Chapter 4: ROAD TRIP

Chapter 4: ROAD TRIP

In a flashback to 2011, In Papa's house the whole gang gather together in the dining room discussing

about ideas as they've all been getting closer. Richard already getting tired of staying at home all day

brings up the idea that they can start helping people with their powers.

"I know it might sound crazy but this is just what we need to get back on our feets." Richard says, the

team feels indifferent about the idea, Gboyega who is scared of using his powers responds.

"I hope you know I'm not good at all with my powers, one push of anger and I might blow a place up."

Gboyega says, Richard pats Gboyega on the shoulder.

"My parents trained me in a very dangerous and strict way, I can teach you how to control your

powers." Richard said, Ayo starts liking the idea and nods to the positive.

"You know there's nothing bad in trying this, I and Slip have always wanted to see what other things my

powers can do.." Ayo said, Ngozi shocked that Ayo has never really used his powers responds.

"With all these special tech in you, you've not still started using your powers." Ngozi laughed

mockingly,Ayo feeling left out, he quickly whistles and steps back a little bit.

"Just call me when you're all ready." Ayo says and leaves the dining room, Chong sits but doesn't

contribute cause he knows his powers can't do anything to help. Chong powers weren't on the

offensive level, it was meant for defence and protection.

"So what about me?" Chong voice was so low, Gboyega pushes Richard to talk to Chong, Richard

doesn't feel comfortable but being the only bold person he is speaks out.

"Chong you know your powers are not really......." Chong quickly interrupts.

"I understand." Chong says, feeling left out and embarrassed, he runs out and goes to the sitting room,

Gboyega moves to the kitchen. Ngozi questions Richard.

"You really seem hyped about this." She says and chuckles a bit, Richard smiles back at her.

Why wouldn't I? After growing up in a damaged home and I was busy ending people lives. I can make

up for that." Says Richard, he grew up with a mafia family, his Parents were the top bosses around the

place but Richard never wanted that type of life. He moved closer to Ngozi.

"You never told me how you got your amulet." Richard asked, Ngozi stares at his face for awhile, lost in

his beauty. She stammers for some minutes then later speaks.

"I'm sorry." Ngozi says and runs off.

2months later, Gboyega goes to a forest wearing a overall cloth. He looks around and makes sure no

one is following him or around him, Gboyega breathes out and streches both his hands. He inhales

oxygen and calmly breathes out. Fire starts igniting out of his hand and he quickly starts chuckling in

excitement, this was the first time he had control over his powers, a huge burden was coming out of

him. Gboyega stops the fire from coming out, he quickly leaves the forest and walks down a ghetto, he

sees a young lady getting robbed. Gaining some new kind confidence after using his powers, he stands


"Leave that young lady alone!" Gboyega shouts and moves closer to the man robbing the woman. He

streches his hand and a huge wave of fire comes out of his hand, Gboyega already losing control of his

powers quickly tries to stop it but can't, a wave of past memories start hitting him and fire starts

covering up his body. Luckily the lady manages to drag the thief out of the fire and knocks him down.

The lady moves to Gboyega who's bending his head, she pats him. Gboyega raises his head and see

young lady wearing a weavon standing in front of him.

"Thanks for trying to help but I was already handling the issue." She talks in a very calm tone, Gboyega

gets up and forces a smile out of his lip.

"I was just trying to help." Gboyega voice shakens, she holds his left hand.

"It's okay, your powers aren't stable right? Mine were pretty hard to control too, my name is Gbemi."

Gboyega finds it very hard to interact with people, he was always awkward when he was around

people but he felt comfortable around Gbemi.

"My name is Gboyega." He says swiftly.

In the present, Tolu is in the police station searching for clues and names on a laptop to gather

information about Essence. Dayo a chubby, dark skinned man wearing a black police uniform, he shuts

the laptop down.

"You don't need to be doing this Tolu." Dayo says and sighs, he promised to always take care of Tolu

since she joined the police force.

"I'm working on a very important case so can you buzz off." She says firmly, Dayo has always been in

Tolu business, she finds it very annoying but she also knows that he's doing all this because he cares.

"You're not a Supernatural like the rest of us, you'll get yourself killed one day." Tolu is not shakened by

what he said, she grew up to never fear anyone especially Supernaturals, her father will always take

her out to teach her unique moves and key elements to taking down Supernaturals.

