

“Ugh, go home Sophia. I don’t want you seeing me like this.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m here to take care of you.” She insisted.

“I look terrible.” All I can feel right now is pain within my chest and a massive headache. I don’t want Sophia seeing me in this condition.

“Don’t worry, you’ll look fine very soon. You’re going to need some food and maybe some new clothes. The suit you wore now has a bullet hole and blood stains on it. I could go and get some from your house.”

“Are you with my wallet and keys?”


“You can go to my apartment in Manhattan. You’ll get in with the blue key.”

“Okay. I’ll be back in a couple hours with a few supplies.”

“Please pick up a bottle of whiskey for me on your way back.” I needed something to ease the pain I’m feeling right now.

“There’s no way I’m doing that. I’ll see you soon Mr Wilson.” She smiled at me before she left.

Damn that woman!


I was watching the news on the little TV on the wall in my hospital room. Apparently I was on it as well.

CEO of Wilson & Co. survives shooting after bank robbery

That was the headline. They showed footages of the robbery that happened. Apparently the police caught up with the men before they could escape in their black van.

The men had executed their plan poorly as the van still had a plate number. That made it easy for them to be found.

The door opened and it was Sophia. She came back with a duffel bag in one hand and food in the other. I was so glad because I have been starving and the hospital’s food was no good.

“Hey Mr Wilson, how are you doing?” She asked while walking in.

“Good Sophia. What have you got there? I am famished!”

“Didn’t the hospital give you something to eat?” She placed the things on a table.

“They tried but I couldn’t ingest anything on their menu. Please what’s in the bag?” I said impatiently.

“Oh, just some Chinese food. I bought Chow Mein with Mushroom soup.”

“You’re a life saver.” I said and she smiled her angelic smile.

“I also brought you some clothes, some supplies from the grocery store and a charger for your phone.” She said still smiling at me.

What will I do without Sophia in my life?

“How about the whiskey?” I frowned.

“No. No whiskey for you. I’ll have to feed you because I don’t think you can move your arms.”

“Who told you I can’t move my arms.” I said stubbornly. I tried to lift up one hand but the pain that stabbed my chest made me retract it immediately. I hissed painfully.

“I told you, I’m going to have to feed you. Whether you like it or not.” She smirked at me. Her foot pressed something beneath the bed which made it sprawl upward setting me in a more upright position. She brought the food towards me and sat down.

“Here.” She used chopsticks to feed me.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” I said in between bites.

“Don’t talk with food in your mouth.” She scolded me.

I scowled at her. I could see her smiling sheepishly. She was enjoying how helpless and weak I was at the moment. By the time I get my strength and energy back, I’ll show her exactly who is the boss.

“Almost done.” She handed me the last bit of the food. I took it in my mouth. “Good boy!” She said to me like I was a 2 year old.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“You will pay for this later.” I glared at her.

She made me drink some mushroom soup and then some water after that. To be honest, eating wasn’t an easy job. Every time I swallowed the food my chest hurt a bit.

“Thank you Sophia.” I told her when I had finished.

“No sir, I should be thanking you.” She said looking down. Her mood became so serious all of a sudden.

“Why should you be thanking me?” I was confused.

“Because you saved me. I should have been the one who got shot but you stood in front of me.”

She was right. I saw the gun aimed right at her and I couldn’t help but to step in front of her and protect her, it was a natural instinct. She wouldn’t have survived the bullet, but I did.

I wanted to reach out and touch her face but my injury prevented me from doing so.

“Sophia, it’s okay-.”

“No, it’s not okay! You could have died!”

“But I didn’t. I had a better chance of surviving than you. That’s why I saved you. What matters now is that I’m alive and we’re both fine, okay?”

I shifted my hand slightly and rested it upon hers.

She squeezed my hand and nodded her head but she still looked sad. I know she was not happy with me risking my life for her but I couldn’t live without her. I’ld rather die than to not have Sophia in my life.

The nurses came in with a few apparatuses followed by Dr Mason. I had met them earlier on when I woke up.

“Hello Adam. I hope you’re feeling alright now?” Mason said.

“I’m fine doc, but what’s with all the supplies?”

“Now that you’re a bit stabilized, were performing a chest x-ray to reveal any additional injuries that may be causing your breathing difficulties. We’re also going to perform an arterial blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry. I’m so sorry Ma’am but I’m afraid I have to ask you to excuse us for a moment in order to carry out our investigations.”

“It’s okay.” Sophia said to the doctor. She turned to face me. “I’ll be right outside.”

“No, it’s late. You should go home and get some rest. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Sophia, I’m sure.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She gave me one last smile before she left.

I watched her until she was out of sight. I saw the doctor looking at me. He had caught me starting at Sophia.

“She seems like a very special lady to you.” He said,

“She is.” It was none of his business but I answered anyway.

“Well, you’re lucky man to have such a beautiful woman care for you. She’s been here all day for the past two days. It’s hard to find her kind these days. You two look great together.”

“Oh, we’re not together…” I stopped him and he looked surprised.

“But clearly she makes you happy, so why not?”

“She’s my personal assistant. It’s her job to care for me.” I clarified for him. I hope he wouldn’t take interest in her too, Sean was already enough competition for me.

“Oh.” His eyebrows shot up. “She’s out of bounds do you isn’t she?”

“I guess so.” I sighed and he laughed.


Sophia Parker

Today is the day Mr Wilson is going to be discharged from the hospital and I can’t wait. I visited him every single day at the hospital, bringing him food and updating him about what was going on in the office. He is significantly better because he can now walk, move his arms and breath properly. The doctors said he will be released by 12 pm today so I made sure I was there on time.

I got to the hospital by 11:30am to find him dressing up in a suit like he was going to work.

“Mr Wilson, why are all dressed up?” I asked him.

“Good morning to you too Sophia. I am going to the office.”

“What? You can’t go directly to the office from the hospital! You need to go home at least! Maybe have a day or two off.” I tried to reason.

“Sophia, my business has suffered 10 days of my absence. I cannot afford to have even an hour off. I have clients waiting for me.” He said while knotting his tie.

Before I could say anything, he grabbed his knapsack and left the room. I followed him behind all the way to the reception where he signed out.

“I suppose the driver is waiting outside.”

“Yes, he’s with the car you drove to the bank.” I replied.


He finally stepped out of the hospital for the first time in 10 days and I could see the relief on his face.

I wonder how things would be from now. After that kiss we had at the bank, both of us never spoke about our feelings for each other. We talked about many things except that. I really had a lot of things that I needed to say to him, I needed to get everything off my chest and tell him that I was ready to be with him. I no longer mind the fact that he is my boss.

Hopefully, I get the chance to do so today because right now he is in work mode.

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