Three Fated Hearts

Chapter 87

Chapter 87


I move around; the sun is starting to shine in the room. I groan, feeling sore and cold. My head is hurting, and Andricia is silent. I move my left hand, and it hits something hard. I turn my head, and Landon is sleeping next to me. “That hurt a bit.”

“I’m sorry.” I turn to the right, and the bed is empty and cold. That’s when it hits me; everything that happened last night hits me, and I’m sad. My mate, my Lincoln, is missing. I feel like a piece of me is missing, and I don’t know what to do.

“We will find him. I feel incomplete as well.” I sigh and snuggle into Landon as he holds me tight. I didn’t even change last night, but I’m only in my bra and panties. Landon must have taken my dress off. He is so sweet and would definitely do something like that. I can feel my emotions taking over, but I don’t want to spend the morning crying. I need to figure out how to find my man.

Landon jerks up, causing me to tumble off of him. Thank Goddess, I sleep in the middle, or I would have hurt myself. “What the hell, Landon?!” His eyes are clouded over. When they focus again, he whips his head to me.

“We have to go. There may be some news about Lincoln.” It only takes a second for things to register. I jump off the bed and run into the closet, looking for clothes to throw on. I opt for a simple pair of jeans, a tank top, and one of Lincoln’s hoodies. I need his scent close to me right now. I throw on a pair of flip- flops and am ready to go. Landon has on a pair of sweats with some Nikes, and he grabs my hand, hurrying out of the room.

We make it downstairs and out of the front of the packhouse in no time. We were moving so fast I was afraid we would tumble down the stairs, but anytime I was close to doing that, Landon was there to steady me. We head out to the side of the packhouse, where I see someone on their knees with their hands up. Warriors are surrounding them.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Alpha, Luna. She refused to move until she spoke to you Alpha Landon.” I move behind Landon and the circle parts to let us through. I suck in my breath once I notice who it is, Adela. Adela knows something about Lincoln? Was she a part of whatever happened? What is she going to demand in return for her information? Is this even anything other than a scam?

So many questions are rolling around in my head that I almost missed the growl that left her and was directed toward me. I focus on what’s going on and look at Adela. She is looking right at my neck. I guess she notices the marks, but she shouldn’t be surprised at all. This was going to happen no matter what anyone tried to do to us.

I stare at Adela, waiting for her to speak. Her glare at me would be uncomfortable if there weren’t more important things going on. The waiting is starting to piss me off, though. “Well?!”

“I requested to speak with Alpha Landon, not the floozy he calls a mate.” No, this b***h didn’t! I swear if she didn’t, maybe have important information about my mate, I would rip her damn throat out. I’m so sick of her and her s**t, especially after discovering what she did to me.

“ENOUGH!” Landon roars, causing everyone to drop in submission except for me. He looks around before letting his eyes settle on Adela. “Tia is my mate and my Luna. PERIOD! Anything you want to say to me, you will say in front of her. If you hadn’t mentioned my brother, the warriors would have forced you into the cells, and I’m sure you know how that would have gone. I don’t have time for you games. What about my brother?” Adela looks fearful, but she hides it well. She gives me one more scowl, then turns her attention to Landon.

“I know where he is.” Landon crosses his arms over his chest and starts to tap his foot, waiting. The silence is becoming unbearable As we all wait for the rest of her information.

“Well?” Adela doesn’t open her mouth to speak, and I can feel the anger rise in Landon. He leans down a bit. “What is it you want?”


She’s really pissing me off, and the only reason I haven’t ended her is that she claims to know where my brother is. I don’t want to know what she wants. I’m sure what she wants is something she can’t have, but what else am I supposed to do? I need her to tell me about my brother. I just won’t promise her anything, or I will lie. I will do what I need to do to get my brother back, but I won’t sell myself to her.

When I asked what she wanted, I could feel the unease through the mate bond. I’m sure that Tia worries about what Adela will request, and I can’t blame her. I should have banished her a while ago, but she hadn’t don’t anything wrong……that we knew of. If we had known about her attack on Tia, I could have handled her a lot differently. I refuse to let her ruin the good thing I have.

Adela’s face gives nothing away as she continues to stare at me. I may have to get physical with her if this lasts much longer. She finally clears her throat and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, she actually looks sad and scared. I have no idea what that’s about, but I put nothing past her; it could all be a game.

“Aida…..she’s not well. I’m not sure what’s going on with her, but she hasn’t been right for a while now. I just……” Adela sighs. I can feel fear, and is that….regret through the bond, but I don’t know what that would be about. “Aida has him and they aren’t far from here. She plans to take him away tonight for good. She’s under the impression that daddy’s watch is going to make him forget his mate. I don’t know,” Adela shakes her head. “As I said, she isn’t well. I just ask…..I just want…..please, please don’t hurt her. Let her get the help she needs; send her to a mental hospital. Just don’t kill her, please.”

Tia wraps her arm around me and squeezes me. If she kidnaps the Alpha of the pack, she deserves death. Her mental health status is of no concern. The feeling of regret gets stronger through the bond and is mixed with pain and sadness. I will need to talk to Tia about what that means.

Before I can respond to Adela, Tia speaks. “If that is all you ask, we will do that. I promise that Aida will have no harm come to her. We can contact the elders about putting her in a facility. They probably know somewhere she can go.” What the f**k?! Why does Tia agree to this? I can’t even fix my mouth to speak on it. So what that that’s her sister; she committed a crime.

Tia turns and starts to walk back to the packhouse. “Get the information from Adela and then meet me in my office. I want to leave once we have a plan. I want to get Lincoln back. Don’t hurt Adela, but she is to be put in the cells.” I look at Adela, and I notice tears falling down her face.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t be so quick to thank me. You owe Tia your gratitude, not me.” I turn and hurry after my mate. I grab her arm before she touches the door and spin her around. “What the hell, Tia? How could you just give into her like that? Your sister took Lincoln! She committed a crime and the punishment for that is death. You know that. I know she’s your sister, but—” I stop talking when I hear a sob come from Tia. She has tears falling down her face, and her head is down. I gently lift her head so she can look at me.

“If Aida is meant to be put to death for this, then you have to kill me as well.”

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