"I'm fine Dayo, I was the only normal student while I was at the police academy and I prevailed." Dayo

knowing he can't stop her decides to help her.

"So what case are you working on?" He asked, Tolu smiles and decides not to tell him cause she

doesn't really know what she's working in to, Tolu is just looking for a way to prove that she can do alot

as other Supernaturals can do.

"A special case." She says and stands up, two male officers walk in.

"You better stick with staying in the station than going out to die." One of them said, these two men

were Jonah and Timi, they were Supernaturals and we're both hired the same day Tolu was hired. They

gained joy in teasing her and they've been listening to what her and Dayo have been saying. 'I don't

have time for both of you." Tolu walks out angrily.

Tolu gets to Papa's house very early, she bangs at all the doors. Tolu was feeling angry about what

happened at the station, she felt more determined to find Papa and stop Essence. "Everyone come

out! We have to find Papa." Tolu walks around the living room, she couldn't sit down cause of what

happened, she looked at herself in a mirror and felt worthless, throughout since she knew her father he

had never felt that way, he always told her about how the station was peaceful place for him. "I'll try

everything to make to be like you Father." She says while frowning, Gboyega gets to the living room

and stares at her, he moves to a chair without greeting her, Tolu doesn't even notice that he has gotten

to the living room until he starts moving his feet, she turns around and faces him. "I don't think both of

us have properly met." Gboyega doesn't respond, he actually had nothing to say. He has always tried

his best not to make new friends. "The others gave me all the necessary update." He smirks, she goes

to a chair and sits. The others later show up and get sorted, Tolu stands up. "What took you guys

time?" Ayo talks back. " It's hard for me to get up." Ngozi yawns and uses her hands to scratch her

eyes. "What did you find?" Ngozi is very curious about the situation, Tolu smiles knowing that at least

one of them is ready to help out, Tolu brings out a paper from her pocket and reads out what's written.

"Well, there were multiple cases about this powerful Supernatural who called himself Essence, years

later no one heard from him and everyone felt he just vanished."She brings out a picture of a huge

factory called "Cale factory" in Akure State and shows it to the team. "While I was searching around, I

figured out that some people said Essence was last seen there, we need to check it out." Richard

excited about the idea jumps out of his chair. " A road trip, this is going to be amazing." The others are

still a little scared about facing Essence especially after everything they experienced in the portal. "You

won't understand when I say we don't want to face Essence, he did so many fucked up things to us."

Gboyega talks out of fear but Tolu assures all of them that everything is going to be fine. "You guys

should get your shit together. Chong told me about everything Papa did for you guys, let's just try and

find him." Ayo stands beside Tolu after what she said. "While I feel Papa will come back home, I

understand this whole idea and I think we should all go." Tolu nods and walks out of the living room,

she comes back and smiles awkwardly. "So, who has a car we can take cause my car isn't really good

and I ain't paying for a Uber." Tolu says, Richard laughs. "Let's just take mine."

In a flashback, three months has passed since Gboyega and Gbemi met. They both have gotten really

close, she teaches Gboyega how to use his powers twice per week but they both haven't had a deep

conversation this is because Gboyega finds it very awkward to still talk to her. One particular day,

Gboyega burns his hands while training so Gbemi takes him to her 1 bedroom apartment to use

bandages on his arms while doing this they are both quiet, Gboyega feels he might lose this friendship

if he doesn't get close with her. "You've never really told me much about yourself." Gboyega voice

shakens, he was scared thinking what he said was off, she chuckles. "You never really talked to me to

so I just left you to do your own thing. By the way the only reason why I'm training you is because you Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

tried to help me." The feeling of losing this pure friendship hits Gboyega more harder. "I never really

made friends apart from the people I live with, spent my entire childhood in my room." Gboyega faces

his head down, his parents always locked him up and felt ashamed of him, Gbemi uses her hand to

raise his head. "Sorry about that, I'm just a normal Supernatural girl trying to help the world, I've been

manipulated times without number. So trust me when I say you're not missing out, the people around

here are pretty shitty." Gboyega smiles at her and responds. "You're not." They both stare at each other

