Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 78

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 78

Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna Chapter 78

Tell Me About Me

“Lizzy first?” Kai said.

“Sure.” Thea mind linked Lizzy. “Hey, it’s Thea. I need your help. Where are you?”

“Training,” Lizzy responded.

Thea and the triplets went outside, and Lizzy met them by the doors to the pack house.

“What’s up?” Lizzy said.

“We’re picking up a bunch of refugees tonight,” Thea said. “We need someone here to take care of them while we’re picking up the next group, and so on.”

“I’m on it,” Lizzy said. “Alessia will want to help too, I’m sure.”

“That’s what we were thinking, but I haven’t met her yet.” Thea turned to the triplets. “Hey, I think I need to talk with Lizzy alone for a bit,” she said. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay. We’ll go talk to our parents,” Conri said. They each kissed her goodbye and left. Her Delta guards stayed at a distance.

“What’s up?” Lizzy said.

“We’re like, best friends, right?” Thea said.


“Can you tell me about myself?”

“Of course. Where do you want me to start?”

“At the beginning, I guess. I don’t know anything, and it seems like I’m expected to lead things. I just learned that these Delta team guys that guard me are also my strike force. People keep calling me Luna. It’s all a bit much.”

“I thought it was difficult being you before, even with all your training,” Lizzy said. “I can’t imagine being you now with no memories. Here, let’s go to the library to talk. It’s quiet. No one is ever there.”

A few minutes later, they were in the pack library, sitting on a couch. Lizzy gave her a rundown of her early life.

“Your parents are really good people. They taught you to think of others before yourself. They’re both Alpha blood. That’s why you’re so strong. You’ve spent your life training alongside the future Alphas. You always went out of your way to get to know everyone in the pack. You’ve always found ways to take care of everyone and make their lives better.”

“That’s intimidating,” Thea said.

“You’re intimidating,” Lizzy said. “People love you because you’re kind, but there’s also a healthy amount of fear. You’re probably the best fighter in our pack, and we’re the strongest pack on the west coast. It’s not a stretch to say you’re the strongest wolf on the west coast.”

“The triplets have to be stronger than me,” Thea said. “And those Delta guys are tanks.”

“Yeah,” Lizzy said. “You routinely beat them in training.”

Thea reared her head back in disbelief.

“You’ll see when you start training again, ” Lizzy said. “Let’s see. You started dating the triplets a few months ago. It was before your birthday when you’d shift and be able to identify your mate. You were

afraid they weren’t your mates. They were certain you were. None of you had ever dated anyone else. You always want to do the best at whatever you’re doing. Come here.”

Lizzy got up and led Thea to the stack of relationship books.

“We’ve been researching goddess gifts and gifted the past few months,” Lizzy said. “This is our research.” She pointed to a stack of Xeroxes, then to another. “ This stack is about the matebond— another thing you were working on. When you finally accepted that the triplets were your mates, you bought all these books on relationships. You said you didn’t know anything about relationships because you’d never dated anyone, and you didn’t want to mess it up. As if you could. The triplets have loved you since you were kids. They used to find excuses to touch you. Alaric would offer you his arm because you never paid attention to where you were going. Kai would drape his arm around your shoulders, and Conri has held onto the hem of your shirt since you were toddlers. He really can’t stand to be far from you. After you started dating, they didn’t need excuses. They just claimed you. You wouldn’t believe the talk at school. All three of them on you all the time—girls from other packs are so jealous.”

“Girls from our pack aren’t?” Thea said.

“Our pack loves you,” Lizzy said. “Everyone has always known the goddess made those three Alphas for you. Maybe it’s another gift from the goddess— our pack respects and loves the triplets as our future leaders, but none of us can think about them romantically. Now that I think about it, maybe the triplets are using their Alpha powers to keep us from thinking about them that way. Hmm. Something’s going on there.”

“That does seem strange,” Thea said. “I thought it was kind of weird that Kai had me sit on his lap at school, and no one said anything.”

“Oh, they would beat up anyone who said anything. They’ve been waiting to claim you forever. No one is going to mess that up.”

She went on to tell her about the past few months, how Thea was under house arrest and had to hire Lizzy as her assistant.

“You’re my assistant?” Thea said.

“Yeah. Anything you need, I’m here,” Lizzy said. “ Like, if you’re running out of condoms or underwear,” she trailed off.

“Oh my goddess. You get that stuff for me?”

Lizzy laughed. “You better believe it. Do you need more? I’m getting you more. Any new requests?”

“Um, maybe underwear that tears easily? They seem to like doing that.”

Lizzy laughed. “I’ll get you some edible underwear.”


“Still so innocent.”

“And a lot more condoms,” Thea said.

Lizzy’s eyebrows shot up.

“There are three of them! ”

Lizzy doubled over laughing.

“This is all so strange,” Thea said. “Where are my parents?”

“They’re visiting your uncle’s pack back east, looking for information on goddess gifted.”

“Do I have any other family here?”

“No. You’re an only child. Neither of your parents was born in this pack. Your father was the fourth son of an Alpha back east, and he came out here to be Beta. Your extended family is all back east. ” i

“What do I need to know about the pack? How it runs? What I’m supposed to do?”

They talked for a while, then Thea remembered they had things to prepare.

“We need to talk to Alessia, ” Thea said. “What do we need to get prepared for tonight? Are beds ready? Food? I don’t even know where the rooms are for these people.”

