The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Kataleya Rossi: A Love To Claim Chapter 7


Those dreamy yet somehow sharp eyes are on me waiting for an answer, that angled jaw and plump perfect lips melting my resolve. Almost as if they know they can work their seductive magic on me. And as much as I want to fall into his arms and melt into his kiss... I cannot.

"As much as I appreciate Alpha Enrique's offer, I will have to decline. It's clear he doesn't need our help and we will do fine without his," I answer softly, yet clear.

Skyla gasps, clearly not expecting me to refuse him.

Enrique's eyes glimmer. "Then neither will my men." His gaze sweeps over Carlos and Jose.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

"Isn't that a petty move?" I ask.

"We both know you're being stubborn for what I did," his voice is almost a snarl, but he's trying to remain calm.

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh? Well then, I guess we are both petty. Also, how do you expect me to allow you to stay when you can't even treat those around you with respect?"

I hate that I'm doing this publicly, but I have tried to do this with love and patience.

"Actually, if I want to, I can be here. Don't make me remind you that you are nothing here," he says harshly as he stands. " Jose, Carlos, get the fuck out of here, or you can consider our brotherhood finished."

"I don't make a good delta anyway..." Carlos mumbles, but when I look between him and Jose, I feel Jose said something to him.

"I will take my leave," Jose says as he looks at me and lowers his head. His eyes tell me he isn't planning on leaving, but I guess he'll just be staying in the background. With Carlos and Hugo here, he can easily mind-link them, too.

Perhaps it's better to have someone we trust close to Enrique, although I know he doesn't trust easily and after they showed up here, will he trust them?

Enrique scoffs as he looks at Carlos before he shakes his head and walks to the door. He pauses and looks back at me. Our eyes meet and there's so many emotions there...

So many...

His confession hits me again and my breath hitches. It had been so beautiful...

So why did you do this, Enrique? Why are you doing this?

...the price of power is one he must pay. But if your question is if she'll hurt him, then no, she won't. But she would hurt what is dearest to him...

My heart pounds. Wait, am I - no... I can't be... but... No. I am certain I have the answer. No matter how much of it sounds like a dream, it's the only thing that makes sense.

Are you doing this to protect me? Stop reading the wrong and incomplete storyline; jo bni b.c om has the correct and complete book. Jose steps forward, forcing us to break eye contact, and I simply stand there unmoving. I close my eyes, trying to control myself from running to him. These emotions are so powerful.

I turn away, trying to regain control of my emotions, feeling several pairs of eyes on me.

"Let's continue," I say quietly, not looking at anyone.

"He has left," Uncle says from where he stands near the window before Raihana nods and sits forward as she begins laying out a plan of action before asking Hugo to share all he knows.

The following day, I'm awoken by a sharp knock on the door.

I sit up just as the door is opened by Skyla. "You need to get up, now."

"What happened?" I ask, my stomach churning.

"The guy with the tattoo on his cheek just said that last night Enrique had gone back to the water, to find those things that have a name that sounds like Chupa Chups lollies and... well... it's been way, way longer than it should have been possible yet he has not surfaced..."

For a second it feels as if everything is spinning and I jump out of bed, fear that something may have happened to him consuming me.

"I need to go to him," I whisper as I quickly rush to the wardrobe.

"Yeah, we're all getting ready. We'll find him, Kat. We have witches, a weird little demon wolf or whatever the hell he is, as well as me and uncle. I really wish Royce was here right now," she murmurs.

He can control elements. It would be good, but we'll find him and help him.

Enrique, are you ok?

I grab a large hoodie that belongs to him with trembling hands and rush from the room to the front door.

"Queen Kataleya," Hugo calls me from behind. I look over my shoulder as he stands there, strangely calm. "Trust in him."

I nod, even if I don't know exactly what it means. I'll follow my heart.

"How come you are all ready before me?" I ask, looking at Uncle, Ahren and Skyla. They're all dressed too... "Where are Raihana and Delsanra?"

"They went ahead earlier. We didn't want to alarm you," Uncle says gently.

My breath hitches. "How long has he been gone?" I whisper. "You should have told me!" I'm trying to remain calm, but I am unable to keep the worry from my voice.

"An hour or so. Aunty Ri and Mom went to see if they can help. I'll teleport you over?" Ahren offers.

