The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Kataleya Rossi: A Love To Claim Chapter 4


"Who is that?" Jose hisses as he grabs me by my shirt and yanks me into the f*****g kitchen.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

"My luna," I reply in a deadpan tone.

Carlos snorts, clearly upset. "You mean you lost our real luna?"

"Or he really has got a bad habit of going around and declaring every woman he meets his luna," A third scathing voice says and I frown, glaring at the cabrones as the woman reveals herself. 'What is she doing here?' I ask icily as I lean against the counter.

'Well, we invited her. Besides, right now her logic makes way more sense than yours does,' Jose snarls through the link.Enjoy this chapter for free and stay updated with the latest version on Jo b n I b.c om. Don't miss out, visit it now. 'I think everyone's logic makes more sense than Enrique's, Carlos adds unhelpfully.

'Shut it,' I snarl.

'He isn't wrong. Where is Princesa Kataleya, Enrique?'

'With her family,' I reply before looking at Marie. "You should tell your father that I'm taking another luna, but the deal stands. You can pick one of these cabrones as your partner and that will suffice as an allegiance. Might even be ideal to get one pendejo out of my hair,' I say mockingly.

"We're the idiots? Really? I see only one!" Jose hisses.

He's pissed. He never gets like this unless he's completely lost his shit.

She clenches her jaw. "And you don't get to decide what I should do. Oh, and Alpha Enrique? You can tell my father yourself."

"I will," I say icily.

"And you haven't answered the question. Who is she?" Jose asks me.

I glance at the door, feeling nothing, numb to the reality around me. It's strange to feel this after being around her, but this was how I felt before she came and evoked a shitstorm of emotions from within me.

I have accepted this.

"She is one of the guardsmen," I respond coldly, "And she is the one I will mark soon, so you better begin respecting her."

'You love Princesa Kataleya. What are you doing, Enrique?' Jose asks, sighing in frustration.

I look Jose square in the eye. A part of me wants to share the truth, but what's the point? If I do, they'll only try to intervene and there is nothing I can do unless I have that Ash Stone in my grasp.

'I am doing what's best for us. Do not test me, Jose. If you want to help her, I have work for you. I plan to get to the bottom of all the crap that is going on around here once and for all,' I reply before I leave the trio there and step outside where Rhea awaits. She smiles at me, but all I can see is that inhuman glint in her eyes that Padre's guardsmen had in theirs. I hate it.

"They'll accept me soon enough, as will your heart, Mi Rey."

"Time will tell. You will be given a room here-" "We don't sleep."

"The fuck are you made of?"

"Fire." She smiles.

I frown. "Well, I don't want you following me around constantly. If you are to be my luna, you need to act normal, and that means you will sleep - or pretend to sleep for at least that much." I need you out of my fucking hair. "I will stop following you once you have marked me and sealed our fate. The debt must be paid," she whispers as she steps closer to me.

"And it will be," I reply, brushing past her. She follows me along with the other two and this time I say nothing, knowing they will not listen until, like she said, the debt is repaid or I find that Ash Stone, which is proving impossible. Something I need to do fast...

I put on a pair of shades as I step out into the sun, but even the brilliant weather can do nothing to calm the anger that is simmering within me. One I'm keeping under control because her threat - that she dared to use against me is not one I will forget... I get into my car and look at her. "If you wish to follow me, you can walk."

Not waiting for a reply I zoom off, knowing she won't be far behind, but I'll enjoy the short while I do have alone, my mind returning to the moment she put forward her offer in the bathroom... (FLASHBACK)

'A price so dear that it will do.'

"And what might that be? I am still your king. What do you want?'

"Enrique?" Kataleya's voice comes from the door.

The woman smiles. 'Well, allow me to tell you...

I want Kataleya to leave. I don't want them to pay her any attention. But at the same time, the way this woman's eyes flicker to the door and her smile, it's almost as if she's connecting the pieces of the puzzle. Whatever she asks for, it will not be something I like, that I'm sure of by the power-hungry glint in her eyes...

'The dearest thing to you is her,' she whispers, caressing my face.

My eyes flash as I grip her wrist. "Touch her and I will kill you,' I vow.

