The Twins Wives of The Vampire King


-Dad, what’s going to happen now? Dominik has no head to rule -said Laila

-I’m going to do it, while I’m going to ask an old friend to take him home so he can be away from all this and calm down.

-Who dad?! -Laila said

-To Adrien Wallacer, he has always loved him since he was a child, I know it will comfort him

-Yes, it’s hard they loved each other too much

“Adrien lost his wife himself, the werewolves killed her, he will know how to reassure him,” Alexander said.

– Hopefully dad, it hurts to see him like this!

While the king slept and the tears rolled down his cheeks wetting the duvet on top of him

He slept all day and woke up scratching at 10 pm, he stretched out on his bed and saw his father looking at him

-Dad, what are you doing here?!

-When you came back, you got here, you fainted, I changed you and accommodated you so you could sleep.

-Oh yes, I killed them all, I heard noises in a cave and there was the rest, don’t leave any damn lycanthrope, damn them!

-It’s over, son, I wanted to propose something so that you feel calmer and can overcome this -Alexander said

-I don’t think I’ll get over it, it hurts a lot! Dad loved her! We were going to be parents, and that was taken from me by those cursed ones! -said The King

-But I would like you to try son, do you want to listen to me please?!-said his father

-Okay dad, I know you do it because you love me

-Of course! I don’t want to see you like this, I wanted you to go live with Adrien for a few days and I’ll reign for you in the meantime

-Adrien Wallacer? your friend said the King

-Yes son, he knows what it feels like, what you are feeling now

-Yes it’s true, it’s okay dad, I’m going! I want to ease my pain

-Thank you son

“No, thanks to you, dad, you always give me your father’s love,” Dominik said.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

-I’m going to talk to him while you eat, please son!

-Alright! dad

That’s where Laila came in

-Brother, you woke up! Let’s go eat

“Come on, I’ll change and I’ll go with you,” said the King

He changed and accompanied Laila to the dining room with his head down, they served him what they knew he liked, he ate very slowly when he finished he looked at his sister and looked at the chair where his wife sat and saw it as if it were transparent, laughing with him, throwing bits of jelly that made him laugh, his eyes filled with tears, he hugged Laila and began to cry very softly.

It hurt Laila to hear him cry, the memories were very hard to overcome.

The servants saw him suffer and also cried

Laila hugged him tight, picked him up from there and took him to the living room, they sat down, I let him release that great pain he has a little.

-Dominik tries to be strong, I know how you loved her!

-Laila, it hurts, it hurts! I’m not going to hold her in my arms anymore, I’m not going to be able to love her anymore

“You didn’t even take revenge!” said Laila

“Yes, but that won’t bring her back alive” Dominik said.

-I know, I know, now you must do what dad said and try to ease that pain

“If I’m going to do it, being here brings back memories, I see it everywhere!” Dominik said

They stayed in the room for a few hours talking and every moment tears rolled down the King’s cheeks.

Alexander had already spoken with Adrien who had agreed to receive him and help him with his grief since he had also gone through the same thing and managed to get over it.

At Adrien’s house, he had received a call from Alexander, he had asked him to please receive the King in his castle to help him overcome the pain he has since He had done it

Hi Adrien,

-Hello Alexander

-Adrien, could you please receive my son in your castle and help him overcome what happened? I’m asking you because you went through the same thing and you were able to do it.

-Of course, friend, bring it! and here I help you

-Thank you Adrien, it hurts to hear him cry, I already killed all the werewolves but that hasn’t mitigated his pain

-Then I hope so

-Thanks Adrien

When closing the call, Adrien was left pensive. The King, who caused the shine of the medallions, comes to his house near his granddaughters. Could it be fate? but it would be a painful fate for the King.

He was going to wait for his granddaughters to arrive to tell them the news and how to behave before Him. While he gave instructions to the servants, they prepared the guest room with the best and brought food that they knew the king liked.

Alice and Dianne were at the movies with their boyfriends, they kissed all the time, they laughed as they normally did between boyfriends, the movie ended and they ate in the food court, it started to get dark and they returned to the castle where their beloved was waiting for them Grandpa

They entered smiling and saw their grandfather sitting in the living room, they ran to kiss him and then they made the traditional bow.


-My dear granddaughters!

“Good night, Grandpa,” they said, bowing to him.

I want to talk something very serious with you.

They sat in front of their grandfather paying attention to him

-We all know what happened in the kingdom and the suffering of the king, his father called me this morning to ask me to lodge Dominik here to try to mitigate his pain of losing his wife and son

The girls looked at each other in astonishment saying

– Is the King going to live here, grandpa? with us?

