Triplet Alphas Gifted Luna

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Symphony Date Night

Saturday morning, Thea woke up to three identical faces staring at her.

“Hi,” she said.

Conri ran his fingers over the skin of her leg. Kai traced her collar bone, and Alaric caressed her bare belly.

“How are you feeling?” Kai said.

“Pretty good right now.”

“How’s your energy?” Alaric said.

“Good, I think.”

“Are you up for a date today?” Conri said.

“A date?”

“We’ve never taken you out properly. If you’re feeling up to it, we’d like to,” Alaric said.

“Where are you taking me?”

“We did some planning yesterday,” Conri said.

“We got permission from our dad and Delta team to take you for an overnight in Seattle. We can do some sightseeing, check into one of our hotels downtown, go to a nice restaurant, then go to the symphony, stay the night, and come back Sunday.”

“Wow,” Thea said. “That sounds amazing. I don’t think I have anything to wear to the symphony.”

“Doris is on it,” Kai said. He kissed his mark.

Thea smiled. “When do we leave?”

“Whenever you’re ready. We packed bags yesterday. Delta team is prepped and ready,” :

Alaric said.

“Let’s go!” Thea said.

The triplets got up and helped her out of bed. They showered quickly and got dressed. Thea grabbed her makeup bag, curling iron, other things the triplets may not have packed.

“I need to bring these too. Did anyone pack condoms?” Thea said.

“Yes,” Conri said.

Liam drove the SUV while the four sat in the back, making out. The rest of Delta team drove several other SUVs ahead and behind their vehicle.

They hit the main sights in Seattle, then checked into one of the luxury hotels the Valko’s owned. They took the top floor of suites to accommodate the entire Delta team. After Delta made the sweeps, Thea and the triplets got ready for dinner.

Thea put on makeup, curled her hair then tucked the curls into a chignon. She had a lot of long hair, so the chignon was full and luxurious.

She put on the dress Doris made for the occasion. It was a gorgeous, backless, silk turquoise trumpet cut evening gown with a sweep train and plunging neckline. Doris was stocking up on turquoise materials specifically for Thea. It was her color. The gown hung off her body perfectly, accentuating every feature while highlighting her striking eyes.

The triplets were speechless for a full minute when she came out.

“How did you get your hair to do this?” Conri said. “It’s gorgeous.”

Thea smiled. “A lot of bobby pins?”

“It’s so intricate,” Kai said.

“You look stunning,” Alaric said.

“Yes,” Conri and Kai said.

“I love that I can see so much of your mark,” Alaric said.

“You guys clean up nicely too,” Thea said. “I like you in monkey suits.” NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

They escorted her out the door, and Delta team did a double-take when they saw her. They knew their Luna was gorgeous, but she never drew attention to it.

Dinner was an experience of a lifetime-a twelve-course modern tasting menu procured by the chef specifically for them. He employed molecular gastronomy and performance art in each course. They bought out the dinner service, so it was just the triplets, Thea, and the whole Delta team enjoying the amazing food. Thea and the triplets were happy to treat the Delta team to something rare. They were so serious all the time. They would never take the time to do something like this for themselves.

The symphony was next. They bought out an entire box to accommodate their party. The journey up to their box turned into an exercise in restraint for the triplets.

Everyone gawked at Thea in her gown. She looked like a supermodel on a fashion runway. She was tall-statuesque beautiful and surrounded by handsome men. People whispered to each other, wondering who she was, if she was famous, if they should recognize her. Axel, Caleb, and Damon

were itching to tear apart the people who looked at Thea. The triplets were tense, reigning them in to keep them from clawing out the eyes of every man that ogled Thea.

Thea, of course, was oblivious to the attention. Maybe because she didn’t expect it. Maybe because she never noticed that kind of thing. Maybe because she was used to Delta team following her around, watching her every move. Maybe because she was too occupied taking in her surroundings.

“This building is gorgeous,” Thea whispered. “I’ll always prefer the woods, but I see the appeal of the city.”

The triplets didn’t respond. They had to maintain control of their wolves.

Part of Delta team went ahead of them to clear the box. Owen came out and gave them the signal to join them.

Thea sat on Conri’s lap with Kai and Alaric on either side. The symphony members were gathering on stage, tuning and rehearsing individually.

“I’ve never had to try so hard not to growl,”

Alaric whispered to her.

“Why?” Thea said.

“Everyone was ogling you,” Kai said.

“Didn’t you hear them talking about you?” Conri said. “Caleb wanted to tear them apart.”

