The Young Luna

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Chapter Four

My father was the first to the break the silence, by turning to Alpha Zev – to Seth – who claimed I was

his mate. "You are mistaken" my father growled in fury.

Seth narrowed his eyes at my father, "I am not mistaken. She is mine".

"She is a child" my father argued. Seth looked back over at me, looking me over once more before he

seemed to grasp what my father was saying.

"Damn, how old are you?" he asked me, seeming to snap out of his protectiveness. I opened my mouth

to answer but my father beat me to it.

"She is sixteen. She hasn't even Shifted yet" he snapped. "There is no way she is your mate. You're old

enough to be her father".

Seth snorted, "not quite. But, yes, I see your point". He sighed heavily, running a hand down his face

looking stressed. I wasn't really sure how to take the entire situation. I hadn't Shifted, so I didn't feel the

mating bond yet. But I was extremely attracted to Seth, extremely.

"Perhaps I made a mistake" Seth said, looking at me again. "She is too young to be my mate".

"You don't make a mistake about the mate bond" Dean shrugged. "She's obviously your mate dude".

"There is a fourteen year ago gap" Alpha Peters frowned, "has anyone ever heard of an age gap that

big between mates before?" No one said anything as I bit the inside of my cheek – not sure what to

say. It shocked me that Seth was thirty, I mean that seemed pretty old to me.

"Mates are supposed to be similar ages. This is not right" Seth growled angrily.

I frowned in annoyance, "you don't want me as a mate?" The question came out before I could stop it.

Seth looked at me, his blue eyes cold and guarded.

"I'd rather not have a child for a mate" he snapped at me. I was taken back slightly by his hostility All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

towards me.

"Dude, chill out" Dean spoke up. "It's not her fault there is such an age gap".

"This is wrong" Seth roared, throwing his hands up in anguish. At his anger and dominance, a lot of the

Wolves stood up straighter and became more alert. In all the mate business I had forgotten that Seth

was one of the strongest Alpha's in the country – it was understandable he was feared. "This is so

fucking wrong" Seth snapped.

"Damn right it is" my father agreed.

"I need some space to think" Seth began.

"I--" I began, not sure what I was actually going to say. But it didn't matter, Seth cut me off before I got

more than one word out.

"Away from you goddammit" he growled, eyes glowing menacingly at me. Instantly my eyes began to

water as he spun on his heels and stormed away from me. A few seconds later the front door

slammed. There was a moment of stillness between everyone. Then the only Wolf I hadn't been

introduced to in the room, turned to Dean.

"He might listen to you. Go after him" he told the third in command.

"Will do boss" he walked past me and gave me a wink. "See you later kid".

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, feeling pathetic as everyone else just looked at me. It was

my mother who finally broke the silence. Moving over to me, she put her arm around me. "Howard, I'm

taking her home" she told my father. My father nodded in agreement.

Feeling too confused and upset, I let my mother tow me out the house. I was sniffing, trying not to cry,

the entire walk home. My mother had her arm over my shoulders as we walked in silence, but it didn't

make me feel any better.



"Here, sit down, honey" my mother said, when we got home.

"I think I just want to go to bed" I told her.

"But Mabel--"

"I need to think" I snapped at her, cutting her off. My voice broke slightly as I tried to control my

emotions. I wasn't even sure what I felt really – but I felt rejected more than anything.

Not letting my mother argue, I turned away from her and rushed up the stairs. Inside my bedroom I

locked the door, before leaning against it. I stood there for a moment before sliding down the back of it.

I couldn't make sense of anything – my mate was the Alpha of the biggest Pack in country, but he didn't

want me.

Seth was incredibly attractive and I was sure he had girls falling over him all day. It shouldn't have been

a shock that he didn't want me as a mate – not only was I a rude teenager, I wasn't even a pretty rude

teenager. I looked like I was twelve and the guy was thirty. I shouldn't have been surprised he didn't

want me.

But I felt like I had just been sucker punched. I hadn't given the idea of finding my mate so young a lot

of thought, but when I did think about it I was older and my mate didn't care what I looked at. My mate

should have loved me for me, not caring that I wasn't as pretty as most She-Wolves.

