The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 45

I watch as Marie storms down the hallway, her anger clear and I can't fault her. Her rage is valid, regardless of the fact that her words irritated the f**k out of me.

This wasn't the intended plan and if her father wants to see this deal through then she will need to stick to it.

I frown deeply, not wanting to let my conscience come forward. The part of me that is telling me that I'm forcing her against her will; that although she's already made it clear this was a decision made on her behalf by her father, it is set and decided. I know I'm being f*****g unreasonable, but I really don't f*****g care.

'Carlos, if you wish to survive another day without me castrating you, lock Marie, our precious guest in the dungeons. Now. And dare defy me and I will f*****g lock you up for a f*****g year!" "Y-yes Alpha.

The festering poison of my wrath bubbling inside of me needs an outlet, and who better to take it out on the person I once considered a friend? I turn my gaze on the hijo de puta in front of me. "Enrique, I can explain," Jose begins quietly.

"The issue wasn't that you fucked her, but the fact you never told me... you had seventeen months to do so to be precise." I seethe as I advance towards him. He shakes his head, raising his hands. "I didn't know how to. You were choosing a Luna - someone to settle down with. I didn't want to ruin that."

"So you were just going to keep it inside of you that you fucked your luna- to-be?" I scoff, my eyes blazing. I don't care that he did, I don't care for her, but the fact he kept it hidden from me, I do care about.

He has no answer and that only angers me more. "You are all f*****g liars and manipulators. Tell me, Jose, how many more secrets have you kept from me?"

"None! Enrique, please listen to me, brother."

I've known him long enough to know when he lies... and right now he's lying. There are other things he's keeping from me. In this world you are alone, you can't trust your beta or anyone.

"I wonder when lying became so easy for you," I murmur, my head throbbing as I feel the rage within me reaching breaking point.

"Marie will be my Luna," I say firmly, leaving the room before I do something I regret.

Although I have put on this charade about having Kataleya mark me, I don't think I'll be going through with it.

I walk over to one of the windows in the hall and look out at the pack grounds, trying to calm myself, but it's not working. I want to destroy everything.

The constant disrespect, paired with Kataleya's attitude this morning. She just had dinner with Marie and to act like she didn't realise is a fucking joke. How do you forget that you were dining with my f*****g bride-to-be? And Jose's secret... my eyes blaze and I slam my fist into the wall, satisfied when I see the cracks.

They all f*****g piss me off. None of them are saints, yet they like to act like they are.

Do I need Kataleya Rossi?

No I fucking don't and although I know I don't plan to have her mark me, I don't plan to share that.

But I do need a luna, and that won't change.

Now I can really do with releasing some of this rage on the warriors...

Blood splatters everywhere as the man beneath me taps the ground in surrender and I scoff as I back off, looking at the training ground which is covered with men and blood.

All around men are lying on the ground, too exhausted or injured to get up. Fruit of my wrath, it was better to fight my strongest warriors than destroy everything in my wake.

I run my fingers through my soaking hair. The burning sun is sweltering hot and I'm dripping in sweat.

"Who's next?" I ask, rolling my neck.

No one answers.

Is there no one strong enough to challenge me?

"I'm afraid there's no one left." Daniel says as he walks over to me and bows his head, "As one of the trainers I feel I need to work much harder, but then again, no one can match up to you, Alpha Enrique." He bows his head and I scan the group. "Diego, why is he not here?" I ask, rolling my neck.

"He had business to tend to Alpha."

"Business that I don't know of? Tell him to come see me when he's back."

"Yes, Alpha."Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I clench my jaw, ready to return to my room when I see Luis approaching, looking extremely flustered.

"Alpha Enrique!"

I don't reply, grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler and gulping half down as we walk toward the back house.

"I can understand that Marie was a little upset. She was saying that she doesn't want to go through... what I mean to say is, isn't throwing her in the dungeons a little-little..." he trails off. "What I meant to say is, you have every right to do what you want and I understand that you may have needs and have a lifestyle, but perhaps practice some discretion?"

I stop in my tracks and turn to him. "Is she really your daughter?"

He looks offended and surprised. "O-of course she is! Why would you even doubt that?"

"Well, no father would encourage his daughter's husband-to-be to

continue having relationships, right? Or does not argue with the fact she's thrown in the dungeons?" I ask coldly.

He swallows, visibly uncomfortable. "If she disrespected you, then the dungeons are a good way to show her who is in charge." Scum.

With a father like that, I almost pity her. Almost.