in a very romantic way, Gbemi isn't concentrating anymore and her body starts glowing. Gboyega taps

her hand. "Your light powers........" Gbemi gains focus and interrupts. "Yeah, I know." Gboyega

questions her again. "You have any family?" Gbemi feels uncomfortable about the question but still

responds. " I have a daughter, she stays with my sister in London and before you ask about her

dad........ Well he left us." Tears fill Gbemi's eyes, she never wanted to have a child with the man but

was manipulated, Gboyega holds her hand. "Sorry." Gbemi brightens up, a ball of white light comes out

of her hand, she places it on Gboyega burnt hand and it starts healing him. For the past two months

that Gbemi has been training Gboyega, he was always shocked about how good she handled her

powers. "You're so perfect with your powers." He stares at the white light ball astonished, the light ball

fades away and she grabs his hand. "Some of us our powers work by how we handle our emotions." A

sense of guilt hits Gboyega after what he said, his hand starts hitting up again. He couldn't handle what

he had done in the past. "I killed my parents with my powers." Tears roll down from his eyes.

In the present, by afternoon time the whole team are in the car. Tolu is driving while Gboyega sits

beside her, Ayo sits in the middle at back cause both Ngozi and Richard refuse to sit beside each other.

Gboyega starts to rant. "You guys shouldn't have brought me, it'll just end badly." Richard hits Gboyega

chair with his leg. "Why are you being so negative?" Gboyega sighs. "It's just fact Richard, the last

mission I went for didn't end well." Hours passed and Richard takes control of the wheel while Ngozi

monitors him, Richard tries not to talk to her but he can't hold it. "I don't need someone to monitor me."

Ngozi responds. "Well, we all know you're a bit crazy." Ngozi sighs, since they've both broken up both

haven't talked about the issue, Richard isn't satisfied about it and goes ahead to question her about it.

"You know you were always acting moody after months when we started dating, I know you had issues

with your dad but you never told me what it was and I just felt you were hiding alot from me." Ngozi is a

very secretive person, she doesn't respond this leads Richard to act a little immature. "Did he beat

you? Or slap your mom?" Ngozi hits him in his arm. "Can you try not to be insensitive?" Richard

chuckles a bit. "I want to help you." Ngozi looks through her window. "If you want to help me then you'll

mind your business." Ngozi says this hoping she'll end the discussion but Richard continues to behave

like a pest. "He didn't take you to school." Ngozi gets really angry by this statement and shouts. "That's

enough." The anger in her causes her amulet to release a powerful soundwave knocking down the

engine of the car, this awakens the others. Tolu rushes down from the car hoping that her plan hasn't

been messed up" What happened." Tolu gets really nervous, Ayo opens the bonnet of the car and a

huge wave of smoke comes out of it. "The engine is fried" Ayo sighs, Gboyega who feels his cursed

moves back a little bit. "This is why I said you guys shouldn't bring me, I'm like a curse." Gboyega

moves to Ngozi and Richard who are standing afar from the others. "What were both of you up to while

we were asleep." He hisses and walks away. Tolu heart starts beating really fast, feeling she has failed

her thoughts move to Richard knowing he has teleportation powers. "Richard can't you get us out of

here?" Richard pats her right shoulder. "I'm a little bit exhausted also my powers work by my mood."

Ngozi amulet starts glowing and a blue coloured dwarf suddenly appears in front of them. "Thanks for

coming Blitz." Ngozi says, Blitz is one of her imaginary friends and he has the ability to control

lightning, he checks out the car engine and coughs out immediately due to the smoke. "Oof, this car is

gone." Blitz talks with a very thick igbo dialect. "There's no fixing it, the amulet caused the damage. You

guys should find the nearest hotel and stay there till tomorrow morning, by then I'll see what I can do."

Blitz vanishes, Tolu is fascinated by what she saw, she has only heard about what Ngozi can do by

Chong. "That's really awesome Ngozi." She smiles and Ngozi smiles back at her. "I think the best thing

we can do is what Blitz said, let's start pushing."

They all manage to push the car to the front of a small motel, Tolu goes in to the receptionist who's a

man and talks to him. "I need five rooms please." The young boy chuckles. "I'm sorry we only have two

more rooms." Tolu hits her hand on the counter. "Listen, those people that I carried won't be able to

stay together I think." The young boy sits on his chair. "We only have two rooms, take it or leave it."

