The Wedding Night

Chapter 49- Threats and moving in

Melody POV

“Where she is?” Giovanni asked me as soon as he came to the hospital.

After the accident happened, I called an ambulance who took Lorena to the hospital. I couldn’t help but cry as I rode the ambulance to the hospital while holding Lorena’s hand. Just when I had thought I found her, someone wanted to take her away from me. Once the ambulance got to the hospital and Lorena was wheeled into the ER, I called Giovanni.

“Franklin,” I burst into tears as soon as he picked up the call.

“Melody,” he shouted. “Where are you? What happened?”

“Lorena, she…” I couldn’t form any words as I started crying again.

“Tell me, what’s wrong?” He asked and I gave him the address of the hospital.

Giovanni consoled me as I told the truth about who Lorena was to me. “I’ve been bad to her and at first, I hated her for not telling me about her identity but she jumped to save me again!” I cried out and best my chest, “The truck was meant for me.” I repeated over and over again. I was right when I said the truck was meant for me. It was as if the driver wanted to kill me.

“Did you see the driver?” Giovanni asked but I shook my head.

“I remembered something,” I said and he anxiously waited for what I had to say. ” it seems the driver targeted me. The truck could have stopped but it didn’t and came straight at me until Lorena jumped in to save me. It’s all my fault,” I lamented.

Giovanni pulled me closer to himself and caress my face. “It wasn’t your fault,” he said but I had a hard time believing that. All I wanted was for Lorena to be happy. She didn’t deserve everything that had happened to her.

“I just want her to be happy once everything is over,” I told him. “She deserved to be happy.”

“She is going to be okay,” Giovanni assured me. “We are going to catch the driver behind the accident,” he promised and I nodded in response.

I missed him.

“Where is Hope?” He asked as he looked around for her.

“She is with her babysitter,” I replied and that’s was when I remembered my baby. I had forgotten her.

“Who is she with and where ?” Giovanni questioned.

“She is with love, her babysitter and they are in my apartment,” I responded but Giovanni was quick to react as he detached his body away from mine. “What’s going on?” I asked getting scared.

“Call the babysitter Melody,” he ordered like the boss he was.

I dip my hand inside my pocket and hope to bring out my phone but it wasn’t there. My phone was not in the pocket of the skinny jeans I wore.

“But where could it be?” I thought and that’s was when I remembered, when Lorena pushed me, it must have fallen. “I can’t find my phone. I think I’ve lost it.” I announced.

“Damn!” Giovanni cursed angrily. He paced around the hallway before turning to face me. “We need to find our daughter now.” The way he said our daughter bought a smile to my face but in that situation, I had to be serious. “George is on the loose and he might have gotten to her. ”

“What do you mean George is on the loose?” I asked him because I didn’t understand what he meant by that. “Is there something you are not telling me, Franklin?” I used his other name like I always do when I get angry or scared.

“It’s not something you should worry about but we need to find Hope ASAP,” he answered back.

“If it concerning my daughter then I need to know!” I shouted.

Giovanni bought his hand to my face but I slapped it away. “Fine, I’ll tell you.” He started explaining how his father wasn’t his real father and how he was behind the attack on our wedding night and also behind the recent attack. “He escaped with my mum two nights ago and ever since then, we haven’t seen him.” He ended the story.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “He might have gotten to my daughter, ” I panicked. “What if he has her?” I cried out.

“Calm down Melody. I’m going to find Hope.”

“I’m coming with you,” I offered but he turned it down.

“Lorena needs you.” He was right about that. I couldn’t leave Lorena alone but I was scared for my daughter. What if he had gotten to her? I couldn’t help but imagine how someone could be cruel as George was. “I’ll make sure I bring Hope back,” he promised.

“Please do,” I begged him.

“Stay here and if anything happens, call me with the hospital line and I’ll come over. ”

“Sure,” I nodded in response.

He turned to leave but then he came back and kissed me on the forehead. “Be safe,” he whispered before walking away.

As Giovanni left me in the hallways, I couldn’t help but imagine why everything was all happening at once. I just found out about Lorena’s identity and now, I found out that George was a psychopath who might have gone after my daughter. I prayed silently for my daughter and Lorena and blocked all bad thoughts from my mind.

We were all going to be fine.


Giovanni POV

When melody called that something had happened, I was scared that George had gotten to her and hurt her but I felt relieved when she told me she was fine. The last thing I wanted George to do was going after my family, it was why I asked her to take a break from the company.

After finding out that my daughter was left in the hand of a babysitter, I rushed out of the hospital and hoped that George hasn’t gotten to her. If he has then it would be hard to catch him because he would use my daughter as leverage for his escape. I drove like a madman to Melody’s apartment while making sure I ignored all the traffic lights. I called Dennis and Kendra informing them about my daughter and they agreed to meet up with me in Melody’s apartment. When I got there, I ignored everyone I saw and when I took the elevator up to Melody’s apartment, my heart beat faster as I imagined the worst.