Seth shouldn't have cared about my age or my looks. But he did.

I sat with my back to the door for about an hour, just thinking about everything that had gone down in

the five minute's I'd been inside the Alpha's house. It was a farce how quickly everything had

happened. Seth saw me and within seconds he wanted to reject me.

A little voice in my head told me that he hadn't rejected me and maybe he was going to run back to me

and apologise, and tell me that my looks didn't matter and my age didn't matter because I was his


But he didn't come running back.

I showered, having a small pity cry to myself, before climbing into my bed. Resting my head on the

pillow, I wondered if there was anything I should have done differently when meeting Seth. But then I

knew that it didn't really matter – our relationship was doomed the moment he saw me. To him, I was

just a kid. And he had a Pack to run, a War to fight and real life responsibilities, while I spent my days

trying to avoid bullies and getting annoyed when soccer practice got cancelled. I was just a kid, and he

was a very powerful Alpha.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, but when I woke up Seth was still not awaiting me. I climbed

out of bed, my curly hair sticking up in every damn direction. "May, you in there?" a voice called out, a

soft knock on the door.

I unlocked my door and looked up to see Dean – Seth's third in command. "Did I wake you up?" he

asked, glancing at me with a smirk. I wore a pair of old batman pyjama pants with holes in them, with a

black tank top, and my hair still looked like I had been electrified.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I sighed, my voice hoarse from waking and crying the night before.

"Came to see if you were alright" he shrugged, smiling softly at me. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance,

trying to brush my hair down.

"My parents let you in?" I asked in shock.

"No, your father refused to let me in. So I waited until everyone had left before climbing in the window"

he grinned brightly. I looked at him, trying to gage if he was lying or not. When I realised he wasn't, I

was both shocked he'd broken in but more shocked that my parents were letting me have the day off


"I'm fine. Go away". I took a step back, getting ready to push the door shut. His hand snapped out look

and stopped the door. I tried to push against him but he just looked at me sarcastically.

"I have super strength, kid, and you're wearing batman pants" he smirked.

"Go away Dean. I don't want you here" I snapped at him. I dropped my hand from my bedroom door

and he instantly sobered up.

"I'm sorry about how Seth acted yesterday. He was just shocked is all, you have to understand that he's

thirty and you're still a kid. He wasn't expecting it" he explained.

"Uh-huh, and why isn't he here explaining himself?" I demanded.

"He wants to but--"

"Oh bullshit" I cut him off, rolling my eyes at him. "He's the Alpha of the biggest pack in the country, if

he wanted to be here then he would. He doesn't want me as a mate".

"No he does want you as a mate, but is..."

"Please go away, Dean. You're making me feel worse" I told him. He stopped the door before I could

close it again.

"Look just get dressed and let me take you to him. No matter what happens you need to at least speak

to him" he told me, his eyes looking at me seriously. Running my hand down my face, cringing as I

touched my bruised face, I thought over it all.

"Fine, let me get changed" I sighed – knowing that he was right. Even if he was going to deny me as

his mate, he still needed to tell me to my face that he was not accepting me. I needed to get it over

with. Dean was thankful and disappeared out my room and downstairs.

I quickly looked through my clothing, trying to find something nice to wear – but I didn't own anything

that would suddenly make me attractive. Glancing in the mirror, at my body I decided that I should wear

something tight. I mean, my body was alright. I spent my life playing some sort of sport, so I was

muscled with thick thighs and wide hips. I was bottom heavy with minimum at the top.

So I pulled on my tightest jeans, which had rips on the knees, before pulling on a plain white blouse.

My hair was just not behaving, no matter how much product I put it in, so I braided it quickly and pulled

on my trusty baseball cap. I then rushed over to the mirror and sagged in defeat. I didn't really look any


I thought about using some makeup from my mother's room, but knew that I would never be able to

apply any of it, so quickly dismissed this idea. "Get a grip on yourself May" I whispered to my reflection.

"Whatever he does, just don't cry in front of him. You're not that weak, you don't have to cry in front of


I gave myself once last nod of encouragement, before heading out the room

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