Tolu goes outside to meet the team and hands a key to Ayo. "They have only two rooms."

The ladies settle in their room, they both lay their bed. Ngozi chuckles as she's whispering to Daisy.

Tolu still fascinated by this questions her about it. "You're talking to your imaginary friend? How does it

even work?" Ngozi knows Tolu has had a bad day and she has alot going on with her not wanting her

to feel bad she responds. "I have this amulet, somehow it's connected to me mentally. I can do alot with

it but I prefer just doing this." Tolu sits on the bed. "It's magical, you know getting to create your own

friends." Ngozi smiles and Huffcupp suddenly appears on the floor. "Meet Huffcupp, my first imaginary

friend." Astonished, Tolu touches his fur. Huffcupp pushes her hand. "She's touchy." Tolu laughs out

loud, she felt a wave of calmness in her body after all the stress today. "How many of them do you

have?" Tolu ask out of curiosity. "Fifteen, why don't we shower for Huffcupp." They both chase

Huffcupp around the house as he refuses to take a bath.

In a flashback to 2013, the whole group around to talk. They all feel much more better so Gboyega,

Richard and Ngozi think is about time they move out while Ayo and Chong think it's a bad idea. "Listen,

I know it might sound crazy but I think that's what will be best for us. Papa found us at the lowest point

of our lives but I feel were better now." Richard supports Gboyega idea. "That's what I was thinking to.

Ayo is much more confident with his powers, Gboyega is with Gbemi and Ngozi is with me." Ayo teases

Richard about what he said. "You and Ngozi? Perfect couple in the group." He chuckles and continues

talking. "I don't know how I feel about this, what will Papa think?" Ngozi who has been getting closer

with the others talks. "Papa will be fine about it, I think that's what he'll want from us . Ayo I know you

were the first here and it's hard for you to let go but we all have to move on at some point." Ayo sighs.

"I know but I didn't think it will be this soon." The others stare at Chong, he didn't contribute to anything

they've all said. "Are you okay Chong?" Gboyega ask, Chong doesn't want to leave Papa but a part of

him wants to go. "I can't leave him." The team don't know much about Chong, he came to the house

unexpected and was the last to join them. Most time he'll always spend all his time with Papa and was

very distant from the others. "Hey, you can stay with I and Ngozi or if you don't like me you can stay

with Gboyega and Gbemi join them while they fight crime." Chong stands up and walks out without


In 2016, Gboyega and Gbemi have joined forces to start stopping crimes in Lagos. They both have

been working on a case for years to stop a mafia crime boss. They get heads up about the location of

the person, they invade a warehouse that's located at a silent street and knock down the guards.

"Moving together was a great idea." Gboyega chuckles as he talks, the whole room is quite dark so

Gbemi summons a light ball to look around the place. "I don't think Vonz is here, the bastard probably

knew we were coming." They both gear the sound of a gun and from the shadow five stray bullets hits

Gbemi right through the chest. Gboyega screams. "No!"

In the present, Gboyega wakes up shirtless the others are in a hurry. He gets up from his bed and

looks for his shirt, Ayo moves to Gboyega. "What were you thinking about? I've been shouting your

name for over 3minute." Gboyega hasn't been feeling himself, he has been thinking about Gbemi and

he isn't ready to head out. "Shouldn't we take some kind of break?" Richard is confused by what

Gboyega said cause he sees himself as the lazy one. "You're finally embracing your lazy side." Richard

chuckles. Tolu and Ngozi enter the boy's room, Tolu is shocked that the guys haven't gotten ready. "We

have a long way to go guys, let's go." Tolu is anxious and wants to rush them, she faces Ngozi. "Can

you summon Blitz?" Tolu says, Ngozi nods to the positive. She brings out her amulet from her pocket,

she closes her eyes and squeezes the amulet hoping to summon Blitz but the amulet doesn't work

cause the girls used it all night. "I think it's taking a time out, needs to recharge." Gboyega is happy

about this cause he knows they won't be able to go for the mission anymore, the whole mess causes

an argument between everyone. Richard quickly gets frustrated by all this. "Stop!" He grabs Ngozi left

hand and they vanish out of the room.

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