"We are men. Sometimes one woman is just not enough. I understand that ..." he fumbles.

"Unless you find one, that is in fact enough," I mutter. "Your outlook on the situation is not helping. Marie will be my Luna, but our relationship will be strictly business. If she expects something more, she will not get it."

I quicken my stride, leaving Luis behind. I think I'll go for a run. I still have far too much pent-up rage and turmoil that I can't satiate.

I had returned to the packhouse a few hours ago and decided to shower in a different room rather than return to my room. I don't want to face her right now.

After showering and changing, I retreat to my office to deal with the large pile of paperwork that is pending.

Hours fly by and I don't even realise it, drowned in the paperwork that I needed to tend to. Someone asks me about joining Luis for dinner, but I refuse - saying I have far too much work to do.

I don't even realise it's gotten dark until I look up when there is a knock on the door and I put my pen down, massaging my temples.


Diego steps inside and lowers his head. "You wished to see me, Alpha?"

"I did. There's someone I need you to find, and you must not speak of this to anyone." My alpha command ripples through my words, and he instantly lowers his head.

"Understood. Who do you wish for me to find?" he asks, his grey eyes now meeting mine.

Diego loves a challenge, and the harder the target is to find, the more joy he finds in finding them. "Haala."

His expression falters, his eyes widening slightly before he smirks. "Oh? I'll find her."

"And when you do, make sure she doesn't realise you're looking for her. Report back to me. I will go see her myself." I say quietly.

"Very well, Alpha. This one will prove to be a challenge, but I always do love a challenge..." he lowers his head before I dismiss him and sit back in my seat, thinking of the woman whose irritating tears have been grating at the back of my mind all day. I guess I can't ignore her any longer...

Standing up, I lock up and return to my bedroom, where Carlos looks like he's about to fall asleep.

"Did she eat?" I ask, reaching for the door handle.

"No, we did knock and ask, but she didn't answer."

I pause, turning sharply to Carlos. "What did she say?"

"Say? She just ignored us, Alpha."

"Don't tell me she didn't say anything at all, and you didn't fucking check on her!" I roar, kicking open the door, I step inside. The room is just how it was this morning and she's not there. I stalk to the bathroom and yank open the door. Empty.

My eyes flash as I turn towards Carlos, who looks pale.

"Find her or I will fucking have your head tonight!" I snarl, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him against the wall. 'Find Kataleya Rossi! NOW!' I thunder through the mind-link. A command that reaches every single one of my pack members who were within range.

'Trackers! To the packhouse, pick up her scent!' Jose orders through the link as I sniff the air trying to catch a scent, but it's almost as if she was never here.

"Find her! And if she isn't found... you will be paying the price, you hijo de puta!" I snarl at Carlos as I turn and begin tearing the room apart.

Her phone isn't here.... but I don't think any of her clothes are missing.

Did this really cause her to leave?! Is she really taking this matter so seriously?

Would she have just f*****g left?

I didn't give her permission to leave!

"Find her! I swear on the Moon Goddess if she is not found by midnight, I will exile you all!" I thunder as I storm out of the bedroom. "Check the security footage!"

I run down the steps, stopping when I spot Luis standing there. I don't bother saying anything to him, the only thought in my mind is to find the Rossi Princesa.

'Calm down, Enrique. We will find her. Besides, is there any harm in if she's left?' Carlos asks worriedly as he hurries down the steps behind me. "I swear I heard nothing."

That was it the last fucking straw. My eyes blaze and I turn, my head snapping to the stairs. The urge to grab Carlos and tear him apart rushes through me. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on NovelDrama.Org. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the complete chapters for free. I let out a menacing snarl as I punch my fist into the stair rail, shattering it, wooden splinters flying everywhere. All I want is to destroy everything, and that hunger for havoc makes my head go blank.

"You're dead." I snarl at Carlos, who's jumped back, as a few of the steps give way. I jump up, lunging at him, a menacing growl ripping from my throat as I raise my fist.

"Enrique, don't!" Jose shouts as Carlos raises his arms, something that will do nothing to help him.

"I-I'm here! Stop!"

I freeze, my fist mere millimetres away from Carlos as I look at the woman who is standing a few metres down the hall. In the direction opposite to my office...

But seeing her does not bring me any relief, because she's covered in dust, a screaming telltale sign of exactly where she has been.

"You..." I snarl. Her eyes widen, her heart thundering, but before I can even reach her, the chilling shriek of a Crawler reaches our ears...

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