She smiles. 'So naïve... Hurting her will do me no good, but a debt must be collected.' She licks her lips and her smile grows viciously. "I won't touch her, but what I will ask for on behalf of all three of us is that you make me your woman. Your luna, to reign beside you, the Rey Carmesí... that is a dream that many would desire..."

She runs her nails down my chest until I push her away as Kataleya calls again.

I stare at the three. They may appear human, but they are far from it. I doubt they even understand the basic concept of human emotion.

'And if I don't agree?' I challenge.

'Find the Ash stone and we will bow before you, but until you do, we will destroy all that is dear to you, one of the men says, his eyes burning with magic and power.

'And I will start with her. The woman glances at the door, making me frown deeply.

I knew I never should have allowed myself to get caught up with Kataleya, but somehow I was unable to resist her allure. Although I knew I would do nothing but ruin her, and right now that is exactly what is happening.

'Do not threaten me...' I warn quietly.

'It is not our intention. But you see, you called on our powers without the rightful power to do so. Such magic is not something you can take lightly. All magic has consequences if performed carelessly, Mi Rey...' she bows low, and I look away, hiding my contempt. 'And what do you get by becoming my luna?'

'Aside from being able to stand by your side and to rule over our land and sea?' she asks, smiling as she looks me over appreciatively. 'I will also get to be the wife of El Rey Carmesí. What more can a woman ask for?'

Power. That's what she fucking wants.

'And if I accept, you will not touch her or harm her in any way.'

'Of course not. She is free to live her life banging on as many doors as she wants,' the woman replies almost scornfully.

My eyes glimmer, but I remain calm. 'Then you have yourself a deal. Do not follow me, I will speak to her,' I command. 1 She smiles. 'So we have a deal?'

I clench my jaw, facing the door. 'Yes, we f*****g do.


I will find the Ash Stone, even if it's just to keep her in check.

'Enrique, the creepy woman has commanded the ceremony for her to become luna be kept this coming Thursday. Is that alright?' Carlos' voice comes.

I grit my teeth, I bet Rhea went back to stir up that shit because I refused to bring her with me. 'Yeah, it's fine.' I snarl. 'S-sorry Enrique... but are you sure you want to mate-'

I block him out as I press down on the accelerator harder, my mind consumed with the pain and sadness in Kataleya's eyes.

The last thing I heard was her anguished scream and the surge of power before we were transported away from there. I keep telling myself her family is there to help and protect her. They can do a far better job at it than I could and soon she'll forget about me. I'm certain of it.

I sigh heavily, staring blankly out of the window as I zoom down the roads.

Lo siento, Mi Amor.

I stare at the ceiling from where I am trying to sleep on the floor in the room that was hers during her short stay at the villa. I refuse to sleep on the bed, but the floor is a good reminder of the hard box Padre used to make me sleep on. It somehow feels good. I've given Rhea my room. As much as I dislike her, I'm curious about the guardsmen.

Where are they from? How do they come into existence? What are they created from? What exactly are they?

Perhaps the more I know, the more I'll learn about the stupid Ash Stone.

I need to go through the books again and look for something that might guide me to it. I'm certain now it's not just something I can stumble upon. There's got to be something I'm missing.

'Alpha?' Juan, one of my high-ranked warrior's voice comes.


'We just had a private plane fly over the southern side and then we suddenly had six people appear out of nowhere, and each one is of high calibre power. What do we do alpha?' his voice is tense, as if he's trying to remain calm.

I growl as I sit up. 'How powerful?' I ask, narrowing my eyes.

'Forgive me alpha, but I never felt such power from anyone on this island aside from you!

'Call the alarm, if we have trespassers-'

'There's one more thing, Alpha.'

'Spit it out. What the fuck are you waiting for, the Blood Moon?' I snarl.

'Ah, of course no! Sorry, I think you should know, they are here with Kataleya Rossi.

My eyes flash as I spring to my feet.

What? Kataleya's here?

My heart thunders, torn between a glimmer of excitement and the heavy reality of what this means.

'Don't engage them, I'm... I'm on my way!

I don't know if I can face her, but it doesn't stop me from dressing quickly.

Why is she even here? Is she really refusing to give up on me? You foolish diosa... No, after what I did, she's not here for me... perhaps revenge...

Calming the raging storm within me, I leave swiftly, breaking into a run.

'Juan, location.'

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