On getting to the apartment, the door was left ajar and I quickly rushed in. The sight of the house, made me realized that I was too late in saving my daughter. The living room was scattered as the couches, the Tv, and some books were laying on the ground. It was as if someone fought with another person resulting in them throwing things at one another. I searched around for my daughter but I couldn’t find her. The bedrooms were also in a similar situation as the living room. The bed in the first room was turned upside and the clothes in the closet were all littered on the ground.

I ran a hand through my hand and thought of what to do. I couldn’t tell melody that her daughter was gone. This was what I dreaded the most. I shouldn’t have let melody out of my sight. I thought I was helping her by doing so but I only put her at more risk. As I was drowning in my thoughts, my phone rang and it was a call from an unrestricted number. At first, I didn’t want to pick but my instinct told me to answer the call.

“Hello,” I said to the person on the other line.

“It seems you’ve figured out that I came to your wife’s house.” The voice of George sounded from the other line. Before I could answer him, he burst into laughter. “It was funny to see you run inside like a mad man,” he laughed again.

He had seen me rushed inside the building but how and where was he?

“Where is my daughter?” I asked him.

“It was so hard to take her as the babysitter fought against me. I didn’t take your daughter.” He answered and I felt a little bit relieved but I didn’t trust his words.

“Why are you doing all this? What do you want? And where is mother?”

“One question at a time son. ” he scoffed, “listen, your wife might have survived that accident next time it would be a fucking bullet on her head. ” he threatened.

“Why are you doing this?” I shouted.

“Simple. I want everything that you’ve achieved. I want the money, the companies, and the rest which I don’t know about.” He proposed.

“What if I said it doesn’t belong to you and you doing deserve any of it?” I questioned.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then I’ll kill your mother, your wife, your daughter, and your brother Lorenzo. I’ll take everyone away from you.”

“Don’t you dare touch my family,” I warned but he burst into laughter?

“Those are pointless threats because the accident enough should be enough proof that I am not joking. I’ll be giving you two days to provide the documents for all the properties and if you don’t, start planning the funerals of your dear family.”

He ended the call before I could reply to him. I knew George’s threats might sound funny but they were the truth. He never joked around because he always says what he would only do. My daughter was still missing and I had no idea where she could be. I tried to call Dennis and just when dialed his number, I heard his ring tone ringing from the entrance of the apartment.

“Dennis,” I rushed out to meet him and was also met by another surprise. In his arms was my daughter and also Kendra who walked behind them holding the lady I presumed to be the babysitter.

“We found them few blocks from this building,” Kendra announced. “She said she is her babysitter but I didn’t believe her so I bought her here. ”

The girl was just a teenager but she protected my daughter. The girl adjusted the glasses on her face and then looked up to face me. The side of her mouth had a cut which I presumed she got from the brawl with George.

“Are you okay?” I asked her and she nodded without replying. “Thanks for taking care of my daughter,” I appreciated and she bows her head.

I looked up at my daughter who buried her face in Dennis’s shoulder. I held out my hand for Dennis to give her to me. “Hope,” I called her name as soon I had her in my arms. “Are you alright little one?” I asked her.

“Giovanni,” she whispered. “I want my mummy or aunty Lorena.” She requested.

I gently pinched her cheek and check her body for any injuries but there were none. “I’ll take you to mummy,” I promised her. She smiled at me and buried her face in my shoulders.

“What happened here? It looks like a mess,” Kendra asked when she stepped inside the apartment.

“George came and tried to kidnap my daughter but the babysitter saved her. He threatened to kill me if I don’t hand over my properties to him.” I informed them. Kendra didn’t seem to be bothered about the information but Dennis reacted angrily.

“What must we do you get rid of him? I don’t want you to be in any arms. ” Dennis said.

One thing I’ve learned about Dennis was the fact that he was loyal. “What’s going to happen now?”Kendra questioned.  ” we need to come up with a plan and stop your psychotic father. ”

“I need to get Hope to her mother first and then I’ll inform the family about George’s threats.

” is Lorena going to be okay?” Kendra asked but I shook my head because I had no idea of what would happen to her. “I’ll take Hope to the hospital, take the girl back to her home and make sure you compensate her. ” I gave orders to Dennis who bow in response.

I left the apartment with hope and took her to the hospital. When we got there, Melody smiled when she saw her daughter. “Hope,” she squealed when she saw her. “Are you okay?” She asked and the little girl replied with a nod. “Thank God!” She hugged her.

After settling down and reuniting with her mother, I told Melody about everything that happened and offered that she moved into my house. At first, she declined but I told her that I needed to keep her safe because she was in danger. After thinking about it, she finally agreed.

If George thought he was winning then he didn’t know what’s in plan for him. To make sure everybody was fine, I sent a text informing them that we all needed to meet up. I was going to protect my family with everything I have even if it means I’ll have to risk my life.

I’ll gladly do

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