The Vampire’s Omega



“Then I prefer being dead, than allowing you put your disgusting manhood in me”

Bella said, staring at him, as she kept on the floor, her breath sounding heavy, if she dies, so let it be, than having sex with Lucas.

“When am done with you, then i can kill you off”

Lucas said, not giving her the opportunity to speak, he jumped on her, throwing her on the bed like a flimsy thing. Bella backed off towards the head board, she shivered as he stalked her like a predator who was about to take a dinner.

He truly was about to take his dinner.

“Run more, I will make your pain more worst than I have already made it”

Lucas said, watching as she waved her head with fright.

With a swift of lightening, he ran towards her, jumping on the bed, he tore her panties off, sending it on the floor, Bella struggled with pain, she struggled with all her might, but the more she struggled, the more she gets weaker and the pain increases.

Lucas pushed her on the head board, not caring if she was hurt in any way, not giving her a time to think of his size, and not considering it was the first time she would be mating with a male.

He pounced into her opening, causing a loud scream to erupt her lips, as she screamed with anger, pain and hatred.

Lucas held her hands tightly as he hit her p***y like a mad raging lion.

The scent of blood filled the room, he had broken her hymen, without her permission.

She stopped struggling, the deed had been done. She had been forcefully taken and their was no erasing back of these hour.

She wept, heavy thick tears ripping out from her face, her heart heavy with pain as she felt Lucas pound inside her with his disgusting manhood.

Lucas grunted with pleasure, she was so fucking tight and he had never tasted a p***y such as hers. Then his actions became heavy, pounding her with force as he felt she was not struggling any more, that was fair enough.

“Damn, you are so fucking tight, oh fuck the goddess, urrrrghhhhh”

He screamed with pleasure as he pounded her like he had never done to anyone, he ejaculated with full might, pouring his seeds into her hole.

Bela cried, she has been destroyed just in one night, she never watched his disgusting face as he took her, she hated these man more than she had hated any.

She heard him groaned, with satisfaction, his satisfaction was her nightmare, his best satisfaction was her pain.

She felt him talk beside her, she remained still, her leg was heavy for her to move, he was done with her, just as be had wanted.

“You tasted so sweet mate”

Lucas said, staring at her with hate, now when he stares at her, the hate he bore for her had doubled in amount.

“Leave my room, now, I found you disgusting enough to stay in the same place with you”

He said, and with a full force, he pushed her from beside him, making a heavy painful gasp escaped her lips.

She fell on the floor with a loud thud, her skin free from clothing, quickly, she took her ripped clothes as she wore it with a shaky hands.

Standing up, blood smeared in between her legs, she stood up, about to leave the room, she did not want to stay any seconds with him. She did not want to breath in the same air she breaths.

“Whore, I have some important announcement to make”

Lucas said, he laid on the huge bed, regaining the strength he had loosed by having sex with her.

“Just as I have promised Kira, I will reject you, not just because of her, also, because you do not worth to be my mate”

Lucas said, watching as she turned around, staring at him.

Bella turned, if he was planning on rejecting her, then she do happy, she prefers been alone after these painful deed that he had embodied upon her mind than having him as a mate.

“I rejected you now, these minute, Bella Manchor, as my mate, thereby disconnecting any bond that we share”

Lucas said, giving her a smile, a wicked smile.

Bella felt something loosed grip from her, as if she was been freed from something dark immediately Lucas pronounced those words. Her legs still wobbled with pain, she still felt his manhood in him even though she was far away from him.

Without giving him a word, she left the room.

She had heard how mates gets mad or perhaps died with depression if they loosed their mate, but she felt different been rejected by her mate, instead, she felt free with pain of what he had caused her.

Two voices came walking towards her, quickly she hid her body on the pillars, it was the two best friend to her former mate. She couldn’t afford anyone seeing her like these.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Their voices becoming more clearer, as they passed her.

“The disgusting omega do be happy that she was mated with the alpha’s son”

One of the men said, causing her heart to be heavy with more pain.

“You should trust Lucas, he will use her and not hesitate to reject her when he is done with her”

The last man said, his voice sounded distant, but she heard every word he said, they has known what the alpha’s son would inmate upon her and yet they called her disgusting. Now the pain was turning to hate, more hate especially to the entire pack.

Quickly not waiting for anyone to see her in these condition.

She ran heavily with her wobbling feet, which was trying its best to carry her.

Quickly she opened the door to the her room, closing it with a heavy might, she rushed to the bed, as she fell on it, cuddling her pillow in between her chest.

A heavy sob escaped her lips, Lucas had taken what she had protected so well, he has taken it forcefully, in a minute. Another sob escaping her lips.

Her mind retracing back on how he had forced himself on her without thinking. She shook her head. She was not going to stay here in these pack, unless she dies with pain or maybe kill her self.

Quickly she stood up, not knowing where the energy came from. She walked to the bathroom, cleaning the blood in between her body, she stepped out, changing into a new gown.

She looked herself at the mirror, her goal was to escape the pack, where she had grown to know as her birth place and a pack where she had grown, and now it was no more a pack to her, but they were her enemy, her bone flesh enemy.

Quickly, she ran towards her bed, taking the little teddy that belongs to her, which her father had given her, she stepped out from the room. No one would know she was missing untill the next morning when her mother, no not her mother, Envylin would come waking her up for the morning chores.

The halls were dark as she had expected, and with a quick run, which she managed with her heavy painful tighs, she ran off out from the pack, running into the closest bush which leads out of the pack to the pack’s border.

Her Wolfy nose, taking in the smell of the night breeze, not perceiving any scent of the werewolf around her, she broke into a run, running deeper into the forest, away from her pack, away from where she had grown, away from where she would never come back to, and away from where she had hated, away from Lucas.

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