I nod. It would be faster than shifting. So, I pull on the large hoodie over my nightdress and take Ahren's offered hand. "We'll see you there," Uncle says, smiling gently.

Ahren grins and I close my eyes as I feel as if I'm sucked into a huge human eating vacuum cleaner. Everything spins and then my feet are hitting the sand.

"I did good," Ahren says, and I give him a small smile despite my worry as we both look around. Instantly I realise there's something off about the sea, but it takes me a second to realise there's no movement, not even a ripple or a wave. It's simply still. Raihana and Delsanra are standing at the edge of the water, and I can see their magic is deflecting, like there's a barrier between the water and the magic that is trying to penetrate it.

"What is going on?" I ask, noticing several of Enrique's men standing around. Clear that several had attempted to get through. "We can't even get in the water," Raihana says, irritation seeping into her voice. "He or someone has somehow placed a barrier around it, I'm assuming it's those guardsmen."

I glance over at Jose, who is pacing restlessly.

"When did he go in?" I ask. "And why this spot?" It's not a place I've been to before.

"I don't know. He had people search for locations that were inhabited by a certain type of turtle and late last night I forwarded a report regarding that and that was it. He said he's going."

"The Hawksbill turtles," I murmur. They are the ones I told him about.

"He's looking for the crack in the veil," I say quietly as I approach the water. Crouching down, I gently lower my hand and Raihana and Delsanra retract their magic. The water looks like glass, or a window...

But the moment my fingers touch, they dip straight into the water and I hear a murmur of surprise ripple through the men behind me.

"How did you do that?" Jose asks as he comes forward, placing his hand to the water, once again unable to break the surface. "It's a magical barrier. Remember what I said about magic?" I ask him with a small smile.

"It doesn't..." he smiles and nods, remembering when I told him magic doesn't work on me. But I'm grateful he keeps that quiet and instead simply nods in understanding.

I stand up. "I'm going in," I declare.

"Kat, that can be dangerous." Delsanra looks worried.

"I'll be fine," I promise.

"Are you certain?" Jose asks, and I nod. He nods slowly before he motions for someone to bring me supplies. "Then it's better to get suited up, these waters aren't always safe."

"Is he alone?" I ask.

"We think he might be with the guardsmen, none of the three have been spotted this morning," Carlos adds.

I nod. "Give me two extra cylinders, I will be alright managing them," I answer.

Raihana sighs. "I wish I could have helped with magic."

That was also a disadvantage to my abilities. Her magic didn't work in a positive way on me either.

"I'll be fine," I promise, as I'm given a diving suit.

"What direction was he given about the turtles?" I ask.

"Here, I have a clear map." Carlos hurries forward, showing me the tablet screen. North-west from here...

"Thank you," I say, it is roughly a mile swim...

"Ready?" Sky asks me as her and Uncle reach us, and I nod.

Raihana whispers a spell, creating a screen around me, giving me some privacy. I quickly change into the suit, my cheeks burning when I struggle to squeeze into it and then realise I can't zip it up over my breasts. Well, it's going to have to do.

I quickly braid my hair and Delsanra gives me a hair tie the moment I step out of the black box-like screen Raihana had created.

"Sexy sexy," Raihana says, blowing a whistle despite the situation, but even with her distraction, I'm very aware of the looks I'm getting from a few of the men. I quickly put on my mask and goggles, wanting to be away from all the stares and reach the edge of the


"Kat, if you run into any problem, return. If you're in danger, send a signal with your powers," Uncle reminds me as he checks my cylinder and straps on my watch to keep an eye on my oxygen levels.

"I'll be fine, but I will if I need to," I promise before I put on my mouthpiece.

"You got this," Skyla says as she hugs me, and I hug her back.

Nodding, I step into the water and keep walking until the water gets deeper and deeper.

Enrique... why are you so stubborn?

Sighing, I dive under and begin swimming north-west. The water is as still as it was from above ground, and I see no sea life. The dark blue getting darker the further down I go.

I keep swimming, and for fifteen minutes it remains the same, but then I see the faint glimmer of orange from ahead. A glow or light spreading from one area...


I get closer; the light seems to be forming some sort of dome... I'm almost close to it when suddenly something dark rushes in front of me. My own eyes blaze and my aura swirls around me, readying for anything when the form of a woman appears before me. Our eyes meet and I recognise her instantly. It's the very same woman that Enrique had left with on the night of the summit. Rhea.

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