The Wright One

David 8


I wake up with my face plastered to skin. It doesn’t make sense in any logical world. Even if it was my own arm it wouldn’t be half my face. I am sure I am drooling, which is even more embarrassing when I look up and see that the skin I am plastered to belongs to David. His chest is bare and he has his arm around me while I was sleeping on his chest. How the hell did this happen? Am I still in some fever induced hallucination?

I pull back. “What are you doing here?”

The grin on his face gets wider. “I wonder if you will remember this time. You have asked me about five times now. Everytime you wake up. But your fever is down this time.” His full attention is on me. I don’t know how I should feel about that.

I shake my head. I thought I was dreaming that. There is no way that David is here because he wants to take care of me. “Tell me one more time.”

He drops the book he was reading against his chest. His hands reach up to cup my face. “I am here to take care of you. You were really sick. I debated taking you to the hospital.”

I hold his hand. “Yes, but why did you stay? Jasmine should be with me. Not you.” That is what makes the most sense. Jasmine is my best friend. David is just her brother.

“Honey, I will always be here.” His thumb is rubbing gently on my face and I like it. I don’t exactly know what is wrong with me, but I am sure it is something.

I can feel myself start to tremble. “David, what are you saying?”

He leans in and kisses my forehead, then my nose. “I am saying that I care about you. I have feelings for you. I already told Jasmine. I am not trying to keep us a secret. I want to tell everyone if you are ready for that.”

“Can we slow things down a little?” I can feel myself start to panic. The man that I have been having dreams about for weeks is finally telling me what I want to hear, but it’s real. I told myself that this would never happen. That he didn’t think of me like that. I mean why the hell would he.

His arm that is behind my neck pulls me closer. “Of course. You still need rest right now. You are still just getting better. Rest with me honey.”

I lay back down on his chest. “Um, why exactly is your chest bare?” God, how long has he been here?

“Well, a number of reasons.” I nuzzle a little more. “One because it was more comfortable. Another is that I read online that it can help with fevers to be skin to skin.”

I can’t help but laugh. “That’s for babies.”

“Who said it doesn’t work for adults? I think it worked out just fine for you.”

I look up at him. “How long have you been here?”

“Two days.”

I jumped up in shock. “But the company. We need to get back to work.” I try to scurry out of bed. I say try because he doesn’t exactly let me.

He grabs me back and holds me to his chest. “I have been working from here. Justin has everything covered on your end. You need to rest so you can be the rockstar that you are.”

As much as I wanted to protest, that sudden movement to get up from the bed made me dizzy. I lay back down against his chest. He gets comfortable again and picks back up his book. I have no idea why I feel so comfortable right here, but I do. I don’t ever want it to stop. “What are you reading?”

“The Three Musketeers. It’s one of my favorites.”

I smiled. “I didn’t know you liked to read.”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, but I can’t wait to show you.” His arm holds me tight. “Oh, boy, I am being an idiot right now. You haven’t been up for hours. You are probably hungry. Plus you might want to get cleaned up.”

“Um, the bathroom would be great. No offense, but I’m still kind of dizzy, and I am not really ready for you to see me naked.” I look down at myself. “Wait, how the hell did I get changed?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Relax honey. Jasmine has been by to check on you. I had her change you. I respected you. I don’t want to see you naked until you are ready. I mean, I want to see you naked, I really want to see you naked, just when you are ready for me to. I think maybe after we have been dating for a while.”

I smile at that. “You really want to date your little sister’s best friend.”

“Ok, so not ideal. But you don’t act like a kid. My sister is ok with it and you are exactly my type no matter what age you are. The only problem I see is what people will think at work. But they kind of saw me carry you out of the office when you were sick, so I am sure everyone knows at this point.” He kisses my cheek. “I think we are covered on all fronts. Do you have anything to add?”

“I think I might be dreaming. I think I have actually had this dream before. Only I was far more appealing in it.” I look down at my sweat glistening skin and I am sure I smell. It hasn’t been a great couple of days.

He pulls my chin so that I am looking up at him. “You are beautiful. Don’t think I don’t see it. Even when you were burning up with a fever you were beautiful to me. I was worried sick, but I still thought you were beautiful.”

“I’m sorry I worried you. I honestly didn’t think you cared that much.” I blush a little. To think that a man like David would care about me. A man that I am sure women have thrown themselves at.

“How could I not? I can hardly think of anything else but you. Ever since I met you, you have been all that was on my mind. Even on that first day, I wanted to kiss you. Then when I finally did, you pulled away from me.” He pulls me a little closer. “When I saw you that sick, it was killing me. I couldn’t do anything to make it better. All I could do was wait it out. I was going nuts inside.” His arms feel so strong and safe. I have never had this in my life. That isn’t the reason why I am attracted to David. I mean there are a million reasons why I am attracted to him. Some are looks, I’m not going to lie. But his mind is beautiful too. When I see him at work, it’s like a hormone overload. He commands a room and takes care of everything. Hell, he makes sure that all the employees are taken care of and that the company runs as smoothly as it can.

I don’t know what makes me feel this way with David. I hardly know him. Yet with his arms around me, I don’t want to be anywhere else.

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