“No. I was too busy enjoying this wonderful date my mates planned for me,” Thea said. She kissed

each of her mates. They each put their lips to their marks. They started to relax as they soaked in the sparks it sent coursing through them. The lights lowered, and the symphony went quiet. The triplets

each put a hand on Thea but sat back in their chairs to watch the performance.

It was a magnificent production of beautiful masterpieces. It started with Danse Macabre by

Saint Saëns, followed by Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, then Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade. The final piece before intermission was Tchaikovsky’s Capriccio Italien. It was so moving, so expressive. Conri and Thea both shed tears.

“I didn’t know music could be that moving,” Thea said during intermission. “I felt it vibrating through my whole body.”

“The composers of classical music are geniuses,” Conri said, “Their brains must work differently. They create an experience. You feel the vibrations, and they’re real It’s not just a stereo with digital sound waves. The building resonated with the instruments here I felt it inside my body,”

“These instruments are capable of so much more expression than an electric guitar,” kai said. “I don’t think I could handle experiencing this every day. It’s sensory overload.”

“It’s an amazing date night, though,” Thea said,

She leaned over and kissed him

They stood up. She kissed Conri and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

She hugged and kissed Alaric. “Are you liking it?”

Thea said

“Yes. I don’t have words. It’s amazing. Are you having a good time?”

She smiled, “The best.”

They walked around the box. Thea noticed many of the Delta team members were wiping tears from their eyes.

When the lights dimmed, signaling it was time to take their seats, Thea sat in Kai’s lap. She held Alaric’s and Conri’s hands on either side.

The stage was rearranged during intermission to accommodate the added choir for their final piece of the evening, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. The program notes explained it was the ne plus ultra of symphonic works. After the performance, they understood why.

“I know pop music of any genre can get your body moving and change your mood. There’s something entirely different about a group of hundreds of trained, professional musicians coming together and bringing to life something so intricate and epic. This was on another level. It felt spiritual,” Kai said.

“Yes,” Thea said.

“These musicians have devoted their lives to music. It was more than an auditory experience. They activated every sense. I feel like they created a connection between their souls and ours. That was such an amazing experience. I had no idea it could be so powerful. Maybe we should start an orchestra at the school.”

She wiped Conri’s cheeks again. Kissed him. She turned in Kai’s lap.

“Thank you for bringing me here,” Thea said.

“Today was amazing. This was amazing.” She kissed him. Then she leaned over and kissed Alaric.

They arrived back at the hotel, and Delta team did a sweep of the entire floor.

“It’s clear,” Liam said.

“Thank you,” Thea said.

They entered their room. A beautiful tray of desserts awaited them.

“Did you get the same for the other rooms?” Thea said.

“Of course,” Kai said. “And Delta team knows they can order whatever they want from room service.”

“My wonderful mates,” Thea said.

“It’s so nice to hear you say those words,” Conri said.

“What words?”

“That we’re you’re mates. You doubted it for so long,” Conri said.

“My mates,” she said. “My perfect, sexy, thoughtful mates.”

They surrounded her, each taking their place to access their marks.

“You’re so beautiful,” Alaric said. He lightly kissed his mark.

“I can’t believe you didn’t notice everyone staring at you tonight,” Kai said. He brushed his lips across his mark.

“I can,” Alaric said. “You never pay attention to your surroundings. It’s why I offer my arm to lead

you around when you’re walking. Otherwise, you’d run into things.” He went back to caressing her mark with his lips, his hands on her hips.

Thea smiled. She loved that Alaric paid enough attention to her, knew her well enough, and cared enough to do that.

“I think I don’t pay attention to where I’m going because I know I don’t have to. Thank you for always taking care of me. Making me happy. Making sure I’m always safe. Letting me be me,”

Thea said. She kissed the side of his head.

Alaric looked up from his mark. She leaned in to kiss him, and he met her lips with his.

“It was difficult to hold in my jealousy tonight,” Conri said. He nibbled his mark.

“What’s to be jealous of?” Thea thought while she kissed Alaric. “I’m not looking back at them. I’m yours. You’re mine. No one else matters.”

“Mmm,” Conri said. “Easier said than done.”

“What do you and Caleb need to feel better, hmm?” Thea thought.

“To taste you, feel you,” Conri said.

“That can be arranged. What about you, Kai? Damon?”

“I know you’re mine, but Damon wants to sleep next to you,” Kai said.

“Consider it done,” Thea thought. “Ric? Axel?”

“This is perfect,” Alaric said, breaking their kiss to say it. He went right back to kissing her.

“Good,” Thea thought. “Because I never want to stop.”

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