-Yes, I went through that and I’m going to try to help him get through his great sorrow better

-And what do we do?

-That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, that you try to behave and treat him with respect!

-Of course, grandpa, we will do it!

-Thank you my granddaughters

Adrien omitted about the medallions because he knew that this would happen on its own and in time, the only thing that worried him was that the two medallions shine in unison and it should be one, but he would leave that to fate.

While preparations were being made for the king’s stay elsewhere, the clothes were chosen between the king and his sister Laila who was saving some swimming trunks.

-Laila, why do you keep that for me? I don’t think I’m going to be in a pool?

-Brother please, take them just in case! -Laila said

-Okay, whatever you say, mom!

-Hehehe, you made me a joke Dominik

-I? ah I don’t know why I did it-said the King

-You’re here with me, with your sister, that’s why

Dominik smiled, and got up to hug her for a moment and began to hum a waltz and they began to dance slowly

Alexander had arrived and at the open door he looked at his children dancing and listening to his son sing, that made his heart happy seeing his son calm.

It was a long time, they looked at each other and laughed slowly, they didn’t realize that their father was standing in the doorway.

-Hello children!-Alexander said

They jumped when they heard it and smiled.

-Hello dad, hello dad

-I saw them dancing slowly, they look good as a couple

“Ah, yes!” Dominik said.

Alexander noticed Dominik’s attitude and before anything else he told him that everything was ready for the trip to Adrien’s castle.

-Okay dad, I’m ready!

-I accompany you brother until I leave you positioned

“Well, dear sister,” Dominik said, kissing her on the cheek.

The three of them were talking in the car and Laila was tickling her brother and making him laugh, Alexander smiled seeing him like that, they were guarded by Royal Guard cars.

They arrived at Adrien’s castle, the huge gates opened, all the cars entered, they arrived at the luxurious entrance, outside the main entrance was Adrien, and his granddaughters, beautiful young blondes.

Alexander got out of the car, went ahead and greeted Adrien with a hug.

-Hello Adrien, thanks for helping me with my son

“Everything for you!” Adrien said.

-Good night! -said in unison and bowing the twins

-Hello girls, you are beautiful! and big already -said Alexander

-If they are already 17 years old

“Good night, Adrien,” Dominik said.

-Good night Dominik

“Goodnight Adrien,” Laila said.

-Good night Laila, when I see you

“Good night, Your Majesty,” said the twins.

“Good night, girls, they’ve grown a lot, they must already have a boyfriend,” Dominik said.

-Your Majesty, we both have a boyfriend, but it’s nothing serious yet

“Let’s go into the living room please,” Adrien said.

The castle servants carried all the king’s enormous luggage to his room

“Adrien, thank you for having Dominik here with you,” Alexander said.

-Alexander, you know that we are friends and I would do anything for you.

“Adrien, thanks for having me here,” Dominik said, glancing sideways at the twins.

-Dominik you know that I love you very much, since you were little you used to play with me

-If I remember that, you also taught me to be responsible, I was becoming arrogant

“They were youthful things and someone was like that and you were following the example, hehe” Adrien said.

-And… who was Adrien like that?! asked Dominik jokingly.

-My dad! -Laila said

-Laila! -Alexander said

Adrien, Dominik, Laila and the twins laughed

“Alexander, be patient, hahaha, your children adore you!” said Adrien

-Yes I know and well it’s true that’s how I was, until your mom came into my life and she changed me, little by little but I changed over time.

The twins were looking intensely at Dominik and he noticed, he looked at them from time to time, the two whispered to each other

-Alice the King is gorgeous! Diane said.

-Yes Dianne, how did we not realize that time that we danced with Him?

“I think we were very young and innocent,” Dianne said.

-It must be, now that we have a boyfriend we realized -Alice said

They continued talking to each other, Adrien had already noticed the looks but kept talking as if nothing had happened.

-Well Adrien, let’s go! Here I leave my heart and my life in your hands -he said hugging Dominik

“I say the same thing!” said Laila, giving her brother a kiss on the cheek

“Goodbye son, calm down, will you?” said his father

-Yes, dad, I’ll try.

-My pretty little thing, I’m going to miss you a lot! -said Laila hugging Dominik tightly

“I’ll be fine Laila, hehe” said Dominik

They walked Alexander and Laila to the door, shook hands goodbye, got in the car, and they all drove off.

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