“I’ll showyou,” Lizzy said.

Lizzy gave Thea a tour of the pack house. They stopped at the kitchen to let them know about the incoming refugees. The head chef assured her they would have food prepared for the refugees.

“Is there anything you need to do this? I’m sorry it’s such short notice,” Thea said.

“No, Luna,” the head chef said. “We are well stocked and staffed.”

“Have you been working all day? It’s asking a lot to have you work all night too,” Thea said.

“We have staff that works the night shift. We’ll get things started now. Then the night shift will take over and finish. I’ll fill them in, make sure everything is in order, but they probably won’t need me. Our people are all very good.”

“Of course,” Thea said. “I apologize. I don’t remember how things work.”

“No apology needed, Luna,” he said.

“Thankyou,” Thea said.

They left the kitchen, and Lizzy showed her the block of rooms, the clothes room, and showers.

“We should probably tell Maggie, the pack house manager, about the incoming people,” Lizzy said.

Lizzy led them to Maggie’s office.

“Luna, what can I do for you?” an older woman said when she saw Thea. She bowed her head.

“That’s Maggie?” Thea mind linked Lizzy.

“Yeah,” Lizzy responded.

“We have a bunch of refugees coming in tonight,” Thea said out loud. “I’m not sure how many, but we’ll be bringing them in all night long.”

“Okay, Luna. We have plenty of rooms ready to go. We can assess if we need to block out more rooms

tomorrow once everyone is here. The visitors from Moonlit pack went back to their pack today. Once they knew Xavier was tied up and his canines ripped out, they finally felt they could go home. We’re cleaning out those rooms, so they’ll also be available by tonight.”

“Thankyou,” Thea said.

“My pleasure, Luna,” Maggie said. “And thank you for the weekend trip for my mate and me. You were right. I don’t take enough time off. It was a lovely, relaxing weekend. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Thea said, even though she had no idea what she was talking about. It was good she talked to Lizzy before this. This is the kind of thing the old Thea would have done, so it wasn’t a total surprise. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Do you need to hire an assistant manager?” The thought just

popped into her head. “So you feel like you can take more time off? Especially since we’re going to be adding to your burden with all these refugees?”

“Three weeks ago, I would have said no, but you’ve got me thinking. It may not be a bad idea. I won’t be around forever, and it’s probably time to start training a replacement. There’s a lot to learn.”

“I can imagine,” Thea said.

Next, they found Alessia.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Alessia,” Thea said.

Alessia looked confused.

“I realize we’ve already met,” Thea said. “I mean since I lost my memory.”

“Oh, of course,” Alessia said.

“From what people have told me about you, I gather you’ re extremely courageous.” 1

Alessia raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I don’t think I’ve ever been called that,” she said.

Thea smiled. “I sense it in you,” Thea said. “I look forward to getting to know you. Right now I have a request of you.”

She told her about the plan for tonight.

“Could you work with Lizzy to help them get settled in?” Thea said.

“Absolutely,” Alessia said. “I think the others that arrived this past weekend would help too. Do you want me to ask them?”

“Please,” Thea said.

Alessia led them back to the block of rooms and knocked on a few doors. People came out. They bowed to Thea when they saw her.

“Guys, we have more people coming in tonight. If you’re up for it, you can help them settle in, let them know it’s safe here, ” Alessia said.

They looked at Thea, silently asking her what she wanted them to do.

“You are under no obligation,” Thea said. “But if you want to help them feel safe, I’m sure it would go a

long way. Some of them may be from your former packs. Lizzy and Alessia will be here to get them settled in. I’m going to be out all night, picking up more people.”

“We will help, Luna,” one woman said.

Thea smiled. “Thankyou,” she said. “How are you all doing? Have you settled in? Do you feel comfortable here yet? Is there anything you need?”

“No, everything is good here,” someone said. “We thank you for taking us in. ”

“I’m sorry I haven’t been around,” Thea said. Now that she knew they existed, she felt the need to get to know them and help them. “I’ll be by later this week to get to know you all better.”

They all looked shocked. No one ever bothered to get to know them before, and no one ever apologized to them for anything—especially not a Luna.

“Is there anything we can do for the newcomers tonight that would have made your arrival here easier?” Thea said.

Again, the group looked shocked. They didn’t understand this powerful Luna being concerned for the lowest of the low.

“One day—I hope it’s soon—you will believe that you deserve better than what you’re used to,” Thea said. “ If you think of anything, let me know. I’ll see you all later tonight.” i

They all bowed their heads as Thea walked away. Lizzy and Alessia stayed to go over what they would do that night.

Thea mind linked the triplets. “Where are you?”

“Dining hall,” Conri replied. “Come join us if you’re done.”

She found them a few minutes later.

“How’d it go with Lizzy?” Alaric said. He handed her a plate of food.

“Good. Lizzy, Alessia, and the other new refugees are going to take care of the incoming tonight,” Thea said. She dug into the food.

“Our parents will be available as well,” Kai said.

“We notified the pack doctor,” Alaric said.

“I didn’t even think,” Thea said. “Thankyou.”

“So what do we do for the next several hours?” Conri said.

“We should probably rest since we’ll be up all night, ” Alaric said.

“I agree,” Thea said. “Even though I want to practice using the gift a bit more.”

“Our wolves want to finish what you started earlier,” Conri said.

“It’ll keep,” Alaric said.

Thea smiled. These three made her feel like everything was okay.

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