Twist Of Fate: Three Little Miracles

A New Beginning

I couldn’t help wondering what it must be like to lose memories and not know anyone around you. How would it be to forget the people you once loved-even perhaps someone you’d hoped you might one day marry?

How would that feel-for both people involved? And would that love stand the test of time? Maybe it’s possible-but what if something has gone terribly wrong? Something that is now forgotten?


Diana had missed a period and typically offered the first noticeable sign of her pregnancy, with that she was getting convinced there were no errors in the pregnancy test.

She was beginning to experience nausea, her breast getting swollen and tender, a full of heavy feeling, change of tastes and lastly sleepiness.

All through her rehabilitation, no one even visited and that seemed weird for a woman of her caliber.

By this time, she was leaving with the kind hearted nurse, Nurse Felicity. It felt like peace in it’s real sense but occasionally her thoughts would trouble her.

She didn’t have anywhere to go, she felt indebted to felicity’ after she asked her to stay with her for the mean time.

So, here she was at last. Diana stretched her limbs and walked across the grass to the clifftop railing, where she stood and looked out over the bay. After several hours on the coach, it was good to be out in the fresh air once more.

From here she could see the quay, where fishermen stacked their lobster pots and tended their nets, and for a while she watched the brightly coloured pleasure boats and fishing craft as they tossed gently on the water. Seagulls flew overhead, calling to one another as they soared and dived in search of tasty tidbits.

In the distance, whitewashed cottages nestled amongst the tree-clad hills, where crooked paths twisted and turned on their way down to the harbour. This little corner of Devon looked idyllic. It was so peaceful, so perfect.

If only she could absorb some of that tranquillity. After all, wasn’t that why she choose to stay here, the reason she had decided to leave everything behind, everything that had represented safety and security in her life- even though in the end that security had turned out to be something of a sham?

A small shiver of panic ran through her. Was she doing the right thing? How could she know what lay ahead? Had she made a big mistake in staying here? Wouldn’t I have been better if she returned?

She pulled in a shaky breath, filling her lungs with sea air, and then let it out again slowly, trying to calm herself. She’d been living in Delta city for the six years now, with her five year old Triplets alongside Nurse Felicity. but this place ought to be familiar to her, or so she’d been told, and it was, in a way, in odd fragments of memory that drifted through her brain, lingered for a moment, and then dissolved in mist as quickly as they’d come. She had come here to for honeymoon with the husband she can’t remember. She didn’t even decided to check up for his photo on her phone or did some research, she just decided to let everything stay behind and start a new beginning with her kids.

‘Perhaps it’s what you need,’

‘Yes, maybe you’re right.’

Now the warm breeze stirred, gently lifting her honey-gold hair and she turned her face towards the sun and felt its caress on her bare arms. Maybe its heat would somehow manage to thaw the chill that had settled around her heart these last few months.

A lone seagull wandered close by, pecking desultorily in the grass, searching for anything edible among the red fescue and the delicate white sea campion. He kept an eye on her, half cautious, half hopeful.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

She smiled. ‘I’m afraid I don’t have any food for you,’ she said softly. ‘Come to think of it, I haven’t actually had anything myself since breakfast.’ That seemed an awfully long time ago now, but she’d been thinking so hard about what lay ahead that everything else, even food, had gone from her mind. Not that forgetfulness was unusual for her these days.

‘Thanks for reminding me,’ she told the bird. ‘I should go and find some lunch. Perhaps if you stop by here another day I might have something for you.’

“And after get her kids from school!”

She felt brighter in herself all at once. Staying here and forgetting everything had been a big decision for her to make, but it was done. She was here now, and maybe she could look on this as a new beginning.

She moved away from the railing, and glanced around. Her solicitor had made arrangements for her to be met at the bar, which was just across the road from here. It was an attractive-looking building, with lots of polished mahogany timbers decorating the ground-floor frontage and white-painted rendering higher up. There were window-boxes filled with crimson geraniums and trailing surfinias in shades of pink and cream, and in front, on the pavement, there were chalkboards advertising some of the meals that were on offer.

There was still more than half an hour left before her transport should arrive to go get her kids from school, plenty of time for her to get some lunch and try to gather her thoughts.

She chose a table by a window, and went over to the bar to place her order.

‘I’ll see to it, love. Enjoy your meal.’ the waitress told her as she handed her meals to her.

‘Thanks.’ she said in response.

She was now working as a medical officer in the Delta city military. She joined the medical department with the help of Nurse Felicity and over the years she had navigated her way to the top, but now she was on a a week break, thus, she decided to spend some alone time with her solicitor, with faith and hopes of recollecting her memories.

Nurse felicity was in her afternoon shift, she would close by 6 pm. And her kids would close from school by 2pm and she still had an hour to spare.

She was halfway done with her lunch when a flurry thunderous footsteps was heard. Many people, including Diana in the bar casted their gazes out the window, only to be dumbfounded at once.

Men in black suits and holding electrified batons surrounded the bar. There were hundreds of them and they all exuded a negative intent, behind them was a squad of burly soldiers dressed on their war army uniform, looking like those armies that only obeys the president general and the one statement “Kill and destroy”.

The president general rank, is the highest rank currently achievable by serving officers in the City Army. It ranks above lieutenant-general and below field marshal which is only held as an honorary rank in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the City.

“Who must have provoked the wrath of the President general?” One old wrinkled woman, by the left spoke as she shivered, and all of a sudden, everyone present except Diana, who didn’t know what was happening lied down flat on the floor.

The door of the bar was pushed open and the squad of army with some of the men in black suits, in other words burly bouncers who stood 1. 9 meters rushed in with an expression not characterized by emotions on their face.

They stood two rows with their heads up high and chest puffed out.

The Wrinkled old lady waved at Diana who was looking around in confusion to lie down but Diana didn’t gave a fuck what she was trying to tell her. She just continued with her meals not minding what it is was going on, but she looked trouble.

“Welcome Sir Mark! The Men Greeted in Unison, their voices so resounding that the chandelier on the ceiling and the bottle of bears and wines on the tables shook and vibrated.

The voices got Diana disturbed, however she was stunned with the Grant spectacle! Must not be other person than the Mark she had paid no attention to learn about except that he is dangerous and ruthless -.

The persons laying down flat on the floor whispered among themselves and in no time, their mouths was zipped. No one dared provoke the President general except that he or she has a death wish.

Everyone, Diana inclusive, trained their gaze at the bar entrance and soon after a man dressed in a fitted white tuxedo and leather shoes, that can reflect a person’s countenance strode in.

That person was no other person than the President General of Delta city.

Why was he here was what ran through everybody’s mind!

However, Diana was still not bothered with his presence, but, something about him seem very familiar. Diana swept her gaze all over him, she scrutinized him head to toe and he happened to have a striking resemblance with her triplets. Especially, the eldest of her kids, Stoic, he has a more compelling resemblance with this figure, just that he is a little version of him. And the second, Legacy, he is a photocopy of his physiques but a smaller version, in addition he bears a white birthmark on his forehead just as this figure, and lastly, the youngest Jennifer, she has same colour of hair as him, with a little touch of lookalike.

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